First Parler then Newsmax

... the occupation of congress by groups of public is not illegal.
They not only have a right to be there, but political protest is a protected act.
No rational person pretends that armed goons, provoked by the sore loser of a free and fair election, storming the Capitol, smashing doors, windows, and other property, injuring and killing those charged with defending it, is "protected, public protest."
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Your thread mentioned nothing about the capitol riots.

Why should it? I am talking about the clear censorship of the media and the government. Yes, you lemmings are fine with least for now.

Requiring that people stop lying and tell the truth is hardly "censorship". You have no first amendment right to lie and promote violence with impunity, which is what the Republican Party has been doing since Reagan's lies about "Welfare Queens", and often repeated lies that Democrats only want "free shit".

The Capital Building was attacked by an angry mob who believe the election was "stolen" by Democrats. They believe this because the Republican Party hasn't told them otherwise. Republicans let Trump's lies about election fraud stand because they don't want to upset his voters and get voted out of office. They chose to protect Donald Trump over their constituents and voters.

Because disagreeing with President Trump is "betrayal". Just ask Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, John Bolton, and Bill Barr.
who decides that the truth is?

You ever think about that?

As they say...there are three sides to a story....your side. my side and the truth.

Was Gore a liar? in Bush V Gore? Was Boxer a liar when she said she had proof of voter fraud n 2004? Was Schiff a lair when he claimed to have proof of collusion? Was Trump a liar? How about Avantis client who said she went week after week to parties where she saw girls drugged and gang raped? Yet she went back to the same party week after week? Was she a liar? Was Ford a liar when she said she wont fly because she is afraid to fly but records showed she flied all over the world for vacation? Did Cohen lie when he swore he did nothing wrong but evidence showed otherwise? Did Clinton lie when he said "it depends on what the word "if" means?

Somehow, you know who is lying and who is not.\

But I must ask you.....did you lie when your parents asked why they keep finding d-batteries in the bathroom waste basket along with empty jars of vaseline and you said " I dont know"?
... the occupation of congress by groups of public is not illegal.
They not only have a right to be there, but political protest is a protected act.
No rational person pretends that armed goons, provoked by the sore loser of a free and fair election, storming the Capitol, smashing doors, windows, and other property, injuring and killing those charged with defending it, is "protected, public protest."

Cultists are by definition - - - > irrational.
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
People at the Capitol seemed perfectly happy to engage in violent insurrection.

Seems they wanted a bit more than the opportunity to publicly dissent. Seems they wanted to murder a lot of Congress people and the Vice President as they did not ignore the results of the election.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.

Any platform that allows sedition and/or incitement to insurrection should be shut down.

Seditious people have voided their right to free speech and should be prosecuted.

What do you think the Democrats have been trying to do for the past 4 years? They have been trying to overthrow Trump, who was duly elected in 2016. What makes it even worse is the Democrats used politicians to spend our tax money on all their nonsense. The MSM did their part by ignoring violent protests and actually inciting them No concern from the looney left. Now all of sudden the left is concerned. Weird.

If you can't tell the difference between valid political opinions, rendered peacefully and legally vs. sedition, you are truly pitiful.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.

Any platform that allows sedition and/or incitement to insurrection should be shut down.

Seditious people have voided their right to free speech and should be prosecuted.
Democrat definition of sedition: Any action not in support of full government control of your life. Desire for transparency and secure elections. Any action, word or thoughts outside of those approved by liberals.

Absolute and utter nonsense! You live in a paranoid, delusional world!
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.
Oh I see.

Hillary loses with a normal amount of votes cast and there is a national "scream in the streets day". That is OK. Hillary supporters deserve it.
Trump loses with an unprecedented amount of votes cast and hsi supporters dont have the right to question it.

If one truly understands a democratic republic, then for government forces to have weapons, then everyone must be able to. That is because authority in a democratic republic does not come from government, but from inherent rights of individuals.
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.

Unproven? All 50 states have certified their election according to the laws of their state. All legal processes were followed and several court challenges were heard in various courts both on the state and federal levels including the Supreme Court.

What do you want? Blood?

Oh yeah that's got it.
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.

Neither Biden nor anyone else has to prove the election was 'legit'.

The burden of proof lies with the accuser. Your accusations have been discussed publicly and reviewed many times over by the courts. They have overwhelmingly been found to be false.

These accusations have instigated insurrection that resulted in the murder of a police officer, the attempt to undermine Democracy, the apparent attempt to take the entire congress hostage, the massive destruction of government property and the very possible attempt to murder the Vice-President and other members of Congress.

Further promotion of these lies is sedition and incitement to insurrection!
Hillary loses with a normal amount of votes cast and there is a national "scream in the streets day". That is OK. Hillary supporters deserve it.
Hillary supporters had protests not because they didn't accept the results but because they were unhappy about it. Trump launched dozens of lawsuits. He constantly repeated conspiracy theories and false accusations about fraud. He asked the vice president to unilaterally change the results of elections in some states. And it all culminated with a riot at the Capitol.

Jesus, get some perspective.
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.

We've already had an 'open national dialogue over the issues'. They have been found to be pure nonsense.

If there was any fraud committed it was the massive inflation of the count of votes for Trump in Republican controlled areas. But that's a discussion for some time in the future.
Hillary loses with a normal amount of votes cast and there is a national "scream in the streets day". That is OK. Hillary supporters deserve it.
Hillary supporters had protests not because they didn't accept the results but because they were unhappy about it. Trump launched dozens of lawsuits. He constantly repeated conspiracy theories and false accusations about fraud. He asked the vice president to unilaterally change the results of elections in some states. And it all culminated with a riot at the Capitol.

Jesus, get some perspective.
We've already had an 'open national dialogue over the issues'. They have been found to be pure nonsense.
If there was any fraud committed it was the massive inflation of the count of votes for Trump in Republican controlled areas. But that's a discussion for some time in the future.

How's the weather in Bejing this morning comrade ??
He legally launcg=hed loawsuite
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.

We've already had an 'open national dialogue over the issues'. They have been found to be pure nonsense.

If there was any fraud committed it was the massive inflation of the count of votes for Trump in Republican controlled areas. But that's a discussion for some time in the future.
Just to be clear...and open dialogue saying you are wrong and that is it is an open dialogue?
A judge who decides he/she doesnt want to affect his/her legacy by getting involved in overturning an election is an open dialogue?
A governor wjo says :I did my job and I did it well and I refuse to admit I may be a screw up" is an open dialogue?
An appointed official who is assigned the responsibility to ensure election integrity who says " I did my job and I did it well is an open dialogue?
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.

We've already had an 'open national dialogue over the issues'. They have been found to be pure nonsense.

If there was any fraud committed it was the massive inflation of the count of votes for Trump in Republican controlled areas. But that's a discussion for some time in the future.
Open national dialogue settles it?

Wow. I wonder how well an open national dialogue would have been met as it pertained to Russian collusion if it was considered settled because we had an open national dialogue. I wonder how it would have been met if the open national dialogue found it be nonsense.

Gee....I wonder.

I get it. 80 Million people are rational fair minded no partisan people. 75 million people are assholes who are racist, tyrannical in nature, xenophobes, misogynists' and who want to see children suffer in the cold and seniors thrown off a cliff.

I get it.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.

Any platform that allows sedition and/or incitement to insurrection should be shut down.

Seditious people have voided their right to free speech and should be prosecuted.
Democrat definition of sedition: Any action not in support of full government control of your life. Desire for transparency and secure elections. Any action, word or thoughts outside of those approved by liberals.

Absolute and utter nonsense! You live in a paranoid, delusional world!
Says the retard wanting to prosecute anyone not agreeing with his side. You’re a useful idiot.

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