First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.

Tired old lies.


Old fashioned.

No longer true if it ever was.

You will soon feel compelled to start telling the truth in this regard once you get the memo.

Your talking points are all lies.
When have Right Wingers ever championed civil rights? When have Right Wingers cited basic universal morality as their cause? Why is it that whenever a minority struggles for equality, it's the Right Wingers providing the resistance? When have Right Wingers been the driving force behind changes that bring about fairness, equality, justice and inclusiveness?

Aren't Right Wingers aware that the stereotype most often applied to them is that of the angry White man? Is there truth to this stereotype, or is it all a figment of popular imagination? Aren't Right Wingers aware that they are consistently behind the curve of history?

Why would anyone who has lived a full life among people other than themselves, a cosmopolitan life, a life that has evolved to accept the other rather than deride the other, why would such a person subscribe to the hate filled atmosphere stirred up by Conservative ideology?

If you were raised in a traditional & functional two parent household you will recognize Dad expresses care and concern quite differently than Mom.

Just because Conservatives don't show our concern in the same way you emotionally driven Progressives and Liberals do, does not mean we don't support racial equality.

Are you saying Dad hated Spot just because he didn't cackle and coo to the puppy like Mom did???

I'm a bit baffled by your tendency to slump into the scatological. Further, you are making assumptions on my upbringing that are inappropriate and misguided. You don't know me personally and any reference to my back ground is first unwarranted and secondly, the refuge of a very weak argument on your part.

Please simply address the questions I posited. Why is the resistance to change always provided by Conservatives? Why aren't Conservatives at the fore front in the struggle for equal justice under law? And why should that be a struggle other than the resistance of Conservatives? And why has it always been that way?
married to the most powerful man in the world

I'm sorry, but.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Um. No. He isn't.

I'm sorry - apparently I missed a newscast. Who are you thinking is actually the most powerful?

And I'm betting the name you come up with isn't in the free world.

It does make a difference, because I sure as shit wouldn't want to live in Russia. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason my dad is first generation Russian-American.
Just like I am happy that anyone can burn the American flag; I am happy that people are allowed to run their mouths .It ain't freedom if other countries can have their citizens burn our flag but Americans at home cannot protest that way.

It is important that anyone can have any opinions, publically, about any FLOTUS. It is a guaranteed freedom and a simple way to pick.out the assholes quickly.

I can't wait to hear what is said in 2016 about the First Gentleman!!

Regards from Rosie
In times past, it was the custom not to poke fun at the FLOTUS - a courtesy, leaving the POTUS' family out of it.

In recent decades, the FLOTUS has lost much of that courtesy-shield, although you can still sense some vestiges still in operation...

We've all seen cartoon imagery and brickbats being thrown at various First Ladies over time, and, in that regard, Michelle Obama is no different...

Trouble is, we seem to be seeing more of that in connection with Michelle, and what there is of it, oftentimes seems to be a bit more cruel or excessive in nature...

Some of it is racial...

Some of it is political...

Some of it is Chick-judging by the Guys...

That kind of shit comes with the territory, I guess...

Personally, I tend to try to stay away from that sort of thing and behave in more of an Old School fashion, but I do sense that, collectively, our Filters and Restraints are eroding, in such matters, and I'm not sure that's a good thing...
married to the most powerful man in the world

I'm sorry, but.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Um. No. He isn't.

I'm sorry - apparently I missed a newscast. Who are you thinking is actually the most powerful?

And I'm betting the name you come up with isn't in the free world.

It does make a difference, because I sure as shit wouldn't want to live in Russia. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason my dad is first generation Russian-American.

Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.
Don't give a shit about your opinion one way or the other, except to laugh. :thup:

Still waiting for you to cough up a name of who DOES hold that title.
Mrs. Obama is entitled to precisely as much respect as was shown to Mrs. Bush. No less; certainly no more.

You lefties bought it - you own it.

Don't give a shit about your opinion one way or the other, except to laugh. :thup:

Still waiting for you to cough up a name of who DOES hold that title.

Putin. Howzat?

And obviously you do care about my opinion or you wouldn't have addressed it. Bi polar much today?
Got news for ya, Boop. You stepped on me too many times and there is no way I will continue to stay silent about it. Fuck off.
I'm sorry, but.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Um. No. He isn't.

I'm sorry - apparently I missed a newscast. Who are you thinking is actually the most powerful?

And I'm betting the name you come up with isn't in the free world.

It does make a difference, because I sure as shit wouldn't want to live in Russia. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason my dad is first generation Russian-American.

Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.
Perhaps you believe that we Americans would be better off under an autocrat like Putin. Perhaps you believe that, in order to become a truly great nation, we should launch attacks at our perceived enemies immediately. Would that enhance our stature as a nation in the eyes of the world?

Is it an American virtue to be under the rule of someone like Putin? It's curious to me that Conservatives disdain the president of the United States so much that they would cheer for the president of Russia and boo their own elected officials.

My, how times have changed. In any time prior to this, any suggestion that Russia is doing things right and America is powerless, the hew and cry from the Rabid Right would be deafening. But the hate goggles worn by the Rabid Right has apparently hypnotized the Rabid Right or confused them into idiocy, not that there's much effort required to do that.
Why were all the other first ladies not condemned for trips, vacations, clothes, programs etc?

Because most men in the 50s, 60s, 70s, etc. (that I know of) were not reading the ladies' rags and society columns as to the too- ritzy, -cheap, expensive, -tasteless, or Heaven forbid! -doudy WH remodels, linen, wardrobe, silver, china, and color choices Mesdames Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, etc. and to the penny bottom line annoyances WH upkeep was. :lmao:

Needless to say, every diet that shed a few pounds was the now-poised and confident FLOTUS, and every weight gain was the suddenly-unsightly and possibly addled FLOTUS.

IOW, it's all been said before, just now it's with less perfume.
But NOT ONE of the listed first ladies EVER SAID THIS!
“For the first time in my adult life,” she said early during the 2008 campaign, “I am proud of my country.”
This was the "first time"?? This remark just cut veterans to the quick. And all americans that sacrificed! First time???
There are so many faux pas she has made that truly for the FIRST time in my adult life I'm ASHAMED of our first lady!!!

First please walk a mile in her shoes.
Chris Rock explaining white privilege: Shit, there ain't a white man in this room that would change places with me ... and I'm RICH! :D

I live in Florida and we have lot of Haitians here. A lot. I mean.... Really a lot.

You think the fatass, racist scrunt is Black? You think African Americans are Black?

Let me tell you something.... They ain't 'Black'.

Haitians are BLACK. I mean, some of them look like they was born in an inkwell.

Know who some of our most successful immigrants are? Of course you don't... They're Haitians.

They come to this Country, usually floating behind some home-made raft on a few inner tubes tied together with bailing wire and a prayer.... They get here, if they get by INS, they melt into the community and you know what....???

They go to work. They can't get Welfare or Food Stamps or subsidized housing or any of the other dimocrap Plantation bullshit.

They go to work. And they become successful.

Not all of them, to be sure. But a lot of them do. A much higher percentage than African Americans or even Hispanics from what I can see.

And they have even more of a handicap than African Americans do... They can't speak english!! And they have somewhere around zero Education. Seriously. Most of them can barely sign their own names.

But they work.

I don't want to hear it anymore. Cry me a fucking River, bitch.

Get off yer ass and go to work. Shut the fuck up and get a job.

I did. I was working for $1 an hour as a kid putting up hay for the neighbor farmers so I could have some money to spend during High School Summer time.

I worked.

You should try it.

"Walk a mile in my shoes" my fucking ass. Fucking bitch never did anything in her fucking life worthwhile. Free rides all the way.

I thank you for your unfounded, self-serving opinions. That "fucking bitch" as you call our 1st Lady is an attorney and writer while you bale hay and spew your mindless hate on an anonymous message board. I see why you're so pissy, Princess. :D
Don't give a shit about your opinion one way or the other, except to laugh. :thup:

Still waiting for you to cough up a name of who DOES hold that title.

Putin. Howzat?

And obviously you do care about my opinion or you wouldn't have addressed it. Bi polar much today?
Got news for ya, Boop. You stepped on me too many times and there is no way I will continue to stay silent about it. Fuck off.

I didn't step on shit, but apparently you've decided to believe more lies. NOT a problem.
I thank you for your unfounded, self-serving opinions. That "fucking bitch" as you call our 1st Lady is an attorney and writer while you bale hay and spew your mindless hate on an anonymous message board. I see why you're so pissy, Princess. :D

Please check that "information" - I believe at least part of it is not current.
married to the most powerful man in the world

I'm sorry, but.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Um. No. He isn't.

Then they wonder why people can't stand the Obama's
their cult followers act like they are the royal couple over everyone in this country and we are all suppose to bow and kiss their ass
you know, like they all did with Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh and Mrs Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
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I'm sorry - apparently I missed a newscast. Who are you thinking is actually the most powerful?

And I'm betting the name you come up with isn't in the free world.

It does make a difference, because I sure as shit wouldn't want to live in Russia. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason my dad is first generation Russian-American.

Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.
Perhaps you believe that we Americans would be better off under an autocrat like Putin. Perhaps you believe that, in order to become a truly great nation, we should launch attacks at our perceived enemies immediately. Would that enhance our stature as a nation in the eyes of the world?

Is it an American virtue to be under the rule of someone like Putin? It's curious to me that Conservatives disdain the president of the United States so much that they would cheer for the president of Russia and boo their own elected officials.

My, how times have changed. In any time prior to this, any suggestion that Russia is doing things right and America is powerless, the hew and cry from the Rabid Right would be deafening. But the hate goggles worn by the Rabid Right has apparently hypnotized the Rabid Right or confused them into idiocy, not that there's much effort required to do that.

Exactly. Funny how what they accuse Obama of is exactly what Putin is doing - and they loooooove him.
Don't give a shit about your opinion one way or the other, except to laugh. :thup:

Still waiting for you to cough up a name of who DOES hold that title.

Putin. Howzat?

And obviously you do care about my opinion or you wouldn't have addressed it. Bi polar much today?
Got news for ya, Boop. You stepped on me too many times and there is no way I will continue to stay silent about it. Fuck off.

I didn't step on shit, but apparently you've decided to believe more lies. NOT a problem.

Um, you wanted to pick yet another fight with me because I refuse to be your lemming and think like you do. Tolja awhile back that you don't own me, nor control me. That includes my opinion.
I believe it's not so much people "loving" things Putin is doing so much as it is despising the things Our Kenyan President is doing. Putin, in normal times, would look like a shit. The comparison has him looking like gold.

It's all about the comparison - Americans generally prefer strength over weakness. Well, real Americans.
I wish you'd get some help.


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