First Jan 6th right wing terrorist sentenced for striking a law officer: 3 years 8 months

I would far rather be DEAD than living in the type of nation that I see materializing in front of my face.
Well get medication for your delusions and hallucinations, or eat a bottle of pills all at once. I don't know what to tell you.
For punching a police officer? Seriously.
Then about 200,000 rioting, looting arsonist animals that destroyed our cities and attacked police officers over the summer of 2020 should be punished as well. But let’s not hold our breath, there is never equal justice Biden voters.
Paranoid wingnut fantasy. 100% backwards from reality. You guys have gaslit yourselves to the point of mental retardation.
STFU you dipshit. Your Pantifa and BLM pals have been released with no bail and no charges. If one did accidentally get put away, Kamala and Joe got them out to commit more crimes. Now go back to the corner retard.

Scott Fairlawn, the right wing terrorist that was sentenced said "That's not who I am." Actually it is who you are.

Sentence too light, not harsh enough? I lean toward not harsh enough. But lol at all the right wing clowns on here saying these terrorists would get off easy. I dont really call almost 4 years in a fed jail cell getting off easy. This is likely to be the guideline going forward for the rest of the right wing terrorists that plead guilty that hit a cop. The ones with more serious charges, like conspiracy, are probably looking at upwards of 20 years. A great day in the American justice system!
I want them to serve more time. The ones who planned the attack should get the 20 years plus. If the U.S. were a banana republic, they would have been lined up against a wall and shot,
Yes genius, that is what happens. Try it sometime.
Thank you for your response. Let me know when the hundreds of thousands of Biden voting thugs that rioted, looted, burned down buildings and assaulted police officers for months in the summer of 2020 get a similar consequence. That was the real insurrection. So far nothing.
Thank you for your response. Let me know when the hundreds of thousands of Biden voting thugs that rioted, looted, burned down buildings and assaulted police officers for months in the summer of 2020 get a similar consequence. That was the real insurrection. So far nothing.
LOL at hundreds of thousands. You're delusional. But the fun has just begun. If this guy got nearly 4 years for striking an officers face shield, I cant WAIT to see what some of these other traitors are going to get. Got close to 1,000 sentences to hand out still. Lots of work to be done removing these traitors from society.
LOL at hundreds of thousands. You're delusional. But the fun has just begun. If this guy got nearly 4 years for striking an officers face shield, I cant WAIT to see what some of these other traitors are going to get. Got close to 1,000 sentences to hand out still. Lots of work to be done removing these traitors from society.
oh really, literally all our cities and law abiding citizens were under siege for months by Leftist animals, encouraged by Democrat politicians. But let’s focus on a three hour protest turned riot by unarmed people on Jan 6, and the one unarmed veteran protestor woman who got shot by the police for no reason, that Democrats don’t want to investigate. :cuckoo:
oh really, literally all our cities and law abiding citizens were under siege for months by Leftist animals, encouraged by Democrat politicians. But let’s focus on a three hour protest turned riot by unarmed people on Jan 6, and the one unarmed veteran protestor woman who got shot by the police for no reason, that Democrats don’t want to investigate. :cuckoo:
All our cities? LOL. The guy I referenced that was sentenced was armed with a police baton inside the Capitol. Shot for no reason? She helped to break out a window to climb through to get at Congressmen. Dirty traitor got what she had coming. Got any more lies you'd like to say? You're a filthy lying animal
I want them to serve more time. The ones who planned the attack should get the 20 years plus. If the U.S. were a banana republic, they would have been lined up against a wall and shot,

Thank you for your response. Let me know when the hundreds of thousands of Biden voting thugs that rioted, looted, burned down buildings and assaulted police officers for months in the summer of 2020 get a similar consequence. That was the real insurrection. So far nothing.
Liar. You are jus making stuff up. Because you have no points.

Scott Fairlawn, the right wing terrorist that was sentenced said "That's not who I am." Actually it is who you are.

Sentence too light, not harsh enough? I lean toward not harsh enough. But lol at all the right wing clowns on here saying these terrorists would get off easy. I dont really call almost 4 years in a fed jail cell getting off easy. This is likely to be the guideline going forward for the rest of the right wing terrorists that plead guilty that hit a cop. The ones with more serious charges, like conspiracy, are probably looking at upwards of 20 years. A great day in the American justice system!
I gotta ask, did the BLM rioters who assaulted police get three years in prison?

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