First Parler then Newsmax

Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.
If the administration simply told the truth about the election, there would have been no insurrection.
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
There was no compelling evidence to do so. The states run their elections. Each state certified their results, their electors met and cast their votes. The Congress, led by the VP, certified the election as well.
Yes. I am aware.

And I heard....even Republican governors certified.

SO I need to ask you....exactly what governor, republican or democrat will EVER say..."I was responsible for the integrity of the election and I failed you miserabley. I should have a recall election against me and none of you should ever vote for me again because I really suck at what I do.

The fact that we have people like Biden and Pelosi saying "even republican governors admit no wrong doing" is their way of saying "the people of this country are so fucking stupid, we can say 'even repuboican governors say so' and they will say....that makes sense.

Be careful what you wish for.
Yes. I am aware.

And I heard....even Republican governors certified.

SO I need to ask you....exactly what governor, republican or democrat will EVER say..."I was responsible for the integrity of the election and I failed you miserabley. I should have a recall election against me and none of you should ever vote for me again because I really suck at what I do.

The fact that we have people like Biden and Pelosi saying "even republican governors admit no wrong doing" is their way of saying "the people of this country are so fucking stupid, we can say 'even repuboican governors say so' and they will say....that makes sense.

Be careful what you wish for.
You’re not really.
Awareness would include the understanding that when a state certifies it’s election it isn’t simply a rubber stamp. There are benchmarks for the accuracy of all aspects of that election. If any questions concerning ballots cannot be rectified they are not included. Certification only comes when they are sure the vote was as complete and accurate as possible.

As an aside, why do you only question the votes for president and why only in the battleground states?
You don’t find that in and of itself suspect?
I dont know if there was wrong doing or not.

I simply know that the governor appoints an election official and it is up to that election official to do one of two things.

Say he/she did a good job or he/she did a bad job.

Now, in my 63 years of life, I have never heard anyone say "I did a bad job". Heck, as employer, there was never anyone I interviewed who said they were fired. Always "laid off" or "resigned due to harassment." Someone elses fault. Always.

Governor? What governor can you say ever admitted to doing wrong?

So when you say each state ratified....the only way one wouldnt is if the governor admitted she or he sucked at what they do.

Is there evidence of wrong doing? No. however is there circumstantial evidence of possible wrong doing? Simple...the man who got more votes than anyone else in history got less votes than the man who got even more votes.

I know...I get it. Circumstantial evidence is not evidence. True. But circumstantial evidence is used to open an investigation to see if it leads to actual evidence.

Trump supporters asked for that. We were told we were not worthy of it.

But...the same people wo said that to us are now saying that whereas it is only circumstantial evidence that Trump used "code" to incite a mob, it is enough to present articles of impeachment.

Does any one realize there are 75 million voters who feel the majority is saying "fuck you losers. You are too stupid to acknowledge>"

How will that pan out?
Does any one realize there are 75 million voters who feel the majority is saying "fuck you losers. You are too stupid to acknowledge>"

How will that pan out?
Who knows how it will pan out?
What I do know is that our system is only as good as the trust the people have in it.
Therefore, purposely attempting to undermine that trust in an effort to gain support for overturning the results is unconscionable and destructive to our entire system of govt.

What I also know is that it’s not my responsibility or that of the Congress to talk other grown ass people off the ledge. Just take a few minutes to think through what and who would have to be in place and in on the fix for there to be so many millions of fraudulent ballots across several states. Does that really seem likely?

In your 63 years, have you ever before doubted the election results like you have this time around?
If not, what was different other than Trump suggesting it was so?
Actually, I saw it in 2000 Bush V Gore, I saw it in 2004 when Boxer refused to accept the electoral college results.....

How as this different? Or do you =not know of the others?

They have no responsibility for state elections.....down ballot below house and senate.

They have 100% responsibility of national general elections as it pertains to congress, senate and President.

Know you facts or dont contribute.
There is no such thing as a national general election. There is only one national office and that's the president who is elected via the results of 51 separate elections in the states and DC.

Notice that none of the Republicans who won seats in these contested states have any problem taking office based on the results of a supposedly "fraudulent" election. That's how you know they're full of shit.
So you have no idea how it works.

No problem.

Your post lacks logic....filled with emotion and htared....but lacks actual understanding of the difference between presidential and down ballot elections.

1) Stopped missiles from flying over Japan
2) Oversaw a market that breached 30K
3) Had a multitude of countries recognize Israel as sovereign country
4) Oversaw an country that lowered more emissions than those in the Paris no cost
5) Stopped caravans of millions of people from risking their lives trekking over thousands of miles
6) Took out some of the top terrorist leaders in the world
7) Developed and Signed the USMCA that all three countries agrred was in the best interest of all three countries
8) Made the UN countries pay their fare share.....or at least most of it.
9) Freed more hostage's without ransom than any other president
10) Was ready to move forward with healthcare but congress wanted nothing to do with it.
All his claimed achievements were given due consideration in a free and fair election on November 3, and were found woefully deficient by the American people who were finally able to formally express the sentiment they had relentlessly expressed for four years. His spiteful cry baby loser's incitement of his goons to wage a deadly insurrection against the United States sealed the deal.

You done good but you are bad so your good is bad.

Actually, I saw it in 2000 Bush V Gore, I saw it in 2004 when Boxer refused to accept the electoral college results.....

How as this different? Or do you =not know of the others?
And in both those one tried to overturn either the election or the damn government.
Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air.

Why is it "good" to silence critics of Sleepy Joe? Is he really that unable to deal with have a La Resistance in opposition to his reign?

I know that Biden has a hard time with the questions he gets from the liberal press as to whether he prefers vanilla or chocolate, or if he wears boxers or briefs. But others have dealt with it while still allowing public dissent.
Your post lacks logic....filled with emotion and htared....but lacks actual understanding of the difference between presidential and down ballot elections.
The presidential election and down ballot election on the same ballots.

The election is either fraudulent or it isn’t. It can’t be both at the same time.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.
If the administration simply told the truth about the election, there would have been no insurrection.
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
There was no compelling evidence to do so. The states run their elections. Each state certified their results, their electors met and cast their votes. The Congress, led by the VP, certified the election as well.
Yes. I am aware.

And I heard....even Republican governors certified.

SO I need to ask you....exactly what governor, republican or democrat will EVER say..."I was responsible for the integrity of the election and I failed you miserabley. I should have a recall election against me and none of you should ever vote for me again because I really suck at what I do.

The fact that we have people like Biden and Pelosi saying "even republican governors admit no wrong doing" is their way of saying "the people of this country are so fucking stupid, we can say 'even repuboican governors say so' and they will say....that makes sense.

Be careful what you wish for.
Yes. I am aware.

And I heard....even Republican governors certified.

SO I need to ask you....exactly what governor, republican or democrat will EVER say..."I was responsible for the integrity of the election and I failed you miserabley. I should have a recall election against me and none of you should ever vote for me again because I really suck at what I do.

The fact that we have people like Biden and Pelosi saying "even republican governors admit no wrong doing" is their way of saying "the people of this country are so fucking stupid, we can say 'even repuboican governors say so' and they will say....that makes sense.

Be careful what you wish for.
You’re not really.
Awareness would include the understanding that when a state certifies it’s election it isn’t simply a rubber stamp. There are benchmarks for the accuracy of all aspects of that election. If any questions concerning ballots cannot be rectified they are not included. Certification only comes when they are sure the vote was as complete and accurate as possible.

As an aside, why do you only question the votes for president and why only in the battleground states?
You don’t find that in and of itself suspect?
I dont know if there was wrong doing or not.

I simply know that the governor appoints an election official and it is up to that election official to do one of two things.

Say he/she did a good job or he/she did a bad job.

Now, in my 63 years of life, I have never heard anyone say "I did a bad job". Heck, as employer, there was never anyone I interviewed who said they were fired. Always "laid off" or "resigned due to harassment." Someone elses fault. Always.

Governor? What governor can you say ever admitted to doing wrong?

So when you say each state ratified....the only way one wouldnt is if the governor admitted she or he sucked at what they do.

Is there evidence of wrong doing? No. however is there circumstantial evidence of possible wrong doing? Simple...the man who got more votes than anyone else in history got less votes than the man who got even more votes.

I know...I get it. Circumstantial evidence is not evidence. True. But circumstantial evidence is used to open an investigation to see if it leads to actual evidence.

Trump supporters asked for that. We were told we were not worthy of it.

But...the same people wo said that to us are now saying that whereas it is only circumstantial evidence that Trump used "code" to incite a mob, it is enough to present articles of impeachment.

Does any one realize there are 75 million voters who feel the majority is saying "fuck you losers. You are too stupid to acknowledge>"

How will that pan out?
Does any one realize there are 75 million voters who feel the majority is saying "fuck you losers. You are too stupid to acknowledge>"

How will that pan out?
Who knows how it will pan out?
What I do know is that our system is only as good as the trust the people have in it.
Therefore, purposely attempting to undermine that trust in an effort to gain support for overturning the results is unconscionable and destructive to our entire system of govt.

What I also know is that it’s not my responsibility or that of the Congress to talk other grown ass people off the ledge. Just take a few minutes to think through what and who would have to be in place and in on the fix for there to be so many millions of fraudulent ballots across several states. Does that really seem likely?

In your 63 years, have you ever before doubted the election results like you have this time around?
If not, what was different other than Trump suggesting it was so?
Actually, I saw it in 2000 Bush V Gore, I saw it in 2004 when Boxer refused to accept the electoral college results.....

How as this different? Or do you =not know of the others?
Actually, I saw it in 2000 Bush V Gore, I saw it in 2004 when Boxer refused to accept the electoral college results.....

How as this different? Or do you =not know of the others?
Are you saying you doubted those results?
But is there enough there for our elected officials to look into it?

Each one of those elections were looked at by the appropriate and lawful election officials before they were certified. The US Congress is not the appropriate and/or lawful election official tasked with ensuring a fair election.

They have no responsibility for state elections.....down ballot below house and senate.

They have 100% responsibility of national general elections as it pertains to congress, senate and President.

Know you facts or dont contribute.

Only for the House and Senate elections.

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States."

Congress has no constitutional authority to challenge the certified EC votes of the States.
wrong again. Voter fraud for President" is a federal offense.

Know your facts before you join a discussion.

It is the states who does the election investigations not Congress.

Like this fraud found in PA this election.

It is not the Federal Government who certifies the Votes. It is the States. It's Congress's job to open and count the votes, that's all.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Every discussion must mention the capitol riots. You're not allowed to talk about anything else you crazy right wing nut job!!!
How many Benghazi investigations did we have over the span of 2 or 3 years?? 9, 10??

And yo goofy ass wants to just forget about a fucking failed coup at the Capitol building where 5 people died??


Remember the term "Never forget!"??

That goes for failed right wing ammosexual fascist takeovers too
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.

Instead, the administration chose to blame an American Citizen for the attack after he expressed his first amendment right. Sure, irresponsible for him to do it by making the film....but it was an American Citizen doing what is allowed by his rights. And they blamed him.

Now....think about it.....many countries in this world hate Us for our first amendment right. And we had an administration blame our first amendment right on an attack on our people by an adversary.

Just give that some thought.
If the administration simply told the truth about Benghazi, there would have been no investigations.
If the administration simply told the truth about the election, there would have been no insurrection.
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
If the congress allowed for an investigation, there would have been no issue at all. Afterall, they allowed for mueller investigation with no proof of any wrong doing....just allegations.....but 75 million people, including myself, found it hard to believe that 80 million people voted for a man who barely campaigned. Were we wrong? Maybe. But congress didn't care to find out. They simply said "we are the majority and we dont care what you think, we will not look into it".
There was no compelling evidence to do so. The states run their elections. Each state certified their results, their electors met and cast their votes. The Congress, led by the VP, certified the election as well.
Yes. I am aware.

And I heard....even Republican governors certified.

SO I need to ask you....exactly what governor, republican or democrat will EVER say..."I was responsible for the integrity of the election and I failed you miserabley. I should have a recall election against me and none of you should ever vote for me again because I really suck at what I do.

The fact that we have people like Biden and Pelosi saying "even republican governors admit no wrong doing" is their way of saying "the people of this country are so fucking stupid, we can say 'even repuboican governors say so' and they will say....that makes sense.

Be careful what you wish for.
Yes. I am aware.

And I heard....even Republican governors certified.

SO I need to ask you....exactly what governor, republican or democrat will EVER say..."I was responsible for the integrity of the election and I failed you miserabley. I should have a recall election against me and none of you should ever vote for me again because I really suck at what I do.

The fact that we have people like Biden and Pelosi saying "even republican governors admit no wrong doing" is their way of saying "the people of this country are so fucking stupid, we can say 'even repuboican governors say so' and they will say....that makes sense.

Be careful what you wish for.
You’re not really.
Awareness would include the understanding that when a state certifies it’s election it isn’t simply a rubber stamp. There are benchmarks for the accuracy of all aspects of that election. If any questions concerning ballots cannot be rectified they are not included. Certification only comes when they are sure the vote was as complete and accurate as possible.

As an aside, why do you only question the votes for president and why only in the battleground states?
You don’t find that in and of itself suspect?
I dont know if there was wrong doing or not.

I simply know that the governor appoints an election official and it is up to that election official to do one of two things.

Say he/she did a good job or he/she did a bad job.

Now, in my 63 years of life, I have never heard anyone say "I did a bad job". Heck, as employer, there was never anyone I interviewed who said they were fired. Always "laid off" or "resigned due to harassment." Someone elses fault. Always.

Governor? What governor can you say ever admitted to doing wrong?

So when you say each state ratified....the only way one wouldnt is if the governor admitted she or he sucked at what they do.

Is there evidence of wrong doing? No. however is there circumstantial evidence of possible wrong doing? Simple...the man who got more votes than anyone else in history got less votes than the man who got even more votes.

I know...I get it. Circumstantial evidence is not evidence. True. But circumstantial evidence is used to open an investigation to see if it leads to actual evidence.

Trump supporters asked for that. We were told we were not worthy of it.

But...the same people wo said that to us are now saying that whereas it is only circumstantial evidence that Trump used "code" to incite a mob, it is enough to present articles of impeachment.

Does any one realize there are 75 million voters who feel the majority is saying "fuck you losers. You are too stupid to acknowledge>"

How will that pan out?
Does any one realize there are 75 million voters who feel the majority is saying "fuck you losers. You are too stupid to acknowledge>"

How will that pan out?
Who knows how it will pan out?
What I do know is that our system is only as good as the trust the people have in it.
Therefore, purposely attempting to undermine that trust in an effort to gain support for overturning the results is unconscionable and destructive to our entire system of govt.

What I also know is that it’s not my responsibility or that of the Congress to talk other grown ass people off the ledge. Just take a few minutes to think through what and who would have to be in place and in on the fix for there to be so many millions of fraudulent ballots across several states. Does that really seem likely?

In your 63 years, have you ever before doubted the election results like you have this time around?
If not, what was different other than Trump suggesting it was so?
Actually, I saw it in 2000 Bush V Gore, I saw it in 2004 when Boxer refused to accept the electoral college results.....

How as this different? Or do you =not know of the others?
What happened after Boxer contested the Ohio results??

Did Kerry and over 150 elected Democrats try to over turn the election and called for a so-called "Stop The Steal" march to disrupt the electoral vote count? Nope...

and also, if you dic suckers feel your cause is so righteous -- why the minute you get any pushback your first reaction is "but but but Democrats did it!!!" -- you can't both sides your way out of sedition -- you own it
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.

Nah - Newsmax, Sinclair, OAN, etc etc etc do not require a separate platform in order to spew their propaganda. Don't cry little one, you'll get your candy. ;)
1) Stopped missiles from flying over Japan
2) Oversaw a market that breached 30K
3) Had a multitude of countries recognize Israel as sovereign country
4) Oversaw an country that lowered more emissions than those in the Paris no cost
5) Stopped caravans of millions of people from risking their lives trekking over thousands of miles
6) Took out some of the top terrorist leaders in the world
7) Developed and Signed the USMCA that all three countries agrred was in the best interest of all three countries
8) Made the UN countries pay their fare share.....or at least most of it.
9) Freed more hostage's without ransom than any other president
10) Was ready to move forward with healthcare but congress wanted nothing to do with it.
All his claimed achievements were given due consideration in a free and fair election on November 3, and were found woefully deficient by the American people who were finally able to formally express the sentiment they had relentlessly expressed for four years. His spiteful cry baby loser's incitement of his goons to wage a deadly insurrection against the United States sealed the deal.

You done good but you are bad so your good is bad.

Trump lost.

No tantrums!
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Requiring that people stop lying and tell the truth is hardly "censorship". You have no first amendment right to lie and promote violence with impunity, which is what the Republican Party has been doing since Reagan's lies about "Welfare Queens", and often repeated lies that Democrats only want "free shit".

The Capital Building was attacked by an angry mob who believe the election was "stolen" by Democrats. They believe this because the Republican Party hasn't told them otherwise. Republicans let Trump's lies about election fraud stand because they don't want to upset his voters and get voted out of office. They chose to protect Donald Trump over their constituents and voters.

Because disagreeing with President Trump is "betrayal". Just ask Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, John Bolton, and Bill Barr.
... Wait'll the next step....MASSIVE gun confiscation. Guaranteed.

"Guaranteed"? Ok, when? Be specific so we know when to determine if your guarantee was bullshit or not.

Already happened once.
You don't remember the Assault Weapons ban of 1993?
It was insane because there is no such thing as an "assault weapon", and any weapon can be used as an assault weapon. At the beginning of WWII when semi auto rifles were scarce at first, they converted bolt action WWI rifles into blowback assault weapons.

If one truly understands a democratic republic, then for government forces to have weapons, then everyone must be able to. That is because authority in a democratic republic does not come from government, but from inherent rights of individuals.

Regardless of anything else, it has to be clear the 2nd amendment makes ALL federal weapons regulation totally illegal. States and municipalities are a totally different story. But the feds just are totally prohibited any jurisdiction at all.
1) Stopped missiles from flying over Japan
2) Oversaw a market that breached 30K
3) Had a multitude of countries recognize Israel as sovereign country
4) Oversaw an country that lowered more emissions than those in the Paris no cost
5) Stopped caravans of millions of people from risking their lives trekking over thousands of miles
6) Took out some of the top terrorist leaders in the world
7) Developed and Signed the USMCA that all three countries agrred was in the best interest of all three countries
8) Made the UN countries pay their fare share.....or at least most of it.
9) Freed more hostage's without ransom than any other president
10) Was ready to move forward with healthcare but congress wanted nothing to do with it.
All his claimed achievements were given due consideration in a free and fair election on November 3, and were found woefully deficient by the American people who were finally able to formally express the sentiment they had relentlessly expressed for four years. His spiteful cry baby loser's incitement of his goons to wage a deadly insurrection against the United States sealed the deal.

You done good but you are bad so your good is bad.

Trump lost.

No tantrums!
And there you have it.

Trump Lost!

So did gore but I bet you were one of those saying ...."but....but....but......

And when Trump one you were likely one of those crying like a baby and then screaming in the streets on 'national scream day'

Grow up little boy.
1) Stopped missiles from flying over Japan
2) Oversaw a market that breached 30K
3) Had a multitude of countries recognize Israel as sovereign country
4) Oversaw an country that lowered more emissions than those in the Paris no cost
5) Stopped caravans of millions of people from risking their lives trekking over thousands of miles
6) Took out some of the top terrorist leaders in the world
7) Developed and Signed the USMCA that all three countries agrred was in the best interest of all three countries
8) Made the UN countries pay their fare share.....or at least most of it.
9) Freed more hostage's without ransom than any other president
10) Was ready to move forward with healthcare but congress wanted nothing to do with it.
All his claimed achievements were given due consideration in a free and fair election on November 3, and were found woefully deficient by the American people who were finally able to formally express the sentiment they had relentlessly expressed for four years. His spiteful cry baby loser's incitement of his goons to wage a deadly insurrection against the United States sealed the deal.

You done good but you are bad so your good is bad.

Trump lost.

No tantrums!


Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Requiring that people stop lying and tell the truth is hardly "censorship". You have no first amendment right to lie and promote violence with impunity, which is what the Republican Party has been doing since Reagan's lies about "Welfare Queens", and often repeated lies that Democrats only want "free shit".

The Capital Building was attacked by an angry mob who believe the election was "stolen" by Democrats. They believe this because the Republican Party hasn't told them otherwise. Republicans let Trump's lies about election fraud stand because they don't want to upset his voters and get voted out of office. They chose to protect Donald Trump over their constituents and voters.

Because disagreeing with President Trump is "betrayal". Just ask Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, John Bolton, and Bill Barr.

How do YOU know what is lies?
What if Trump believes the election was stolen?

I do not like or support Trump, but the occupation of congress by groups of public is not illegal.
They not only have a right to be there, but political protest is a protected act.
And clearly Congress is the one committing crimes, like invading Vietnam, lying about WMD in Iraq, the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, no public healthcare, unfair tax laws, etc. The list is endless.
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

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