First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

There is ONLY one side of the story.
And what you are saying is a lie.
Republicans were invited to serve on the committee but Kevin McCarty only wanted to volunteer Trump co conspirators/co-criminals to serve.
This would have tainted the legitimacy of the Committee.
So you get what you get and you don't throw a fit.
Actually go back even further. The details were initially negotiated by Republican John Katko, and would have consisted of an equal number of Democrats and Republicans.

But McCarthy didn't want any commission at all, not even an equally bipartisan one.

So he threw as many speed bumps at it as possible.
No weapons, no leader, no insurrection. Simple. The law is clear and just because you and the leftists want to glom onto a term that you cannot define correctly doesn't change that.
And no credibility for you traitors who try to justify that failed insurrection.
Have you got a link to these "federal investigative authorities saying this was not an insurrection?"

And btw....since you at least give credibility to "federal investigative authorities" federal investigative authorities are investigating Trump's theft of top secret documents after he left office.

I can only assume, based on what you have said here that you are fully behind that investigation.

And also, federal investigative authorities (The House January 6th Committee) are also investigating the January 6th INSURRECTION and failed coup.

Given your deep respect for federal investigative authorities what is your take on the mountain of EVIDENCE this committee already has on Trump for his role in this insurgency?
All conclusions from The FBI and other agencies were posted here many times this year and last year
What you libs are doing is trying to hand out Homework Assignments to send us scurrying to collect what has already been provided
As a good libbie you want others to do your work for you but I won’t.
No weapons, no leader, no insurrection. Simple. The law is clear and just because you and the leftists want to glom onto a term that you cannot define correctly doesn't change that.
Read the indictments, and more importantly the allocutions. People confessed to bringing arms, they confessed to leading organized groups, and they confessed to the insurrection.

Your denial is comical.
And no credibility for you traitors who try to justify that failed insurrection.
And all the things the unconcerned american claimed didn't happen, were confessed to in open court, by the people who committed the very acts they deny happened.
All conclusions from The FBI and other agencies were posted here many times this year and last year
What you libs are doing is trying to hand out Homework Assignments to send us scurrying to collect what has already been provided
As a good libbie you want others to do your work for you but I won’t.
Actually since you know it's not the FBI's call what people get charged with.
And to paraphrase Big Bang Theory.

The FBI didn't call it an insurrection, they also didn't call it a suspension bridge.

And all the things the unconcerned american claimed didn't happen, were confessed to in open court, by the people who committed the very acts they deny happened.
Some people went down there to peacefully voice their beliefs. After a while another batch was let into the Capitol and at the end the Pelosi plants arrived and started the ruckus.
Fact 101
Actually since you know it's not the FBI's call what people get charged with.
And to paraphrase Big Bang Theory.

The FBI didn't call it an insurrection, they also didn't call it a suspension bridge.

It’s already in posts before this one what the FBI director declared and it wasn’t insurrection
Facts are just so disappointing to wishers.
Cry me a river. The fact remains, there was no insurrection. A three hour unorganized, unarmed riot is not insurrection by any accepted definition.
Plus their was no demonstrable evidence of Any ability to take control of any function of government. Libs are rolling with what libs Feel the intent of the people was.
Some people went down there to peacefully voice their beliefs.
Going by the arrest records, 99% of BLM protesters were perfectly peaceful
While less than 90% of those who went to the Capitol on January 6th were peaceful.

Of course you could point to the difference in damages done, where you compare the acts of thousands over the course of hours being less than damages done by the acts of millions over the course of months.
There is ONLY one side of the story.
And what you are saying is a lie.
Wrong again. Your side is the lie. You wallow in lies.
Republicans were invited to serve on the committee but Kevin McCarty only wanted to volunteer
False. The sickening and incoherent Mumbler of the House rejected the Republican choices. That’s a fact and you remain a liar.
Trump co conspirators/co-criminals to serve.
Another lie. There were no co-conspirators since there were no conspirators, at all.
This would have tainted the legitimacy of the Committee.
Pelousy already undermined any such “legitimacy.” There is nothing legitimate about it.
So you get what you get and you don't throw a fit.
That makes no sense. What we got is an entirely biased clown show from Pelousy and the other scumbags of the DNC. Plus, I’m not throwing a fit. Calling bullshit on idiots like you is a very different thing, you idiot.
At least Cheney and Kinzinger are HONEST Repunlicans,
Not even remotely. They are biased and bullshit artist liars, like you.
which is kinda rare.
It isn’t rare on my side of the fence. It is in Democrap land.
Also, anybody is welcome to testify....under present "their side" to the committee.
Really? Cool. It’s not true, of course, but it’s an interesting delusion.
The problem with that seems to be that no one from the "other side" seems to have any other "side" to present.
Did you realize that you have a certain no way with words? The “other side” has only one thing to say: “don’t blame us for the behavior of a relative handful of protestors.” End of story. But if you want to try to saddle us (meaning Donald Trump) as somehow culpable for the behavior of others, you need actual evidence of that which you’ve never had.
Including Trump.
Why the fuck would he or any person in his position assist the jackals in their efforts to malign himself? Yiure unbelievably stupid.
All they want to do is either defy lawful subpoenas or, when they do show up, plead the 5th.
Zzz. I don’t believe that even you’re stupid enough to believe that horseshit. You idiot LI tards have repeatedly advised us that it was Republican witnesses who have provided allegedly damaging testimony. So obviously, they couldn’t have taken the 5th or refused subpoenas. Why must you always lie?
And like Trump himself was fond of saying, that means GUILT!
He did suggest as much. He was obviously wrong. And he has since come to even state that he was wrong. Only a complete asshole, such as you, would make that argument now. You complete assume.
So there you have it so quit yer whining snowflake.
I haven’t whined. I’m not the snowflake. But you remain a liar and a whiner.
After a while another batch was let into the Capitol and at the end the Pelosi plants arrived and started the ruckus.
Fact 101
Those that started the ruckus confessed (allocuted) in open court. So your claim is beyond idiotic fiction.

But the public may not always understand that the FBI does not have the job of deciding who should, or should not, be prosecuted for crime. It was created to do investigations – period. When it finishes one of its probes, it can and usually does make recommendations, but someone else has the job of deciding what to do with the results of those investigations – an actual prosecutor.
Except in the case of Hillary, the AG delegated the authority to the FBI which admitted she committed the crimes she was accused of, but refused to prosecute. That’s all on the public record. I can’t remember any LEO ever saying before that a guilty party shouldn’t be prosecuted.
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