First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

Are you guys reading impaired? That is the definition of insurrection according to the USC.

And Foxfyre, they may have started out planning to be peaceful, but the end result was anything but (unless you consider threatening to hang Pence and Pelosi, breaking windows, stealing things and stuff like that "peaceful".)
the supposed definition provided by you lot would cover any illegal act committed as insurrection.
the supposed definition provided by you lot would cover any illegal act committed as insurrection.
Insurrection, collusion, hearsay, criminal, illegal…..-all of these words are defined by liberals as whatever suits their feelings for the given instance
the supposed definition provided by you lot would cover any illegal act committed as insurrection.

Yanno, if it hadn't said anything about the authority of the US, I would have thought that as well. But, what ya gonna do, it's a definition that the government and the lawyers decided to make, so that's the one we gotta use.

And yeah, if they wanted to be really sticky about it (maybe ya got a bad lawyer who couldn't defend for squat), they could charge you for insurrection on just about any crime. Breaking the law is going against the authority of the state and the country, so, it could be considered an insurrection.
Are you guys reading impaired? That is the definition of insurrection according to the USC.

And Foxfyre, they may have started out planning to be peaceful, but the end result was anything but (unless you consider threatening to hang Pence and Pelosi, breaking windows, stealing things and stuff like that "peaceful".)
You cited the code. The code does not define what insurrection or rebellion is. Nobody threatened to hang Pence or Pelosi, nor was there any intent to do so. Many died in the BLM/ANTIFA riots, many others suffered life threatening injuries and most of those were intended. Angry rhetoric happens in riots, but that which does not result in action is just angry rhetoric. Many members of Congress have spoken or encouraged violence and nobody expected them to carry it out.

There were no life threatening injuries in the Jan 6 riot and the only death that was not of natural causes was Ashli Babbitt shot by a capitol police officer.

This in no way excuses the Jan 6 rioters. What they did was despicable and they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But trying to tar all Patriots, even all Patriots who were there on Jan 6 is absurd and unconstitutional. They/we have a constitutional right to peacefully assemble and petition our government for redress of grievances. That right does not go away just because some idiots, not part of the peaceful assembly, got stupid.
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You cited the code. The code does not define what insurrection or rebellion is. Nobody threatened to hang Pence or Pelosi, nor was there any intent to do so. Many died in the BLM/ANTIFA riots, many others suffered life threatening injuries and most of those were intended. Angry rhetoric happens in riots, but that which does not result in action is just angry rhetoric. Many members of Congress have spoken or encouraged violence and nobody expected them to carry it out.

Really? Nobody threatened to hang Mike Pence? Then why did Trump think he had to defend those who were calling for it?

As far as you not believing that rioters were chanting to hang Mike Pence? Here's some reporting on it..................

Sorry, but yes, the Jan 6th rioters/protesters (whatever you want to call them) WERE calling for hanging of the VP. But, keep in that little bubble of ignorance if that's what helps you sleep at night.
Really? Nobody threatened to hang Mike Pence? Then why did Trump think he had to defend those who were calling for it?

As far as you not believing that rioters were chanting to hang Mike Pence? Here's some reporting on it..................

Sorry, but yes, the Jan 6th rioters/protesters (whatever you want to call them) WERE calling for hanging of the VP. But, keep in that little bubble of ignorance if that's what helps you sleep at night.
I'm not going to argue what the Trump haters say he said but who have zero evidence that is what and/or how he said it. I wonder if those haters realize how absurd that actually is? You apparently want to believe that badly. So I'll wish you a good night and a pleasant day tomorrow.

How about attempting to persuade the legislators to delay certification on the election pending a real investigation of his claims? In fact the president, ANY president, should be expected to be welcomed into the Capital, after all he welcomes the leaders of the legislative branch into the White House all the time. Hell, the President of the Senate has an office in the White House.

He had 2 months to do that. And he's not allowed to speak to Congress while they're in session unless they grant him that permission. As far as the president of the Senate having an office in the White House, that because they're the vice president of the United States. :eusa_doh:
Well then, based on that standard, the capital building is just that, a building, and the January 6th people just broke into a building. Right?

What laws do the bricks and doors of the capital building pass?

Which wouldn't have been as bad as it is had Congress not been in there do business.

A concept which seems to willfully elude you.
There was nothing to guard Roger Stone from at the time though Stone and his family have been subjected to numerous death threats from the 'peaceful' left. The photos of him with some presumed Oathkeepers was in front of his hotel hours before the riot on 1/6. He said he didn't know any of them, knew of no plans to 'attack' the Capitol and was in his DC hotel when it happened. He was told they were to provide him security which he had not asked for. There is no evidence any of the Oathkeepers went inside his hotel. Presumption of 'guarding him' is pretty thin.

And because it was so out of place for the Oathkeepers to be concerned about Roger Stone's safety, this kind of thing really does lend itself to conspiracy theories of whether it was a set up to use to smear Trump after the riot. For instance I've seen many photos of Oathkeeper gatherings and have never seen them have their faces covered until Jan 6. That strikes me as odd.

Seems you're unaware of the messages confiscated by the FBI of Oath Keepers discussing providing security for some Trump associates.

You cited the code. The code does not define what insurrection or rebellion is. Nobody threatened to hang Pence or Pelosi, nor was there any intent to do so. Many died in the BLM/ANTIFA riots, many others suffered life threatening injuries and most of those were intended. Angry rhetoric happens in riots, but that which does not result in action is just angry rhetoric. Many members of Congress have spoken or encouraged violence and nobody expected them to carry it out.

There were no life threatening injuries in the Jan 6 riot and the only death that was not of natural causes was Ashli Babbitt shot by a capitol police officer.

This in no way excuses the Jan 6 rioters. What they did was despicable and they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But trying to tar all Patriots, even all Patriots who were there on Jan 6 is absurd and unconstitutional. They/we have a constitutional right to peacefully assemble and petition our government for redress of grievances. That right does not go away just because some idiots, not part of the peaceful assembly, got stupid.

I see now you're just going to deny reality, no matter how hard it smacks you in the face.

Nobody threatened to hang Pence or Pelosi

There were no life threatening injuries in the Jan 6 riot

Oh boy, you caught one nut….out of how many?


Ummm, I don't think so. Not without hindsight.
Hindsight now tells us the attacker, Ms Babbitt, was in fact unarmed; however......

However that could not be ascertained at the time she attacked the Capitol.
Nor, when she charged the officers behind the barricade despite being explicitly warned to back-off, to stop, to go back.

Despite those loud warnings....even the warning that a gun was being aimed......she still chose to charge forward towards the officers who could only see a figure (man? woman? who could tell?).....who could only see a figure covered in a concealing shroud and carrying a backpack (bomb-ladened? who could tell?).

It was a tragic shoot for the Babbitt family.
But it was good shoot for America.
Ashli Babbitt is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.

"Choices have consequences." ---Captain Obvious

How does one "charge" hanging halfway through a door window?

She didn't have a gun in her hands, and was wearing clothing that while hanging through the window would probably see she didn't have an holster accessible while she was again, hanging halfway through a broken window.
I'm not going to argue what the Trump haters say he said but who have zero evidence that is what and/or how he said it. I wonder if those haters realize how absurd that actually is? You apparently want to believe that badly. So I'll wish you a good night and a pleasant day tomorrow.

Wow...................I give you an actual news story where it is reported that Trump tried to defend the protesters who were calling for the hanging of Mike Pence, and you respond with an opinion piece that twists things around (it's readily apparent from reading it that the writer of the opinion piece will defend anything Trump says). Sorry, but Trump DID try to defend those who were calling for hanging Pence, and YES, there were protesters who wanted to do so. Matter of fact, they even erected a gallows at the protest. But, keep on with the denial, it seems to make you feel better.
How does one "charge" hanging halfway through a door window?

She didn't have a gun in her hands, and was wearing clothing that while hanging through the window would probably see she didn't have an holster accessible while she was again, hanging halfway through a broken window.

Just out of curiosity, if someone you didn't know was hanging halfway through a door window in your house, would you shoot them if you had a gun, or stop and ask if they were armed? A lot of conservatives say it's better to shoot first and be safe than to wait and be sorry later. What is your opinion?
Just out of curiosity, if someone you didn't know was hanging halfway through a door window in your house, would you shoot them if you had a gun, or stop and ask if they were armed? A lot of conservatives say it's better to shoot first and be safe than to wait and be sorry later. What is your opinion?

In some States, you have a duty to retreat.

Also a person is not a law enforcement officer, who has set rules on the use of deadly force.

You can't compare the two situations.

Now can a beat cop shoot one person in a robbery gang to encourage the others to stop in their tracks? that's the real question.
How does one "charge" hanging halfway through a door window?

She didn't have a gun in her hands, and was wearing clothing that while hanging through the window would probably see she didn't have an holster accessible while she was again, hanging halfway through a broken window.

It's how she got up there, while ignoring police warnings to get back.

Stupid move.

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