First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.

actually i suspect the hillarybeast was, up until she became sos, the most hated first lady. I have seen entire books and successful ones too devoted to hillary such as "last centurian" by john ringo in which hillary is slightly fictionized as the bitch. Therefore i disagree with the premise of the op. And even hillary was nowhere near as hated as mary todd lincoln or andrew jackson's wife. Michelle may not be well liked by all but her treatment is not exceptional among living first ladies.

yeah, i guess the more butt hurt there is regarding the election, the more the venom and vitriol will flow to the first family.....nothing new, and considering that this was the 2nd time obama got elected....well, they're bursting at the seams with hate....:lol:

see, that is an incriminating statement.

when the next president of the united states gets immediately pummeled by progressives and liberals and democrats but for no reason, there may well be a sickening, embarrassing number of stupids who will act on the belief that cons slammed obama for nothing. what's good for the goose is good for the gander! Tit-4-tat! You cons slammed clinton for nothing!'



So, i'm calling you on it now before you go another crazy day forward.

Obama has earned every bit of the criticism he's getting.

And then some.

So, i don't expect you going along with that movement.

I expect you to be on the honor system.

Police yourself or report yourself if you join that herd.

Criticize him if he really screws up, as obama is screwing up.

But if he's taking steps to fix america give his medicine a chance to work before you jump on him.

Note to self: Remind in 2017.

progressives and liberals are not going to do that to hillary when she gets elected.
yeah, i guess the more butt hurt there is regarding the election, the more the venom and vitriol will flow to the first family.....nothing new, and considering that this was the 2nd time obama got elected....well, they're bursting at the seams with hate....:lol:

see, that is an incriminating statement.

when the next president of the united states gets immediately pummeled by progressives and liberals and democrats but for no reason, there may well be a sickening, embarrassing number of stupids who will act on the belief that cons slammed obama for nothing. what's good for the goose is good for the gander! Tit-4-tat! You cons slammed clinton for nothing!'



So, i'm calling you on it now before you go another crazy day forward.

Obama has earned every bit of the criticism he's getting.

And then some.

So, i don't expect you going along with that movement.

I expect you to be on the honor system.

Police yourself or report yourself if you join that herd.

Criticize him if he really screws up, as obama is screwing up.

But if he's taking steps to fix america give his medicine a chance to work before you jump on him.

Note to self: Remind in 2017.

progressives and liberals are not going to do that to hillary when she gets elected.

Elected to what?
From dem underground
*Laura Bush got away with murder. She's part of The Culture of Corruption...Edited on Fri Oct-27-06 10:41 AM by IanDB1and lack of accountability that characterizes the current BFE / GOP Junta.They're all a bunch of unrepentant crooks, criminals, murderers and pedophiles.Even the "sainted" Laura Bush has a festering corpse in her closet.Having a criminal past is the ticket to ride for those who want to get on-board with the Bush Regime."You must be at least this corrupt to ride."And besides, Bush announced that this is "Character Counts" week.Oh, and welcome to DU!
I don't recall any vile criticism of any previous first lady. The Rabid Right, a political ideology that eschews virtues like statesmanship, civility and dialogue, quickly, viciously and incessantly heaps hatred on Michelle Obama. Certainly other First Ladies have taken an active political stance. Eleanor Roosevelt for instance campaigned actively for Civil Rights twenty years before it became a reality. You cannot conclude, therefore, that this hatred is exclusively politically driven.

The Rabid Right is cut from the same cloth as George Wallace, Strom Thurmond and David Duke. Surely it's racism. There is no other excuse.

In that vein, I suggest that the Rabid Right sit in it's own little filthy corner of the sandbox and spew all the vitriol it wants. No one will pay attention to them because their brand of divisionist politics has worn out its welcome years ago. They reveal their own ignorance and fears. No one absolutely no one with a functioning brains and solid morals could ever take them seriously.

they'll accuse you that was made up...was only ONE person and not ALL LIBERALS, blah blah blah
they always DEMAND civility from others but they can say any vile and disgusting thing they want about Republican women
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I'm sorry, but.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Um. No. He isn't.

I'm sorry - apparently I missed a newscast. Who are you thinking is actually the most powerful?

And I'm betting the name you come up with isn't in the free world.

It does make a difference, because I sure as shit wouldn't want to live in Russia. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason my dad is first generation Russian-American.

Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.


The office of the President of the United States of America - no matter who sits there, is the most powerful office in our world and has undeniably been so since at least 1945.

You want to think Obama is weak? Fine, your thing.

But he is the CIC of our armed forces and he is in possession of the nuclear codes.

And you can bet that Putin is already having second thoughts.

Where the fuck did all this sniping come from?

I'm sorry - apparently I missed a newscast. Who are you thinking is actually the most powerful?

And I'm betting the name you come up with isn't in the free world.

It does make a difference, because I sure as shit wouldn't want to live in Russia. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason my dad is first generation Russian-American.

Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.


The office of the President of the United States of America - no matter who sits there, is the most powerful office in our world and has undeniably been so since at least 1945.

You want to think Obama is weak? Fine, your thing.

But he is the CIC of our armed forces and he is in possession of the nuclear codes.

And you can bet that Putin is already having second thoughts.

Where the fuck did all this sniping come from?


Yeah, No matter who it is, the POTUS is the most powerful person in the world. It has nothing to do with a personal opinion of the man but the office he/she holds that makes them so. And Putin is going to pay a price for this. The hero worship of Putin is absolutely ridiculous.
I'm sorry - apparently I missed a newscast. Who are you thinking is actually the most powerful?

And I'm betting the name you come up with isn't in the free world.

It does make a difference, because I sure as shit wouldn't want to live in Russia. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason my dad is first generation Russian-American.

Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.


The office of the President of the United States of America - no matter who sits there, is the most powerful office in our world and has undeniably been so since at least 1945.

You want to think Obama is weak? Fine, your thing.

But he is the CIC of our armed forces and he is in possession of the nuclear codes.

And you can bet that Putin is already having second thoughts.

Where the fuck did all this sniping come from?


Well, since you are bringing it up HERE, I guess I can answer HERE, correct?
If my differing views on Obama being the "most powerful man in the world" is called sniping, SO SORRY. I refuse to goosestep to your demands or anyone elses. This is a message board. We all give our opinions. I did not agree with the one stated. And that is "shitting all over your thread", is it? then anyone here saying "bwahahahaha" is sniping and shitting and going against your bud. Gotcha. Understood. No problemo. Won't happen again.

There is no difference whatsoever between those women. Each was admirable in her own right and each had her own flaws.


Just more libtard racism disguised as sarcasm.

We all know better now.

The Obama Presidency was the worst thing that could happen to the libtards in this country.

IT showed them for what they really are; incompetent, hypocritical criminals.

So why is Michelle so far more hated than any other First Lady? Has she done anything none of the others have done?

Psst: The answer is "No".

Prove she is more hated than any other First Lady, dude.

Eleanor set a very high threshold for that.
Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.
Perhaps you believe that we Americans would be better off under an autocrat like Putin. Perhaps you believe that, in order to become a truly great nation, we should launch attacks at our perceived enemies immediately. Would that enhance our stature as a nation in the eyes of the world?

Is it an American virtue to be under the rule of someone like Putin? It's curious to me that Conservatives disdain the president of the United States so much that they would cheer for the president of Russia and boo their own elected officials.

My, how times have changed. In any time prior to this, any suggestion that Russia is doing things right and America is powerless, the hew and cry from the Rabid Right would be deafening. But the hate goggles worn by the Rabid Right has apparently hypnotized the Rabid Right or confused them into idiocy, not that there's much effort required to do that.

Exactly. Funny how what they accuse Obama of is exactly what Putin is doing - and they loooooove him.

Please show me the conservative that loves Putin; he is most likely a neocon, not a conservative.
Please simply address the questions I posited. Why is the resistance to change always provided by Conservatives? Why aren't Conservatives at the fore front in the struggle for equal justice under law? And why should that be a struggle other than the resistance of Conservatives? And why has it always been that way?

Conservatives are wired that way, just as Liberals are hardwired that way.

From birth.

Right now there is an imbalance in our country and the Conservatives are being forced to exhibit their natural tendencies when they sense things going wrong.

They (we) seek to conserve what is important.

Why can't kids have cake and candy to eat every day three meals a day?

Because that is just too much of an imbalance.

Always remember what Mr. Miyagi advised.

[ame=]Mr. Miyagi - Balance - YouTube[/ame]

Miyagi: You remember lesson about balance?

Daniel: Yeah.

Miyagi: Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance. Everything be better. Understand?

Daniel: Yeah, I understand.

You Progressives want to change the interpretation of the Constitution from the Founder's meaning to racist President Woodrow Wilson's Progressive meaning. And you've just gone too damn far to the Left.

The third great crisis, which continues today, is the challenge of Progressivism, a movement founded by Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and others.

The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights.

Instead, they believed in a human nature that evolved and changed, which in turn justified their efforts to break down separation of powers in order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent.

Constitution 101 - Part 1 - Lecture - Hillsdale College Online Courses

"The Progressives rejected the Founders’ order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent."

We are Conservatives because we are built to conserve what is good and in this case the good aspects of our Republic according to the FOUNDER'S INTENT.

You guys are just too far extreme.

But instead of calling us Conservatives maybe it would be easier for you to ease up on your push to oblivion if you thought of us as...

women demand the vote. And Conservatives provide the resistance. Was that a constitutional crisis, or good old fashioned sexism? Blacks demand equal treatment under law. And Conservatives provide the resistance. Were grave constitutional issues at stake, or was it good old fashioned bigotry? Our workplaces became dangerous with the advent of mass industrialization. Workers demanded workplace safety regulations. Was it considered unconstitutional to promote the general welfare? Or was it the greedy side of Conservatism that provided the resistance.

Did the founding fathers provide means to amend the constitution whenever necessary? Or are you so sutured to a narrow idea of what the founders intended that you won't be happy until we are once again living under conditions that were prevailant in1789? No paved roads, rum used as an anesthetic and cholera outbreaks a normal summer phenomenon.

Don't hide behind the skirts of the founding fathers unless you are able to embrace all of their philosophies. Today's Rabid Rightwinger eschews statesmanship and compromise, even as he embraces a document that would be impossible to draft without statesmanship and compromise. Face the facts. Conservatives have no real motivation to champion any causes for freedom, justice and equality. Conservatives never have, never will and will always put up a fight against civil rights and equal justice. I guess they are just wired that way.
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She doesn't want to be trashed she should stay home and raise her children instead of seeking out the spotlight as if she is our queen of the country

Michelle Obama becoming the most televised first lady

By Bree Tracey
• Published April 22, 2012

April 11, 2012: In this photo provided by Comedy Central, first lady Michelle Obama laughs with Stephen Colbert during her appearance on The Colbert Report.AP

In a recent interview, Stephen Colbert asked first lady Michelle Obama which show "has more gravitas as a broadcaster" -- The Colbert Report or iCarly.

The funny man wasn't just fishing for compliments. He was pointing out that the first lady is just about everywhere, from Comedy Central to Nickelodeon.

Lately, Michelle Obama is no stranger to television entertainment. She's already outpaced past first ladies, like Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton, in the number of TV appearances she's made over the first four years of a president's term.

Dan Gainor, of the Media Research Center, said Michelle Obama really is "off the charts" in the number of times she's appeared in entertainment television cameos, even more so "than I dare say many big name actors and actresses."

In just the last four months, viewers have seen Obama do push-ups with Ellen DeGeneres, play tug o' war with Jimmy Fallon, laugh along with Jay Leno and David Letterman, dance on Disney's "iCarly," work out with "The Biggest Loser" contestants at the White House, appear at the BET Honors, smile on "Sesame Street" and chat about healthy school lunches with Rachael Ray.

Whether the appearances are sincere or just political is up for debate. Democratic political strategist Doug Schoen suggested they were a little bit of both.
Michelle Obama becoming the most televised first lady | Fox News

Doug Schoen has not been a Democrat since 1988. He is a Conservative these days, one o the worst types. And this is typical of FOX news to lie about someone's political affiliation.

The last time Doug Schoen actually supported a Democrat was in 1976-1980.

Nice try, FOX. Gotcha.

Well HE claims to be a Democratic strategist and has worked for the Democratic Party--never for the Republicans. Where are you getting your information?

From Schoen's own website
Douglas E. Schoen has been one of the most influential Democratic campaign consultants for over thirty years. A founding partner and principle strategist for Penn, Schoen & Berland, he is widely recognized as one of the co-inventors of overnight polling. - See more at: Douglas E. Schoen - Author of Hopelessly Divided

He worked for Evan Bayh's campaign. You want to call him a Republican?
married to the most powerful man in the world

I'm sorry, but.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Um. No. He isn't.
Well, you may not think so, but he most certainly is.....unless you think the United States is now behind some other country....which I would like to know which one.
I'm sorry, but.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Um. No. He isn't.

I'm sorry - apparently I missed a newscast. Who are you thinking is actually the most powerful?

And I'm betting the name you come up with isn't in the free world.

It does make a difference, because I sure as shit wouldn't want to live in Russia. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason my dad is first generation Russian-American.

Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.

Yes, we know the right-wingers laugh at him....yet they wish Romney was in his place...but he isn't...and, anyone thinking that Putin is smart must not be keeping up with the news.
Please simply address the questions I posited. Why is the resistance to change always provided by Conservatives? Why aren't Conservatives at the fore front in the struggle for equal justice under law? And why should that be a struggle other than the resistance of Conservatives? And why has it always been that way?

Conservatives are wired that way, just as Liberals are hardwired that way.

From birth.

Right now there is an imbalance in our country and the Conservatives are being forced to exhibit their natural tendencies when they sense things going wrong.

They (we) seek to conserve what is important.

Why can't kids have cake and candy to eat every day three meals a day?

Because that is just too much of an imbalance.

Always remember what Mr. Miyagi advised.

[ame=]Mr. Miyagi - Balance - YouTube[/ame]

You Progressives want to change the interpretation of the Constitution from the Founder's meaning to racist President Woodrow Wilson's Progressive meaning. And you've just gone too damn far to the Left.

The third great crisis, which continues today, is the challenge of Progressivism, a movement founded by Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and others.

The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights.

Instead, they believed in a human nature that evolved and changed, which in turn justified their efforts to break down separation of powers in order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent.

Constitution 101 - Part 1 - Lecture - Hillsdale College Online Courses

"The Progressives rejected the Founders’ order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent."

We are Conservatives because we are built to conserve what is good and in this case the good aspects of our Republic according to the FOUNDER'S INTENT.

You guys are just too far extreme.

But instead of calling us Conservatives maybe it would be easier for you to ease up on your push to oblivion if you thought of us as...

women demand the vote. And Conservatives provide the resistance. Was that a constitutional crisis, or good old fashioned sexism? Blacks demand equal treatment under law. And Conservatives provide the resistance. Were grave constitutional issues at stake, or was it good old fashioned bigotry? Our workplaces became dangerous with the advent of mass industrialization. Workers demanded workplace safety regulations. Was it considered unconstitutional to promote the general welfare? Or was it the greedy side of Conservatism that provided the resistance.

Did the founding fathers provide means to amend the constitution whenever necessary? Or are you so sutured to a narrow idea of what the founders intended that you won't be happy until we are once again living under conditions that were prevailant in1789? No paved roads, rum used as an anesthetic and cholera outbreaks a normal summer phenomenon.

Don't hide behind the skirts of the founding fathers unless you are able to embrace all of their philosophies. Today's Rabid Rightwinger eschews statesmanship and compromise, even Ashe embraces a document that would be impossible to draft without statesmanship and compromise. Facet hearth. Conservatives have no real motivation to champion any causes for freedom, justice and equality. Conservatives never have, never will and will always put up a fight against civil rights and equal justice. I guess they are just wired that way.

Nosmo, I love you dearly but this is positively absurd. Even considering the differences in definitions of 'conservative' and 'liberal' of 100 or 200 years ago, I daresay you can provide no historical evidence to back up your opinion here which smacks of pure hateful, judgmental partisan hatefulness. Not appropriate on a thread devoted to a call for civility and honesty in our descriptions of our fellow human beings.
Actually I suspect the Hillarybeast was, up until she became SOS, the most hated first lady. I have seen entire books and successful ones too devoted to Hillary such as "Last Centurian" by John Ringo in which Hillary is slightly fictionized as The Bitch. Therefore I disagree with the premise of the OP. And even Hillary was nowhere near as hated as Mary Todd Lincoln or Andrew Jackson's wife. Michelle may not be well liked by all but her treatment is not exceptional among living first ladies.

Yeah, I guess the more butt hurt there is regarding the election, the more the venom and vitriol will flow to the First Family.....nothing new, and considering that this was the 2nd time Obama got elected....well, they're bursting at the seams with hate....:lol:

See, that is an incriminating statement.

When the next President of the United States gets immediately pummeled by Progressives and Liberals and Democrats but for no reason, there may well be a sickening, embarrassing number of stupids who will act on the belief that cons slammed Obama for nothing. What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Tit-4-Tat! You cons slammed Clinton for nothing!'



So, I'm calling you on it NOW before you go another crazy day forward.

Obama has EARNED every bit of the criticism he's getting.

And then some.

So, I don't expect you going along with that movement.

I expect you to be on the honor system.

Police yourself or report yourself if you join that herd.

Criticize him if he really screws up, as Obama is screwing up.

But if he's taking steps to fix America give his medicine a chance to work before you jump on him.

Note to Self: Remind in 2017.

:lol::lol:Go ahead and vote Republican....then maybe you'll need more than your picture ID to vote next time.....and maybe you'll not be allowed in any of the right-wing restaurants, you'll have to eat with them Libruls.....cause they'll have their signs posted that say "whites only"......enjoy.
married to the most powerful man in the world

I'm sorry, but.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Um. No. He isn't.

Then they wonder why people can't stand the Obama's
their cult followers act like they are the royal couple over everyone in this country and we are all suppose to bow and kiss their ass
you know, like they all did with Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh and Mrs Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

Everyone knows why you can't stand the mystery there....racist much?
Bush Twins Jokes - Barbara and Jenna Bush Jokes
Who is they?

Show some links about lefties tearing into Bush's daughters. I dare you.

So, with that link you are saying that late-night stand-up comedians are spokesmen for - the LEFT?



Well, most of them are. I had other links as well but this dang tablet was on one of its reload every page cycles when I came back to add that one you see, but there are many others out there as well. Bing Bush girls, you can find all sorts of links.
You think righties treat Michelle Obama bad......

Wait until Bill Clinton is First Lady
Yeah, I guess the more butt hurt there is regarding the election, the more the venom and vitriol will flow to the First Family.....nothing new, and considering that this was the 2nd time Obama got elected....well, they're bursting at the seams with hate....:lol:

See, that is an incriminating statement.

When the next President of the United States gets immediately pummeled by Progressives and Liberals and Democrats but for no reason, there may well be a sickening, embarrassing number of stupids who will act on the belief that cons slammed Obama for nothing. What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Tit-4-Tat! You cons slammed Clinton for nothing!'



So, I'm calling you on it NOW before you go another crazy day forward.

Obama has EARNED every bit of the criticism he's getting.

And then some.

So, I don't expect you going along with that movement.

I expect you to be on the honor system.

Police yourself or report yourself if you join that herd.

Criticize him if he really screws up, as Obama is screwing up.

But if he's taking steps to fix America give his medicine a chance to work before you jump on him.

Note to Self: Remind in 2017.

:lol::lol:Go ahead and vote Republican....then maybe you'll need more than your picture ID to vote next time.....and maybe you'll not be allowed in any of the right-wing restaurants, you'll have to eat with them Libruls.....cause they'll have their signs posted that say "whites only"......enjoy.

The hell you imagine is the hell of a wildly imaginative, emotionally driven, exaggerating Liberal.

Conservative hell is pretty low key.

We think of stuff like putting poling places next to check cashing places.

If you can cash your welfare check you can vote.

Nothing heinous about that.

You Libs sure know how to make mountains out of no hills.
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Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.


The office of the President of the United States of America - no matter who sits there, is the most powerful office in our world and has undeniably been so since at least 1945.

You want to think Obama is weak? Fine, your thing.

But he is the CIC of our armed forces and he is in possession of the nuclear codes.

And you can bet that Putin is already having second thoughts.

Where the fuck did all this sniping come from?


Yeah, No matter who it is, the POTUS is the most powerful person in the world. It has nothing to do with a personal opinion of the man but the office he/she holds that makes them so. And Putin is going to pay a price for this. The hero worship of Putin is absolutely ridiculous.

I believe you are over reaching calling it hero worship. If it were hero worship people felt for Putin they wouldn't be upset with what they consider a weak response from Obama regarding Crimea.
I'm sorry, but.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Um. No. He isn't.

Then they wonder why people can't stand the Obama's
their cult followers act like they are the royal couple over everyone in this country and we are all suppose to bow and kiss their ass
you know, like they all did with Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh and Mrs Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

Everyone knows why you can't stand the mystery there....racist much?

yeah whatever you say...that's that civility we expect if you don't bow to the Obama' get called a racist from you on the left
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