First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

Pelosi wanted the riot so badly she planted agitators inside the Capitol
I know that's a popular theory but I honestly believe there is no credible evidence for that. I do believe there is plenty of evidence she knew there could be trouble that day and did nothing to discourage it or prevent it because it would make such delicious ammunition for them to use against Trump and his supporters. And boy is she, the leftist MSM, etc. using it.

I am so angry at those people who assaulted any police and/or did any damage. They did incalculable damage to the entire MAGA movement and all that we have accomplished and could still accomplish to make America free, strong, and prosperous again.

We can still prevail but not with conspiracy theories, false memes, quotes, etc. The bad actors in those fringe militant groups made it a lot harder.

Couy Griffin was not one of them.
They have detained people who were merely in a DC zip code
It has been almost that bad. And the treatment of those they have arrested is stunning when compared to ANTIFA and BLM rioters who did far worse.
/——-/ When will Nancy be removed from office?

Why should Nancy be removed from office given her name or title isn't even mentioned in the letter?
You lie, you are still lying. Guess what, more people believe the 2020 election was stolen than do not. The number is growing.

Nope, most people don't. You're lying again and have absolutely no evidence to support your delusion.

No they were not. The rally was blocks away and the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and/or other militant groups were at the Capitol well ahead of the rally attenders. What they discussed among themselves may or may not happened. So much disinformation has been put out about that day that getting to the real truth may never happen. But it's for sure that the lies about what happened greatly outweigh the truth that we know.

Again I make no excuses for those who attacked Capitol Police and/or broke into the Capitol illegally and did other damage. Those were reprehensible acts and should be intolerable to any real American just as the acts of the rioting BLM/ANTIFA people should be. All should be held accountable and at the very least pay restitution and jail time is warranted for many.

I also think those Patriots who did no damage but crowded onto the porches and balconies did President Trump no favors either. They were not in any way criminal but exceedingly stupid. And those peaceful protesters who went into the Capitol after the Capitol police let them in were even more foolish and gullible.

The vast majority of those attending the rally did none of that. But they are tarred with the same brush by the left.

Couy Griffin's only crime was being there. He was tried and convicted of being on the Capitol grounds 'illegally' but all charges of any disorderly conduct or other inappropriate behavior were dropped.

I posted an article that stated Oath Keepers were protecting some Trump allies, like Roger Stone & Michael Flynn.

Denying that doesn't help your position.
And the drama queens masturbate furiously to the tune of "We are the Champions".
Ummm, I don't think so. Not without hindsight.
Hindsight now tells us the attacker, Ms Babbitt, was in fact unarmed; however......

However that could not be ascertained at the time she attacked the Capitol.
Nor, when she charged the officers behind the barricade despite being explicitly warned to back-off, to stop, to go back.

Despite those loud warnings....even the warning that a gun was being aimed......she still chose to charge forward towards the officers who could only see a figure (man? woman? who could tell?).....who could only see a figure covered in a concealing shroud and carrying a backpack (bomb-ladened? who could tell?).

It was a tragic shoot for the Babbitt family.
But it was good shoot for America.
Ashli Babbitt is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.

"Choices have consequences." ---Captain Obvious
The video shows she was armed?
You cannot prove that, can you?

I already have. I posted a poll of adults, which is representative of all adults, showing a clear majority don't believe that. While you posted a poll of likely voters who believe that. A poll of likely voters is not representative of all adults.
I already have. I posted a poll of adults, which is representative of all adults, showing a clear majority don't believe that. While you posted a poll of likely voters who believe that. A poll of likely voters is not representative of all adults.
Same goes for your polls. Like I said, you cannot prove shit.
I posted an article that stated Oath Keepers were protecting some Trump allies, like Roger Stone & Michael Flynn.

Denying that doesn't help your position.
Any article you post means nothing. You are under the impression challenging an election is somehow treason. It is not and never will be.
I know that's a popular theory but I honestly believe there is no credible evidence for that. I do believe there is plenty of evidence she knew there could be trouble that day and did nothing to discourage it or prevent it because it would make such delicious ammunition for them to use against Trump and his supporters. And boy is she, the leftist MSM, etc. using it.

I am so angry at those people who assaulted any police and/or did any damage. They did incalculable damage to the entire MAGA movement and all that we have accomplished and could still accomplish to make America free, strong, and prosperous again.

We can still prevail but not with conspiracy theories, false memes, quotes, etc. The bad actors in those fringe militant groups made it a lot harder.

Couy Griffin was not one of them.
The people were outside and when the doors opened they moved inside rapidly. Media and lib loons have provided very selective video which supports their fallacy that this was “storming the Capitol”
Once packed inside there was no organized mission other than making noise. Statements reveal that the doors were reopened briefly and about two dozen were let in the back. They initiated the violence and the rest of the people did not know why or what was going on and behaved in a confused and frightened manner with hell breaking loose inside and outside. An unarmed protestor was murdered.
This was the orchestration necessary to try and pin another “we got him” falsehood on Trump and those supporting him.
Any article you post means nothing. You are under the impression challenging an election is somehow treason. It is not and never will be.

You're lying again, FruitLoops. I never said challenging an election is treason. I said attacking the government to prevent the government to prevent the results of the election from being enforced is treason.
You're lying again, FruitLoops. I never said challenging an election is treason. I said attacking the government to prevent the government to prevent the results of the election from being enforced is treason.
You don't have to say it, you support the assholes that do.

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