First it was global cooling, then global, warming, then climate change, now it's.....

2013 was the fourth hottest year ever, and November the hottest ever, in the world. Not much of a pause...Also, seems like the heat rise has been in the oceans more recently. They have 3000 buoys keeping track now...

its always been hot out here that part of global warming?...just askin....

Enjoy the record drought, record heat, and record fires...

How the hell do you get to Nazi eugenics, Vig?:cuckoo:

Frankiestein, You really don't know?.... LOLOL...look who I'm asking!

And the Republican alternative to doing something about the Greenhouse Effect is to continue down our current unsustainable path of industrious self-destruction with increasing profits concentrated to fewer and fewer people.

Good plan, Republicans.

As opposed to what? Getting all worked up over total bullshit?

Treehuggers are relevant.

Without much of the industrial pollution issues that were resolved 30+ years ago, there must be new boogymen to attack.

Tree huggers get cold, and wet, and annoyed, when people ignore them.
dimocrap scum made me listen to that ignorant cocksucker.... assholes.

Plus, I had to distinguish between his drone and some German woman who sounded like she was trying to spit out a load of -- Something.

But the cocksucker DID say, "Five years..... The time in which the Ice Caps are expected to disappear."

Listen to it dimocrap fuckwads. It's in there at the end.

Curious thing..... You can't really find it on YouTube anymore. Funny how that happens, huh?

Ed Driscoll » Yet Another Final Countdown Expires

dimocraps lie. it's what they do
Whatever you call this weather; if we do what the libs want, will we get back to the good days of the dust bowl :eusa_shifty:
dimocrap scum made me listen to that ignorant cocksucker.... assholes.

Plus, I had to distinguish between his drone and some German woman who sounded like she was trying to spit out a load of -- Something.

But the cocksucker DID say, "Five years..... The time in which the Ice Caps are expected to disappear."

Listen to it dimocrap fuckwads. It's in there at the end.

Curious thing..... You can't really find it on YouTube anymore. Funny how that happens, huh?

Ed Driscoll » Yet Another Final Countdown Expires

dimocraps lie. it's what they do

Like that jackhole Ted Danson whom in 1988 stated that the Oceans only had ten years...He lied...and admitted it...

OwlGore stated 7 years ago that the Earth was going to burn up in 10 years...he's got three years left to retract his mulesqueeze...

Danson: I Lied, Oceans Didn't Die - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Algore: We Have Ten Years Left Before Earth Cooks - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Isn't this board about politics, not science? The evidence is overwhelming that man made climate change is happening. Whatever it is called, a rose is still a rose. China and India have become economic powerhouses , they have outrageously huge populace and pollution problems to match. Beijing's choking smog has become the poster child of the need to reform pollution standards period. Even the Communist Chinese can't ignore that brutal obvious fact.
Let me ask you something?

When your asshole opens up, do words come forth?

Because when you open your lying fucking mouth, all that comes out is shit

But, you're a dimocrap scumbag. What else is new :dunno:

In 2008, Al Gore boldly declared to a German audience that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” (Needless to say, that did not happen. In fact, the ice cap in the Arctic actually got larger this year.)

Al Gore Warns Polar Ice May Be Gone in Five Years - YouTube

Is the video proof enough for you, or do you need a signed and sworn statement notarized by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief witnessed by Hitlery Clinton and her rapist husband

He said ''might'', LIAR. Give it another 5 years. Gore made a MOVIE- try the other million sources for GW, hater dupe.

What a quibbling little bitch you are.

May, might, could, should, will, won't, shall, shan't, maybe, yada, yada, yada. The motherfucker said it.


You're a quibbling little girl.

And they're BIGGER now than when the fucking idiot said it!!

How stupid can you get?

Don't answer that. I already know.

Don't breed. Ever. If you do...... Just don't do it

What a vulgar little dimwit you are lol, but at least I understand your ability to breath in your bs propaganda atmosphere- who cares about facts? A little new ice inches thick that can disappear overnight is not the same as yards of old ice that takes decades to melt...did Fox mention that Antarctic shift a few days ago? And I'm 6'4'', 215 lol.
Whatever you call this weather; if we do what the libs want, will we get back to the good days of the dust bowl :eusa_shifty:
Don't know but I am certain that AGW is sinking fast because of Russia's petro-blackmail. If fracking as a matter of foreign policy spreads in the EU, funding for these AGW studies will be cut big time.
Isn't this board about politics, not science? The evidence is overwhelming that man made climate change is happening. Whatever it is called, a rose is still a rose. China and India have become economic powerhouses , they have outrageously huge populace and pollution problems to match. Beijing's choking smog has become the poster child of the need to reform pollution standards period. Even the Communist Chinese can't ignore that brutal obvious fact.

Your post proves one thing and one thing are terribly uninformed.

You might want to seek new sources of information.
you believed a chant of 'CHANGE" from a guy who never changed anything, for anybody, anywhere, ever

is record welfare and food stamps your idea of change?

you have no business talking

No all I said was Al Gore never predicted the Ice caps would be gone by now, nor did he say he invented the internet. I also added that the stupid fucks who believe he said those things are Republican sheeple.

All that other stuff was just the voices inside your head, Zippy.

Hey dumbass, he did say we had 10 years to change.....times up

whats the new sense of urgency? oh 500 days.......

Trix are for kids you silly rabbit.

I guess you missed this one

Here is a part you liberals would love

"Our projection of 2013 for the removal of ice in summer is not accounting for the last two minima, in 2005 and 2007," the researcher from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, explained to the BBC.
"So given that fact, you can argue that may be our projection of 2013 is already too conservative."


Opps my ass.

Professor Maslowski is not nor has he ever been Al Gore. Also from your link that you may have missed.

"These other teams have variously produced dates for an open summer ocean that, broadly speaking, go out from about 2040 to 2100."

"There will be even more opening up, even more absorption and even more melting.
"In the end, it will just melt away quite suddenly. It might not be as early as 2013 but it will be soon, much earlier than 2040."

Here is what Gore actually said.

"Last September 21, as the Northern Hemisphere tilted away from the sun, scientists reported with unprecedented distress that the North Polar ice cap is "falling off a cliff." One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years."

He never claimed he invented the internet either, sheeple.
Isn't this board about politics, not science? The evidence is overwhelming that man made climate change is happening. Whatever it is called, a rose is still a rose. China and India have become economic powerhouses , they have outrageously huge populace and pollution problems to match. Beijing's choking smog has become the poster child of the need to reform pollution standards period. Even the Communist Chinese can't ignore that brutal obvious fact.

Global warming is more a political issue than science, the statist are trying to use is as a lever to reduce individual liberty and exert more control over private property. You want to get away from all the attempted dictates of the statist and just talk about the science, which is not really settled, no matter what the mulatto messiah has said, I'm all for it. BTW the US has reduced our carbon footprint more than any other country with a similar population, and I refuse to allow our economy to be sacrificed because other countries are doing pretty much nothing.
It doesn't matter how much the US reduces its carbon footprint if China's carbon footprint keeps increasing to match US consumer demand.

No he didn't. Nor did he say he invented the internet.

However, it is a perfect example of how the Republican Sheeple believe what they are told. :eek::eek:

Damn it, Boo....looks like you fucked up...AGAIN!!!

Al Gore Said North Pole Would Be Completely Melted This Year… Guess Not, Huh?

[ame=]Al Gore Warns Polar Ice May Be Gone in Five Years - YouTube[/ame]

Al Gore Said North Pole Would Be Completely Melted This Year? Guess Not, Huh? | The Gateway Pundit

Is English your second language? I mean do you know the difference between may and will? Could be and will be?

2nd Sheeple.
you believed a chant of 'CHANGE" from a guy who never changed anything, for anybody, anywhere, ever

is record welfare and food stamps your idea of change?

you have no business talking

No all I said was Al Gore never predicted the Ice caps would be gone by now, nor did he say he invented the internet. I also added that the stupid fucks who believe he said those things are Republican sheeple.

All that other stuff was just the voices inside your head, Zippy.

Let me ask you something?

When your asshole opens up, do words come forth?

Because when you open your lying fucking mouth, all that comes out is shit

But, you're a dimocrap scumbag. What else is new :dunno:

In 2008, Al Gore boldly declared to a German audience that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” (Needless to say, that did not happen. In fact, the ice cap in the Arctic actually got larger this year.)

[ame=]Al Gore Warns Polar Ice May Be Gone in Five Years - YouTube[/ame]

Is the video proof enough for you, or do you need a signed and sworn statement notarized by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief witnessed by Hitlery Clinton and her rapist husband

The GOP Sheeple trap at work. #3. (This one is just too stupid, I'm throwing it back)
It doesn't matter how much the US reduces its carbon footprint if China's carbon footprint keeps increasing to match US consumer demand.

Aaaaaand KNB found a way to blame America for China's "carbon footprint."

Imagine, how easy it is for the asshole democrats and the world to make money off of people who BUY into the notion of a "carbon footprint."

Anyone want to bet KNB does not purchase any carbon credits for his carbon footprint.

Here is the reason why. Because KNB is nothing more than a bloviated, know it all, typical left wing hypocrite.

That is why.
Isn't this board about politics, not science? The evidence is overwhelming that man made climate change is happening. Whatever it is called, a rose is still a rose. China and India have become economic powerhouses , they have outrageously huge populace and pollution problems to match. Beijing's choking smog has become the poster child of the need to reform pollution standards period. Even the Communist Chinese can't ignore that brutal obvious fact.

Global warming is more a political issue than science, the statist are trying to use is as a lever to reduce individual liberty and exert more control over private property. You want to get away from all the attempted dictates of the statist and just talk about the science, which is not really settled, no matter what the mulatto messiah has said, I'm all for it. BTW the US has reduced our carbon footprint more than any other country with a similar population, and I refuse to allow our economy to be sacrificed because other countries are doing pretty much nothing.

Precisely. Statists have utter CONTEMPT for Liberty and private property rights if THEY aren't controlling the shots. The Liberals on these boards have hitched their wagon to danger of usurping their own rights. They have been bought by liars with good intentions...and deception.

Good form sir.
No all I said was Al Gore never predicted the Ice caps would be gone by now, nor did he say he invented the internet. I also added that the stupid fucks who believe he said those things are Republican sheeple.

All that other stuff was just the voices inside your head, Zippy.

Let me ask you something?

When your asshole opens up, do words come forth?

Because when you open your lying fucking mouth, all that comes out is shit

But, you're a dimocrap scumbag. What else is new :dunno:

In 2008, Al Gore boldly declared to a German audience that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” (Needless to say, that did not happen. In fact, the ice cap in the Arctic actually got larger this year.)

[ame=]Al Gore Warns Polar Ice May Be Gone in Five Years - YouTube[/ame]

Is the video proof enough for you, or do you need a signed and sworn statement notarized by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief witnessed by Hitlery Clinton and her rapist husband

The GOP Sheeple trap at work. #3. (This one is just too stupid, I'm throwing it back)

The GOP Trap?

I do not understand. Are you suggesting fat fuck Al Gore did not say those things?

Interesting obfuscation. I really don't understand it. I mean, are you accusing the GOP for doctoring something the way MSNBC did when it doctored the 911 tapes with Zimmerman?

I am confused by you. Then again, nothing you say ever actually makes any sense.
It doesn't matter how much the US reduces its carbon footprint if China's carbon footprint keeps increasing to match US consumer demand.

Aaaaaand KNB found a way to blame America for China's "carbon footprint."

Imagine, how easy it is for the asshole democrats and the world to make money off of people who BUY into the notion of a "carbon footprint."

Anyone want to bet KNB does not purchase any carbon credits for his carbon footprint.

Here is the reason why. Because KNB is nothing more than a bloviated, know it all, typical left wing hypocrite.

That is why.
KNB is a knee-jerk reactionary...a coward...he doesn't have to think...and he believes he will be rewarded by his masters with a MilkBone.

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