First Kamala Ad has Dropped

the country is in debt 500 million to so called profit scam colleges. Who's losing the most money and causing inflation
Trump could turn that one around in a heart beat
Student foregiveness is a college scam
The ad is funny!

I bet she won't get to the "root cause" of what she even stands for. Lol

(If anyone here remembers, that was one of her favorite tag lines.)
the country is in debt 500 million to so called profit scam colleges. Who's losing the most money and causing inflation
Trump could turn that one around in a heart beat
As much as I dislike Felonious Trump, the chances of me voting for Harris are the same as they are/were I'd vote for Biden or Trump.

in honesty, she probably is a good lower case politician. But as president of the united states, it would be a another disaster
Not running on her record, among which is leading the charge to raise bail money for violent protesters, and lying to America for all this time about Biden's mental acuity.

I wonder what the Golden Parachute is that they gave the Biden's, because less than 24 hours before he announced he was dropping out, he tweeted that he was going to win.
It's very effective.

This will be the case against Trump.

Her raising her record as Attorney General is going to backfire. She voted to have police NOT have to wear bodycams. She prevented evidence from being entered that would have released an innocent man who faced the Death Penalty.

The way I view this election is that if Harris wins it is an acknowledgement by the Establishment that they no longer see America as a Super Power and/or they are abdicating themselves from this role in the world. They may have even had made that decision when they pushed Biden to choose Harris as V.P.

3.5 Years as V.P, what accomplishments or support has she shown publicly for Americas staunchest allies such as Taiwan or Israel?

Americans choose their presidents so the world has to accept their choice and perhaps the plan all along was to have Trump ignore Rubio or Scott as the V.P as it would ensure a victory. I would rather have Hillary or even Biden if Trump were to lose.

I really don't think the Establishment experts in D.C have a real handle on the dangers the West faces. It's really discouraging considering how effective and successful these same agencies were in the 1980s.
the country is in debt 500 million to so called profit scam colleges. Who's losing the most money and causing inflation
Trump could turn that one around in a heart beat
Student foregiveness is a college scam
Trump can't turn shit around. He is going to lose. What you trump supporters fail to notice is that the majority of the people didn't want to see a Trump-Biden rematch. Biden is gone. And people don't want Trump to run either.
the country is in debt 500 million to so called profit scam colleges. Who's losing the most money and causing inflation
Trump could turn that one around in a heart beat

in honesty, she probably is a good lower case politician. But as president of the united states, it would be a another disaster
Trump was a disaster. And he would be worse this time.
It's very effective.

This will be the case against Trump.

As California attorney general, she spent years subverting a 2011 Supreme Court ruling requiring the state to reduce its prison population. The overseeing judicial panel nearly found the state in contempt of court
Not running on her record, among which is leading the charge to raise bail money for violent protesters, and lying to America for all this time about Biden's mental acuity.

I wonder what the Golden Parachute is that they gave the Biden's, because less than 24 hours before he announced he was dropping out, he tweeted that he was going to win.

Look for a few more shell accounts to be opened within Tax Evading *Joes family members.
Trump better be careful.

He should just let this moron self destruct.

Can't wait for the discussions of her pathetic lead on the border crisis.

Our affirmative action token is now officially in over her head.
Trump better be careful.

He should just let this moron self destruct.

Can't wait for the discussions of her pathetic lead on the border crisis.

Our affirmative action token is now officially in over her head.

That is why of she is the candidate, no debate. Why debate someone who was not chosen by the primary voters, chosen undemocratically?

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