First in Nation - Portland's Climate Justice Tax...DrmonRATS running wild!

The new tax, and the still-developing ideas for how to spend the money, signal a sea change in Portland politics.

THere's the funny punch line right there.. The article just BEAMS about what this $60mill per year will do for Portland and how the Global Warming victims will be made whole...

BUT -- in fact --- they have no fucking idea about how this money will be spent.. Expect to see it disappear into the General fund in a matter of a couple years...

"Let no great crisis go to waste" -- Rahm Emanuel And everything about GW/CC is just PERFECT for any money raising boondoggle...
ā€œThe goal is ensuring the green economy benefits folks who are hurt first and worst by global warming,ā€ says Oriana Magnera.

In just a few months, the city of Portland will begin investing the proceeds from a groundbreaking new tax on large companies.

No other city in the U.S. has such a tax.

The Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund, or PCEF, will raise as much as $60 million a year from a new tax on big retailers. The money is supposed to supply clean, efficient energy and jobs to people the city has long slighted.

The overarching goals: to provide members of underserved communities with valuable skills while insulating, caulking and tweaking inefficient heating and cooling systems and installing rooftop solar panels at the homes of low-income Portlanders.

The new tax, and the still-developing ideas for how to spend the money, signal a sea change in Portland politics.

At its core, the concept transfers wealth from big corporations such as Walmart to low-income Portlanders of color. It's a local version of the Green New Deal proposed in 2019 by U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). It's also part of a larger political effort to reshape who calls the shotsā€”and who benefitsā€”in America's whitest big city.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...



Taxman by George Harrison (after paying British socialist tax rate of 95% as a wealthy earner)

Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I donā€™t take it all
ā€˜Cause Iā€™m the taxman, yeah Iā€™m the taxman

If you drive a car, Iā€™ll tax the street,
If you try to sit, Iā€™ll tax your seat.
If you get too cold Iā€™ll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, Iā€™ll tax your feet.

Donā€™t ask me what I want it for
If you donā€™t want to pay some more
ā€˜Cause Iā€™m the taxman, yeah, Iā€™m the taxman

Will FOOLS never learn?

So their stupidity hasn't figured it out yet............ they are taxed to breathe.

Such a nebulous designation too.....those most affected by GLOBAL warming? I mean wouldn't that be the GLOBE? No....this is another back door tax to be abused and distributed to cronies as designated. Portland has got to be the most corrupt city government in the nation. Can you see the arguments now over who deserves the jobs created by this bullshit fund more? Most likely another pork program that will hire relatives and cronies throughout.


They should send MOST of it to THIS endangered tropical paradise...

Look how environmentally responsible this island in the Maldives is.. They are BEGGING for $$ to combat global warming... NO -- it's not computer generated.. These morons are VICTIMS of sea level rise and need Portland's money....

When you turn your tropical island paradise into a megalopolis with 100% concrete and asphalt and wonder "why is my island sinking".... THAT'S when you need Portland's GW/CC money....

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