First Man

The promos for the movie always feature JFK but the first lunar landing happened during the Nixon administration.
It was JFK that said we would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.

I am not going to see globalist garbage. If the movie tanks, recut it and put in the original footage of Neil Armstrong putting the flag in lunar soil.
First Man actually did show quite a bit of American exceptionalism....just not the planting of the flag

They showed the US overtaking the Soviets in the space race
They showed a flag raising
They showed interviews and newspapers from foreign countries praising the US
What would life be like in this new TRUMP WORLD without the division and hatred?? :dunno:
dunno. ask obama who put it there.

I think Trump started the birther movement and lets not forget about the tea party.
Hillary started it at the suggestion of Sidney Blumenthal.

No I really think Trump brought it up from a source long before Clinton ran for Potus in 08 , but Clinton never said it.
Andy Martin - Wikipedia
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First Man actually did show quite a bit of American exceptionalism....just not the planting of the flag

They showed the US overtaking the Soviets in the space race
They showed a flag raising
They showed interviews and newspapers from foreign countries praising the US

I've not seen this movie yet, but I've heard a lot about the flag not being planted. (Or they erased that scene?) After all, the original footage showed it.
Listen people, the American flag is shown all throughout the movie, so stop with the pearl clutching. I was in front of the TV with my dad in 1969 as we watched the landing thru take off. Planting the American flag wasn't the part that inspired me at the time; it was watching a man representing all of mankind stepping on the surface of a foreign world for the first time.

Go see the movie.
Listen people, the American flag is shown all throughout the movie, so stop with the pearl clutching. I was in front of the TV with my dad in 1969 as we watched the landing thru take off. Planting the American flag wasn't the part that inspired me at the time; it was watching a man representing all of mankind stepping on the surface of a foreign world for the first time.

Go see the movie.
Listen people, the American flag is shown all throughout the movie, so stop with the pearl clutching. I was in front of the TV with my dad in 1969 as we watched the landing thru take off. Planting the American flag wasn't the part that inspired me at the time; it was watching a man representing all of mankind stepping on the surface of a foreign world for the first time.

Go see the movie.

The movie will be what"? Two hours plus?

Yes, the first step was obvious the MOST iconic moment that had to be there.

But the flag planting had to be number two, or at most three.

Sorry, this has exceeded my ability to give them a pass.

BUT, man you are old. And if you can see past it, I hope the rest of the movie works for you.

(I'm just a few years too young to remember any of the Moon Landings I was alive, but just a child)
Just another Trump created controversy for you all to become an

ANGRY MOB over.... :rolleyes:

Liberal creating a movie appealing to his audience.........Revisionist history to appeal to the lunatic left.

Sorry.......we are not a mob and are mocking this movie because it omits the flag moment part of history. The movie will appeal to leftist lunatics..........others NOT SO MUCH.
Listen people, the American flag is shown all throughout the movie, so stop with the pearl clutching. I was in front of the TV with my dad in 1969 as we watched the landing thru take off. Planting the American flag wasn't the part that inspired me at the time; it was watching a man representing all of mankind stepping on the surface of a foreign world for the first time.

Go see the movie.

I want to see all the CGI.
Listen people, the American flag is shown all throughout the movie, so stop with the pearl clutching. I was in front of the TV with my dad in 1969 as we watched the landing thru take off. Planting the American flag wasn't the part that inspired me at the time; it was watching a man representing all of mankind stepping on the surface of a foreign world for the first time.

Go see the movie.

The movie will be what"? Two hours plus?

Yes, the first step was obvious the MOST iconic moment that had to be there.

But the flag planting had to be number two, or at most three.

Sorry, this has exceeded my ability to give them a pass.

BUT, man you are old. And if you can see past it, I hope the rest of the movie works for you.

(I'm just a few years too young to remember any of the Moon Landings I was alive, but just a child)
if people want to go see it, go. i honestly hope they enjoy it.

im not one of those people who wants to see it.

He is just appealing to the audience of the left.......perhaps he'll make a remake of Iwo Jima and have the soldiers raise the rainbow flag................LOL

First Man actually did show quite a bit of American exceptionalism....just not the planting of the flag

They showed the US overtaking the Soviets in the space race
They showed a flag raising
They showed interviews and newspapers from foreign countries praising the US

I've not seen this movie yet, but I've heard a lot about the flag not being planted. (Or they erased that scene?) After all, the original footage showed it.
The theme of the movie was not how great America was for landing on the moon. The movie was about Armstrong’s personal struggles and the risk of death astronauts faced and how they dealt with it

Only about five minutes of the movie showed them actually walking on the moon. The key scene (which I won’t tip off) was Armstrong doing a personal act while on the moon

There are still plenty of flags and USA, USA in the movie

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