First poll 2022... Trump leads by wide margin...


Cause I have one...

From The Hill, December 2021...

So, you were saying?
I am saying those numbers will change as the actual choice looms. His unfavorable number still sits above 50%. All Trump can do is continue to nauseate and repulse more people for the next 2 years. Which he is sure to do.
Excellent. Here's hoping he takes all Republican challengers down. His loss in 2024 will be even more spectacular than it was in 2020.
No one..and I mean no one but his most ardent supporters, want to go through another four years of Trump. :auiqs.jpg:

History repeats itself...

History repeats itself...

Again, bring it on. Trump's biggest bonus right now for Democrats is that all roads to the Republican nomination go through him..whether he's actually the nominee or not.
In the primaries, he takes his challengers out. In the general...the majority (even some people who voted for him in the past) don't want to see him as President again.
I am saying those numbers will change as the actual choice looms. His unfavorable number still sits above 50%. All Trump can do is continue to nauseate and repulse more people for the next 2 years. Which he is sure to do.
Elections are generally the "lesser of the evils" vote.
Xiden is a disaster.
Democrat policies are catastrophes (AFG, defund police, lax DAs, lawlessness, inflation, abuse of power, selling the US out to China, etc.)
You are hoping numbers will change, that is "wishful thinking".
Trump has a shitty personality, but he knows how to run the US successfully, unlike the democrat failures.
The 2022 and 2024 elections should decide which track the US takes.
Again, bring it on. Trump's biggest bonus right now for Democrats is that all roads to the Republican nomination go through him..whether he's actually the nominee or not.
In the primaries, he takes his challengers out. In the general...the majority (even some people who voted for him in the past) don't want to see him as President again.
So who will the democrats put up that could beat Trump? Hint: no one, so say the betting oddsmakers
So who will the democrats put up that could beat Trump? Hint: no one, so say the betting oddsmakers
That's a good question. I don't have a good answer for you yet. My guess, it will be someone not on the radar right now.
That's a good question. I don't have a good answer for you yet. My guess, it will be someone not on the radar right now.
Thanks for confirming that the democrats don't have anyone who could beat Trump in 2024.

How about Hillary? Maybe Michele? AOC? Cuomo? Look at who was on stage last time...Buttplug?
The dems have a major problem. There is no one experienced and capable.
Elections are generally the "lesser of the evils" vote.
Xiden is a disaster.
Democrat policies are catastrophes (AFG, defund police, lax DAs, lawlessness, inflation, abuse of power, selling the US out to China, etc.)
You are hoping numbers will change, that is "wishful thinking".
Trump has a shitty personality, but he knows how to run the US successfully, unlike the democrat failures.
The 2022 and 2024 elections should decide which track the US takes.
Trump fights fire with fire that's how he took on Dems and their pals in the liberal news media beating them at their own game. Take away Trump's "shitty personality" and you have George Bush, a door mat who never fights back while Dems and the liberal news media attack him like rabid dogs.
Trump fights fire with fire that's how he took on Dems and their pals in the liberal news media beating them at their own game.
Trump is a narcissistic idiot with no sense of degree or scale. Trump fights mosquitos with fire. Trump fights imaginary enemies with fire. That's what a narcissistic sociopath does.

Tell him his tie looks stupid, or kick his wife in the face... both are just as bad to a mentally ill person like Trump.
I am saying those numbers will change as the actual choice looms. His unfavorable number still sits above 50%. All Trump can do is continue to nauseate and repulse more people for the next 2 years. Which he is sure to do.
That could happen. But looking at things as they stand right opinion is Biden is a lame duck president...and the more people see of the Biden presidency, and the more they see the media is overly biased and President Donald Trump was right about the most important issues... especially economic issues with the lockdowns and China...but also Biden restricting travel from Africa after criticising Trump for doing the same, Biden and Harris eroding faith in the vaccines during the 2020 election then lament vaccine hesitancy that they themselves reinforced?

And the border... what a albatross that has become around Biden's neck.

And what has Biden accomplished? An infrastructure bill THAT TRUMP WANTED...and would have signed into law.

What else?

A criminally botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

And the man is incoherent. Can barely string a sentence together. The media hid Biden from the public and did their level best to run cover for him...or worst still...carry water for him.

I believe anyone who is honest understands that without the media at his back Joe Biden would have never been the nominee...much less President.

That's my opinion. The media and the Democrats blew their collective wad getting Biden elected... and he has been a collosal failure... diminishing the credibility of the Legacy Media to a point that no one with critical thinking skills will trust them again until there is a renaissance in journalism that overturns the present order.

Those are my opinions...
Thanks for confirming that the democrats don't have anyone who could beat Trump in 2024.

How about Hillary? Maybe Michele? AOC? Cuomo? Look at who was on stage last time...Buttplug?
The dems have a major problem. There is no one experienced and capable.
My dog could beat Trump. Jeez. The guy is about as popular as cancer.
Pete might have shot. Dems don't have a problem outside of the one they've had for the last five
years or so. None of the old guard leadership can message their way out of a wet paper bag. the race for the 2024 GOP nomination.

The more they attack him... the stronger he gets...

Wish I was tech savvy enough to make one of those YouTube Meme videos where heads are superimposed on other bodies...

I'd make one of Trump as Iron Man and the insane leftists as Thor from that scene in Avengers 1.

The leftist give their best shots...

Jarvis: "power at 400% capacity"...

TRUMP "How bout that."

But... since I can't, you'll just have to watch the first 25 seconds and imagine it...

Trump 2024...make leftist's heads explode again!

Fuck polls........The left owns & manipulates polls. It's not near the election so they're especially useless. Additionally, the left is still planning the next crisis under victimization that should swing the polls.

Polls are for dependents who choose whatever is popular because they're dependent, I mean for leftists. They're a piece of useful propaganda like their "news" & "fact-checks". It's all a fraud aimed at the most useless among us, I mean leftists.
Get out of your bubble.

December 2021...The Hill...

Get your head out of the clouds. It's 1/2/2022.....this article means...NOTHING.
Long way to 2024. The election isn't held today..or tomorrow..or next month..or next year. :auiqs.jpg:
Get your head out of the clouds. It's 1/2/2022.....this article means...NOTHING.
Long way to 2024. The election isn't held today..or tomorrow..or next month..or next year. :auiqs.jpg:
It doesn't mean nothing... means when you say "My dog could beat Trump. Jeez. The guy is about as popular as cancer", you are either completely full of shit or totally detached from reality...or both.
It doesn't mean nothing... means when you say "My dog could beat Trump. Jeez. The guy is about as popular as cancer", you are either completely full of shit or totally detached from reality...or both.
It means nothing. It's barely 2022. Come see me in September, 2024 after the conventions are done and the real campaign stretch begins. If Trump actually ends up being
the nominee, we'll talk then.

These types of articles, are just Viagra for you Trump supporters. Designed to get your little sporties rigid. :)
Trump is a narcissistic idiot with no sense of degree or scale. Trump fights mosquitos with fire. Trump fights imaginary enemies with fire. That's what a narcissistic sociopath does.

Tell him his tie looks stupid, or kick his wife in the face... both are just as bad to a mentally ill person like Trump.
^^^ the damage Trump did to the left wing's brains.
dog could beat Trump. Jeez. The guy is about as popular as cancer.
^^^^ your lies.

^^^^ the truth.

It means nothing. It's barely 2022. Come see me in September, 2024 after the conventions are done and the real campaign stretch begins. If Trump actually ends up being
the nominee, we'll talk then.
^^^ your dance.

Be a man and own up.

You've been caught spreading bullshit. Dancing through it just gets it on your shoes.

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