First Family accepts delivery of Christmas tree


RW heads exploding.
I'm sorry, but I can't think of 1 smart ass thing to say right now! It comes natural but I need more better material to work with. How about a joke?
A guy from "Couplingland" passed away and left his entire
estate to his beloved widow, but she can't touch it
until she's 14.
Strange, Obama didn't even celebrate Christmas before he went into the White House and what about the picture he had covered up of Jesus when he spoke at that college in the South. He has not got me fooled one bit. Obama tries to make himself look good sometimes to the American people like we are so stupid we don't know any better.

Do you have a link, or are you just spewing junk out of your empty head?

OMG - you can't make this shit up......some of you claim he went to Rev Wright's church for 20 years - now you say he didn't even celebrate Christmas....Make up your minds, you're beginning to look like fools - either he went to church or he didn't! :lol::lol:
Strange, Obama didn't even celebrate Christmas before he went into the White House and what about the picture he had covered up of Jesus when he spoke at that college in the South. He has not got me fooled one bit. Obama tries to make himself look good sometimes to the American people like we are so stupid we don't know any better.

Do you have a link, or are you just spewing junk out of your empty head?

OMG - you can't make this shit up......some of you claim he went to Rev Wright's church for 20 years - now you say he didn't even celebrate Christmas....Make up your minds, you're beginning to look like fools - either he went to church or he didn't! :lol::lol:

Rev Wright's church is where Obama went to network and hear about racism and slavery. He didn't go there to worship God. Obama found a similar pastor in D.C. that preaches the same brand of race-based doctrine that Obama loves to hear on Sunday. Now when it comes to his religious beliefs, he feels that people who want to hang on to their guns and "Their Religion" are racists.

"Their Religion", not his religion.

Attending a church is not the same as being a true believer. There are plenty of Saturday Night sinners that are Sunday morning Christians of convenience. One gets the feeling that he only believes in God for one hour a week. His obvious hatred for Christians, his stances on abortion, and his enthusiastic support for everything that is Gay since he evolved only shows that he isn't a real Christian, and anything he does to appear to be one is hypocritical at best.
I'm sorry, but I can't think of 1 smart ass thing to say right now! It comes natural but I need more better material to work with. How about a joke?

A community organizer walks into the White House....

And has done what they do to communities, Agitated and Divided our country more than it already was

what a noble man eh...we should all be thankful and fall on our knees like some here do

gawd they're cultish
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