First report: Terror attack against Jewish civilians near Itamar

It's care in the community posters like Phoeny who think it's rocket science

CIVILIAN is not mentioned so who is the care in the community recipient now. Must be about the 100 time of explaining this to you morons.
I suspect there are many things you cant see or understand, but reality wont change just for you

  • B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.
C. 'protection is not extended to Islamic terrorists."
Who says it will be the Palestinians? israel has made a lot of people pissed off

Like who, it is only the Palestinians that are stupid enough to even contemplate such a task, and then only if Iran supplies the weapons
I guess you meant, Coyote, the reaction in which Palestinian glorify and praise this murder compared to when Jews condemned the other....?

No. Just tired of the way stuff gets commented on. I deleted my comment because it doesn't add anything beneficial to the conversation. When something horrible happens to a Palestinian there seems little sympathy, as is portrayed in this thread. I could just be my perspective which is rather jaded. I don't think any of it should be glorified, there is no glory in killing civilians and children. There is no compassion in blaming the victims who had nothing to do with what happened, like the horrible arson that claimed 3 innocent people and there are still no arrests. I am sure this case will be cleaned up much faster and likewise, we will now see more Palestinians shot for throwing stones but not Jews even though they both hurt and injure innocent people. That is what I'm guessing.

Want to talk about "when something horrible happens to a Palestinian"?:mad:

How about the fact that when the cousin of Muhammad Abu Khdeir was supposedly beaten by a cop, the photo gained more popularity than 3 young Jewish boys brutally murdered?

How about a newschannel refusing to show a photo of the murdered Fogel family while 24/7 they showed photos of injured Palestinians?

How about the fact that when the Dawabshe family was killed, all you could here from us were condemnations of the act, yet no such thing is EVER heard from the other side? all we see is praises and dancing on roofs. How about Mahmood Abbas himself responsible for this killing?

You want to keep compating us to them? You people are not serious.:puke:

You make my case.

3 Jewish boys were brutally murdered. Their murderers were rapidly caught, and tried and convicted. They were in the news non-stop until their killers were caught. The homes of the killer's families were destroyed. All that was in the news. On these boards were sympathy and prayers.

When the Dwabshe family was killed - there were condemnations and then a turn around of blaming the victims and villifying them for being Palestinians (on this board). They were burned alive and their murderers have yet to be caught.

I don't really care for anything on this board, fact is, no Israeli ever blamed this family for what happened to them, and the fact that you don't always hear about what the Shin-Bet does, doesn't mean they don't do anything. The killers of Abu-Khdeir were caught and it wasn't a matter of two days, wasn't it?

The only thing I see is them dancing when our babies are butchered while we actually do something about our wrong doings. I don't want no peace with such pigs who gloat when they shoot a family and call it "heroic resistance".

I actually agree with you that the IDF is likely doing everything possible to capture the murderers - the increase in settler violence is unsettling, politically bad and needs to be addressed. The settlers are by and large treated with kid gloves, and I'm guessing the reasons are political. Something to think about here - the people who burned that family alive have yet to be arrested. That means someone is hiding and protecting them and that means those people support those actions.

Israel's President gets death threats after condemning arsonists who killed Palestinian toddler
I guess you meant, Coyote, the reaction in which Palestinian glorify and praise this murder compared to when Jews condemned the other....?

No. Just tired of the way stuff gets commented on. I deleted my comment because it doesn't add anything beneficial to the conversation. When something horrible happens to a Palestinian there seems little sympathy, as is portrayed in this thread. I could just be my perspective which is rather jaded. I don't think any of it should be glorified, there is no glory in killing civilians and children. There is no compassion in blaming the victims who had nothing to do with what happened, like the horrible arson that claimed 3 innocent people and there are still no arrests. I am sure this case will be cleaned up much faster and likewise, we will now see more Palestinians shot for throwing stones but not Jews even though they both hurt and injure innocent people. That is what I'm guessing.

On one point, I think you are very, very right: there is no glory in murdering anyone, especially civilians, especially children.

There is probably less sympathy for palestinians because the sheer number of palestinian attacks against Israeli Jews so very much outnumbers anything that anyone could ever accuse the IDF of. And when a palestinian dies, Israeli Jews don't go dancing in the streets. Palis do. One system teaches pure, unbridled hatred of "the other", while "the other" defends itself.

I think the Jews now have their own extremists, that are teaching exactly that. The Yeshiva rabbis are notoriously slow in condemning settler violence, when they do at all and in some cases instigate it.
I suspect there are many things you cant see or understand, but reality wont change just for you

  • B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.
C. 'protection is not extended to Islamic terrorists."
Link or you Lie like a jew
I guess you meant, Coyote, the reaction in which Palestinian glorify and praise this murder compared to when Jews condemned the other....?

No. Just tired of the way stuff gets commented on. I deleted my comment because it doesn't add anything beneficial to the conversation. When something horrible happens to a Palestinian there seems little sympathy, as is portrayed in this thread. I could just be my perspective which is rather jaded. I don't think any of it should be glorified, there is no glory in killing civilians and children. There is no compassion in blaming the victims who had nothing to do with what happened, like the horrible arson that claimed 3 innocent people and there are still no arrests. I am sure this case will be cleaned up much faster and likewise, we will now see more Palestinians shot for throwing stones but not Jews even though they both hurt and injure innocent people. That is what I'm guessing.

Want to talk about "when something horrible happens to a Palestinian"?:mad:

How about the fact that when the cousin of Muhammad Abu Khdeir was supposedly beaten by a cop, the photo gained more popularity than 3 young Jewish boys brutally murdered?

How about a newschannel refusing to show a photo of the murdered Fogel family while 24/7 they showed photos of injured Palestinians?

How about the fact that when the Dawabshe family was killed, all you could here from us were condemnations of the act, yet no such thing is EVER heard from the other side? all we see is praises and dancing on roofs. How about Mahmood Abbas himself responsible for this killing?

You want to keep compating us to them? You people are not serious.:puke:

You make my case.

3 Jewish boys were brutally murdered. Their murderers were rapidly caught, and tried and convicted. They were in the news non-stop until their killers were caught. The homes of the killer's families were destroyed. All that was in the news. On these boards were sympathy and prayers.

When the Dwabshe family was killed - there were condemnations and then a turn around of blaming the victims and villifying them for being Palestinians (on this board). They were burned alive and their murderers have yet to be caught.

I don't really care for anything on this board, fact is, no Israeli ever blamed this family for what happened to them, and the fact that you don't always hear about what the Shin-Bet does, doesn't mean they don't do anything. The killers of Abu-Khdeir were caught and it wasn't a matter of two days, wasn't it?

The only thing I see is them dancing when our babies are butchered while we actually do something about our wrong doings. I don't want no peace with such pigs who gloat when they shoot a family and call it "heroic resistance".

I actually agree with you that the IDF is likely doing everything possible to capture the murderers - the increase in settler violence is unsettling, politically bad and needs to be addressed. The settlers are by and large treated with kid gloves, and I'm guessing the reasons are political. Something to think about here - the people who burned that family alive have yet to be arrested. That means someone is hiding and protecting them and that means those people support those actions.

Israel's President gets death threats after condemning arsonists who killed Palestinian toddler

I'm sorry, but that's understandable. Not the death-threats, of course, but the fury. The president is half responsible for the hatred against the settlers, so I guess it's only natural they hate him back. If Rivlin was smart, he would have been more careful with the things he said, and not blame the Jewish victims for their own deaths in result of Palestinian terror
Two men were killed and two others, including a toddler, were wounded in an attack in the Old City in Jerusalem on Saturday. Israeli security forces shot and killed the man identified as the terrorist.
According to paramedics, a woman in her 40s was in serious condition and a two-year-old toddler suffered light wounds. They were evacuated to Jerusalem-area hospitals where they are receiving medical care.
The man, woman and child, all members of the same ultra-Orthodox family, were apparently on their way to the Western Wall when they were attacked. The terrorist stabbed the three multiple times, and then attacked a fourth man. The two men later succumbed to their wounds. According to the police, after the stabbing, the assailant shot at police officers who rushed to the scene using a gun he obtained from one of the wounded. He was then shot and killed by the officers.
read more: Death toll rises to 2 in Jerusalem's Old City terror attack - Diplomacy and Defense
I guess you meant, Coyote, the reaction in which Palestinian glorify and praise this murder compared to when Jews condemned the other....?

No. Just tired of the way stuff gets commented on. I deleted my comment because it doesn't add anything beneficial to the conversation. When something horrible happens to a Palestinian there seems little sympathy, as is portrayed in this thread. I could just be my perspective which is rather jaded. I don't think any of it should be glorified, there is no glory in killing civilians and children. There is no compassion in blaming the victims who had nothing to do with what happened, like the horrible arson that claimed 3 innocent people and there are still no arrests. I am sure this case will be cleaned up much faster and likewise, we will now see more Palestinians shot for throwing stones but not Jews even though they both hurt and injure innocent people. That is what I'm guessing.

Want to talk about "when something horrible happens to a Palestinian"?:mad:

How about the fact that when the cousin of Muhammad Abu Khdeir was supposedly beaten by a cop, the photo gained more popularity than 3 young Jewish boys brutally murdered?

How about a newschannel refusing to show a photo of the murdered Fogel family while 24/7 they showed photos of injured Palestinians?

How about the fact that when the Dawabshe family was killed, all you could here from us were condemnations of the act, yet no such thing is EVER heard from the other side? all we see is praises and dancing on roofs. How about Mahmood Abbas himself responsible for this killing?

You want to keep compating us to them? You people are not serious.:puke:

You make my case.

3 Jewish boys were brutally murdered. Their murderers were rapidly caught, and tried and convicted. They were in the news non-stop until their killers were caught. The homes of the killer's families were destroyed. All that was in the news. On these boards were sympathy and prayers.

When the Dwabshe family was killed - there were condemnations and then a turn around of blaming the victims and villifying them for being Palestinians (on this board). They were burned alive and their murderers have yet to be caught.

I don't really care for anything on this board, fact is, no Israeli ever blamed this family for what happened to them, and the fact that you don't always hear about what the Shin-Bet does, doesn't mean they don't do anything. The killers of Abu-Khdeir were caught and it wasn't a matter of two days, wasn't it?

The only thing I see is them dancing when our babies are butchered while we actually do something about our wrong doings. I don't want no peace with such pigs who gloat when they shoot a family and call it "heroic resistance".

I actually agree with you that the IDF is likely doing everything possible to capture the murderers - the increase in settler violence is unsettling, politically bad and needs to be addressed. The settlers are by and large treated with kid gloves, and I'm guessing the reasons are political. Something to think about here - the people who burned that family alive have yet to be arrested. That means someone is hiding and protecting them and that means those people support those actions.

Israel's President gets death threats after condemning arsonists who killed Palestinian toddler

Correct but that is not the fault of all the worlds Jews is it, just the tiny minority of ultra extremist Jews. Would you accept American police just arresting anyone they suspected of murder and falsifying evidence as you are asking the Israelis to do to placate your racism
I suspect there are many things you cant see or understand, but reality wont change just for you

  • B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.
C. 'protection is not extended to Islamic terrorists."
Link or you Lie like a jew

Don't you mean lie like a fanger................
Who says it will be the Palestinians? israel has made a lot of people pissed off

Like who, it is only the Palestinians that are stupid enough to even contemplate such a task, and then only if Iran supplies the weapons
Oh I don't know, some kind of false flag attack, and leave israeli ID cards on the scene

You mean like the Palestinians did when they murdered one of their leaders and tried to blame mossad
Two men were killed and two others, including a toddler, were wounded in an attack in the Old City in Jerusalem on Saturday. Israeli security forces shot and killed the man identified as the terrorist.
According to paramedics, a woman in her 40s was in serious condition and a two-year-old toddler suffered light wounds. They were evacuated to Jerusalem-area hospitals where they are receiving medical care.
The man, woman and child, all members of the same ultra-Orthodox family, were apparently on their way to the Western Wall when they were attacked. The terrorist stabbed the three multiple times, and then attacked a fourth man. The two men later succumbed to their wounds. According to the police, after the stabbing, the assailant shot at police officers who rushed to the scene using a gun he obtained from one of the wounded. He was then shot and killed by the officers.
read more: Death toll rises to 2 in Jerusalem's Old City terror attack - Diplomacy and Defense

So once again the Palestinians show they are incapable of allowing Jews to live in peace and just have to murder in the name of their religion.
In the name of, you no fucking occupy my country?
the Illegal Immigrants into Palestine need to know they are not welcome, and illegal occupation has a price
Last edited:
I suspect there are many things you cant see or understand, but reality wont change just for you

  • B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.
C. 'protection is not extended to Islamic terrorists."
Link or you Lie like a jew

That post was helpful in reminding people what a hateful, moronic son of a bitch you are.

So, thanks.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, turdball.
I suspect there are many things you cant see or understand, but reality wont change just for you

  • B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.
C. 'protection is not extended to Islamic terrorists."
Link or you Lie like a jew

That post was helpful in reminding people what a hateful, moronic son of a bitch you are.

So, thanks.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, turdball.
So no link then, shwaby?
In the name of, you no fucking occupy my country?
the Illegal Immigrants into Palestine need to know they are not welcome, and illegal occupation has a price
You go right ahead and stand with the Muslims.

Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys usually opt for that choice.
I suspect there are many things you cant see or understand, but reality wont change just for you

  • B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.
C. 'protection is not extended to Islamic terrorists."
Link or you Lie like a jew

That post was helpful in reminding people what a hateful, moronic son of a bitch you are.

So, thanks.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, turdball.
So no link then, shwaby?

For what would you like a link, fuckwad?
Or has your Alzheimers taken over your brain?

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