First Parler then Newsmax

So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.
Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.
It’s done. No dialogue is necessary.
There will be no remedial class for those who need extra help.
If one truly understands a democratic republic, then for government forces to have weapons, then everyone must be able to. That is because authority in a democratic republic does not come from government, but from inherent rights of individuals.
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.

Unproven? All 50 states have certified their election according to the laws of their state. All legal processes were followed and several court challenges were heard in various courts both on the state and federal levels including the Supreme Court.

What do you want? Blood?

Oh yeah that's got it.
Once again, wrong. Many by Blue governors did not run the election according to the laws of their states. Without consent of the state legislature, the governors and Secretaries amended the laws with the excuse being COVID adjustments to the laws.
SO the fact that you stated that they certified to they certified according to the laws laws of their state....that is wrong. They certified according to their non legislative alterations of the laws of their state.
THAT was the argument. But your news felt you were too stupid and naïve to really care so they didn't tell you.
I suggest you find out the truth before you state things that are factually wrong.

But you wont....instead you will call me a redneck dumbass who is an idiot.

I get it. You've done it before and you will do it again.
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.
Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.
It’s done. No dialogue is necessary.
There will be no remedial class for those who need extra help.
I used to say thing like that when I was in grade school. Then I entered junior high and stopped speaking like that.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Nothing illegal with biased opinionated news. That why we hear turds like Rush on the airwaves on a daily basis. When you break the law and violate user agreements then there are penalties. That’s how it works
If one truly understands a democratic republic, then for government forces to have weapons, then everyone must be able to. That is because authority in a democratic republic does not come from government, but from inherent rights of individuals.
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.

Unproven? All 50 states have certified their election according to the laws of their state. All legal processes were followed and several court challenges were heard in various courts both on the state and federal levels including the Supreme Court.

What do you want? Blood?

Oh yeah that's got it.
Once again, wrong. Many by Blue governors did not run the election according to the laws of their states. Without consent of the state legislature, the governors and Secretaries amended the laws with the excuse being COVID adjustments to the laws.
SO the fact that you stated that they certified to they certified according to the laws laws of their state....that is wrong. They certified according to their non legislative alterations of the laws of their state.
THAT was the argument. But your news felt you were too stupid and naïve to really care so they didn't tell you.
I suggest you find out the truth before you state things that are factually wrong.

But you wont....instead you will call me a redneck dumbass who is an idiot.

I get it. You've done it before and you will do it again.

The courts only found one instance where the law as written was changed, (not by the PA governor, but by a court). It was one of the only cases trumps team prevailed because the law was clear down to the date and time. The late ballots were not included in the totals. All the others were deemed to be allowed procedural changes or grey areas of the law that need to be clarified, and not changes to law at all.

The Philadelphia Inquirer has some nice in depth reporting on the legislative changes to the PA voter laws and their fights with the Gov. over the past year and a half....But that's news that doesn't come to you........
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.
Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.
It’s done. No dialogue is necessary.
There will be no remedial class for those who need extra help.
I used to say thing like that when I was in grade school. Then I entered junior high and stopped speaking like that.
I used to say thing like that when I was in grade school. Then I entered junior high and stopped speaking like that.
Is that when they finally gave you an aide?
You dopes keep asking for more. Any competent adult can already see enough to know. That’s why you’ve been ignored.

There will be no remedial explanations.
He legally launcg=hed loawsuite
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.

We've already had an 'open national dialogue over the issues'. They have been found to be pure nonsense.

If there was any fraud committed it was the massive inflation of the count of votes for Trump in Republican controlled areas. But that's a discussion for some time in the future.
Just to be clear...and open dialogue saying you are wrong and that is it is an open dialogue?
A judge who decides he/she doesnt want to affect his/her legacy by getting involved in overturning an election is an open dialogue?
A governor wjo says :I did my job and I did it well and I refuse to admit I may be a screw up" is an open dialogue?
An appointed official who is assigned the responsibility to ensure election integrity who says " I did my job and I did it well is an open dialogue?
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.

We've already had an 'open national dialogue over the issues'. They have been found to be pure nonsense.

If there was any fraud committed it was the massive inflation of the count of votes for Trump in Republican controlled areas. But that's a discussion for some time in the future.
Open national dialogue settles it?

Wow. I wonder how well an open national dialogue would have been met as it pertained to Russian collusion if it was considered settled because we had an open national dialogue. I wonder how it would have been met if the open national dialogue found it be nonsense.

Gee....I wonder.

I get it. 80 Million people are rational fair minded no partisan people. 75 million people are assholes who are racist, tyrannical in nature, xenophobes, misogynists' and who want to see children suffer in the cold and seniors thrown off a cliff.

I get it.

Yes, we've had an open dialogue. You've failed to prove your accusations. Many of the people that clearly disagree with you are Republicans - some are Trump appointed judges.

It's you that will not allow an open dialogue. You will not stop your BULLSHIT no matter how many times you are proven wrong.

You do NOT have 75 million people that agree with you. Many people that voted for Trump DO NOT believe that the election was 'Stolen' and DO believe that right wing nutcases have committed insurrection and incitement to insurrection.

The Republican party is divided. You will not force your lies on us!
He legally launcg=hed loawsuite
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.

We've already had an 'open national dialogue over the issues'. They have been found to be pure nonsense.

If there was any fraud committed it was the massive inflation of the count of votes for Trump in Republican controlled areas. But that's a discussion for some time in the future.
Just to be clear...and open dialogue saying you are wrong and that is it is an open dialogue?
A judge who decides he/she doesnt want to affect his/her legacy by getting involved in overturning an election is an open dialogue?
A governor wjo says :I did my job and I did it well and I refuse to admit I may be a screw up" is an open dialogue?
An appointed official who is assigned the responsibility to ensure election integrity who says " I did my job and I did it well is an open dialogue?
So why protect Sleepy Joe from criticism?
After 51.33% of Americans took advantage of the opportunity to dump the trump, whomever was chosen to succeed him was destined to be the target of the trump sore losers. Their being very pissy and lashing out goes with the territory. No matter how much they revile and demean him, Americans adjudged Biden to be superior to the Cry Baby.

One hopes disgruntled trumpers will not again work themselves into a frenzy and attempt another violent insurrection against the government of the United States.

Brooding and sniveling are entirely permissible.

No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit.
No one wants "violent insurrection", but they do want is an opportunity to discuss publicly and dissent from Biden's policies including his unproven assertion that the election was legit
Mike Pence said it’s legit,dope. Prolly why you want to hang him.

Mike Pence is certainly entitled to his opinion.

All I am seeking, all I ask, is that we have an open national dialogue over the issues.

The fact that some top people in the know are doing everything they can to silence the people tells me there is something to the allegations of massive fraud.

We've already had an 'open national dialogue over the issues'. They have been found to be pure nonsense.

If there was any fraud committed it was the massive inflation of the count of votes for Trump in Republican controlled areas. But that's a discussion for some time in the future.
Open national dialogue settles it?

Wow. I wonder how well an open national dialogue would have been met as it pertained to Russian collusion if it was considered settled because we had an open national dialogue. I wonder how it would have been met if the open national dialogue found it be nonsense.

Gee....I wonder.

I get it. 80 Million people are rational fair minded no partisan people. 75 million people are assholes who are racist, tyrannical in nature, xenophobes, misogynists' and who want to see children suffer in the cold and seniors thrown off a cliff.

I get it.

Yes, we've had an open dialogue. You've failed to prove your accusations. Many of the people that clearly disagree with you are Republicans - some are Trump appointed judges.

It's you that will not allow an open dialogue. You will not stop your BULLSHIT no matter how many times you are proven wrong.

You do NOT have 75 million people that agree with you. Many people that voted for Trump DO NOT believe that the election was 'Stolen' and DO believe that right wing nutcases have committed insurrection and incitement to insurrection.

The Republican party is divided. You will not force your lies on us!

You are one mature debater.

Take care.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Nothing illegal with biased opinionated news. That why we hear turds like Rush on the airwaves on a daily basis. When you break the law and violate user agreements then there are penalties. That’s how it works
If you feel the need to refer to someone you don't agree with as a turd, you lose all credibility in my book.

Take care.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Nothing illegal with biased opinionated news. That why we hear turds like Rush on the airwaves on a daily basis. When you break the law and violate user agreements then there are penalties. That’s how it works
If you feel the need to refer to someone you don't agree with as a turd, you lose all credibility in my book.

Take care.
I don’t call Rush a turd because I disagree with him. I enjoy opposing point of views and healthy debate. I call him a turd because he pushes lies and conspiracy theories And spends most of his program trying to demonize the people that he disagrees with. If you are going to deem me not credible for calling him a turd then I’d also expect you to deem Rush and Hannity and their ILK as not credible as they demean and name call those they oppose on a daily basis.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Nothing illegal with biased opinionated news. That why we hear turds like Rush on the airwaves on a daily basis. When you break the law and violate user agreements then there are penalties. That’s how it works
If you feel the need to refer to someone you don't agree with as a turd, you lose all credibility in my book.

Take care.
I don’t call Rush a turd because I disagree with him. I enjoy opposing point of views and healthy debate. I call him a turd because he pushes lies and conspiracy theories And spends most of his program trying to demonize the people that he disagrees with. If you are going to deem me not credible for calling him a turd then I’d also expect you to deem Rush and Hannity and their ILK as not credible as they demean and name call those they oppose on a daily basis.
when you disagree, you refer to the opposition as one pushing lies and conspiracy theories. I have seen your posts. Anyone you disagree with is lying or a conspiracist. So stop trying to take the high road. You need to be right and those that think you arent are nothing but a bunch of right wing liars.

But nice try.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Nothing illegal with biased opinionated news. That why we hear turds like Rush on the airwaves on a daily basis. When you break the law and violate user agreements then there are penalties. That’s how it works
If you feel the need to refer to someone you don't agree with as a turd, you lose all credibility in my book.

Take care.
I don’t call Rush a turd because I disagree with him. I enjoy opposing point of views and healthy debate. I call him a turd because he pushes lies and conspiracy theories And spends most of his program trying to demonize the people that he disagrees with. If you are going to deem me not credible for calling him a turd then I’d also expect you to deem Rush and Hannity and their ILK as not credible as they demean and name call those they oppose on a daily basis.
when you disagree, you refer to the opposition as one pushing lies and conspiracy theories. I have seen your posts. Anyone you disagree with is lying or a conspiracist. So stop trying to take the high road. You need to be right and those that think you arent are nothing but a bunch of right wing liars.

But nice try.
I’m sorry but I don’t deem policy disagreements as lies and conspiracy theories. I refer to lies and conspiracy theory’s as such. It’s those who say that the election was stolen and that Trump won by 100s of thousands of votes in the swing states and pence could reject the EC votes... those are the ones lying and spreading misinformation. It’s not a different point of views... it’s lies.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Nothing illegal with biased opinionated news. That why we hear turds like Rush on the airwaves on a daily basis. When you break the law and violate user agreements then there are penalties. That’s how it works
If you feel the need to refer to someone you don't agree with as a turd, you lose all credibility in my book.

Take care.
I don’t call Rush a turd because I disagree with him. I enjoy opposing point of views and healthy debate. I call him a turd because he pushes lies and conspiracy theories And spends most of his program trying to demonize the people that he disagrees with. If you are going to deem me not credible for calling him a turd then I’d also expect you to deem Rush and Hannity and their ILK as not credible as they demean and name call those they oppose on a daily basis.
when you disagree, you refer to the opposition as one pushing lies and conspiracy theories. I have seen your posts. Anyone you disagree with is lying or a conspiracist. So stop trying to take the high road. You need to be right and those that think you arent are nothing but a bunch of right wing liars.

But nice try.
I’m sorry but I don’t deem policy disagreements as lies and conspiracy theories. I refer to lies and conspiracy theory’s as such. It’s those who say that the election was stolen and that Trump won by 100s of thousands of votes in the swing states and pence could reject the EC votes... those are the ones lying and spreading misinformation. It’s not a different point of views... it’s lies.
I have read your posts.

You call anyone who disagrees with you names...including turd, liar fraud, asshole, etc.

We know who you are.

You cant run from your past when you post it on a message board.

HURRY....quick....delete your previous posts! HURRY!
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Nothing illegal with biased opinionated news. That why we hear turds like Rush on the airwaves on a daily basis. When you break the law and violate user agreements then there are penalties. That’s how it works
If you feel the need to refer to someone you don't agree with as a turd, you lose all credibility in my book.

Take care.
I don’t call Rush a turd because I disagree with him. I enjoy opposing point of views and healthy debate. I call him a turd because he pushes lies and conspiracy theories And spends most of his program trying to demonize the people that he disagrees with. If you are going to deem me not credible for calling him a turd then I’d also expect you to deem Rush and Hannity and their ILK as not credible as they demean and name call those they oppose on a daily basis.
when you disagree, you refer to the opposition as one pushing lies and conspiracy theories. I have seen your posts. Anyone you disagree with is lying or a conspiracist. So stop trying to take the high road. You need to be right and those that think you arent are nothing but a bunch of right wing liars.

But nice try.
I’m sorry but I don’t deem policy disagreements as lies and conspiracy theories. I refer to lies and conspiracy theory’s as such. It’s those who say that the election was stolen and that Trump won by 100s of thousands of votes in the swing states and pence could reject the EC votes... those are the ones lying and spreading misinformation. It’s not a different point of views... it’s lies.
I have read your posts.

You call anyone who disagrees with you names...including turd, liar fraud, asshole, etc.

We know who you are.

You cant run from your past when you post it on a message board.

HURRY....quick....delete your previous posts! HURRY!
Give an example. I call trolls names when they troll. I give respect and honest debate to those who do so in kind. Don’t believe me? Show an example that says otherwise
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Nothing illegal with biased opinionated news. That why we hear turds like Rush on the airwaves on a daily basis. When you break the law and violate user agreements then there are penalties. That’s how it works
If you feel the need to refer to someone you don't agree with as a turd, you lose all credibility in my book.

Take care.
I don’t call Rush a turd because I disagree with him. I enjoy opposing point of views and healthy debate. I call him a turd because he pushes lies and conspiracy theories And spends most of his program trying to demonize the people that he disagrees with. If you are going to deem me not credible for calling him a turd then I’d also expect you to deem Rush and Hannity and their ILK as not credible as they demean and name call those they oppose on a daily basis.
when you disagree, you refer to the opposition as one pushing lies and conspiracy theories. I have seen your posts. Anyone you disagree with is lying or a conspiracist. So stop trying to take the high road. You need to be right and those that think you arent are nothing but a bunch of right wing liars.

But nice try.
I’m sorry but I don’t deem policy disagreements as lies and conspiracy theories. I refer to lies and conspiracy theory’s as such. It’s those who say that the election was stolen and that Trump won by 100s of thousands of votes in the swing states and pence could reject the EC votes... those are the ones lying and spreading misinformation. It’s not a different point of views... it’s lies.
I have read your posts.

You call anyone who disagrees with you names...including turd, liar fraud, asshole, etc.

We know who you are.

You cant run from your past when you post it on a message board.

HURRY....quick....delete your previous posts! HURRY!
Give an example. I call trolls names when they troll. I give respect and honest debate to those who do so in kind. Don’t believe me? Show an example that says otherwise
We know who you are.

The examples of today alone show that.
Just wait and see. Newsmax will be next on the list to be removed from the air. Some lame excuse to trick ignorant losers is all they need. MSNBC is fine, despite their CLEARLY biased ”news” and inciting violence against Republicans and Trump himself. It is a one way street and the Democratic lemmings are just too ignorant to see the danger in the policies of their handlers.
Nothing illegal with biased opinionated news. That why we hear turds like Rush on the airwaves on a daily basis. When you break the law and violate user agreements then there are penalties. That’s how it works
If you feel the need to refer to someone you don't agree with as a turd, you lose all credibility in my book.

Take care.
I don’t call Rush a turd because I disagree with him. I enjoy opposing point of views and healthy debate. I call him a turd because he pushes lies and conspiracy theories And spends most of his program trying to demonize the people that he disagrees with. If you are going to deem me not credible for calling him a turd then I’d also expect you to deem Rush and Hannity and their ILK as not credible as they demean and name call those they oppose on a daily basis.
when you disagree, you refer to the opposition as one pushing lies and conspiracy theories. I have seen your posts. Anyone you disagree with is lying or a conspiracist. So stop trying to take the high road. You need to be right and those that think you arent are nothing but a bunch of right wing liars.

But nice try.
I’m sorry but I don’t deem policy disagreements as lies and conspiracy theories. I refer to lies and conspiracy theory’s as such. It’s those who say that the election was stolen and that Trump won by 100s of thousands of votes in the swing states and pence could reject the EC votes... those are the ones lying and spreading misinformation. It’s not a different point of views... it’s lies.
I have read your posts.

You call anyone who disagrees with you names...including turd, liar fraud, asshole, etc.

We know who you are.

You cant run from your past when you post it on a message board.

HURRY....quick....delete your previous posts! HURRY!
Give an example. I call trolls names when they troll. I give respect and honest debate to those who do so in kind. Don’t believe me? Show an example that says otherwise
We know who you are.

The examples of today alone show that.
So no example? I didn’t think so. Just point to something arbitrary. That’s a lazy argument man. Stop wasting my time if that’s how you’re going to engage
... You do NOT have 75 million people that agree with you. Many people that voted for Trump DO NOT believe that the election was 'Stolen' and DO believe that right wing nutcases have committed insurrection and incitement to insurrection.

The Republican party is divided. You will not force your lies on us!
It is time for decent, patriotic Republicans to join with Senator Toomey, Representative Kenzinger and others in a spirited, unified defense of the United States against the goons of Trumpery.

As the Wall Street Journal forcefully editorialized, the Loser must call off his goons and go away immediately.

He is a disgrace and a danger to democracy.
It seems this forum is flooded with Communists, Marxists and foreigners who insanely hate America

I assure you some of them are under the thumb of the CCP
It seems this forum is flooded with Communists, Marxists and foreigners who insanely hate America
They are as invisible as the 3-5 million insubstantial entities who all cast bogus ballots against Cry Baby Loser in 2016, but maybe they don't post because they're all laughing at how Cry Baby Loser has befouled America to the point that his goons attack our government.

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"Crackpot Jackpot!"

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