First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.

all you people who weren't on this board during the bush Presidency should quit your whining and being your bossy selves

they never stopped ripping into laura Bush and the twin girls

but here's this for you...:eusa_boohoo:

When libtards are out of power, they are all for tolerance, fairness and civil rights.

But when its their goons in power they are all blind as bats and just cant see what the problem is with the IRS targeting Tea Party groups, or the problem with giving full auto machine guns to drug lords in Mexico under Fast and Furious. They just cant imagine that there is anything wrong with the NSA and other members of the intelligence family snooping on American phone calls and of course saying anything bad about the POTUS is unpatriotic and treasonous (if its a Democrat POTUS). There is nothing wrong anywhere at all; just a bunch of conspiracy theorists running crazy....until one of their own gets screwed, then their might be *some* legitimacy to it all

I remember all the photos of Bush alongside various monkees that flooded the internet when he was in office (a disgusting bunch of baboons the lot of them), but as soon as any GOP returned fire with Obama, the left would go ape-shit crazy about it all being racist. OF course this implies that there is some substance to a comparison of Obama with monkees and admits to a racist frame of mind, but the libtards are too slow to figure that one out.

This call for civility toward Michelle is of the same vein, partisan advocacy for civility when they feel the butt hurt but going for blood when its not one of their own in the cross hairs.

I personally try to not go after the wife and kids of a politician. God knows that they go through enough already. But Michelle's abuse of her position is egregious, her friendship with known subversives, traitors and murderers is disgusting.

Had our media not been infiltrated and controlled by what is clearly a bunch of fascist sympathizing cretins, Obama never would have been elected as they would have done due diligence in vetting that piece of shyte.

So if you don't like it, little libtards, too damned bad. Karma is a bitch as is our current FLOTUS.
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I have seen a lot of nasty stuff written about First Lady Michelle Obama in the last 6 years, it's pretty damned ugly and stupid, too.

There is no difference whatsoever between those women. Each was admirable in her own right and each had her own flaws.



Here's some more of that "civility" for Republican women politicians
this from the left wing hate site, SALON and posted by one the those civil lefties on the board

Half-term ex-governor Sarah Palin compares herself to Margaret Thatcher


Sarah Palin thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher

No doubt the hate flows from both sides and Palin has never been our 1st Lady.
Does returning the ugly fire justify it? Your call. :D

So it's okay to shit all over Ladies as long as they're not 'First Ladies'?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, dewd.

Sometimes it's just best to admit defeat and go home.

This thread is the biggest dildo to hit USMB in quite a while/

dimocrap scum asking for civility.....?? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


You know what chutzpah is?

Let me tell you what chutzpah is.....

It's a Jewish kid who was just convicted of murdering both his parents; standing in front of a Judge awaiting sentencing and asking for clemency because he's an orphan.

Fuck you people.

I really do hate dimocraps.

It's not fake. It's not partisan. I really do hate them.

Unless, that is, there is a stronger word than 'hate' that I can use.

They are seriously subhuman scum

The libtards are shameless hypocrits, driven by ideology and the lust for more tax payer money.

They will get what they got coming because God is just. Unfortunately a lot of innocents will get hurt too, but that's OK. We who love this country will rebuild it into something even better, and the bridge will be raised and the gates barred from any more libtard cretins entering.
Michelle Obama has been the MOST PARTISAN and constantly IN OUR FACE with it first lady we have ever had in this country

she brings on the dislike for her all on her own

I have no sympathy for her or any of you Obot cult members who whines about

You obviously don't know anything about Eleanor Roosevelt then. But....she was viciously hated by the Right too.
Believe me folks, not only did they rip apart Laura Bush.... but they had a field day with their children just like they do now with Sarah Palins children

there was a time when children were off limits...welll not today with this bunch of nasty liberals/Democrat followers

don't be fooled by these high and mighty rants about "civility" from them

you NEVER see the Obama's children brought by anyone from the right...but go look through any Palin thread to see how the speak about her children


I'm certain the OP was referring to the ugly spewed at all our 1st ladies, not just Obama.

Indeed. But before Hillary Clinton, very little venom was ever spewed.

I think it was spewed, it just wasn't as readily available, due to the internet taking off at about that time.
I have seen a lot of nasty stuff written about First Lady Michelle Obama in the last 6 years, it's pretty damned ugly and stupid, too.

There is no difference whatsoever between those women. Each was admirable in her own right and each had her own flaws.


Just more libtard racism disguised as sarcasm.

We all know better now.

The Obama Presidency was the worst thing that could happen to the libtards in this country.

IT showed them for what they really are; incompetent, hypocritical criminals.
Michelle Obama has been the MOST PARTISAN and constantly IN OUR FACE with it first lady we have ever had in this country

she brings on the dislike for her all on her own

I have no sympathy for her or any of you Obot cult members who whines about

You obviously don't know anything about Eleanor Roosevelt then. But....she was viciously hated by the Right too.

Elenor was an uglier old bitch, but just as corrupt, ideologically blinded and a self righteous bitch.
But NOT ONE of the listed first ladies EVER SAID THIS!
“For the first time in my adult life,” she said early during the 2008 campaign, “I am proud of my country.”
This was the "first time"?? This remark just cut veterans to the quick. And all americans that sacrificed! First time???
There are so many faux pas she has made that truly for the FIRST time in my adult life I'm ASHAMED of our first lady!!!

Oh, what bull're just being dishonest. How come no mention of McCain's comment that "he didn't love America until he became a POW" - A person that "never" loved America until he was held prisoner, and you wanted him to be President. Shame on you.

"I didn't really love America until I was deprived of her company."

Abrams thinks McCain's comments could undermine the "right wing's steady attacks against Michelle Obama."

McCain: I 'Didn't Love America' Until Held Prisoner (VIDEO)
Here's some more of that "civility" for Republican women politicians
this from the left wing hate site, SALON and posted by one the those civil lefties on the board

Half-term ex-governor Sarah Palin compares herself to Margaret Thatcher


Sarah Palin thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher

Are you saying Palin isn't a half term ex-governor?
I have seen a lot of nasty stuff written about First Lady Michelle Obama in the last 6 years, it's pretty damned ugly and stupid, too.

There is no difference whatsoever between those women. Each was admirable in her own right and each had her own flaws.


Just more libtard racism disguised as sarcasm.

We all know better now.

The Obama Presidency was the worst thing that could happen to the libtards in this country.

IT showed them for what they really are; incompetent, hypocritical criminals.

So why is Michelle so far more hated than any other First Lady? Has she done anything none of the others have done?

Psst: The answer is "No".
First Ladies are not housewives or stay at home moms. Why should she act any different than any other First Lady?

Well excuse me, but I always thought that was their most important job first...why did they have children then?
I guess we can't all be lucky to have our mothers live in with us to raise them...that's the liberal/Democrat way
pawn them off others to raise while they seek power and recognition

Fascinating...the things we find out about posters if we let them talk long enough. :D

So I thought this would be good for Steph in light of this post


You can make a T-shirt and wear it proudly
C'mon Stat ... the repugnant nasty flows from both sides of the aisle.

But not from me personally. I have never even once attacked on single woman from the Right, not even once. I have heaped criticism on Sarah Palin in 2008, cuz she was in no way ready for prime time, which is exactly what the McCain also admitted later, but I have never attacked her personally, not even once.

Amazing how the Right gets all bent out of shape. This OP is SPECIFICALLY about FLOTUSES, but they wanted to expand it to all women from the Right immediately.

False relevancy and nastiness. Core of the Right. And many of them just proved it again on this thread.

Meh, we only have your word for that and the word of a lefty isn't worth a pail of warm spit.

I am amused by you perhaps thinking that YOUR word is worth more.
I have seen a lot of nasty stuff written about First Lady Michelle Obama in the last 6 years, it's pretty damned ugly and stupid, too.

There is even an ultra-whackazoid website dedicated to trashing her every move. I think it is called "Michelle's Mirror".

To combat this insanity, I want to take second and reflect on who our First Ladies have been and to say quite openly that I, as a Democrat, have liked all of the ones I have encountered live AND those over whom I have read a great deal

Please take me off and keep me off your frigging @mention lists.

But since I've been called to comment on this bull shit subject I shall.

In September 2010, a former advisor to the Obama election campaign and transition team told an interviewer the following about Mrs. Obama:

"She is very much the Chicago ideologue. Nancy Pelosi is the far left of the Democrat Party, right? Well, Michelle Obama might be to the left of Nancy Pelosi. She really doesn’t care for how things work in the country and she wants to see it all changed. I can respect that, though I would guess she is far too liberal even for me – and I consider myself a liberal Democrat."​

During the week of June 21-27, 2011, Mrs. Obama and a 21-person entourage went on a so-called "good-will mission" to South Africa and Botswana. The trip's transportation expenses alone cost U.S. taxpayers at least $424,142. That figure does not include costs for food, lodging, and ground transportation. According to "White House sources" cited by The Daily Mail in August 2011, Mrs. Obama may have spent as much as $10 million on vacations during the preceding year.

Michelle Obama - Discover the Networks

She is an American hating, faaaar leftist, mean spirited bitch whose vacations, this current one to our enemy Communist China, cost millions upon millions of dollars.

I have no use for her.
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She is an American hating, faaaar leftist, mean spirited bitch whose vacations, this current one to our enemy Communist China, cost millions upon millions of dollars.

I have no use for her.

And she has no use for you. But, she's the First Lady, married to the most powerful man in the world.....and here you are, spewing off venom on a political board.....:lol::lol:
"Nancy Reagan: China Doll or Dragon Lady?"

Good article on this very subject.

Also try researching Mary Todd Lincoln, and Nancy Reagan.

There is no difference whatsoever between those women. Each was admirable in her own right and each had her own flaws.



Just more libtard racism disguised as sarcasm.

We all know better now.

The Obama Presidency was the worst thing that could happen to the libtards in this country.

IT showed them for what they really are; incompetent, hypocritical criminals.
research Mary Lincoln, Nancy Reagan

So why is Michelle so far more hated than any other First Lady? Has she done anything none of the others have done?

Psst: The answer is "No".
Everytime you quote the OP, you also mention everyone on the list. Stop quoting and the mentions go away. :D
Edgetho's quality shines thru with every post...:D

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you\'re just another stupid, brainwashed dim. suck a glock


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Classy RWr!
There is no difference whatsoever between those women. Each was admirable in her own right and each had her own flaws.


Just more libtard racism disguised as sarcasm.

We all know better now.

The Obama Presidency was the worst thing that could happen to the libtards in this country.

IT showed them for what they really are; incompetent, hypocritical criminals.

So why is Michelle so far more hated than any other First Lady? Has she done anything none of the others have done?

Psst: The answer is "No".

The same way Moochelle could feel the racial animus of Whites at the Ivy League schools, (btw, she who got there on Affirmative Action) despite no one ever actually SAYING anything to that effect, so are we here at USMB able to discern her resentment of America and her love of things anti-American and PRO Socialist, based only on her trail of evidence she's left in her slug-like wake.
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I have seen a lot of nasty stuff written about First Lady Michelle Obama in the last 6 years, it's pretty damned ugly and stupid, too.

There is even an ultra-whackazoid website dedicated to trashing her every move. I think it is called "Michelle's Mirror".

To combat this insanity, I want to take second and reflect on who our First Ladies have been and to say quite openly that I, as a Democrat, have liked all of the ones I have encountered live AND those over whom I have read a great deal

Please take me off and keep me off your frigging @mention lists.

But since I've been called to comment on this bull shit subject I shall.

In September 2010, a former advisor to the Obama election campaign and transition team told an interviewer the following about Mrs. Obama:

"She is very much the Chicago ideologue. Nancy Pelosi is the far left of the Democrat Party, right? Well, Michelle Obama might be to the left of Nancy Pelosi. She really doesn’t care for how things work in the country and she wants to see it all changed. I can respect that, though I would guess she is far too liberal even for me – and I consider myself a liberal Democrat."​

During the week of June 21-27, 2011, Mrs. Obama and a 21-person entourage went on a so-called "good-will mission" to South Africa and Botswana. The trip's transportation expenses alone cost U.S. taxpayers at least $424,142. That figure does not include costs for food, lodging, and ground transportation. According to "White House sources" cited by The Daily Mail in August 2011, Mrs. Obama may have spent as much as $10 million on vacations during the preceding year.

Michelle Obama - Discover the Networks

She is an American hating, faaaar leftist, mean spirited bitch whose vacations, this current one to our enemy Communist China, cost millions upon millions of dollars.

I have no use for her.
Have any other First Ladies ever taken trips on behalf of her country? Is Michelle Obama the very first FLOTUS to travel abroad?

Do you buy goods made in China? Do you shop at Wal*Mart before you shop at locally owned stores? Aren't you then supporting 'our enemy Communist China'?

You write this stuff about Mrs. Obama as if you never realized that her predecessors did the very same things.
Actually I suspect the Hillarybeast was, up until she became SOS, the most hated first lady. I have seen entire books and successful ones too devoted to Hillary such as "Last Centurian" by John Ringo in which Hillary is slightly fictionized as The Bitch. Therefore I disagree with the premise of the OP. And even Hillary was nowhere near as hated as Mary Todd Lincoln or Andrew Jackson's wife. Michelle may not be well liked by all but her treatment is not exceptional among living first ladies.

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