First it was global cooling, then global, warming, then climate change, now it's.....

Only party in the world that doesn't believe in GW- the chumps of Big Oil, etc HERE.
2013 was the fourth hottest year ever, and November the hottest ever, in the world. Not much of a pause...Also, seems like the heat rise has been in the oceans more recently. They have 3000 buoys keeping track now...
Still the same bullshit.
actually it is reversion to the mean. 1895 was probably when the last of the crap from the Krakatoa eruption filtered out of the atmosphere. When it is possible to take non-ice breaker cruises to the magnetic north pole as the Chinese did in 1421 we will have reverted to the mean.

LOL. Buddy boy, let's see evidence from a credible source for that ridiculous claim:cuckoo:

Al Gore is not a credible source. climate disruption. How many name changes will this have to go through to try and sell the same fairy tale, myth, nonsense and alarmism? If it has to go through this many name changes, it's garbage. This has completely taken snake oil to a new level. Oh, but Barack Obama has talked with meteorologists about this. Obama doesn't associate with meteorologists, he associates with Weathermen.

Global cooling, warming, climate change, disruption, whatever; it's a radical cult religion that has two gods: the village idiot and chicken little.

It continues to astound me the lengths republicans go to deny this phenomenon. You like to think only half the country believes in human caused climate change. This is something scientists around the world believe in. This idea that it is some conspiracy is just non sense. You think just because republican politicians say it's bullshit that automatically means they are correct. The fact that you buy into republican bullshit is pathetic. They are either willfully ignorant or they are lying to you.

What is your basis for evidence that it is bullshit in this thread? Semantics. It's that scientists call the phenomenon different things therefore the whole thing is bull. You entertain this idea that everyone who believes in it all banded together to create their own name like we all meet in a clubhouse or something. Listen to yourself. You are making a ridiculous conclusion based on semantics alone.
Only party in the world that doesn't believe in GW- the chumps of Big Oil, etc HERE.

To an isolated parrot sheeple who knows only what his lefty handlers tell him, sure, you'd think the only people in the world who disagree with your talking points BS would reside here.
Some of us rely on more than left wing propaganda for info and we analyze what we learn and draw educated conclusions. Others like you just believe in AGW because your brainwashers tell you to.
So, get rid of your oil-based and oil-fueled communications device you use to spew your zombie left wing AGW BS here and elsewhere on the net lest you be a major hypocrite, too. climate disruption. How many name changes will this have to go through to try and sell the same fairy tale, myth, nonsense and alarmism? If it has to go through this many name changes, it's garbage. This has completely taken snake oil to a new level. Oh, but Barack Obama has talked with meteorologists about this. Obama doesn't associate with meteorologists, he associates with Weathermen.

Global cooling, warming, climate change, disruption, whatever; it's a radical cult religion that has two gods: the village idiot and chicken little.

It continues to astound me the lengths republicans go to deny this phenomenon. You like to think only half the country believes in human caused climate change. This is something scientists around the world believe in. This idea that it is some conspiracy is just non sense. You think just because republican politicians say it's bullshit that automatically means they are correct. The fact that you buy into republican bullshit is pathetic. They are either willfully ignorant or they are lying to you.

What is your basis for evidence that it is bullshit in this thread? Semantics. It's that scientists call the phenomenon different things therefore the whole thing is bull. You entertain this idea that everyone who believes in it all banded together to create their own name like we all meet in a clubhouse or something. Listen to yourself. You are making a ridiculous conclusion based on semantics alone.

Large numbers of misguided people repeating the same nonsense incessantly doesn't make it any more accurate or true.
AGW is a political scam.
Most of those 'scientists' who push the theory are subsidized for that reason. I live in a town full of them.
We're within a 15 year pause. Who the fuck knows when it will end!

Egg on all of our warmer faces!
A 15-year pause? A pause on what? Global CO2 emissions? Deforestation? No. There's not a 15-year pause on anything.
Liberals utterly destroyed in this debate......yet again.

KBN is such a hack puppet for the left wing agenda.
Liberals utterly destroyed in this debate......yet again.

KBN is such a hack puppet for the left wing agenda.
Yeah, "the left-wing agenda". Dinglefuck said there's a 15-year pause on surface temps. "Go look at the GISS", so I did. Nothing about a 15-year pause on anything. Read the link. So NASA is part of the "left-wing global warmtard agenda" or whatever? Yeah, because scientific data is all just a liberal Jewish media conspiracy to take our guns, raise gas prices, and destroy America, right?

How do you people even feed yourselves, let alone type on a computer?
Liberals utterly destroyed in this debate......yet again.

KBN is such a hack puppet for the left wing agenda.
Yeah, "the left-wing agenda". Dinglefuck said there's a 15-year pause on surface temps. "Go look at the GISS", so I did. Nothing about a 15-year pause on anything. Read the link. So NASA is part of the "left-wing global warmtard agenda" or whatever? Yeah, because scientific data is all just a liberal Jewish media conspiracy to take our guns, raise gas prices, and destroy America, right?

How do you people even feed yourselves, let alone type on a computer?

I am a "dinglefuck."


And the Republican alternative to doing something about the Greenhouse Effect is to continue down our current unsustainable path of industrious self-destruction with increasing profits concentrated to fewer and fewer people.

Good plan, Republicans.

Hide the Decline

Mann's Nature Trick
Liberals utterly destroyed in this debate......yet again.

KBN is such a hack puppet for the left wing agenda.

Dude, you really need to get back on your medications. The bullshit you write is weird.
"Liberals utterly destroyed........." wtf are you talking about?

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