First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.

She doesn't want to be trashed she should stay home and raise her children instead of seeking out the spotlight as if she is our queen of the country

Michelle Obama becoming the most televised first lady

By Bree Tracey
• Published April 22, 2012

April 11, 2012: In this photo provided by Comedy Central, first lady Michelle Obama laughs with Stephen Colbert during her appearance on The Colbert Report.AP

In a recent interview, Stephen Colbert asked first lady Michelle Obama which show "has more gravitas as a broadcaster" -- The Colbert Report or iCarly.

The funny man wasn't just fishing for compliments. He was pointing out that the first lady is just about everywhere, from Comedy Central to Nickelodeon.

Lately, Michelle Obama is no stranger to television entertainment. She's already outpaced past first ladies, like Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton, in the number of TV appearances she's made over the first four years of a president's term.

Dan Gainor, of the Media Research Center, said Michelle Obama really is "off the charts" in the number of times she's appeared in entertainment television cameos, even more so "than I dare say many big name actors and actresses."

In just the last four months, viewers have seen Obama do push-ups with Ellen DeGeneres, play tug o' war with Jimmy Fallon, laugh along with Jay Leno and David Letterman, dance on Disney's "iCarly," work out with "The Biggest Loser" contestants at the White House, appear at the BET Honors, smile on "Sesame Street" and chat about healthy school lunches with Rachael Ray.

Whether the appearances are sincere or just political is up for debate. Democratic political strategist Doug Schoen suggested they were a little bit of both.
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While I would not use - lets say - embellishments in order to get my point across, the way he does, I usually agree with the substance of posts by Edgetho.
She doesn't want to be trashed she should stay home and raise her children instead of seeking out the spotlight as if she is our queen of the country

First Ladies are not housewives or stay at home moms. Why should she act any different than any other First Lady?
Civility is long gone in Politics today and we can thank the LEFT/Democrats/progressives with the help of the left wing mainstream media and the left wing HATE STIES on the Internet for it

Just go back and look through the eight years of the Bush administration and look at the names you are being called by the elected Democrats in that party and their sheep followers

hostage takers
etc etc
Who's to blame for the lack of civility in political discourse? Those who embrace the lack of civility, Stephanie. Have you ever heard the expression "I'd rather light a candle than curse the darkness"? You have yet to 'light a candle' in any of the posts I've read from you.
I'll be damned if I sit back and let that woman Mabell Obama walk all over me...her little man husband doing it is bad enough

I didn't ELECT HER to go lecturing, chastising, preaching to me so she gets what SHE GIVES

no respect from me because for once in my life I'm ashamed and NOT PROUD of my President and his wife

Interesting to see Stephanie's paranoia about something that isn't even happening.
She doesn't want to be trashed she should stay home and raise her children instead of seeking out the spotlight as if she is our queen of the country

First Ladies are not housewives or stay at home moms. Why should she act any different than any other First Lady?

Well excuse me, but I always thought that was their most important job first...why did they have children then?
I guess we can't all be lucky to have our mothers live in with us to raise them...that's the liberal/Democrat way
pawn them off others to raise while they seek power and recognition
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She doesn't want to be trashed she should stay home and raise her children instead of seeking out the spotlight as if she is our queen of the country

First Ladies are not housewives or stay at home moms. Why should she act any different than any other First Lady?

Well excuse me, but I always thought that was their most important job first...why did they have children then?
I guess we can't all be lucky to have our mothers live in with us to raise them...that's the liberal/Democrat way
pawn them off others to raise while they seek power and recognition

I'm sure being a mother is her number one job but she is the First Lady. She can't sit home with the kids all day plus they are in school also. They are not little kids any more. Lots of women work and have children.
I think a thread like this is a double edged sword. On the one hand it is nice and well-meaning. On the other it invites all kinds of crap heaped on Michelle Obama to be continued here. While it is disgusting, it is also freedom of speech.

Having said that, all of the First Ladies deserve respect. It can't be easy and all of the ones we have had have handled it with dignity and class.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

ALL of them.

You poor victim, you. Must suck to live in a country where there are so many people you hate here also.
Michelle Obama has been the MOST PARTISAN and constantly IN OUR FACE with it first lady we have ever had in this country

she brings on the dislike for her all on her own

I have no sympathy for her or any of you Obot cult members who whines about
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I think a thread like this is a double edged sword. On the one hand it is nice and well-meaning. On the other it invites all kinds of crap heaped on Michelle Obama to be continued here. While it is disgusting, it is also freedom of speech.

Having said that, all of the First Ladies deserve respect. It can't be easy and all of the ones we have had have handled it with dignity and class.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

ALL of them.
If there was just one party rather than two. If those who disagree with that party could simply be sequestered, hushed and repressed. If there was only one great party behind which Americans could rally, support and obey. Wouldn't that be great [MENTION=36318]Edgetho[/MENTION]? Wouldn't that political situation provide all the opportunity to prosper, at least for the true believers?

And wouldn't that political situation resemble an authoritarian state and not the E Pluribis Unum aspirations of the United States of America?

You would be better served by learning and maturing a bit more before you grace us with your hatred.
I don't think it is trashing her to question the job she had in Chicago where she was paid 300K+ for a couple of years.....the hospital got a big grant thanks to BO and when she left....she wasn't replaced.

It's simply asking a question.

Why should the ugly scrunt be replaced?

She never showed up for work in the first place. It's called a 'no-show' job. Happens all the time in Chicago/dimocrap-scum circles.

ALL the time.

Some people might call it bribery or theft :dunno:
Funny how we never saw a lefty post threads like this while Laura Bush was FLOTUS and I'm sorry but I call bull shit on your pretending to have respect for Republican First Ladies. You guys are Progressives and lying comes as easy as breathing.

IMO criticism comes with the territory of First Lady. As soon as they start meddling in the affairs of the country and citizens, they are fair game.
I call it stupid. It's equally stupid to accuse those who point out legitimate concerns as racist, hateful, butt hurt, Obama derangement syndrome etc...

Many of us have never participated in that garbage but we are guilty by association. Dumb on the part of the accuser, not the accused

when concerns are nonsense that was never noted in any administration prior... and when people ask about the junk in the first lady's trunk and post pictures of simians.... it is disingenuous to claim there is no racial overtone.

I think those people should be held to account. if there were LEGITIMATE criticisms which were also leveled at other first ladies, no doubt they could be discussed. but that isn't the case with this president and first lady, so no one is going to legitimize the wingnut whine.

You could have just posted RACIST. It would have saved you some time

Interesting that she did not use that term. You did. It's called the Race Card Card and I see it a lot around here.
I live in Florida and we have lot of Haitians here. A lot. I mean.... Really a lot.

You think the fatass, racist scrunt is Black? You think African Americans are Black?

Let me tell you something.... They ain't 'Black'.

Haitians are BLACK. I mean, some of them look like they was born in an inkwell.

Know who some of our most successful immigrants are? Of course you don't... They're Haitians.

They come to this Country, usually floating behind some home-made raft on a few inner tubes tied together with bailing wire and a prayer.... They get here, if they get by INS, they melt into the community and you know what....???

They go to work. They can't get Welfare or Food Stamps or subsidized housing or any of the other dimocrap Plantation bullshit.

They go to work. And they become successful.

Not all of them, to be sure. But a lot of them do. A much higher percentage than African Americans or even Hispanics from what I can see.

And they have even more of a handicap than African Americans do... They can't speak english!! And they have somewhere around zero Education. Seriously. Most of them can barely sign their own names.

But they work.

I don't want to hear it anymore. Cry me a fucking River, bitch.

Get off yer ass and go to work. Shut the fuck up and get a job.

I did. I was working for $1 an hour as a kid putting up hay for the neighbor farmers so I could have some money to spend during High School Summer time.

I worked.

You should try it.

"Walk a mile in my shoes" my fucking ass. Fucking bitch never did anything in her fucking life worthwhile. Free rides all the way.

Ease up, killer. I'm not doubting or demeaning the experiences of others nor am I asking anyone to walk a mile in my shoes. I am looking at the big pic and if you've never been black in America you really don't know how that distorts your POV.
An immigrant who arrived on a raft is probably grateful just to be here. Our First Lady is an attorney and writer and was born and raised here and just like you (and you likely wouldn't trade places with her).
Chris Rock explaining white privilege: "Shit, there ain't a white man in this room that would change places with me ... and I'm RICH!"

Why would I want to trade places with an ugly, mean, nasty scrunt who is married to a faggot and trapped in a loveless relationship of her own doing?

Chill with the victim shit. Not my fault somebody was born Black. Or white. Or short or tall or good looking or ugly.

Look at the most respected man to ever star on TV.... Bill Cosby.

Who was the most respected TV Star ever? Oprah.

Who are some of the most respected and expensive Movie Stars?

You can't turn on the TV or go to a Movie House anymore without seeing Morgan Freeman. How about Jamie Foxx or The Rock or Denzel Washington or Sidney Poitier or Will Smith or Forrest Whitaker or Billie D Williams or Lawrence Fisheburne or Samuel L Jackson or....

Just shut the fuck up, crybaby bitch. Sick of listening to you.


One more famous Black Man......


Fuck you
^ Such bitterness and hatred.
when concerns are nonsense that was never noted in any administration prior... and when people ask about the junk in the first lady's trunk and post pictures of simians.... it is disingenuous to claim there is no racial overtone.

I think those people should be held to account. if there were LEGITIMATE criticisms which were also leveled at other first ladies, no doubt they could be discussed. but that isn't the case with this president and first lady, so no one is going to legitimize the wingnut whine.

You could have just posted RACIST. It would have saved you some time

Interesting that she did not use that term. You did. It's called the Race Card Card and I see it a lot around here.

Nice try
Eat shit, scumbag.

After what the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM put Laura Bush through?

After the absolutely horrible way they always treat Conservative women you want us to be nice to the most racist, the nastiest, ugliest, butt-ugly mean scrunt to ever disgrace the White House?

Fuck you.

You always want peace when you're losing, don't you?

Fuck you. How typical.

I have never written a cross word about Laura Bush in my life. I've also not ever even thought a cross thought about her. Nor have I ever spoken a cross word about her, ever. Ditto the girls, ditto former President Bush. I disliked a number of his policies, but I have always liked and respected the man.

But please, keep showing your ass for the whole world to see. It really doesn't hurt me at all. Lots of rage in you, to be sure.

There's the difference between me and you. I'm civil. You're not.

No, the difference between you and I is, I know the truth when I see it.

You don't.

NBC News Anchor Viciously Attacks Laura Bush - Fox Nation

SFChron Columnist Spews Vicious Attack on Laura Bush | NewsBusters

The Left's Unnecessary Partisan Attacks on Laura Bush - US News

Kerry Supporters: "Laura Bush was Drug Dealer, George W. Bush was Cokehead"

Now, you dishonest dimocrap scumbag.....

Wanna get into how the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM treated Ann Romney?

How about how they treated Sarah Palin?

You're a dishonest scumbag. Go hide under your fucking rock, slime.

You're a dimocrap. IOW, a scumbag. Eat shit and die.

Am I that NBC news anchor? Why, no, I am not.
Am I the SFChron journalist? Why, no, I am not.
Am I the writer of the US news artical. Why, no, I am not.

You mad, bro?

Why, yes, you mad!
From dem underground
*Laura Bush got away with murder. She's part of The Culture of Corruption...Edited on Fri Oct-27-06 10:41 AM by IanDB1and lack of accountability that characterizes the current BFE / GOP Junta.They're all a bunch of unrepentant crooks, criminals, murderers and pedophiles.Even the "sainted" Laura Bush has a festering corpse in her closet.Having a criminal past is the ticket to ride for those who want to get on-board with the Bush Regime."You must be at least this corrupt to ride."And besides, Bush announced that this is "Character Counts" week.Oh, and welcome to DU!
I don't recall any vile criticism of any previous first lady. The Rabid Right, a political ideology that eschews virtues like statesmanship, civility and dialogue, quickly, viciously and incessantly heaps hatred on Michelle Obama. Certainly other First Ladies have taken an active political stance. Eleanor Roosevelt for instance campaigned actively for Civil Rights twenty years before it became a reality. You cannot conclude, therefore, that this hatred is exclusively politically driven.

The Rabid Right is cut from the same cloth as George Wallace, Strom Thurmond and David Duke. Surely it's racism. There is no other excuse.

In that vein, I suggest that the Rabid Right sit in it's own little filthy corner of the sandbox and spew all the vitriol it wants. No one will pay attention to them because their brand of divisionist politics has worn out its welcome years ago. They reveal their own ignorance and fears. No one absolutely no one with a functioning brains and solid morals could ever take them seriously.
I wish I could say it would be entertaining to watch some Righties get nasty right here and now, but it's just plain old sad. Really, just plain old sad. Such raw partisan hatred. Wow.

C'mon Stat ... the repugnant nasty flows from both sides of the aisle.

But not from me personally. I have never even once attacked on single woman from the Right, not even once. I have heaped criticism on Sarah Palin in 2008, cuz she was in no way ready for prime time, which is exactly what the McCain also admitted later, but I have never attacked her personally, not even once.

Amazing how the Right gets all bent out of shape. This OP is SPECIFICALLY about FLOTUSES, but they wanted to expand it to all women from the Right immediately.

False relevancy and nastiness. Core of the Right. And many of them just proved it again on this thread.
I live in Florida and we have lot of Haitians here. A lot. I mean.... Really a lot.

You think the fatass, racist scrunt is Black? You think African Americans are Black?

Let me tell you something.... They ain't 'Black'.

Haitians are BLACK. I mean, some of them look like they was born in an inkwell.

Know who some of our most successful immigrants are? Of course you don't... They're Haitians.

They come to this Country, usually floating behind some home-made raft on a few inner tubes tied together with bailing wire and a prayer.... They get here, if they get by INS, they melt into the community and you know what....???

They go to work. They can't get Welfare or Food Stamps or subsidized housing or any of the other dimocrap Plantation bullshit.

They go to work. And they become successful.

Not all of them, to be sure. But a lot of them do. A much higher percentage than African Americans or even Hispanics from what I can see.

And they have even more of a handicap than African Americans do... They can't speak english!! And they have somewhere around zero Education. Seriously. Most of them can barely sign their own names.

But they work.

I don't want to hear it anymore. Cry me a fucking River, bitch.

Get off yer ass and go to work. Shut the fuck up and get a job.

I did. I was working for $1 an hour as a kid putting up hay for the neighbor farmers so I could have some money to spend during High School Summer time.

I worked.

You should try it.

"Walk a mile in my shoes" my fucking ass. Fucking bitch never did anything in her fucking life worthwhile. Free rides all the way.

We're seeing more and more of the ugliness which is Edgetho with every post.

You reap what you sow.

Embrace the butthurt, bitch.
How can anyone else embrace the butthurt when you've got such an all-smothering stranglehold on it?
I don't make fun of her but if I want to I will... To the OP and all the other Obama-bots, go fuck yourselves.

Why, sure, go show your ass all you want. If it makes you feel better and only confirms the sense that the Right is swinging from the vines, why, go right ahead, there...

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