First Jan 6th right wing terrorist sentenced for striking a law officer: 3 years 8 months

And nothing. You seemingly were questioning if he committed the crime. He plead guilty to doing what he was accused of doing.
I didn’t question the crime at all.
I just prefaced everything from the perspective of the process.
Then I applied that standard to democrat hypocrisy.
To many corrupted politicians for that. To many have gotten wealthy after not having much when they entered office. And to many people support Trump.
My buddy just won an election. He admits that anyone who says they didn't get into politics for the money is full of shit. They say, "$70K or whatever they make is not that much a year".

Yea? Next question to ask them is this. Do you get a pension if you win one re election? If the answer is yes, tell them to fuck off liar. Imagine getting a pension after only working somewhere 8 years.

So my buddy has a police pension. That doesn't make him rich. But if he wins re election next time, he will get TWO fucking pensions.

He didn't get into politics because he was a good person and wants to help people. He got into politics because he was sick of being a cop and thought it would be an easy gig. Something he could do. And being a cop wins votes. He loves this gig he has. It's not hard. Of course his constituents don't hate him yet. Maybe it's not so great when you have people calling and yelling at you like say, Ted Cruz?

Scott Fairlawn, the right wing terrorist that was sentenced said "That's not who I am." Actually it is who you are.

Sentence too light, not harsh enough? I lean toward not harsh enough. But lol at all the right wing clowns on here saying these terrorists would get off easy. I dont really call almost 4 years in a fed jail cell getting off easy. This is likely to be the guideline going forward for the rest of the right wing terrorists that plead guilty that hit a cop. The ones with more serious charges, like conspiracy, are probably looking at upwards of 20 years. A great day in the American justice system!
More votes for America First candidates. That is going to piss people off. The judge should be thrown off the bench.
The police were thrown under the bus by the Progs. And yet they still wipe their Prog master asses clean. They need to make a decision on what side they are going to take.
It’s not being thrown under the bus if you’ve actually committed a crime and are being held accountable.

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