First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

Also, anybody is welcome to testify....under present "their side" to the committee.
This is another lie. Need I remind you of Adam Schiff during a scam impeachment hearing when he didn't want damaging testimony to be heard, "THE GENTLEMAN WILL SUSPEND! THE GENTLEMAN WILL SUSPEND!" Yeah, that is NOT being welcomed to testify anymore than a biased Piglosi choosing the participants of a committee is anything more than a kangaroo court. Try again.
It’s already in posts before this one what the FBI director declared and it wasn’t insurrection
Facts are just so disappointing to wishers.
The FBI also made statements about there being no firearms there. But that was with the caveat that it was based on what FBI agents seized, specifically exempting weapons seized by capitol and DC metro police.

The FBI was shy to call it an insurrection until people were charged with seditious conspiracy, aka insurrection
They deny loaded firearms were brought to the capitol. An important part of any insurrection.
So it's the GUNS that are important after all?
Whatever happened to "it's not the guns...guns don't kill people....PEOPLE kill people?"
Now though suddenly it's not about the people
it's ALL about the GUNS!
You don't accept Merriam-Webster or the Oxford Cambridge dictionary definitions? You sound like a typical uneducated democrat.
How about going by the "legal" definition. Since people have confessed to seditious conspiracy aka insurrection

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
This is another lie. Need I remind you of Adam Schiff during a scam impeachment hearing when he didn't want damaging testimony to be heard, "THE GENTLEMAN WILL SUSPEND! THE GENTLEMAN WILL SUSPEND!" Yeah, that is NOT being welcomed to testify anymore than a biased Piglosi choosing the participants of a committee is anything more than a kangaroo court. Try again.
Anyone is allowed to testify.
They are not allowed to derail the committee with bullshit though.
It is Schiff's job to keep that from happening.

Quit yer cryin' and victiming snowflake.
How about going by the "legal" definition. Since people have confessed to seditious conspiracy aka insurrection

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
You mean like inserting fake (and illegal) electors and trying to hang the Vice President and Speaker of the House?
Except in the case of Hillary, the AG delegated the authority to the FBI which admitted she committed the crimes she was accused of, but refused to prosecute. That’s all on the public record. I can’t remember any LEO ever saying before that a guilty party shouldn’t be prosecuted.
Comey was using the DOJ's own policies in making that determination. The opinion from the office of legal counsel based n a US Supreme Court decision that said the law was unconstitutionally vague unless intent could be shown.
You MAGA a$$wipe$ are sooooo desperate to convince others that the assault upon Congress on January 6, 2021, was not Insurrection.

With good reason...

The Fourteenth Amendment is now being invoked to bar participants from public office within the United States...

The legal precedent has now been established for its application in modern times and in our present context...

You're gonna enjoy what happens next... :auiqs.jpg:

But not-to-worry... hasn't your Orange Baboon-God told us that he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it?

It will be OK... Uncle Sam will take care of all of this... don't worry your pretty little head about it... :itsok:
In that case EVERY Democrap mayor is an insurrectionist and needs to go to jail.
Anyone is allowed to testify.
This ^^^ is not true. Many people have been denied already.
Quit yer cryin' and victiming snowflake.
You are projecting. We would not be having this debate if you and the democrats didn't whine and cry every time Trump farts. For crying out loud, he's been out of office for 20 months and he is still living rent-free in your empty head while your vegetable fiddles while the country burns. Your turn is coming.
This is another lie. Need I remind you of Adam Schiff during a scam impeachment hearing when he didn't want damaging testimony to be heard, "THE GENTLEMAN WILL SUSPEND! THE GENTLEMAN WILL SUSPEND!" Yeah, that is NOT being welcomed to testify anymore than a biased Piglosi choosing the participants of a committee is anything more than a kangaroo court. Try again.
Try to make the same sort of outburst in a court of law, and the judge won't just say "the gentleman will suspend" The judge would sanction the outburst, and if it continued have the bailiff remove the person from the courtroom under contempt.
This ^^^ is not true. Many people have been denied already.

You are projecting. We would not be having this debate if you and the democrats didn't whine and cry every time Trump farts. For crying out loud, he's been out of office for 20 months and he is still living rent-free in your empty head while your vegetable fiddles while the country burns. Your turn is coming.
Biden is getting things DONE man!

While Trump is evading justice.
This ^^^ is not true. Many people have been denied already.

You are projecting. We would not be having this debate if you and the democrats didn't whine and cry every time Trump farts. For crying out loud, he's been out of office for 20 months and he is still living rent-free in your empty head while your vegetable fiddles while the country burns. Your turn is coming.
And btw
Who are these "many people" who have been denied a chance to testify?
We can worry about them after YOUR boy is wearin' an Orange jump-suit... have at 'em... with my blessings... :laugh:
Fuck you. You have no business trying to make me responsible for Donald Trump. Fuck your silly leftard mudslinging ass.

Your mentality PROVES that all you care about is power. You don't ASK anyone what they are or what they want, all you do is accuse.

Well guess what, no one cares about your idiotic accusations anymore. We're way past that. Now you'll be removed from power whether your mouth is flapping or not.

No one is INTERESTED in anything a leftard has to say anymore. Because it's all bullshit. Every word of it
So it's the GUNS that are important after all?
Actually any deadly weapon will do. Guns are just more indicative because of the number of them in the hands of american citizens.
Other insurrections were with men at arms with swords.
Fuck you. You have no business trying to make me responsible for Donald Trump. Fuck your silly leftard mudslinging ass.

Your mentality PROVES that all you care about is power. You don't ASK anyone what they are or what they want, all you do is accuse.

Well guess what, no one cares about your idiotic accusations anymore. We're way past that. Now you'll be removed from power whether your mouth is flapping or not.

No one is INTERESTED in anything a leftard has to say anymore. Because it's all bullshit. Every word of it
Somebody is triggered.
Time for your safe space Karen.

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