First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.

The biggest factor for me is to see what sort of friends and acquaintances they have. Would we admire a First Lady who associated with Rev Billy Graham? Probably not. We would want our icons to associate with more worldly and wise people such as Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, Reverends Al, Wright and Jackson, anyone with communist, Socialist,and NWO ethics...... etc, etc, and so on and so on. I think I got the picture. I hereby promise not to denigrate First Ladies.
I'll never forget how vicious and nasty Libs were to Nancy Reagan.

Now we have a FLOTUS who actually said, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country"

Then you wonder why she's so disliked

“Once again, the white man keeps us down. What’s up with whitey? Why’d he attack us in Iraq? Why’d he let (Hurricane) Katrina happen? Why’d he leave millions of children behind? This is the legacy the white man gave us.” Michelle Obama, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Conference, Trinity United Church, 2004

Do you have a credible source for that quote?

that's all you get in what he believes is his "brilliant" threads
you don't bow to them you get attacked and called names
it's that civility he calls for OTHERS to have

Three times :lol::lol:

The fact is he means well but truly believes his being less than civil is acceptable dealing with us insane racists.

Somehow or another, your posts calling out Edgetho on his crude personal attacks have been left out of this thread.
Believe me folks, not only did they rip apart Laura Bush.... but they had a field day with their children just like they do now with Sarah Palins children

there was a time when children were off limits...welll not today with this bunch of nasty liberals/Democrat followers

don't be fooled by these high and mighty rants about "civility" from them

you NEVER see the Obama's children brought by anyone from the right...but go look through any Palin thread to see how the speak about her children


I'm certain the OP was referring to the ugly spewed at all our 1st ladies, not just Obama.
Here's you lefts treatment and civility for Republican/Conservative women

Palin loving chocolate, lol

A publishing source told The ENQUIRER that McGinniss claims Sarah had a “fetish” for black men at the time and he quotes a friend as saying Sarah had “hauled (Rice’s) ass down.”

New book says Sarah Palin had one night stand with Glen Rice. | ProBasketballTalk

you two faced hypocrites can all go to hell
Before she was, what's wrong with what a single woman does?
First please walk a mile in her shoes.
Chris Rock explaining white privilege: Shit, there ain't a white man in this room that would change places with me ... and I'm RICH! :D

I live in Florida and we have lot of Haitians here. A lot. I mean.... Really a lot.

You think the fatass, racist scrunt is Black? You think African Americans are Black?

Let me tell you something.... They ain't 'Black'.

Haitians are BLACK. I mean, some of them look like they was born in an inkwell.

Know who some of our most successful immigrants are? Of course you don't... They're Haitians.

They come to this Country, usually floating behind some home-made raft on a few inner tubes tied together with bailing wire and a prayer.... They get here, if they get by INS, they melt into the community and you know what....???

They go to work. They can't get Welfare or Food Stamps or subsidized housing or any of the other dimocrap Plantation bullshit.

They go to work. And they become successful.

Not all of them, to be sure. But a lot of them do. A much higher percentage than African Americans or even Hispanics from what I can see.

And they have even more of a handicap than African Americans do... They can't speak english!! And they have somewhere around zero Education. Seriously. Most of them can barely sign their own names.

But they work.

I don't want to hear it anymore. Cry me a fucking River, bitch.

Get off yer ass and go to work. Shut the fuck up and get a job.

I did. I was working for $1 an hour as a kid putting up hay for the neighbor farmers so I could have some money to spend during High School Summer time.

I worked.

You should try it.

"Walk a mile in my shoes" my fucking ass. Fucking bitch never did anything in her fucking life worthwhile. Free rides all the way.

Ease up, killer. I'm not doubting or demeaning the experiences of others nor am I asking anyone to walk a mile in my shoes. I am looking at the big pic and if you've never been black in America you really don't know how that distorts your POV.
An immigrant who arrived on a raft is probably grateful just to be here. Our First Lady is an attorney and writer and was born and raised here and just like you (and you likely wouldn't trade places with her).
Chris Rock explaining white privilege: "Shit, there ain't a white man in this room that would change places with me ... and I'm RICH!"

Why would I want to trade places with an ugly, mean, nasty scrunt who is married to a faggot and trapped in a loveless relationship of her own doing?

Chill with the victim shit. Not my fault somebody was born Black. Or white. Or short or tall or good looking or ugly.

Look at the most respected man to ever star on TV.... Bill Cosby.

Who was the most respected TV Star ever? Oprah.

Who are some of the most respected and expensive Movie Stars?

You can't turn on the TV or go to a Movie House anymore without seeing Morgan Freeman. How about Jamie Foxx or The Rock or Denzel Washington or Sidney Poitier or Will Smith or Forrest Whitaker or Billie D Williams or Lawrence Fisheburne or Samuel L Jackson or....

Just shut the fuck up, crybaby bitch. Sick of listening to you.


One more famous Black Man......


Fuck you
I think a thread like this is a double edged sword. On the one hand it is nice and well-meaning. On the other it invites all kinds of crap heaped on Michelle Obama to be continued here. While it is disgusting, it is also freedom of speech.

Having said that, all of the First Ladies deserve respect. It can't be easy and all of the ones we have had have handled it with dignity and class.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

ALL of them.

You are so full of hate it's sad.
that's all you get in what he believes is his "brilliant" threads
you don't bow to them you get attacked and called names
it's that civility he calls for OTHERS to have

Three times :lol::lol:

The fact is he means well but truly believes his being less than civil is acceptable dealing with us insane racists.

Somehow or another, your posts calling out Edgetho on his crude personal attacks have been left out of this thread.

I'm not his keeper, his posts speak for him not me and this was a bait thread, he was invited and expected. My pointing out the op's lack of civility when asking for civility was due to posts made to me as well as others. Nothing surprising about it.
Believe me folks, not only did they rip apart Laura Bush.... but they had a field day with their children just like they do now with Sarah Palins children

there was a time when children were off limits...welll not today with this bunch of nasty liberals/Democrat followers

don't be fooled by these high and mighty rants about "civility" from them

you NEVER see the Obama's children brought by anyone from the right...but go look through any Palin thread to see how the speak about her children


I'm certain the OP was referring to the ugly spewed at all our 1st ladies, not just Obama.

so am I...I was on this board during the Bush Presidency .they put down Mrs. Bush and her children constantly..hell they still bring up Nancy Reagan
Here's some more of that "civility" for Republican women politicians
this from the left wing hate site, SALON and posted by one the those civil lefties on the board

Half-term ex-governor Sarah Palin compares herself to Margaret Thatcher


Sarah Palin thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher

No doubt the hate flows from both sides and until Palin becomes our 1st Lady she's just another politician who is subject to uglyspeak.
Does returning the ugly fire justify it? Your call. :D
Last edited:
Here's some more of that "civility" for Republican women politicians
this from the left wing hate site, SALON and posted by one the those civil lefties on the board

Half-term ex-governor Sarah Palin compares herself to Margaret Thatcher


Sarah Palin thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher

No doubt the hate flows from both sides and Palin has never been our 1st Lady.
Does returning the ugly fire justify it? Your call. :D

Eat shit, scumbag.

After what the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM put Laura Bush through?

After the absolutely horrible way they always treat Conservative women you want us to be nice to the most racist, the nastiest, ugliest, butt-ugly mean scrunt to ever disgrace the White House?

Fuck you.

You always want peace when you're losing, don't you?

Fuck you. How typical.

I have never written a cross word about Laura Bush in my life. I've also not ever even thought a cross thought about her. Nor have I ever spoken a cross word about her, ever. Ditto the girls, ditto former President Bush. I disliked a number of his policies, but I have always liked and respected the man.

But please, keep showing your ass for the whole world to see. It really doesn't hurt me at all. Lots of rage in you, to be sure.

There's the difference between me and you. I'm civil. You're not.

No, the difference between you and I is, I know the truth when I see it.

You don't.

NBC News Anchor Viciously Attacks Laura Bush - Fox Nation

SFChron Columnist Spews Vicious Attack on Laura Bush | NewsBusters

The Left's Unnecessary Partisan Attacks on Laura Bush - US News

Kerry Supporters: "Laura Bush was Drug Dealer, George W. Bush was Cokehead"

Now, you dishonest dimocrap scumbag.....

Wanna get into how the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM treated Ann Romney?

How about how they treated Sarah Palin?

You're a dishonest scumbag. Go hide under your fucking rock, slime.

You're a dimocrap. IOW, a scumbag. Eat shit and die.
We are all responsible for our own behavior....we are watching YOUR behavior right here and now.
Here's some more of that "civility" for Republican women politicians
this from the left wing hate site, SALON and posted by one the those civil lefties on the board

Half-term ex-governor Sarah Palin compares herself to Margaret Thatcher


Sarah Palin thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher

No doubt the hate flows from both sides and Palin has never been our 1st Lady.
Does returning the ugly fire justify it? Your call. :D

So it's okay to shit all over Ladies as long as they're not 'First Ladies'?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, dewd.

Sometimes it's just best to admit defeat and go home.

This thread is the biggest dildo to hit USMB in quite a while/

dimocrap scum asking for civility.....?? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


You know what chutzpah is?

Let me tell you what chutzpah is.....

It's a Jewish kid who was just convicted of murdering both his parents; standing in front of a Judge awaiting sentencing and asking for clemency because he's an orphan.

Fuck you people.

I really do hate dimocraps.

It's not fake. It's not partisan. I really do hate them.

Unless, that is, there is a stronger word than 'hate' that I can use.

They are seriously subhuman scum
Here's some more of that "civility" for Republican women politicians
this from the left wing hate site, SALON and posted by one the those civil lefties on the board

Half-term ex-governor Sarah Palin compares herself to Margaret Thatcher


Sarah Palin thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher

No doubt the hate flows from both sides and Palin has never been our 1st Lady.
Does returning the ugly fire justify it? Your call. :D


Now there's an easy way to rationalize your part.
But NOT ONE of the listed first ladies EVER SAID THIS!
“For the first time in my adult life,” she said early during the 2008 campaign, “I am proud of my country.”
This was the "first time"?? This remark just cut veterans to the quick. And all americans that sacrificed! First time???
There are so many faux pas she has made that truly for the FIRST time in my adult life I'm ASHAMED of our first lady!!!

First please walk a mile in her shoes.
Chris Rock explaining white privilege: Shit, there ain't a white man in this room that would change places with me ... and I'm RICH! :D

I live in Florida and we have lot of Haitians here. A lot. I mean.... Really a lot.

You think the fatass, racist scrunt is Black? You think African Americans are Black?

Let me tell you something.... They ain't 'Black'.

Haitians are BLACK. I mean, some of them look like they was born in an inkwell.

Know who some of our most successful immigrants are? Of course you don't... They're Haitians.

They come to this Country, usually floating behind some home-made raft on a few inner tubes tied together with bailing wire and a prayer.... They get here, if they get by INS, they melt into the community and you know what....???

They go to work. They can't get Welfare or Food Stamps or subsidized housing or any of the other dimocrap Plantation bullshit.

They go to work. And they become successful.

Not all of them, to be sure. But a lot of them do. A much higher percentage than African Americans or even Hispanics from what I can see.

And they have even more of a handicap than African Americans do... They can't speak english!! And they have somewhere around zero Education. Seriously. Most of them can barely sign their own names.

But they work.

I don't want to hear it anymore. Cry me a fucking River, bitch.

Get off yer ass and go to work. Shut the fuck up and get a job.

I did. I was working for $1 an hour as a kid putting up hay for the neighbor farmers so I could have some money to spend during High School Summer time.

I worked.

You should try it.

"Walk a mile in my shoes" my fucking ass. Fucking bitch never did anything in her fucking life worthwhile. Free rides all the way.

We're seeing more and more of the ugliness which is Edgetho with every post.
I don't recall any vile criticism of any previous first lady. The Rabid Right, a political ideology that eschews virtues like statesmanship, civility and dialogue, quickly, viciously and incessantly heaps hatred on Michelle Obama. Certainly other First Ladies have taken an active political stance. Eleanor Roosevelt for instance campaigned actively for Civil Rights twenty years before it became a reality. You cannot conclude, therefore, that this hatred is exclusively politically driven.

The Rabid Right is cut from the same cloth as George Wallace, Strom Thurmond and David Duke. Surely it's racism. There is no other excuse.

In that vein, I suggest that the Rabid Right sit in it's own little filthy corner of the sandbox and spew all the vitriol it wants. No one will pay attention to them because their brand of divisionist politics has worn out its welcome years ago. They reveal their own ignorance and fears. No one absolutely no one with a functioning brains and solid morals could ever take them seriously.
Civility is long gone in Politics today and we can thank the LEFT/Democrats/progressives with the help of the left wing mainstream media and the left wing HATE STIES on the Internet for it

Just go back and look through the eight years of the Bush administration and look at the names you are being called by the elected Democrats in that party and their sheep followers

hostage takers
etc etc
Last edited:
First please walk a mile in her shoes.
Chris Rock explaining white privilege: Shit, there ain't a white man in this room that would change places with me ... and I'm RICH! :D

I live in Florida and we have lot of Haitians here. A lot. I mean.... Really a lot.

You think the fatass, racist scrunt is Black? You think African Americans are Black?

Let me tell you something.... They ain't 'Black'.

Haitians are BLACK. I mean, some of them look like they was born in an inkwell.

Know who some of our most successful immigrants are? Of course you don't... They're Haitians.

They come to this Country, usually floating behind some home-made raft on a few inner tubes tied together with bailing wire and a prayer.... They get here, if they get by INS, they melt into the community and you know what....???

They go to work. They can't get Welfare or Food Stamps or subsidized housing or any of the other dimocrap Plantation bullshit.

They go to work. And they become successful.

Not all of them, to be sure. But a lot of them do. A much higher percentage than African Americans or even Hispanics from what I can see.

And they have even more of a handicap than African Americans do... They can't speak english!! And they have somewhere around zero Education. Seriously. Most of them can barely sign their own names.

But they work.

I don't want to hear it anymore. Cry me a fucking River, bitch.

Get off yer ass and go to work. Shut the fuck up and get a job.

I did. I was working for $1 an hour as a kid putting up hay for the neighbor farmers so I could have some money to spend during High School Summer time.

I worked.

You should try it.

"Walk a mile in my shoes" my fucking ass. Fucking bitch never did anything in her fucking life worthwhile. Free rides all the way.

We're seeing more and more of the ugliness which is Edgetho with every post.

You reap what you sow.

Embrace the butthurt, bitch.
I don't think it is trashing her to question the job she had in Chicago where she was paid 300K+ for a couple of years.....the hospital got a big grant thanks to BO and when she left....she wasn't replaced.

It's simply asking a question.

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