First Day of Ramadan

Does this mean all the food lines are closed until dark:30 ?
Ramadupe. When a fast aint really a fast. It's OK though. It goes bye fast

Have you ever had curried iftar? Its actually pretty tasty, sort of a one horned goat from Arabia, they roast it all day and curry it up, serving it up in the evening.
I don't get all the little dots and marks fitted into every little space. Are they diacritics? Decorations?
The Quran was taught orally by Muhammad to his original group of followers, who then taught it to others. Arabic is a very expressive language. So every word was handed down in a precise manner with no deviation in pronunciation allowed.
When the Quran was finally written down, diacritic dots and dashes were included into each word to inform the reciter when to pause, take a breath, speed up, exhale, increase or decrease the volume, etc.
An example would be if the Quran verse was talking about lightening or an earthquake. The reciter would basically be expressively emulating the sound and power of that natural event.
There are judged Quran recitation events/contests held all over the world. It's a big deal in the muslim community.
Which is why the Quran when recited today is identical to the way Muhammed recited the verses over 1400 years ago. ... :cool:

Ramadan and Hitlers’ birthday both in the same week!

What a great time to be a moslem!
Not to hijack the thread, but I should have known the Coronavirus was serious when they canceled the pilgrimage to Mecca

They’ll fly airplanes into buildings but they’re afraid of getting a little infection?
Happy Ramadan. I'll drink a beer to you, Sunni Man.

I was already drinking a beer.
Will Ramadam really be allowed in America this year? ....

What do you mean "allowed"? Do you expect the government to force people to eat between sunup and sundown?

No, I'm asking whether people will be allowed to have their friends over in the evening for a roast iftar.
You don't have to have people over to observe Ramadan. The big party comes at the Feast of Eid at the end of the 30 days. Hopefully things will have calmed down by then.
This is a picture of the first night of Ramadan at the Kaaba in Saudi Arabia.
Normally, the place would be packed with ten's of thousands of worshippers during the evening Taraweeh prayers. When an Imam recites a 30th section of the Quran from memory for 30 evenings until the book is completed. ... :cool:

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So, why are pictures of people and animals forbidden?
In the Bible, one of the 10 Commandments forbids making of graven images; statues, pictures, etc. of people and animals. Because there is a tendency for people to start venerating and worshiping them. (like statues of Jesus)
The Quran has the exact same prohibition concerning graven images. Muslim's still take it seriously. ... :cool:
Some/most Christians do too (except THAT church), although a picture isnt necessarily an idol, still in some "christian" religions they do pray to these images and idols. Sinful!

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