First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.

I'll never forget how vicious and nasty Libs were to Nancy Reagan.

Now we have a FLOTUS who actually said, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country"

Then you wonder why she's so disliked

I don't know a single Lib who was ever nasty to Nancy Reagan. Not a single one.
I bet you just pulled that one right out of your ass.
I want to point out something very important here. Michele Obama is over in China right now with the President of China and his wife. Michele's ability to influence this woman is going to mean a great deal in the days ahead.

This is no pleasure trip. Bringing her daughters with her was a smart move.

This trip is serious and the American people need to be praying to God that she is able to win this womans heart. I am praying for it every day. It could mean a delay in the inevitable. Do I want more time? You bet I do! Don't you all?

You should! Because the day China invades Taiwan and we respond?! Russia is going to be on us like white on rice! We need all the help we can get at this point.

Thanks for writing something nice about all the First Ladies....

It only makes the ugly comments made by some on the right appear childish, foolish and out of resentment due to extreme butt hurt.
She doesn't want to be trashed she should stay home and raise her children instead of seeking out the spotlight as if she is our queen of the country

First Ladies are not housewives or stay at home moms. Why should she act any different than any other First Lady?

Because Stephanie has to find something to complain about with the current First Lady.
Do I feel there is undue trash slung at her? Yes. Do I think she has a tough role to fulfill? Yes. Do I commend some of her initiatives? Yes. Do I also find some fault with the execution of those initiatives? Yes. Enough to raise a stink? No.
Do I personally care for her views on America? No. Do I think her views have caused a firestorm by some? Yes.

What I think is unfair is the mud slinging at everything she does rather than keeping their distate limited to where that anger towards her stems from- her shared opinion that America as designed, is objectionable to both she and the President. It only deflects from the facts that the very objects in which they find such fault -our founding documents- that lead to her husband and herself to being President and First Lady of this great land of ours. Did it take too many years for these words to ring true?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that*all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are*Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Did it take far too long to be realized? Yes, but it was the very persistence of certain legislators to uphold that declaration, as written, that has lead to all being able to declare themselves free and created equal within this United States.

And they fail to recognize that it was Republicans that lead that charge.

Does it give us the right to be less than civil? No.

I'll be damned if I sit back and let that woman Mabell Obama walk all over me...her little man husband doing it is bad enough

I didn't ELECT HER to go lecturing, chastising, preaching to me so she gets what SHE GIVES

no respect from me because for once in my life I'm ashamed and NOT PROUD of my President and his wife

You can tell the size of the person by the size of the thing that upsets them.
Believe me folks, not only did they rip apart Laura Bush.... but they had a field day with their children just like they do now with Sarah Palins children

there was a time when children were off limits...welll not today with this bunch of nasty liberals/Democrat followers

don't be fooled by these high and mighty rants about "civility" from them

you NEVER see the Obama's children brought by anyone from the right...but go look through any Palin thread to see how the speak about her children


Who is they?

Show some links about lefties tearing into Bush's daughters. I dare you.
I wish I could say it would be entertaining to watch some Righties get nasty right here and now, but it's just plain old sad. Really, just plain old sad. Such raw partisan hatred. Wow.

C'mon Stat ... the repugnant nasty flows from both sides of the aisle.

But not from me personally. I have never even once attacked on single woman from the Right, not even once. I have heaped criticism on Sarah Palin in 2008, cuz she was in no way ready for prime time, which is exactly what the McCain also admitted later, but I have never attacked her personally, not even once.

Amazing how the Right gets all bent out of shape. This OP is SPECIFICALLY about FLOTUSES, but they wanted to expand it to all women from the Right immediately.

False relevancy and nastiness. Core of the Right. And many of them just proved it again on this thread.

Meh, we only have your word for that and the word of a lefty isn't worth a pail of warm spit.
She doesn't want to be trashed she should stay home and raise her children instead of seeking out the spotlight as if she is our queen of the country

First Ladies are not housewives or stay at home moms. Why should she act any different than any other First Lady?

Well excuse me, but I always thought that was their most important job first...why did they have children then?
I guess we can't all be lucky to have our mothers live in with us to raise them...that's the liberal/Democrat way
pawn them off others to raise while they seek power and recognition

Fascinating...the things we find out about posters if we let them talk long enough. :D
C'mon Stat ... the repugnant nasty flows from both sides of the aisle.

But not from me personally. I have never even once attacked on single woman from the Right, not even once. I have heaped criticism on Sarah Palin in 2008, cuz she was in no way ready for prime time, which is exactly what the McCain also admitted later, but I have never attacked her personally, not even once.

Amazing how the Right gets all bent out of shape. This OP is SPECIFICALLY about FLOTUSES, but they wanted to expand it to all women from the Right immediately.

False relevancy and nastiness. Core of the Right. And many of them just proved it again on this thread.

Meh, we only have your word for that and the word of a lefty isn't worth a pail of warm spit.

what a joker...all one needs do is go back in thread to see who spews false relevance and nastiness...and it's the very op who is now whining about others

You can tell the size of the person by the size of the thing that upsets them.
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I'll be damned if I sit back and let that woman Mabell Obama walk all over me...her little man husband doing it is bad enough

I didn't ELECT HER to go lecturing, chastising, preaching to me so she gets what SHE GIVES

no respect from me because for once in my life I'm ashamed and NOT PROUD of my President and his wife

You can tell the size of the person by the size of the thing that upsets them.

True, and the actions of the First Lady of the most powerful
Nation on earth is a very big thing indeed.

You're not too bright are you?
the manner in which wingnuts refer to the first lady is just an extension of Obama derangement syndrome....

is it racist? I don't know... what do you call it when someone posts pictures of apes that are supposed to represent the first lady or president.

we'll wait.

Lets see, what was you cute little for Bush
you hypocrites need to sit down and reflect about yourselves first

Or was it "Bushitler"

At least our dimocrap scum pals have succeeded in distracting us from the impending War about to happen with Russia.

dimocraps get absolutely SWAMPED in November. At this rate, I don't know if they can hang on to any of their Senate Seats.

Even the bluest blue State in the Union (Illinois) is sweating the upcoming gubernatorial election. But that State is so crooked, it's more like North Korea than America where the dimocraps favorite son, Kim Jong Un, just won with 100% of the vote and 100% turnout.

dimocraps are stupid, they are incompetent, they lie and they are the scum of the Earth.

Shit's gonna get real one of these days. I hope I'm around to see it

Define "get real". What did you mean by "get real" [MENTION=36318]Edgetho[/MENTION]?
I call it stupid. It's equally stupid to accuse those who point out legitimate concerns as racist, hateful, butt hurt, Obama derangement syndrome etc...

Many of us have never participated in that garbage but we are guilty by association. Dumb on the part of the accuser, not the accused

when concerns are nonsense that was never noted in any administration prior... and when people ask about the junk in the first lady's trunk and post pictures of simians.... it is disingenuous to claim there is no racial overtone.

I think those people should be held to account. if there were LEGITIMATE criticisms which were also leveled at other first ladies, no doubt they could be discussed. but that isn't the case with this president and first lady, so no one is going to legitimize the wingnut whine.

You could have just posted RACIST. It would have saved you some time

Have I called you a racist, ever?
Here's some more of that "civility" for Republican women politicians
this from the left wing hate site, SALON and posted by one the those civil lefties on the board

Half-term ex-governor Sarah Palin compares herself to Margaret Thatcher


Sarah Palin thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher

It was an article critcizing Sarah Palin for comparing herself to Margaret Thatcher.

Where's the hate?

She was called not one name.

So, where's the hate, Stephanie?

And BTW, this OP is about FLOTUSes. Was Sarah Palin a FLOTUS?
The op threads are nothing more than for him to post it, troll it to attack others and put them down with nasty remarks

fall for it if you all must
Believe me folks, not only did they rip apart Laura Bush.... but they had a field day with their children just like they do now with Sarah Palins children

there was a time when children were off limits...welll not today with this bunch of nasty liberals/Democrat followers

don't be fooled by these high and mighty rants about "civility" from them

you NEVER see the Obama's children brought by anyone from the right...but go look through any Palin thread to see how the speak about her children


I'm certain the OP was referring to the ugly spewed at all our 1st ladies, not just Obama.

Indeed. But before Hillary Clinton, very little venom was ever spewed.
Here's some more of that "civility" for Republican women politicians
this from the left wing hate site, SALON and posted by one the those civil lefties on the board

Half-term ex-governor Sarah Palin compares herself to Margaret Thatcher


Sarah Palin thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher

No doubt the hate flows from both sides and Palin has never been our 1st Lady.
Does returning the ugly fire justify it? Your call. :D

So it's okay to shit all over Ladies as long as they're not 'First Ladies'?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, dewd.

Sometimes it's just best to admit defeat and go home.

This thread is the biggest dildo to hit USMB in quite a while/

dimocrap scum asking for civility.....?? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


You know what chutzpah is?

Let me tell you what chutzpah is.....

It's a Jewish kid who was just convicted of murdering both his parents; standing in front of a Judge awaiting sentencing and asking for clemency because he's an orphan.

Fuck you people.

I really do hate dimocraps.

It's not fake. It's not partisan. I really do hate them.

Unless, that is, there is a stronger word than 'hate' that I can use.

They are seriously subhuman scum

When you next go to your therapist, ask him to up the voltage. I think you need it.
Bush Twins Jokes - Barbara and Jenna Bush Jokes
Believe me folks, not only did they rip apart Laura Bush.... but they had a field day with their children just like they do now with Sarah Palins children

there was a time when children were off limits...welll not today with this bunch of nasty liberals/Democrat followers

don't be fooled by these high and mighty rants about "civility" from them

you NEVER see the Obama's children brought by anyone from the right...but go look through any Palin thread to see how the speak about her children


Who is they?

Show some links about lefties tearing into Bush's daughters. I dare you.
when concerns are nonsense that was never noted in any administration prior... and when people ask about the junk in the first lady's trunk and post pictures of simians.... it is disingenuous to claim there is no racial overtone.

I think those people should be held to account. if there were LEGITIMATE criticisms which were also leveled at other first ladies, no doubt they could be discussed. but that isn't the case with this president and first lady, so no one is going to legitimize the wingnut whine.

You could have just posted RACIST. It would have saved you some time

Have I called you a racist, ever?
You tell me.

This was about her lavish spending
No exact stats have ever been kept and no one really cared until Obama was elected and then all of a sudden a number of butthurt, fucked up racist righties who call Michelle Obama "Mooch" (or worse) decided it was an issue....

So, it does't really fucking matter what she does, they, those rabid Righty racists are gonna scream

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