First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.

Right now (addressed to others) Putin has more balls than Obama. No, I do not want us to get involved in the ukraine's situation. Not our business. And my opinion on Obama being all powerful has nothing to do with that. Obama is NOT all powerful. NOR the "world's most powerful man" bullshit. He is a major disappointment, sucks as a president and I can't wait til he is OUT of there.

And YES...I voted him in! BIG mistake. Huge.
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Of course you are going to attract some of the most vulgar vitriol with this post. Now, I could understand some stuff being slung at Clinton because she got involved in the issues and the politics (at least with healthcare) so, to me anyway, that's fair game for some tougher scrutiny.

But the others all just did the safe stuff. Says a whole lot more about the people who rail on 'em than it does about the FLOTUS - imho.
i believe it's not so much people "loving" things putin is doing so much as it is despising the things our kenyan president is doing. Putin, in normal times, would look like a shit. The comparison has him looking like gold.

It's all about the comparison - americans generally prefer strength over weakness. Well, real americans.

exactly ^^^^^^^^^^
Of course you are going to attract some of the most vulgar vitriol with this post. Now, I could understand some stuff being slung at Clinton because she got involved in the issues and the politics (at least with healthcare) so, to me anyway, that's fair game for some tougher scrutiny.

But the others all just did the safe stuff. Says a whole lot more about the people who rail on 'em than it does about the FLOTUS - imho.

However ugly they are on the inside is directly proportionate to what they are slinging about on the board.
I wish you'd get some help.

Good. Let someone else deal with your wild mood swings and bossy attitude.
I don't have bi polar, dear. YOU get some help.

Oh wait. You won't see this cuz I am on iggy. :lol:

Unless someone quotes me.

Of course you are going to attract some of the most vulgar vitriol with this post. Now, I could understand some stuff being slung at Clinton because she got involved in the issues and the politics (at least with healthcare) so, to me anyway, that's fair game for some tougher scrutiny.

But the others all just did the safe stuff. Says a whole lot more about the people who rail on 'em than it does about the FLOTUS - imho.

well I don't know what rock you've hiding under, but Michelle Obama poked her nose into school lunches and caused schools to lose not only a lot of employees because of it ....but lost the schools millions of dollars because the kids refuse to eat the crap she suggested high mighty people need to look in mirror and slap yourselves or just keep bowing for the Obama's...doesn't matter
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Of course you are going to attract some of the most vulgar vitriol with this post. Now, I could understand some stuff being slung at Clinton because she got involved in the issues and the politics (at least with healthcare) so, to me anyway, that's fair game for some tougher scrutiny.

But the others all just did the safe stuff. Says a whole lot more about the people who rail on 'em than it does about the FLOTUS - imho.

However ugly they are on the inside is directly proportionate to what they are slinging about on the board.

Really. It's ok to tell someone to go take a brisk walk (funny stuff) but not ok to disagree that Obama is the most powerful man in the world.

Someone is peaking.

btw...she is not on ignore. I wanna watch the crash.
When have Right Wingers ever championed civil rights? When have Right Wingers cited basic universal morality as their cause? Why is it that whenever a minority struggles for equality, it's the Right Wingers providing the resistance? When have Right Wingers been the driving force behind changes that bring about fairness, equality, justice and inclusiveness?

Aren't Right Wingers aware that the stereotype most often applied to them is that of the angry White man? Is there truth to this stereotype, or is it all a figment of popular imagination? Aren't Right Wingers aware that they are consistently behind the curve of history?

Why would anyone who has lived a full life among people other than themselves, a cosmopolitan life, a life that has evolved to accept the other rather than deride the other, why would such a person subscribe to the hate filled atmosphere stirred up by Conservative ideology?

If you were raised in a traditional & functional two parent household you will recognize Dad expresses care and concern quite differently than Mom.

Just because Conservatives don't show our concern in the same way you emotionally driven Progressives and Liberals do, does not mean we don't support racial equality.

Are you saying Dad hated Spot just because he didn't cackle and coo to the puppy like Mom did???

I'm a bit baffled by your tendency to slump into the scatological. Further, you are making assumptions on my upbringing that are inappropriate and misguided. You don't know me personally and any reference to my back ground is first unwarranted and secondly, the refuge of a very weak argument on your part.

Please simply address the questions I posited. Why is the resistance to change always provided by Conservatives? Why aren't Conservatives at the fore front in the struggle for equal justice under law? And why should that be a struggle other than the resistance of Conservatives? And why has it always been that way?

Where in that post did I mention anything scatological, fart breath?

And I made a provisional statement which wasn't meant as a clever ruse to get you to reveal an unhappy upbringing...ON THE PLANET MARS!


I believe it's not so much people "loving" things Putin is doing so much as it is despising the things Our Kenyan President is doing. Putin, in normal times, would look like a shit. The comparison has him looking like gold.

It's all about the comparison - Americans generally prefer strength over weakness. Well, real Americans.
A leader who rolls troops into another nation's sovereign territory "looks like gold"? I suppose you would have applauded the Anschutz into the Sudetenland and Austria too. Americans looked askance at that move, well real Americans did.
If you were raised in a traditional & functional two parent household you will recognize Dad expresses care and concern quite differently than Mom.

Just because Conservatives don't show our concern in the same way you emotionally driven Progressives and Liberals do, does not mean we don't support racial equality.

Are you saying Dad hated Spot just because he didn't cackle and coo to the puppy like Mom did???

I'm a bit baffled by your tendency to slump into the scatological. Further, you are making assumptions on my upbringing that are inappropriate and misguided. You don't know me personally and any reference to my back ground is first unwarranted and secondly, the refuge of a very weak argument on your part.

Please simply address the questions I posited. Why is the resistance to change always provided by Conservatives? Why aren't Conservatives at the fore front in the struggle for equal justice under law? And why should that be a struggle other than the resistance of Conservatives? And why has it always been that way?

Where in that post did I mention anything scatological, fart breath?

And I made a provisional statement which wasn't meant as a clever ruse to get you to reveal an unhappy upbringing...ON THE PLANET MARS!


And you consider this as an argument? Good luck at the fifth grade next September.
Michelle Obama goes to China, takes her two daughters and her mother, and calls it a "cultural exchange" so that U.S. taxpayers have to pay for the whole damn vacation! I call that CORRUPTION!!

She 'called the tune', now she must, 'pay the piper'.
married to the most powerful man in the world

I'm sorry, but.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Um. No. He isn't.

I'm sorry - apparently I missed a newscast. Who are you thinking is actually the most powerful?

And I'm betting the name you come up with isn't in the free world.

It does make a difference, because I sure as shit wouldn't want to live in Russia. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason my dad is first generation Russian-American.

She's married to Val Jarrett?
Do I feel there is undue trash slung at her? Yes. Do I think she has a tough role to fulfill? Yes. Do I commend some of her initiatives? Yes. Do I also find some fault with the execution of those initiatives? Yes. Enough to raise a stink? No.
Do I personally care for her views on America? No. Do I think her views have caused a firestorm by some? Yes.

What I think is unfair is the mud slinging at everything she does rather than keeping their distate limited to where that anger towards her stems from- her shared opinion that America as designed, is objectionable to both she and the President. It only deflects from the facts that the very objects in which they find such fault -our founding documents- that lead to her husband and herself to being President and First Lady of this great land of ours. Did it take too many years for these words to ring true?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that*all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are*Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Did it take far too long to be realized? Yes, but it was the very persistence of certain legislators to uphold that declaration, as written, that has lead to all being able to declare themselves free and created equal within this United States.

And they fail to recognize that it was Republicans that lead that charge.

Does it give us the right to be less than civil? No.

You have nailed the heart of the matter. I feel nothing but disgust when people on the Left or Right think it is okay to use the most hateful and vulgar language to describe people and show what they think by what they post. That is not my defnition of civility nor can it be justified by any standard of decency.

I too have problems with some of the First Lady's stated attitudes about America and some absolutely racist statements she has made, but I am horrified and disgusted when some use that as license to taunt and degrade her and describe her in the most hateful, mean spirited, and vulgar terms. I am disgusted when any First Lady or any person is described in such a way whether it is Ann Coulter or Sarah Palin or Condi Rice or Laura Bush or Michelle Bachmann or Hillary Clinton or anybody else.

I cannot see how Michelle is any more wicked or hateful in her nutrition project than Nancy Reagan was with her 'just say no' to drugs campaign or Barbara and Laura Bush's literacy projects or Laura Bush's overall emphasis on education and joining with President Bush on an all out assault to treat and eradicate AIDS. I can't think of any project Hillary had as First Lady, but she was pretty busy being co-president. (President Clinton's characterization not mine. :))

Of course criticism is warranted where criticism is due. If you resent the First Family taking lavish vacations when so many people are out of work and suffering economic stress, that is a valid criticism. But focus on that instead of heaping every hateful adjective and characterization in our vocabulary upon that person.

We have become hateful, mean-spirited, coarse, and vulgar as a people and wallow in that instead of trying to be constructive. We should be ashamed.
Please simply address the questions I posited. Why is the resistance to change always provided by Conservatives? Why aren't Conservatives at the fore front in the struggle for equal justice under law? And why should that be a struggle other than the resistance of Conservatives? And why has it always been that way?

Conservatives are wired that way, just as Liberals are hardwired that way.

From birth.

Right now there is an imbalance in our country and the Conservatives are being forced to exhibit their natural tendencies when they sense things going wrong.

They (we) seek to conserve what is important.

Why can't kids have cake and candy to eat every day three meals a day?

Because that is just too much of an imbalance.

Always remember what Mr. Miyagi advised.

[ame=]Mr. Miyagi - Balance - YouTube[/ame]

Miyagi: You remember lesson about balance?

Daniel: Yeah.

Miyagi: Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance. Everything be better. Understand?

Daniel: Yeah, I understand.

You Progressives want to change the interpretation of the Constitution from the Founder's meaning to racist President Woodrow Wilson's Progressive meaning. And you've just gone too damn far to the Left.

The third great crisis, which continues today, is the challenge of Progressivism, a movement founded by Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and others.

The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights.

Instead, they believed in a human nature that evolved and changed, which in turn justified their efforts to break down separation of powers in order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent.

Constitution 101 - Part 1 - Lecture - Hillsdale College Online Courses

"The Progressives rejected the Founders’ order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent."

We are Conservatives because we are built to conserve what is good and in this case the good aspects of our Republic according to the FOUNDER'S INTENT.

You guys are just too far extreme.

But instead of calling us Conservatives maybe it would be easier for you to ease up on your push to oblivion if you thought of us as...

Michelle Obama goes to China, takes her two daughters and her mother, and calls it a "cultural exchange" so that U.S. taxpayers have to pay for the whole damn vacation! I call that CORRUPTION!!

She 'called the tune', now she must, 'pay the piper'.

And it was probably categorized as a cultural exchange to avoid media coverage that would be less likely to sweep the costs of THIS junket under the rug as these following facts likely were (seeing as how they were gleaned from a UK publication!) in 2011.

During the week of June 21-27, 2011, Mrs. Obama and a 21-person entourage went on a so-called "good-will mission" to South Africa and Botswana. The trip's transportation expenses alone cost U.S. taxpayers at least $424,142. That figure does not include costs for food, lodging, and ground transportation.

According to "White House sources" cited by The Daily Mail in August 2011, Mrs. Obama may have spent as much as $10 million on vacations during the preceding year.

Michelle Obama - Discover the Networks
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She doesn't want to be trashed she should stay home and raise her children instead of seeking out the spotlight as if she is our queen of the country

Michelle Obama becoming the most televised first lady

By Bree Tracey
• Published April 22, 2012

April 11, 2012: In this photo provided by Comedy Central, first lady Michelle Obama laughs with Stephen Colbert during her appearance on The Colbert Report.AP

In a recent interview, Stephen Colbert asked first lady Michelle Obama which show "has more gravitas as a broadcaster" -- The Colbert Report or iCarly.

The funny man wasn't just fishing for compliments. He was pointing out that the first lady is just about everywhere, from Comedy Central to Nickelodeon.

Lately, Michelle Obama is no stranger to television entertainment. She's already outpaced past first ladies, like Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton, in the number of TV appearances she's made over the first four years of a president's term.

Dan Gainor, of the Media Research Center, said Michelle Obama really is "off the charts" in the number of times she's appeared in entertainment television cameos, even more so "than I dare say many big name actors and actresses."

In just the last four months, viewers have seen Obama do push-ups with Ellen DeGeneres, play tug o' war with Jimmy Fallon, laugh along with Jay Leno and David Letterman, dance on Disney's "iCarly," work out with "The Biggest Loser" contestants at the White House, appear at the BET Honors, smile on "Sesame Street" and chat about healthy school lunches with Rachael Ray.

Whether the appearances are sincere or just political is up for debate. Democratic political strategist Doug Schoen suggested they were a little bit of both.
Michelle Obama becoming the most televised first lady | Fox News

Doug Schoen has not been a Democrat since 1988. He is a Conservative these days, one o the worst types. And this is typical of FOX news to lie about someone's political affiliation.

The last time Doug Schoen actually supported a Democrat was in 1976-1980.

Nice try, FOX. Gotcha.
If I didn't know better I might think Barack and Michelle were following the teachings of their guru, Sol Alinsky and that some people here suscribe to the teachings too. After all is said and done we are living under the shadow of Uncle Joe, Uncle Ho and Grandfather Mao. Lenin and Trotsky would be happy now that the O's are in charge and the "most powerful people in the world". And who in hell is George Soros? Never heard of him. Most of all, what is a "Frank Marshall Davis"? Boston Pops conductor?
Bush Twins Jokes - Barbara and Jenna Bush Jokes
Believe me folks, not only did they rip apart Laura Bush.... but they had a field day with their children just like they do now with Sarah Palins children

there was a time when children were off limits...welll not today with this bunch of nasty liberals/Democrat followers

don't be fooled by these high and mighty rants about "civility" from them

you NEVER see the Obama's children brought by anyone from the right...but go look through any Palin thread to see how the speak about her children


Who is they?

Show some links about lefties tearing into Bush's daughters. I dare you.

So, with that link you are saying that late-night stand-up comedians are spokesmen for - the LEFT?


Bush Twins Jokes - Barbara and Jenna Bush Jokes
Who is they?

Show some links about lefties tearing into Bush's daughters. I dare you.

So, with that link you are saying that late-night stand-up comedians are spokesmen for - the LEFT?



You won't find the same comedians going after Chelsea Clinton or the Obama daughters as relentlessly or in the same way if they mention them at all. Whether those comedians or late night hosts are spokespersons for the LEFT might be debatable, but they are all leftwingers who will more often ridicule those on the right in ways they just don't do to the left.

But usually it is more funny than mean spirited. I bristle at the obvious bias and using the kids to ridicule the adults, but it isn't quite the same thing as the unbridled hatefulness that we see directed at people.

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