First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

So one unelected judge feels (not thinks) a politician elected by hundreds of thousand can be thrown out by one judge
Part of being a Nazi is to change the law impermissible and try to pursue enforcement of it
Show me a definition or law that states there needs to be an overthrow of the government for it to be an insurrection. You haven’t posted that. You haven’t answered the questions
Something that fails to occur did fail to occur and the mere trying (if at all) does Not mean it occurred. Slavish devotion to feelings and wishes is a mental and emotional impairment.
So one unelected judge feels (not thinks) a politician elected by hundreds of thousand can be thrown out by one judge
Part of being a Nazi is to change the law impermissible and try to pursue enforcement of it
He was elected. I looked him up.
By you hyping up some local thing only proves that this is the best you've got for calling it an insurrection. Your opinion means nothing.
It was an insurrection and a failed coup on democracy.
Trump's freakish white nationalist minions marched on the U.S. Capitol and broke into it intending upon stoping the certification of the vote from a free and fair legitimate U.S. presidential election using FAKE electors and install the LOOSER of that election back in office against the will of the MAJORITY of U.S. voters.

They beat and injured law enforcement officers.

They attempted to find and execute The Speaker of the House and The Vice President.

And why?

Because a narcissistic, grown toddler-man who never should have been POTUS in the first place couldn't bear loosing so he triggered his idiots both with numerous (and documented) dog-whistles and (finally) with thr explicit command that they should "march to The Capitol and fight like hell."

These are the facts.

Now does that sound like an ordinary "peaceful protest" to you?
It said rebellion and insurrection, and those involve overthrowing the government or preventing the exercise of lawful authority in a given area. CHAZ/CHOP meets that, Jan 6th does not.
I understand the law said insurrection. It is the insurrection law. I’m asking where your getting the overthrowing the government part. Post a definition of insurrection that says it has to overthrow the government
I understand the law said insurrection. It is the insurrection law. I’m asking where your getting the overthrowing the government part. Post a definition of insurrection that says it has to overthrow the government

Government, civil order, civil control, all the same thing. Jan 6th didn't do that, CHAZ/CHOP did.
It was an insurrection and a failed coup on democracy.
Trump's freakish white nationalist minions marched on the U.S. Capitol and broke into it intending upon stoping the certification of the vote from a free and fair legitimate U.S. presidential election using FAKE electors and install the LOOSER of that election back in office against the will of the MAJORITY of U.S. voters.

They beat and injured law enforcement officers.

They attempted to find and execute The Speaker of the House and The Vice President.

And why?

Because a narcissistic, grown toddler-man who never should have been POTUS in the first place couldn't bear loosing so he triggered his idiots both with numerous (and documented) dog-whistles and (finally) with thr explicit command that they should "march to The Capitol and fight like hell."

These are the facts.

Now does that sound like an ordinary "peaceful protest" to you?
What you described to set up your concluding question is your feelings and not the facts.
You calling it insurrection when federal investigative authorities concluded it was not is nothing more than wishes and emotion.
I see you have no place for reality in there :lol:
Talk to (1) the courts and (2) the grand jury and (3) the writers of history books... perhaps they will think more highly of your opinion on the subject... :cool:
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, also known as the Disqualification Clause, bars any person from holding federal or state office who took an “oath…to support the Constitution of the United States” as an “officer of any State” and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or gave “aid or comfort” to insurrectionists.
So what? President Trump took no such oath. So he’s not even a subject of that provision. He also engaged in no insurrection or rebellion. He gave aid to nobody who did take part in what you mistakenly and falsely call an “insurrection” or a rebellion.

Also, learn to live with actual facts. There was no insurrection on 1/6.
What you described to set up your concluding question is your feelings and not the facts.
You calling it insurrection when federal investigative authorities concluded it was not is nothing more than wishes and emotion.
Have you got a link to these "federal investigative authorities saying this was not an insurrection?"

And btw....since you at least give credibility to "federal investigative authorities" federal investigative authorities are investigating Trump's theft of top secret documents after he left office.

I can only assume, based on what you have said here that you are fully behind that investigation.

And also, federal investigative authorities (The House January 6th Committee) are also investigating the January 6th INSURRECTION and failed coup.

Given your deep respect for federal investigative authorities what is your take on the mountain of EVIDENCE this committee already has on Trump for his role in this insurgency?
So what? President Trump took no such oath. So he’s not even a subject of that provision. He also engaged in no insurrection or rebellion. He gave aid to nobody who did take part in what you mistakenly and falsely call an “insurrection” or a rebellion.

Also, learn to live with actual facts. There was no insurrection on 1/6.

Revisionist history here.

You mistake a short memory for a clean conscience.
Government, civil order, civil control, all the same thing. Jan 6th didn't do that, CHAZ/CHOP did.
You’re still not showing your source that requires an overthrow for it to be an insurrection. Post your source that says that. The law you posted doesn’t come close to saying that
You’re still not showing your source that requires an overthrow for it to be an insurrection. Post your source that says that. The law you posted doesn’t come close to saying that

Who needs a source? Are you that dumb you can't understand basic definitions?

SANTA FE — A New Mexico judge ordered Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin be removed from office, effective immediately, ruling that the attack on the Capitol was an insurrection and that Griffin’s participation in it disqualified him under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. This decision marks the first time since 1869 that a court has disqualified a public official under Section 3, and the first time that any court has ruled the events of January 6, 2021 an insurrection.

Mr Griffin will go down in infamy as a result of this. Children in Dem states will learn his name. Perhaps not in GOP states.
Isn't that awesome? There is a God!
Have you got a link to these "federal investigative authorities saying this was not an insurrection?"

And btw....since you at least give credibility to "federal investigative authorities" federal investigative authorities are investigating Trump's theft of top secret documents after he left office.

I can only assume, based on what you have said here that you are fully behind that investigation.

And also, federal investigative authorities (The House January 6th Committee) are also investigating the January 6th INSURRECTION and failed coup.

Given your deep respect for federal investigative authorities what is your take on the mountain of EVIDENCE this committee already has on Trump for his role in this insurgency?

If it had been an actual “insurrection,” then one might expect FBI director to have so labeled it when he provided his statement to Congress. He did not:

I very frequently find it necessary to remind liberals that words have meaning. Insurrection is such a word. And it doesn’t mean what liberals think it means obviously in relation to the incidents of January 6.
It was an insurrection and a failed coup on democracy.
Trump's freakish white nationalist minions marched on the U.S. Capitol and broke into it intending upon stoping the certification of the vote from a free and fair legitimate U.S. presidential election using FAKE electors and install the LOOSER of that election back in office against the will of the MAJORITY of U.S. voters.

They beat and injured law enforcement officers.

They attempted to find and execute The Speaker of the House and The Vice President.

And why?

Because a narcissistic, grown toddler-man who never should have been POTUS in the first place couldn't bear loosing so he triggered his idiots both with numerous (and documented) dog-whistles and (finally) with thr explicit command that they should "march to The Capitol and fight like hell."

These are the facts.

Now does that sound like an ordinary "peaceful protest" to you?
I already know your opinion, you don't have to repost it. The fact that you tried to prove it with some local election info just goes to show that's the best you've got.
If you mean your claims, then, sure. Otherwise, you’re just lying again.
Revisionist history here.
You libtards do that regularly. Consider refraining from such behavior from now on.
You mistake a short memory for a clean conscience.
I make no such error. Trump didn’t take an oath as an officer of any state. And there was no rebellion against the US on 1/6. No insurrection. Words have meaning. You don’t.

If it had been an actual “insurrection,” then one might expect FBI director to have so labeled it when he provided his statement to Congress. He did not:

I very frequently find it necessary to remind liberals that words have meaning. Insurrection is such a word. And it doesn’t mean what liberals think it means obviously in relation to the incidents of January 6.
From your own link:

If it had been an actual “insurrection,” then one might expect FBI director to have so labeled it when he provided his statement to Congress. He did not:

I very frequently find it necessary to remind liberals that words have meaning. Insurrection is such a word. And it doesn’t mean what liberals think it means obviously in relation to the incidents of January 6.
From your own link:

The violence and destruction of property at the U.S. Capitol building on January 6 showed a blatant and appalling disregard for our institutions of government and the orderly administration of the democratic process. The FBI does not tolerate violent extremists who use the guise of First Amendment-protected activity to engage in violent criminal activity. The destruction of property, violent assaults on law enforcement officers, and imminent physical threats to elected officials betray the values of our democracy.

So yes.....agreed.
Words DO have meaning.

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