First Parler then Newsmax

Parler is free to host it's own site. AWS is also free to do business with whomever they please.

No, it's not.

The Left controls all the backbones and gateways.
There is a limited number of major paths for internet communications to travel.
For example, to cross the ocean on specific cables or by specific satellites.

It is impossible to have a web site on US soil, without the blessing of someone on the radical left.
Actually, it's the establishment that controls it.

The crazy thing is that they've tricked Leftists in the USA to fight for their fascism, telling them anything and everything to lure them into the Rage mob.
What very few know is that in the end, they will be clumped together with the Conservatives and get no special treatment.
The Elites and Globalists want to consolidate power in their few hands....NOT share it with their ignorant followers

Emotional, Reactive Ignorance is the greatest gift fools can give to tyrants.

Nope. If I recall correctly it is the DNS servers, that are no longer controlled by the US, that are the gateway or gatekeepers for all computers on the WWW. If the USA controlled the internets via the hardware, how does Wikileaks continue to operate?
The Left controls all the backbones and gateways.
This is not about backbones and gateways. This is about servers.

And THAT statement tells me you don't know a damn thing about how the Net works.

(hint) you're equally ignorant about how politics works and what's really happening in America

But then, you're probably in China
Parler is free to host it's own site. AWS is also free to do business with whomever they please.

What will happen if all hosting companies get on board? What happens when the government starts making laws that place restrictions on hosting companies that will prevent any alternative opinions? That is where this is going. The internet will be filtered in the US like it is in China. Democrats believe this will lead to a liberal Utopia Internet where only their ideas will be permitted and they fail to see the dangers of this.

The democrats will prove their own undoing in all this. Right now they are as excited as Sisyphus near the very top of the hill, but...
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.
There were riots in the capitol? How many billions of dollars did they destroy?
This is what Trump has done to you.
Look what he's done to you- making a fool of yourself in public is a right- and he made you feel good about it- you fucking idiot- feeling entitled to it is stupid- inalienable rights are privileges and immunities granted by being here- anything granted can be rescinded- remember that for future reference-
Nope. If I recall correctly it is the DNS servers, that are no longer controlled by the US, that are the gateway or gatekeepers for all computers on the WWW. If the USA controlled the internets via the hardware, how does Wikileaks continue to operate?

1). Explain how DNS servers connect to the NET

2). BINGO! Why did the Left insist on moving this out of the US ???

3). Give it time....they're getting to it
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
there are petitions circulating to have Fox News eliminated as part of the standard plan for cable companies.
I know. I had a knock on the door on Saturday.
The irony?
Like them or not....
Fox news anchors, (not Opinionists and not Fax and Friends) but fox news anchors? With Obama? 51 percent positive 49 percent negative. With Trump? 49 positive and 51 percent negative.
CNN? Obama 93 percent positive and 7 percent negative. With Trump? 92 percent negative, 2 percent positive and the balance simply reporting the news.

But Fox should be eliminated.
... Wait'll the next step....MASSIVE gun confiscation. Guaranteed.

"Guaranteed"? Ok, when? Be specific so we know when to determine if your guarantee was bullshit or not.

You're probably one of the most ignorant "educators" I know of.
No wonder our school kids are cheering fascism.

No, seriously, your ignorance is stunning ....

No seriously, when exactly? You made a guarantee. Maybe the First Order can hire you to kick the guns out of everyone's hands.

How can you (or anyone) be so utterly naive ?!?

I asked you a simple question. Hurry up and answer it.
Parler is free to host it's own site. AWS is also free to do business with whomever they please.

What will happen if all hosting companies get on board? What happens when the government starts making laws that place restrictions on hosting companies that will prevent any alternative opinions? That is where this is going. The internet will be filtered in the US like it is in China. Democrats believe this will lead to a liberal Utopia Internet where only their ideas will be permitted and they fail to see the dangers of this.

The democrats will prove their own undoing in all this. Right now they are as excited as Sisyphus near the very top of the hill, but...


But how the HELL do you believe they won't try confiscating guns ????

That has to be their PRIME DIRECTIVE

They will incrementally begin confiscation within the first 6 months...they have already clearly outlined how they will do it.
It will start with an illegal tax on guns, ammo and magazines and an illegal demand for registration. Connect the dots if you can.

Any other dumb questions?
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
And THAT statement tells me you don't know a damn thing about how the Net works.
You've said nothing of substance other than to throw out a bullshit accusation.

AWS is a hosting service. There is no ISP which is refusing to host Parler on their own servers.
Parler is free to host it's own site. AWS is also free to do business with whomever they please.

What will happen if all hosting companies get on board? What happens when the government starts making laws that place restrictions on hosting companies that will prevent any alternative opinions? That is where this is going. The internet will be filtered in the US like it is in China. Democrats believe this will lead to a liberal Utopia Internet where only their ideas will be permitted and they fail to see the dangers of this.

If they can't set up their own server and run it then there are hosting sites that will host them. Wait and see. It is private industry that booted them not the Government. Liberals' opposed the internet kill switch.
Parler is free to host it's own site. AWS is also free to do business with whomever they please.

What will happen if all hosting companies get on board? What happens when the government starts making laws that place restrictions on hosting companies that will prevent any alternative opinions? That is where this is going. The internet will be filtered in the US like it is in China. Democrats believe this will lead to a liberal Utopia Internet where only their ideas will be permitted and they fail to see the dangers of this.

The democrats will prove their own undoing in all this. Right now they are as excited as Sisyphus near the very top of the hill, but...


But how the HELL do you believe they won't try confiscating guns ????

Do you speak English? I asked you WHEN.

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