First satelite imagery of attack

Dude...the fucking Syrian government is even announcing they had heavy damage INSIDE THE HANGARS and planes were destroyed. Fucking give it up and quit looking like a douche bag.

Back it up. All I heard was that several Mig-23 aircraft (1.8 million) under repair got damaged and many of the transport and fuel facilities were hit. Children were killed. The runway and aircraft shelters are intact.

Sounds like a good waste of 100 million dollars.
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The attack was really a missile....not an airplane.

Bush did it so he could steal oil.
Let's also remember this is not satellite data, this is from a UAV, and it takes our own UAV pilots hundreds of hours training on deciphering what UAV images are showing alone. It's hard enough to differentiate an APC from a car on UAV imaging, and takes many many hours of training. Which non of us has...what do you think you're seeing? You're inserting what you want to see.

Mate, what the hell are you talking about? We can clearly see aircraft and craters, and the two are far apart.

I personally didn't see any craters, because it's UAV footage. Grainy, and in infrared...If you want to point out the time in the video when it comes up go ahed, and I'll take a look. But there was clearly damage to the bunkers in the photos...bunkers being the operative word. Bunkers designed to take a hit from conventional warheads. If we were looking to flatten this airbase, we would've used bunker busters...we didn't use those. That tells me, this was to function more as a warning shot.
I'm not buying this Russian Pallywood movie

This type of footage is almost impossible to successfully edit, much less in 12 hours. I know you don't like it, but this is real.

...whose to say this isn't previous UAV footage of this airbase...which Russia would definitely have. What does Russia gain from releasing this video? Either trump is a Russian colluder/puppet, or he isn't... and if he's proved he isn't, shouldn't you be at least a little relieved Russia isn't pulling our presidents strings despite whatever success you think this attack had.

And the way I've seen this attach from the beginning is a shot to the bow, drawing a hardline. And trump was probably pretty motivated to do it to make obama look bad with his "red line" statement then inaction. And trump kind of succeeded in that. I personally don't like us being in the business of toppling regimes, but you have to admit, this does make obama look bad.

Since when has Obama looked good in any singular negotiation or deal with anyone in The Middle East?

This guy was a Muslim Manchurian Candidate and completely turned the Middle East in to a Jihadist Paradise.

Having no facts, not part of the Presidents team, not being in Syria, not knowing anything, gasbags show their mind set.

Don't take my word for it. Watch the drone footage and satelite images. Old Yeller was kind enough to share one corroborating that not a single missile hit the airfield or aircraft shelters.
Really? Who here really knows if those images are redacted or not? Certainly not the gasbags that pretend to know everything.
Let's also remember this is not satellite data, this is from a UAV, and it takes our own UAV pilots hundreds of hours training on deciphering what UAV images are showing alone. It's hard enough to differentiate an APC from a car on UAV imaging, and takes many many hours of training. Which non of us has...what do you think you're seeing? You're inserting what you want to see.

Mate, what the hell are you talking about? We can clearly see aircraft and craters, and the two are far apart.

I personally didn't see any craters, because it's UAV footage. Grainy, and in infrared...If you want to point out the time in the video when it comes up go ahed, and I'll take a look. But there was clearly damage to the bunkers in the photos...bunkers being the operative word. Bunkers designed to take a hit from conventional warheads. If we were looking to flatten this airbase, we would've used bunker busters...we didn't use those. That tells me, this was to function more as a warning shot.

I have a high end drone. It is capable of Infrared Imaging. I think the video is a FAKE and the OP is a TROLL.

You would be able to see Craters and Heat Signatures HOURS, HOURS after impact. That kind of heat does not die down quickly.
Having no facts, not part of the Presidents team, not being in Syria, not knowing anything, gasbags show their mind set.

Don't take my word for it. Watch the drone footage and satelite images. Old Yeller was kind enough to share one corroborating that not a single missile hit the airfield or aircraft shelters.
Really? Who here really knows if those images are redacted or not? Certainly not the gasbags that pretend to know everything.

It's Infrared, and I see zero deformation in any of the images.
I'm not buying this Russian Pallywood movie

This type of footage is almost impossible to successfully edit, much less in 12 hours. I know you don't like it, but this is real.

...whose to say this isn't previous UAV footage of this airbase...which Russia would definitely have. What does Russia gain from releasing this video? Either trump is a Russian colluder/puppet, or he isn't... and if he's proved he isn't, shouldn't you be at least a little relieved Russia isn't pulling our presidents strings despite whatever success you think this attack had.

And the way I've seen this attach from the beginning is a shot to the bow, drawing a hardline. And trump was probably pretty motivated to do it to make obama look bad with his "red line" statement then inaction. And trump kind of succeeded in that. I personally don't like us being in the business of toppling regimes, but you have to admit, this does make obama look bad.

Since when has Obama looked good in any singular negotiation or deal with anyone in The Middle East?

This guy was a Muslim Manchurian Candidate and completely turned the Middle East in to a Jihadist Paradise.

Use critical thinking and add to the discussion. This is not the right place for using propaganda to mentally masturbate.
This is Russian footage of the attack, but it shows no aircraft destroyed and none of the hardened aircraft shelters hit. They also claim it proves that only 23 of the missiles hit near the base. If that is the case, then either the attack had terrible execution, or it was intentionally designed not to destroy a single target.

Why is the pentagon taking such a long time to publicly release its own satelite imagery? It was a publicity stunt of course. It cost 100 million dollars and almost 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal, and did literally nothing. They are not showing proof of damage, because there was none

Your link:

"The spokesman stressed that the strike destroyed many facilities and equipment, including six planes.
Two Syrian servicemen are missing as a result of the US attack on an airfield in the country, while four were killed and six were injured extinguishing the flames, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Friday."

Bill Clinton used to send Tomahawks to blow up tents in Afghanistan.
Funny how the American hater is so concerned about the US wasting money.
Why did Russia report 6 aircraft were destroyed? Why did before and after satellite images show the base flattened? Why are you showing RT photos? We've released plenty.

WTF are you talking about? This is real military drone footage. No aircraft were destroyed. There was one report of several Mig-23 damaged (1.8 million each), but nothing officially corroborated by the Kremlin or Syrian government. Not a single satellite image shows any craters in the runway or hardened aircraft shelters, just like the drone footage shows.

This was a 100 million dollar waste of time and resources. The video and satellite images prove it.
Got any proof of that? Nope? didn't think so.

Here you go gas bags:

The U.S. missiles hit at 3:45 a.m. local time in Syria. Syrian state TV called the attack an "aggression" that lead to "losses."

Initial reports indicate Syrian airbase 'almost completely destroyed' after US strike

"Initial indications are that this strike has severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment at Shayrat Airfield, reducing the Syrian government's ability to deliver chemical weapons," Captain Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said, according to Reuters.

Russia warns of serious consequences from U.S. strike in Syria

Senior U.S. military officials said the missiles destroyed up to 20 Syrian aircraft and damaged fuel sites and a surface-to-air missile system.

Assad's office said Syria would strike its enemies harder.

Dude...the fucking Syrian government is even announcing they had heavy damage INSIDE THE HANGARS and planes were destroyed. Fucking give it up and quit looking like a douche bag.

Back it up. All I heard was that several Mig-23 aircraft (1.8 million) under repair got damaged and many of the transport and fuel facilities were hit. Children were killed. The runway and aircraft shelters are intact.

Sounds like a good waste of 100 million dollars.

Back it up? It is from the FUCKING SYRIAN GOVERNMENT! This isn't from Fox News or any MSM in the United States.

And of course Russia would say only about half the missiles hit their target...they don't want the world to know their missile defense systems are shit. And of course Syria and Russia are going to say kids and innocent people were else are they going to spin it to the world to look like victims?
We have to remember the OP is an anarchist who hates everything to do with the U.S. government and the idea of a nation; his favorite target is our nation.
So why are we wasting time arguing his lies. Thanks for all the additional info though, everyone.
This picture looks like precision strikes all around. Does not agree with above video?

View attachment 120803

Not a single crater on the airfield or aircraft shelters. That absolutely agrees with the video.

It looks like they spent 100 million dollars to do about 2 million in damage. Video evidence showing all the aircraft intact. No strikes even remotely close to them.

I can't argue with you. I think I am wrong. That picture I posted (#7) has a lot of "black areas" around the areas? I thought many were blow up spots? But those spots could be trees? Yes, I have at times........jumped to conclusions. I thought it might be many "super precise" strikes. I don't think so as I look again and again. Onyx is not all wrong. I need an expert to walk me through it.
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This picture looks like precision strikes all around. Does not agree with above video?

View attachment 120803

Not a single crater on the airfield or aircraft shelters. That absolutely agrees with the video.

It looks like they spent 100 million dollars to do about 2 million in damage. Video evidence showing all the aircraft intact. No strikes even remotely close to them.

I can't argue with you. I think I am wrong. That picture I found has a lot of "black areas" around the area. I thought many were blow up spots. But those spots could be trees? Yes, I am at times........jumping to conclusions. I thought it was super precise strikes. I don't think so as I look again and again. Onyx is not all wrong.
All he knows is what the media has fed him, like all the rest of us. This administration is keeping their cards close.
Lots of Russians and Jihadists on the Forum today Propagandizing for Assad.

Just watch the video. That is not edited. It shows that not a single aircraft was destroyed, or even targeted.

I was suspicious when the pentagon didn't release any video evidence. Now I know why.
You are a Phucking Troll Sucking ISIS Cock and Bending over to get your Ass Reamed by Stalin Every Day while you Fap on to pictures of Mao and Pol Pot. I bet you have a stained centerfold of Hitler hidden under your pillow.
This is Russian footage of the attack, but it shows no aircraft destroyed and none of the hardened aircraft shelters hit. They also claim it proves that only 23 of the missiles hit near the base. If that is the case, then either the attack had terrible execution, or it was intentionally designed not to destroy a single target.

Why is the pentagon taking such a long time to publicly release its own satelite imagery? It was a publicity stunt of course. It cost 100 million dollars and almost 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal, and did literally nothing. They are not showing proof of damage, because there was none

Gee, look who is gobbling up Russian propaganda. You lefties accuse the right of being cheerleaders of Russia, and here you are taking their side.

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