First Parler then Newsmax

Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
They did tell the truth....that is why the same Republican lead committees that investigated it -- cleared it.....the first time.....

The other 8 or 9 Congressional hearings were done just for fund raising....I swear you Trumpers are slow asf.......and instead of fessing up to being duped, you just get angry instead.....

I guess always being on the wrong side of history tends to make you frustrated instead of maybe realizing -- you were just on the wrong side...

Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too

I don't have anything to do with the capitol building larpers, I've never so much as uttered the word "Benghazi" nor have I ever used the never forget slogan. But yeah I think the internet crackdown we're seeing right now is pretty fucking scary. It should be to everyone.
I don't have anything to do with the capitol building larpers, I've never so much as uttered the word "Benghazi" nor have I ever used the never forget slogan. But yeah I think the internet crackdown we're seeing right now is pretty fucking scary. It should be to everyone.
You mean the free market crackdown?
You should be worried because even though at this point these tech giants are on your side, that could change at any time. I am not for it no matter whose side they are on because I see the inherent danger it presents.
Are you going to storm the tech giants and try to enforce your way on them too?

You know, because they're so fascist.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.
If the administration simply told the truth about the election, there would have been no insurrection.
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.
If the administration simply told the truth about the election, there would have been no insurrection.

I think you mean if the administration had just ignored all the instances of voter fraud.

There wouldn't have been any rioting and looting the last year either the left wouldn't have been complicit with groups like BLM and ANTIFA, but they wanted the violence then. Now they are all about unity...yeah, as long as you do and say exactly what they want.
What do you think the Democrats have been trying to do for the past 4 years?

Vote Trumpybear and the Banana Republicans out of power. No one has ever said we need to take it back with combat or force.

Did you forget Maxine Waters telling left wingnuts to confront Republicans? Did you not see lying on a FISA warrant to start a needless investigation as "forceful"? Yeah, Democrats are hypocrites so say the least.
"...and as he fell, he could be heard by those at the windows of each floor, "so far so good!"

1) I built a big, beautiful wall that I made Mexico pay for 2) I made the pandemic go away, 3) I gave "everybody!" "terrific!" health coverage that costs less, 4) I got rid of RINO control of the House, 5) I lost the presidency to a senile old sleepy dude, 6) I got ride of RINO control of the Senate 7) I incited goons to savage democracy, 8) I actually disgusted the PGA! ...

Going down.
If it says server not found, then parler is being blocked and has not been able to re deploy on an alternate server.
One thing I'll say about this is that Amazon should have given Parler much more heads up. They gave them like a couple of days.

Obviously that's not enough time for them to relocate to their own servers.

There is an interesting argument about DNS servers. In my mind, I believe that DNS servers should NOT be allowed to discriminate. They are, in my mind, quasi-government organizations and should abide by such laws. This was an issue with, going off memory here, Stormfront a few years ago.
Funny how its always the ultra right wing racist fascist websites that keep having all this happen......I thought "both sides" were equally bad
Just to be clear...

Someone on a right wing website is a racist and a facist?

So I assume all those that lean right are racist and facist?

So should I assume that all those that lean left believe in looting stores and burning businesses to the ground? Should I assume all those that lean left believe in occupying an area they choose worthy of and making it their own territory?

Funny thing...I am not a racist or a facist. I am right leaning. I liked Parler. For the hate speech? Nah. I get to see that everywhere......Hell....when I was on Facebook, and showed support for trump I was called every name n the book from douchebag to baby hater to killer of seniors.

I was told I should die a slow death and may my children rot in hell.

I no longer log onto Facebook but I guarantee you those posts are still on my page. I left when my own mother said I am a disappointment and ignored my proper upbringing.

Ironically, of 3 children I am the only one who achieved success in business and in marriage. But I am the disappointmnet.


You guys are pathetic.
Take your complaints up with the free market...

Government had ZERO to do with why your cult leader got kicked off social media.....

But as I said.....there is always TikTok -- you remember TikTok right??

That social media platform that Trump tried to have banned while you dic suckers cheered fuck your tears
Did you forget Maxine Waters telling left wingnuts to confront Republicans?

Did you forget this end of the story?

"In a tweeted statement Monday referencing Waters’ comments, Pelosi said that “Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable.” She added: “As we go forward, we must conduct elections in a way that achieves unity from sea to shining sea.”
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.
If the administration simply told the truth about the election, there would have been no insurrection.
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
They had 9 different investigations you dumb ass....

Remember when you sycophantic cucks were all giddy for Trey Gowdy -- only for him to put the final death nail into your Benghazi delusion??

Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.
If the administration simply told the truth about the election, there would have been no insurrection.
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
There was no compelling evidence to do so. The states run their elections. Each state certified their results, their electors met and cast their votes. The Congress, led by the VP, certified the election as well.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.
If the administration simply told the truth about the election, there would have been no insurrection.

I think you mean if the administration had just ignored all the instances of voter fraud.

There wouldn't have been any rioting and looting the last year either the left wouldn't have been complicit with groups like BLM and ANTIFA, but they wanted the violence then. Now they are all about unity...yeah, as long as you do and say exactly what they want.
I think you mean if the administration had just ignored all the instances of voter fraud.
No... no, I meant it the way you read it.
Hey Trumpers.....there is always TikTok

View attachment 441215
But where outside of Mr Rogers' neighborhood can they feast upon rat droppings like this:

A Touro College professor named Thane Rosenbaum went on Newsmax TV to discuss a crowd he thought was still gathering outside.
“I think today is a demonstration of the vibrancy of our democracy. You’ve got tens of thousands of people standing outside of the Capitol, exercising their First Amendment rights of freedom of association and freedom of speech... I think that’s sort of a romantic idea.”

is for LOVERS!
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.
If the administration simply told the truth about the election, there would have been no insurrection.
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
There was no compelling evidence to do so. The states run their elections. Each state certified their results, their electors met and cast their votes. The Congress, led by the VP, certified the election as well.
I am amazed at the lack of self-awareness these Trump sycophants have.....

They have been fed so much privilege and entitlement that they believe not winning every election means they had something stolen from them

The only way one can be assured they win every election is not have elections at all -- just appoint the dictator of your choice and then cosplay about liberty, freedom and the Constitution all day
"...and as he fell, he could be heard by those at the windows of each floor, "so far so good!"

1) I built a big, beautiful wall that I made Mexico pay for 2) I made the pandemic go away, 3) I gave "everybody!" "terrific!" health coverage that costs less, 4) I got rid of RINO control of the House, 5) I lost the presidency to a senile old sleepy dude, 6) I got ride of RINO control of the Senate 7) I incited goons to savage democracy, 8) I actually disgusted the PGA! ...

Going down.
1) Stopped missiles from flying over Japan
2) Oversaw a market that breached 30K
3) Had a multitude of countries recognize Israel as sovereign country
4) Oversaw an country that lowered more emissions than those in the Paris no cost
5) Stopped caravans of millions of people from risking their lives trekking over thousands of miles
6) Took out some of the top terrorist leaders in the world
7) Developed and Signed the USMCA that all three countries agrred was in the best interest of all three countries
8) Made the UN countries pay their fare share.....or at least most of it.
9) Freed more hostage's without ransom than any other president
10) Was ready to move forward with healthcare but congress wanted nothing to do with it.
You don't think a Democratically controlled congress can pass a bill that has vague enough language to allow for ISP's to discriminate based on political leanings? You don't think they could add vague enough language to PREVENT ISP's from existing or forming if they don't comply with certain politically motivated terms? Come on, don't be so naive.
Why would Congress need to pass a bill to allow ISPs to do so? There is no law preventing ISPs from doing so now.

Democrats have been trying to make sure that ISPs can't discriminate based on content. Such attempts have been blocked by Republicans. They passed such legislation in 2019 in the House. McConnell refused to take it up. Trump said he'd veto it.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.
If the administration simply told the truth about the election, there would have been no insurrection.
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
There was no compelling evidence to do so. The states run their elections. Each state certified their results, their electors met and cast their votes. The Congress, led by the VP, certified the election as well.
I am amazed at the lack of self-awareness these Trump sycophants have.....

They have been fed so much privilege and entitlement that they believe not winning every election means they had something stolen from them

The only way one can be assured they win every election is not have elections at all -- just appoint the dictator of your choice and then cosplay about liberty, freedom and the Constitution all day
Nah. That's your childish emotion working for you.

We simply looked at the facts.

A sitting president got more votes than any other sitting preisdnet.
He lost to a man who never actually campaigned and who got more votes than anyone....ever
The pandemic allowed for states to change voting laws without legislation
States were allowed to send out unsolicited absentee ballots

Now...does that mean it was riggeed? Absolutely not.

But is there enough there for our elected officials to look into it?

But the democratically controlled house refused to.

And why?

I dont know.....THIRD BASE!

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