First Response Team In Benghazi Finally Interviewed. They Were Told To Hold Back But Went Anyway


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Jul 21, 2009
Top CIA officer in Benghazi delayed response to terrorist attack, US security team members claim
Published September 05, 2014
A U.S. security team in Benghazi was held back from immediately responding to the attack on the American diplomatic mission on orders of the top CIA officer there, three of those involved told Fox News’ Bret Baier.

Their account gives a dramatic new turn to what the Obama administration and its allies would like to dismiss as an “old story” – the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Speaking out publicly for the first time, the three were security operators at the secret CIA annex in Benghazi – in effect, the first-responders to any attack on the diplomatic compound. Their first-hand account will be told in a Fox News special, airing Friday night at 10 p.m. (EDT).

Based on the new book "13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi" by Mitchell Zuckoff with the Annex Security Team, the special sets aside the political spin that has freighted the Benghazi issue for the last two years, presenting a vivid, compelling narrative of events from the perspective of the men who wore the “boots on the ground.”

The security contractors -- Kris (“Tanto”) Paronto, Mark (“Oz”) Geist, and John (“Tig”) Tiegen -- spoke exclusively, and at length, to Fox News about what they saw and did that night. Baier, Fox News’ Chief Political Anchor, asked them about one of the most controversial questions arising from the events in Benghazi: Was help delayed?

Word of the attack on the diplomatic compound reached the CIA annex just after 9:30 p.m. Within five minutes, the security team at the annex was geared up for battle, and ready to move to the compound, a mile away.

“Five minutes, we're ready,” said Paronto, a former Army Ranger. “It was thumbs up, thumbs up, we're ready to go.”

But the team was held back. According to the security operators, they were delayed from responding to the attack by the top CIA officer in Benghazi, whom they refer to only as “Bob.”

“It had probably been 15 minutes I think, and … I just said, ‘Hey, you know, we gotta-- we need to get over there, we're losing the initiative,’” said Tiegen. “And Bob just looks straight at me and said, ‘Stand down, you need to wait.’”

“We're starting to get calls from the State Department guys saying, ‘Hey, we're taking fire, we need you guys here, we need help,’” said Paronto.

After a delay of nearly 30 minutes, the security team headed to the besieged consulate without orders. They asked their CIA superiors to call for armed air support, which never came.

Now, looking back, the security team said they believed that if they had not been delayed for nearly half an hour, or if the air support had come, things might have turned out differently.

“Ambassador Stevens and Sean [Smith], yeah, they would still be alive, my gut is yes,” Paronto said. Tiegen concurred.

“I strongly believe if we'd left immediately, they'd still be alive today,” he added.

In a statement to Fox News, a senior intelligence official insisted that, “There were no orders to anybody to stand down in providing support.”

Baier put that assertion directly to the operators.

“You use the words ‘stand down,’” Baier noted. “A number of people now, including the House Intelligence Committee insist no one was hindered from responding to the situation at the compound…so what do you say to that?”

“No, it happened,” said Tiegen.

Top CIA officer in Benghazi delayed response to terrorist attack US security team members claim Fox News
how soon before we find out these guys are embellishing their participation?
Yeah, but Obama didn't give the order.

No kidding. Nobody could find him to get the order. He disappeared.
Of course those defending the Obama administations handling of Benghazi sure as shit don't want any first hand accounts.

Those giviing them have just got to be liars and folks wanting to embellish what happened. No way could those who were actually there be telling the truth.

Of course while they are thinking all this they are completely forgetting the lies told to everyone by the Obama administration. You know. The one about that video. The lie they told for weeks.

Hypocrisy abounds in the world of the Obama lover.
Of course those defending the Obama administations handling of Benghazi sure as shit don't want any first hand accounts.

Those giviing them have just got to be liars and folks wanting to embellish what happened. No way could those who were actually there be telling the truth.

Of course while they are thinking all this they are completely forgetting the lies told to everyone by the Obama administration. You know. The one about that video. The lie they told for weeks.

Hypocrisy abounds in the world of the Obama lover.

Oddly enough, the real stor(ies), are that:

A. For the first time in history, a Presidential Candidate, put the blame on his opponent during an attack on this country by a foreign entity. After initially condemning Mitt Romney, folks like John McCain, changed their narrative after getting their marching orders from FOX and the Tea Party.

B. The digging did uncover several things, which the "investigators" (Namely Issa) chose to ignore:
1. The CIA were keeping Militants as prisoners in the consulate.
2. David Petraeus, who was having an affair with his biographer, was the one to disclose that information.

C. It was discovered by the New York Times and the Capture of the leader of the Militants involved that, indeed, a film disparaging the Muslim religion, made by a criminal in the United States, was one of the reasons for the attacks. And that, the state department was correct.
I also recall John Panetta saying it was a terrorist attack on the night it happened.

State Department didn't up security or close the embassy despite all those warnings. The warnings that Ambassador Stevens took seriously. The Brits and the Red Cross left Libya because of those same warnings.

State fucked up and men died. Simple as that.
First of all I don't trust the CIA to give a straight story, period, whether they are employed or not.

Second I don't trust people who make such accusations up meanwhile pushing a book they wrote.

Thirdly why is this coming out now and not during the Congressional investigations?

Fourthly, I don't trust the word of those who have been sworn to secrecy.

I smell dead fish.
Yep, saw that
Now we'll see if the Lamestream Lapdog media reports on this.
What difference at this point does it make.:gives:
narrative after getting their marching orders from FOX and the Tea Party.

Ignorance on parade!! yep the cqll over to fox news everyday for their marching orders,what a simpleton hack you are.
How long are these people going to drag these 4 bodies around trying to score political points? If this isn`t their goal wouldn`t they show concern for the 4,500 killed looking for wmd`s? Pathetic to say the least.
narrative after getting their marching orders from FOX and the Tea Party.

Ignorance on parade!! yep the cqll over to fox news everyday for their marching orders,what a simpleton hack you are.

and you get your marching orders from where?
narrative after getting their marching orders from FOX and the Tea Party.

Ignorance on parade!! yep the cqll over to fox news everyday for their marching orders,what a simpleton hack you are.

Yeah, and that disgusting video really caused 4 people to die from a purely spontaneous attack, I mean protest.
How long are these people going to drag these 4 bodies around trying to score political points? If this isn`t their goal wouldn`t they show concern for the 4,500 killed looking for wmd`s? Pathetic to say the least.
Apple's & oranges.

How many people are dying because we pulled out too early, thanks to all of the bellyaching Democrats.
Yup. Notice the deflection. Thats all they do when anyone criticizes the actions of the Obama administration. They compare his actions to everyone elses.

Benghazi didn't have to happen. They should have beefed up security or pulled our folks out
of Libya like the Brits and the Red Cross. State did nothing and four good men died.

I'd like to hear what all the survivors have to say about that day.

And YES it does matter.
First of all I don't trust the CIA to give a straight story, period, whether they are employed or not.

Second I don't trust people who make such accusations up meanwhile pushing a book they wrote.

Thirdly why is this coming out now and not during the Congressional investigations?

Fourthly, I don't trust the word of those who have been sworn to secrecy.

I smell dead fish.
mercenaries are always trustworthy.

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