First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

Thanks. So a building the government was not inside when they attacked it. Unlike the U.S. Capitol which was stormed while Congress was in session. In other words, not a rebellion against the government. Do you understand now why that BLM riot doesn't constitute an insurrection?
If in order to “stop the steal”, the mere few hundred, unarmed idiots had instead burnt down the capital to try to stop the process they were protesting, would you say it’s not an insurrection?
If in order to “stop the steal”, the mere few hundred, unarmed idiots had instead burnt down the capital to try to stop the process they were protesting, would you say it’s not an insurrection?

If there were no lawmakers inside or chased away, I would say it's not.
I don't see "coordination" in here...

A rebellion, or rising of citizens or subjects in resistance to their government. Insurrection shall consist in any combined resistance to the lawful authority of the state, with intent to the denial thereof, when the same is manifested, or intended to be manifested, by acts of violence. Code Ga. 1882,
BLM riots meet all of these requirements
As do anti-roe v wade being overturned protests
Where in your definition that you’re clinging to does it say people have to be inside of a building?

I didn't say it has to be inside a building. In fact, I even pointed out the building is not the government. I said the opposite of what you think I said.
I didn't say it has to be inside a building. In fact, I even pointed out the building is not the government. I said the opposite of what you think I said.
You literally wrote off the Portland example only because the building was empty at the time. So you’re changing you standard?

SANTA FE — A New Mexico judge ordered Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin be removed from office, effective immediately, ruling that the attack on the Capitol was an insurrection and that Griffin’s participation in it disqualified him under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. This decision marks the first time since 1869 that a court has disqualified a public official under Section 3, and the first time that any court has ruled the events of January 6, 2021 an insurrection.

Mr Griffin will go down in infamy as a result of this. Children in Dem states will learn his name. Perhaps not in GOP states.
/——-/ When will Nancy be removed from office?
He wanted to be with the Patriots. Certainly not with the rioters. The media and 'fact checkers' are all over the place as to who was responsible for security and whether or not it was asked for and denied on 1/6. Some say yes. Some say no and of course the usual anti-Trump sources include the implication that "Trump lied about that."

Tonight I heard that the Capitol Police knew in advance that there were some small militant groups intended to be there Jan 6 and cause trouble. They were not part of the Trump rally and demonstrators. But the whistle blower from the Capitol Police who came forward said the proper authorities were all notified and Pelosi did not act on it, nor did anybody

If that in fact is true, it does add a whole new layer to this whole sorry episode. Were the trouble makers Trump supporters? Or intended to make Trump look bad? We'll likely not know for quite some time to come.
Pelosi wanted the riot so badly she planted agitators inside the Capitol
Actually, they were a part of the Trump rally. The Oath Keepers provided security for some of Trump's allies like Roger Stone.

Actually, they were a part of the Trump rally. The Oath Keepers provided security for some of Trump's allies like Roger Stone.

No they were not. The rally was blocks away and the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and/or other militant groups were at the Capitol well ahead of the rally attenders. What they discussed among themselves may or may not happened. So much disinformation has been put out about that day that getting to the real truth may never happen. But it's for sure that the lies about what happened greatly outweigh the truth that we know.

Again I make no excuses for those who attacked Capitol Police and/or broke into the Capitol illegally and did other damage. Those were reprehensible acts and should be intolerable to any real American just as the acts of the rioting BLM/ANTIFA people should be. All should be held accountable and at the very least pay restitution and jail time is warranted for many.

I also think those Patriots who did no damage but crowded onto the porches and balconies did President Trump no favors either. They were not in any way criminal but exceedingly stupid. And those peaceful protesters who went into the Capitol after the Capitol police let them in were even more foolish and gullible.

The vast majority of those attending the rally did none of that. But they are tarred with the same brush by the left.

Couy Griffin's only crime was being there. He was tried and convicted of being on the Capitol grounds 'illegally' but all charges of any disorderly conduct or other inappropriate behavior were dropped.

No they were not. The rally was blocks away and the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and/or other militant groups were at the Capitol well ahead of the rally attenders. What they discussed among themselves may or may not happened. So much disinformation has been put out about that day that getting to the real truth may never happen. But it's for sure that the lies about what happened greatly outweigh the truth that we know.

Again I make no excuses for those who attacked Capitol Police and/or broke into the Capitol illegally and did other damage. Those were reprehensible acts and should be intolerable to any real American just as the acts of the rioting BLM/ANTIFA people should be. All should be held accountable and at the very least pay restitution and jail time is warranted for many.

I also think those Patriots who did no damage but crowded onto the porches and balconies did President Trump no favors either. They were not in any way criminal but exceedingly stupid. And those peaceful protesters who went into the Capitol after the Capitol police let them in were even more foolish and gullible.

The vast majority of those attending the rally did none of that. But they are tarred with the same brush by the left.

Couy Griffin's only crime was being there. He was tried and convicted of being on the Capitol grounds 'illegally' but all charges of any disorderly conduct or other inappropriate behavior were dropped.
They have detained people who were merely in a DC zip code
"The video shows a cop shooting an unarmed woman."
Ummm, I don't think so. Not without hindsight.
Hindsight now tells us the attacker, Ms Babbitt, was in fact unarmed; however......

However that could not be ascertained at the time she attacked the Capitol.
Nor, when she charged the officers behind the barricade despite being explicitly warned to back-off, to stop, to go back.

Despite those loud warnings....even the warning that a gun was being aimed......she still chose to charge forward towards the officers who could only see a figure (man? woman? who could tell?).....who could only see a figure covered in a concealing shroud and carrying a backpack (bomb-ladened? who could tell?).

It was a tragic shoot for the Babbitt family.
But it was good shoot for America.
Ashli Babbitt is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.

"Choices have consequences." ---Captain Obvious
You literally wrote off the Portland example only because the building was empty at the time. So you’re changing you standard?

I've changed nothing. Not once have I said attacking a building is insurrection. Attacking a government can be.
city state and federal buildings dumb ass.

Buildings are not the government. What legislation do buildings pass?


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