First poll 2022... Trump leads by wide margin...

Pretty desperate reach,my man. I would never surmise such a thing, one year into a term. Especially since things are bound to improve in the next 3 years.

Talk about desperate. One year into his term and Xiden is done.
BBB is dead. Everything he touches turns to shit.
The GOP will take control of the House and Senate in 2022.
That means that Xiden will be Impeached in 2023.
The only improvement will be investigations into Hunter Biden, into the origins of Covid (Dr. Fau-Chi), into the open borders, into emoluments and the various Xiden cash cows, into turning the military academies into "woke" indoctrination centers, into the catastrophic AFG withdrawal, into the war on energy, into runaway inflation, into the WH Covid mismanagement (no tests???), into the DOJ's war on parents (domestic terrorists for speaking up at school board meetings), into the dems' attempt to takeover elections, etc.
My dog could beat Trump. Jeez. The guy is about as popular as cancer.
Pete might have shot. Dems don't have a problem outside of the one they've had for the last five
years or so. None of the old guard leadership can message their way out of a wet paper bag.
Are you referring to pole puffer Pete?
Man ass pounding Pete?
There’s still too many legit real Americans…they won’t vote for man gravy gargling Pete ButtPlug.
Leftists are the crazies ones in my lexicon.
They may be crazy, but they are a TINY group, and have little power/presence in US politics.
Not all Democrats are leftists.
No Democrats are leftists.
I've voted for plenty of Missouri Democrats in my life.
I voted for Democrats in the past, but after 2016/17/18/19/20/21, will NEVER do so again.
The Democrats might be overrun by the crazies where you live...
but let's not throw them all under the same bus just yet.
Too late; 2016 was the dividing line, and they've thrown the country under the bus.
Tim Pool, Joe Rogan and Dave Rubin are liberals...but not crazed leftists.
Tim Pool and Joe Rogan are NOT liberals by any stretch of the imagination, nor are they leftists; Rubin I don't know.
If you discriptors are different then mine though...I'll be happy to hear your thoughts...
Please see above! :)
I disagree.

It is confusing either Demorats or the left with liberals that is errant.
Most Democrats are liberals, and liberals are VERY conservative, though they pretend (and others pretend as well) that they're leftists.

The left: Tiny and almost entirely powerless; no one on the left is a Democrat.

Democrats: A huge and powerful conservative group which pretends it's moderate or leftist.

Liberals: Highly conservative on all but superficial issues (trans bathrooms, etc.) & comprised almost entirely of Democrats.

So the left is a TINY and distinct group which includes no Democrats, and Democrats/liberals are a HUGE conservative group which has a large number of members who mistakenly believe they're leftist rather than conservative.

Hope this is helpful! :)
Yes, re-elect the first guy since Hoover to lose the House, the Senate, and the White House. That makes total sense. :lol:

Hoover also happens to be the last businessman president we had.

Whining Trump is a total loser.
"This time I really, really, really will build the wall, and replace Obamacare, and balance the budget, and provide 6 percent GDP growth, and release my tax returns, and will be too busy to go golf."

"That I can tell you. Bleev me."


Talk about desperate. One year into his term and Xiden is done.
BBB is dead. Everything he touches turns to shit.
The GOP will take control of the House and Senate in 2022.
That means that Xiden will be Impeached in 2023.
The only improvement will be investigations into Hunter Biden, into the origins of Covid (Dr. Fau-Chi), into the open borders, into emoluments and the various Xiden cash cows, into turning the military academies into "woke" indoctrination centers, into the catastrophic AFG withdrawal, into the war on energy, into runaway inflation, into the WH Covid mismanagement (no tests???), into the DOJ's war on parents (domestic terrorists for speaking up at school board meetings), into the dems' attempt to takeover elections, etc.
But things WILL get better. That is just a fact. The economy will improve no matter what Biden does, it has nowhere else to go. COVID will improve, it also has nowhere else to go. And as things are improving that is all people will remember, that things are getting better. More than that, the democrats will have something to run against in 2024 because the republicans will almost certainly take back at least one branch of congress in 2022 which, strangely, the democrats need for the 2024 election.
Trump has said he plans to run again. And, you know, maybe the cheeseburgers will catch up with him, or he’ll decide he doesn’t wanna put in the work. But it’s hard to imagine the biggest egomaniac in world history sitting on the sidelines and watching all his fans flock to someone like Ron DeSantis.
Yes, re-elect the first guy since Hoover to lose the House, the Senate, and the White House. That makes total sense. :lol:

Hoover also happens to be the last businessman president we had.

Whining Trump is a total loser.
1. Trump did not lose the House, the GOP didn't lose one seat in 2020
2. Whoever put Collins up against Kelly Loeffler in GA splitting the GOP vote lost the Senate, not Trump
3. True, Trump lost the WH, since he was such an AH during the 1st debate, plus Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic didn't help Trump
But things WILL get better. That is just a fact. The economy will improve no matter what Biden does, it has nowhere else to go. COVID will improve, it also has nowhere else to go. And as things are improving that is all people will remember, that things are getting better. More than that, the democrats will have something to run against in 2024 because the republicans will almost certainly take back at least one branch of congress in 2022 which, strangely, the democrats need for the 2024 election.
Things won't get better. Inflation will get worse. Xiden will get more senile. Russia and/or China will start a war.
As the Fed raises interest rates to fight inflation, the economy will dip.
In 2022 and 2024 the democrats will be unelectable.
Otis Mayfield
You wish. He didn't lose in 2020. The election was stolen and Bidung got handed that stolen election. And boy what a mess he's made.

If Trump runs in 2024 I'd bet he wins. He has 75 million real supporters. He'll get my vote.
No he didn't.

You get over it.

Hell you actually believe Bidung got 80 million votes. That's how gullible you are.

That man never campaigned and sat out everything in his bunker. When he did appear he had maybe a dozen people at his "rally."

Anyone who believe Bidung actually got 80 million votes is dumber than dirt and that's an insult to dirt.
No he didn't.

You get over it.

Hell you actually believe Bidung got 80 million votes. That's how gullible you are.

That man never campaigned and sat out everything in his bunker. When he did appear he had maybe a dozen people at his "rally."

Anyone who believe Bidung actually got 80 million votes is dumber than dirt and that's an insult to dirt.
Rallies don't mean shit stupid

All told maybe 3 million people attended Trump's rallies

He got 76 million votes.

That means that over 70 million voted for him that never went to a rally

Why the fuck is it hard for you to understand that 80 million people voted for Biden...when virtually all of those folks were

A. Pissed at Trump

B. Afraid of the virus

Biden didn't NEED rallies

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