First Family accepts delivery of Christmas tree

Happy Hezbollah, or whatever the fuck you celebrate Barry....

[ame=]Why Does Obama NOT Give His Children Christmas Presents? Because Muslims Do Not Celebrate Christmas - YouTube[/ame]
here's the President yesterday on Thanksgiving :)

P112813PS-0110 by The White House, on Flickr

Here's what I used to wipe my ass hole yesterday.
I guess they need to be the for the delivery, it will probaly be the only time they will see it. Don't they have a vacation to go on?

Uh, no, you're confusing them with congress who is on vacation 2/3rds of the year. No matter where he is, the president of the United States is never really on vacation.

Being a nasty petty US-hating maroon jerk, you would have no way of knowing that.

Obama is the least informed president in history. Finds out about major events on the 11 o clock news.

Ha,ha, you must have slept through the G W Bush years.
Lets get this back on track. This sort of stuff is just inspiring to me. Beautiful family and they are in the white house chillaxin.



Sorry RC. Here is a better one. I hope you like it.


Helping out at Christmas as usual. Donating time is always more personal than just money. You angry people on here should try it.

Not impressed his policy has done to much damage for a photo op to help.
Season fucking greetings? Fuck the bastard.
Uh, no, you're confusing them with congress who is on vacation 2/3rds of the year. No matter where he is, the president of the United States is never really on vacation.

Being a nasty petty US-hating maroon jerk, you would have no way of knowing that.

Obama is the least informed president in history. Finds out about major events on the 11 o clock news.

Ha,ha, you must have slept through the G W Bush years.

I'll take the Bush years over this incompetent asswipe anyday.
We are suppose to eat our heart out over a staged picture?

how childish and shallow
Obama is the least informed president in history. Finds out about major events on the 11 o clock news.

Ha,ha, you must have slept through the G W Bush years.

I'll take the Bush years over this incompetent asswipe anyday.

Of course you would, because you really don't know the difference between a recession (meltdown of the economy) and the economy doing well. But, you're not basing your opinion on that, are you? Pity you.

Is the economy doing better or worse under the Obama Administration? The Short Answer is “Better.”
by Reverend Manny and the Twilight Empire
President Obama has managed to accomplish quite a few things. Among my favorites is how Obama created over 3.3 million jobs with the stimulus spending, thus avoiding a national economic crisis. To quote Frank Rich
For Obama, the ultimate indignity is the Times/CBS News poll in September showing that only 8 percent of Americans know that he gave 95 percent of American taxpayers a tax cut.
While there are great disparities in the finances of the wealthy and the working class, and our economy has yet to fully transition from an imagined “finance and services” economy to a real “innovation and manufacturing” economy, we have, so far at least, avoided a major economic calamity.
Obama did not sign the tax break for the country’s richest people. Obama is in no way responsible for the economic mess he inherited.
And in fact, it turns out, he can claim a good bit of credit for fixing at least some of that mess.
A) It seem Obama and the Democrats didn’t collapse our economy into a total and annihilating depression (which not all of our national parties can claim).
B) US deficits have actually decreased by nearly 9% in 2010.

Economy doing better or worse under the Obama? The Answer is ?Better.? - Mahilena's Debunking Libertarianism/Conservatism ...

You see, according to the Washington Post’s Zachary A. Goldfarb, Wall Street has been doing much better under two and a half years of Barack Obama, than eight years of the George W. Bush presidency. Sure, things are bad on Main Street; but, can we really say Obama has made it worse? - See more at: Wall Street Doing Better Under Obama Than Eight Years Of Bush; But, Obama's Not Good For Economy - Madness & Reality
Wall Street Doing Better Under Obama Than Eight Years Of Bush; But, Obama's Not Good For Economy - Madness & Reality
really? nearly 60% of the people don't agree with you..

Really? Last I heard it was around 37%.

54 or more percent disapprove of him is what I was talking about

Big deal......most of that is the result of all the GOP lying and fear mongering regarding Obamacare......let's wait a while, when Obamacare proves to be everything good that the GOP said it wasn't, and people start realizing that the GOP was just lying to them...let's see who's going to be at the bottom of the pile....:lol::lol:

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