First Parler then Newsmax

What happens when the government starts making laws that place restricctions on hosting companies that will prevent any deserting opinion? That is where this is going.
Sounds like a compelling argument for net neutrality.

Remember that, the policy that Republicans tore apart merely because the left was in favor of it?

This is exactly what net neutrality was designed to do. It was voted down but we got it anyway. If you think it’s going to get better with more government you’re an idiot.
And THAT statement tells me you don't know a damn thing about how the Net works.
You've said nothing of substance other than to throw out a bullshit accusation.

AWS is a hosting service. There is no ISP which is refusing to host Parler on their own servers.

let me make it super simple...just for you.....

Go to the URL bar on your browser......

Type in

If it says server not found, then parler is being blocked and has not been able to re deploy on an alternate server.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.

Any platform that allows sedition and/or incitement to insurrection should be shut down.

Seditious people have voided their right to free speech and should be prosecuted.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
The democrats will prove their own undoing in all this. Right now they are as excited as Sisyphus near the very top of the hill, but...



Trump losing Republicans the Executive, the House, and the Senate all in one term means he has Democrats right where he wants them!
The democrats will prove their own undoing in all this. Right now they are as excited as Sisyphus near the very top of the hill, but...



Trump losing Republicans the Executive, the House, and the Senate all in one term means he has Democrats right where he wants them!

That's it, keep pushing, Sisy...
They can still all scurry up to the lofty treehouse of those who worship Trump as their "God Emperor!":
Kinda like parrots, such as yourself who worship democrats as a whole- good job parrot- Polly wanna cracker?
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
The thread premise is a lie.

Parler and Newsmax are completely dissimilar.
That's it, keep pushing, Sisy...
The paranoids who fear losing their Newsmax diet of bitter pabulum can readily get their fix of fake Trumpy tales in numerous venues besides the neo-nazi Daily Stormer.


Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.

Any platform that allows sedition and/or incitement to insurrection should be shut down.

Seditious people have voided their right to free speech and should be prosecuted.

What do you think the Democrats have been trying to do for the past 4 years? They have been trying to overthrow Trump, who was duly elected in 2016. What makes it even worse is the Democrats used politicians to spend our tax money on all their nonsense. The MSM did their part by ignoring violent protests and actually inciting them No concern from the looney left. Now all of sudden the left is concerned. Weird.
Newsmaxx will be fine, relax...

That free market you love so much will take care of everything...

oh wait!

Ask yourself this: How much longer before this site is also taken down because of supposed "hate speech"?

I do hate you, BTW.

Sure would be nice if ISPs treated all traffic identically.

ISP control will be implemented in the short term, but not just for the purposes of bandwidth. You should be worried.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too

I don't have anything to do with the capitol building larpers, I've never so much as uttered the word "Benghazi" nor have I ever used the never forget slogan. But yeah I think the internet crackdown we're seeing right now is pretty fucking scary. It should be to everyone.
That's it, keep pushing, Sisy...
The paranoids who fear losing their Newsmax diet of bitter pabulum can readily get their fix of fake Trumpy tales in numerous venues besides the neo-nazi Daily Stormer.


"...until one day they came for me and there was no one left..."

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