First it was global cooling, then global, warming, then climate change, now it's.....


No he didn't. Nor did he say he invented the internet.

However, it is a perfect example of how the Republican Sheeple believe what they are told. :eek::eek:

you believed a chant of 'CHANGE" from a guy who never changed anything, for anybody, anywhere, ever

is record welfare and food stamps your idea of change?

you have no business talking

No all I said was Al Gore never predicted the Ice caps would be gone by now, nor did he say he invented the internet. I also added that the stupid fucks who believe he said those things are Republican sheeple.

All that other stuff was just the voices inside your head, Zippy.
OK. You are just so smart, why is it that all the Scientfic Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger? It could not be that you are just another flap-yapping ignoramous, could it?

The scientific reasons for the warming are well understood, and have been for over a century.

Service Unavailable.

That is from the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Hey anus face,

I'm not alone on this one. 31,487 scientists, including 9,029 PhD agree that it's a myth.

Global Warming Petition Project

Futhermore, perhaps instead of believing in Bigfoot, the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause and climate...whatever they change the name to, read the books by meteorologist Brian Sussman and watch the videos of Dr. Michael Coffman. Greenpeace co-founder, Patrick Moore testified before the senate that man caused climate change is a myth. Even the "father" of climate change, James Lovelock has bailed out on this fairy tale.

You want people to take you seriously and consequently you want people to be swayed by the number of PhDs and scientists (most of whom are NOT climatologists) who support the position that climate change/global warming is not happening or that it's some kind of hoax. Regardless of the merit (or lack thereof) of the arguments these people present, there's a bit of a problem that you don't seem to be willing to acknowledge. It's not just the fact that most of these people have no recognized credentials in the field of climate science, it's the fact that these people are in the minority in terms of sheer numbers.

But, it's not about the popularity of any position or the numbers of people who agree with an OPINION. It's really about science.

Here's where we enter an area of historical fact which goes back hundreds of years. When conservatives (the steadfast defenders of the status quo and orthodoxy) are confronted with new information which challenges previously held beliefs (like the Copernican heliocentric solar system model which challenged the Ptolemaic geocentric model of the solar system), the reaction is always the same: it's a reaction of unabashed denial without any willingness to openly and objectively review the data. The same thing happened in reaction to Darwin's theories. There were others in history, but they've been so overwhelmed by evidence that the historical record seems to be forgotten.

Orthodoxy doesn't generally react well when their models are called into question because it threatens their power. Germ theory is a case in point. Imagine the perceived threat to the power of the church when scientists started claiming that they could cure the kind of diseases that led to so much pain and suffering when the inference of such a claim was that priests and other officials in the church were powerless to cure illnesses like was previously believed.

My take is that people are free to believe whatever they want. And my personal experience is that it's relatively rare to get anyone to change their views if they don't have an open mind. Alas, it's also my experience that, as a group, conservatives are some the most closed-minded people I've ever come across.

So, like I said, believe what you like. Just don't be under the impression that an uninformed opinion should be the basis of public policy. As for me, I'm FAR more comfortable trusting public health issues to medical doctors as opposed to witch doctors. But if you want to rely on prayer or a laying on of hands to cure your cancer or your kidney disease, go for it. Just don't expect the rest of us to follow your belief and subject ourselves and our loved ones to such an approach just because you can find people who share your opinion and are willing to go on the record as saying it's an effective treatment!
OK. You are just so smart, why is it that all the Scientfic Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger? It could not be that you are just another flap-yapping ignoramous, could it?

The scientific reasons for the warming are well understood, and have been for over a century.

Service Unavailable.

That is from the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Hey anus face,

I'm not alone on this one. 31,487 scientists, including 9,029 PhD agree that it's a myth.

Global Warming Petition Project

Futhermore, perhaps instead of believing in Bigfoot, the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause and climate...whatever they change the name to, read the books by meteorologist Brian Sussman and watch the videos of Dr. Michael Coffman. Greenpeace co-founder, Patrick Moore testified before the senate that man caused climate change is a myth. Even the "father" of climate change, James Lovelock has bailed out on this fairy tale.

"Anus Face"?......dam.....:lol:
Yeah, it's all bullshit. Let's deregulate more industries and drill for precious oil in more national forests. Let's build more pipelines that will make oil companies richer, because oil companies aren't making enough money already. Let's give the oil companies more subsidies so they can expand their drilling operations and create more jobs so that the oil can go to pay off our debt to China while the oil companies stick their profits in untaxed overseas accounts. Let's dump a few more thousand tons of plastic shit into the oceans. Let's clearcut all of the rainforests for grazing land so that McDonald's can have even cheaper "meat". Oil spills create jobs, too.

Republicans have such a brilliant vision for the future.

yea the Democrats vision of the future sure did wonders for California.....convince me that they govern better than Republicans.....because were i sit they both suck....

California is just the worst example of Mexicans overrunning states....due to Pubs refusing a good SS/ID card. They actually love the cheap, easily bullied illegal labor. The Dems in Cal. didn't do that, it was the ''freedom loving" Pubs in DC.

Where you born in Cal? Too damn many people...

a good SS/ID card

shut the fuck up Frankie with your fucking SS/ID card.....guys with your mindset will call anyone who tries that a bigot out here.....

California is just the worst example of Mexicans overrunning states..

we have always had Mexicans out here,you are just a bigot against the "Brownies"....the Mexicans being Illegal, dont make policies like the States retirement contracts....

The Dems in Cal. didn't do that, it was the ''freedom loving" Pubs in DC.

sure they had no part in i have said dont question anything that is Democrat,you just go in the direction they point you...the Democrats in this State and anywhere else havent done a dam thing to alleviate the problem....
2013 was the fourth hottest year ever, and November the hottest ever, in the world. Not much of a pause...Also, seems like the heat rise has been in the oceans more recently. They have 3000 buoys keeping track now...

its always been hot out here that part of global warming?...just askin....
It's funny to watch a bunch of people who struggled through high school and wear a name tag to work pretend that they have any clue how our climate works and how mans actions do or do not affect our planet.

Yes, please tell us more about how the entire world is in on the global conspiracy to get the $6 you have burning a hole in your wallet that you didn't spend at Dennys.

guys who work at NASA wear name tags.....the Doctors at UCI wear tags that means what?.....your stupid?....
No he didn't. Nor did he say he invented the internet.

However, it is a perfect example of how the Republican Sheeple believe what they are told. :eek::eek:

you believed a chant of 'CHANGE" from a guy who never changed anything, for anybody, anywhere, ever

is record welfare and food stamps your idea of change?

you have no business talking

No all I said was Al Gore never predicted the Ice caps would be gone by now, nor did he say he invented the internet. I also added that the stupid fucks who believe he said those things are Republican sheeple.

All that other stuff was just the voices inside your head, Zippy.

Hey dumbass, he did say we had 10 years to change.....times up

whats the new sense of urgency? oh 500 days.......

Trix are for kids you silly rabbit.

I guess you missed this one

Here is a part you liberals would love

"Our projection of 2013 for the removal of ice in summer is not accounting for the last two minima, in 2005 and 2007," the researcher from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, explained to the BBC.
"So given that fact, you can argue that may be our projection of 2013 is already too conservative."

Last edited:

No he didn't. Nor did he say he invented the internet.

However, it is a perfect example of how the Republican Sheeple believe what they are told. :eek::eek:

Damn it, Boo....looks like you fucked up...AGAIN!!!

Al Gore Said North Pole Would Be Completely Melted This Year… Guess Not, Huh?

[ame=]Al Gore Warns Polar Ice May Be Gone in Five Years - YouTube[/ame]

Al Gore Said North Pole Would Be Completely Melted This Year? Guess Not, Huh? | The Gateway Pundit
Actually peak population predictions keep getting ever sooner and that includes Africa where voluntary birth control and sterilization is becoming more common. Because of self selection the spread of rice as a staple crop will tend to create Far East results in population. The Niger, Congo, Nile and Zambezi create great rice growing areas. That will result in much faster population declines.
Actually peak population predictions keep getting ever sooner and that includes Africa where voluntary birth control and sterilization is becoming more common. Because of self selection the spread of rice as a staple crop will tend to create Far East results in population. The Niger, Congo, Nile and Zambezi create great rice growing areas. That will result in much faster population declines.

Nazi eugenics all tied to the food chain...If Hitler had only known!
[ame=""]Hide The Decline - Climategate - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]The 12 Days Of Global Warming - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]RayStevens - The Global Warming Song - YouTube[/ame]
No he didn't. Nor did he say he invented the internet.

However, it is a perfect example of how the Republican Sheeple believe what they are told. :eek::eek:

you believed a chant of 'CHANGE" from a guy who never changed anything, for anybody, anywhere, ever

is record welfare and food stamps your idea of change?

you have no business talking

No all I said was Al Gore never predicted the Ice caps would be gone by now, nor did he say he invented the internet. I also added that the stupid fucks who believe he said those things are Republican sheeple.

All that other stuff was just the voices inside your head, Zippy.

Let me ask you something?

When your asshole opens up, do words come forth?

Because when you open your lying fucking mouth, all that comes out is shit

But, you're a dimocrap scumbag. What else is new :dunno:

In 2008, Al Gore boldly declared to a German audience that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” (Needless to say, that did not happen. In fact, the ice cap in the Arctic actually got larger this year.)

[ame=]Al Gore Warns Polar Ice May Be Gone in Five Years - YouTube[/ame]

Is the video proof enough for you, or do you need a signed and sworn statement notarized by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief witnessed by Hitlery Clinton and her rapist husband
2013 was the fourth hottest year ever, and November the hottest ever, in the world. Not much of a pause...Also, seems like the heat rise has been in the oceans more recently. They have 3000 buoys keeping track now...

its always been hot out here that part of global warming?...just askin....

Enjoy the record drought, record heat, and record fires...

How the hell do you get to Nazi eugenics, Vig?:cuckoo:
you believed a chant of 'CHANGE" from a guy who never changed anything, for anybody, anywhere, ever

is record welfare and food stamps your idea of change?

you have no business talking

No all I said was Al Gore never predicted the Ice caps would be gone by now, nor did he say he invented the internet. I also added that the stupid fucks who believe he said those things are Republican sheeple.

All that other stuff was just the voices inside your head, Zippy.

Let me ask you something?

When your asshole opens up, do words come forth?

Because when you open your lying fucking mouth, all that comes out is shit

But, you're a dimocrap scumbag. What else is new :dunno:

In 2008, Al Gore boldly declared to a German audience that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” (Needless to say, that did not happen. In fact, the ice cap in the Arctic actually got larger this year.)

[ame=]Al Gore Warns Polar Ice May Be Gone in Five Years - YouTube[/ame]

Is the video proof enough for you, or do you need a signed and sworn statement notarized by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief witnessed by Hitlery Clinton and her rapist husband

He said ''might'', LIAR. Give it another 5 years. Gore made a MOVIE- try the other million sources for GW, hater dupe.
And the Republican alternative to doing something about the Greenhouse Effect is to continue down our current unsustainable path of industrious self-destruction with increasing profits concentrated to fewer and fewer people.

Good plan, Republicans.

As opposed to what? Getting all worked up over total bullshit?
Yeah, it's all bullshit. Let's deregulate more industries and drill for precious oil in more national forests. Let's build more pipelines that will make oil companies richer, because oil companies aren't making enough money already. Let's give the oil companies more subsidies so they can expand their drilling operations and create more jobs so that the oil can go to pay off our debt to China while the oil companies stick their profits in untaxed overseas accounts. Let's dump a few more thousand tons of plastic shit into the oceans. Let's clearcut all of the rainforests for grazing land so that McDonald's can have even cheaper "meat". Oil spills create jobs, too.

Republicans have such a brilliant vision for the future.


I take it that you'd like to create fewer jobs, and eliminate plastic.

Great Campaign Platforms.
And the Republican alternative to doing something about the Greenhouse Effect is to continue down our current unsustainable path of industrious self-destruction with increasing profits concentrated to fewer and fewer people.

Good plan, Republicans.

As opposed to what? Getting all worked up over total bullshit?

Treehuggers are relevant.

Without much of the industrial pollution issues that were resolved 30+ years ago, there must be new boogymen to attack.
No all I said was Al Gore never predicted the Ice caps would be gone by now, nor did he say he invented the internet. I also added that the stupid fucks who believe he said those things are Republican sheeple.

All that other stuff was just the voices inside your head, Zippy.

Let me ask you something?

When your asshole opens up, do words come forth?

Because when you open your lying fucking mouth, all that comes out is shit

But, you're a dimocrap scumbag. What else is new :dunno:

In 2008, Al Gore boldly declared to a German audience that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” (Needless to say, that did not happen. In fact, the ice cap in the Arctic actually got larger this year.)

[ame=]Al Gore Warns Polar Ice May Be Gone in Five Years - YouTube[/ame]

Is the video proof enough for you, or do you need a signed and sworn statement notarized by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief witnessed by Hitlery Clinton and her rapist husband

He said ''might'', LIAR. Give it another 5 years. Gore made a MOVIE- try the other million sources for GW, hater dupe.

What a quibbling little bitch you are.

May, might, could, should, will, won't, shall, shan't, maybe, yada, yada, yada. The motherfucker said it.


You're a quibbling little girl.

And they're BIGGER now than when the fucking idiot said it!!

How stupid can you get?

Don't answer that. I already know.

Don't breed. Ever. If you do...... Just don't do it

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