First satelite imagery of attack

What value was accomplished with this strike?

1. Assad was put on notice that his continued use of chemical weapons against innocent people will not be tolerated.

2. Putin was just sent the message that the United states is no longer intimidated into inaction by him / Russia.

3. The world was just put on notice that the United States is back, and this administration will act swiftly and decisively to do the right thing.

4. Obama and snowflakes were just taught that such messages can be sent through a precise, tactical ONE-TIME proportional response rather than by dragging the country into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war, jumping into the middle of a civil war between a Russian-protected dictator and terrorists, without sending an invasion force with boots on the ground into another country.

5. In 'defense of Obama's honor' Trump just enforced OBAMA's 'Red line'. You're welcome, Barry. :p


1. 100 million dollars was wasted

2. US cruise missile capabilities were proven to be overrated

3. Russia is increasing its anti-air defenses in the region

4. Russia is backing out of the deconfliction agreement with the US

5. Tensions are higher than ever

6. Russia and Assad are pumping out anti-american propaganda about how the US is an ally of ISIS and a nation of war criminals.
This is called "gunboat diplomacy" you stupid motherfuckers. The point is now how much damage you do, the point is to send a message. The message was sent, and Syria and Russia got it, loud and clear: Trump is trying to work out a deal with Syria and Russia to defeat ISIS, but he will not be fucked with.

Tell that to the propaganda outlets like Fox news who are falsely reporting "extensive damage."
Why is the pentagon taking such a long time to publicly release its own satelite imagery?
Did you know that the imagery itself is highly classified, that a trained professional can look at imagery and tell what time of day it is - meaning what time that satellite flies over that coverage area...the angle of the images can help determine the positioning of the satellite when it takes the images, etc....

There is an extremely large wealth of classified information that can be obtained from viewing these images if not properly 'de-classified'.

Let's also remember this is not satellite data, this is from a UAV, and it takes our own UAV pilots hundreds of hours training on deciphering what UAV images are showing alone. It's hard enough to differentiate an APC from a car on UAV imaging, and takes many many hours of training. Which non of us has...what do you think you're seeing? You're inserting what you want to see.

Again, why would Russia release this video talking about the little amount of damage? How does that help the Russia/Trump relationship? Either trump is a Russian colluder/puppet, and Russia is acting very stupidly releasing this video...Or Russia is doing what Russia does A LOT, and that's push out misinformation...Again we're talking about the same people who hacked French news, and dressed up and pretended to be ISIS, to scare the French into voting La Pen. I don't know how you can accuse Russia of compromising our election, then completely trust every word they're telling you here? Which Russia is it? And what does releasing this video accomplish?

Initial reports were wrong. I actually told Lewdog and several others yesterday that the pentagon is wrong 100% of the time in its initial public intelligence releases. These videos clearly prove me correct once again.

It feels so good to be vindicated! :clap:

Wrong, there is Syrian video that shows the front doors of the bunkers blown out and the insides destroyed....

U.S. missile strike aftermath shown on Syrian TV

How does it feel to be wrong?
This is called "gunboat diplomacy" you stupid motherfuckers. The point is now how much damage you do, the point is to send a message.

And it was an abysmal failure. Russia backed out of the deconfliction agreement. They are increasing their air defenses. Sending naval reinforcements to the region.
This is Russian footage of the attack, but it shows no aircraft destroyed and none of the hardened aircraft shelters hit. They also claim it proves that only 23 of the missiles hit near the base. If that is the case, then either the attack had terrible execution, or it was intentionally designed not to destroy a single target.

Why is the pentagon taking such a long time to publicly release its own satelite imagery? It was a publicity stunt of course. It cost 100 million dollars and almost 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal, and did literally nothing. They are not showing proof of damage, because there was none

Yep, it could certainly be a publicity stunt with the meeting with China over North Korea happening today, what better backdrop than Trump showing the Chinese his quick draw. Also Trump badly needs a victory after his inept performance so far.

The fact that the Russians were notified probably means the Syrians were too. And why shouldn't they be since the attack was not going to have any impact on what is happening in Syrian.

However, it's entirely possible that this video contains only views of undamaged area and it could have been doctored.
However, it entirely possible that this video contains only views of undamaged area.

It showed the entire runway and several aircraft shelters. That's where all the aircraft would be stored.
Let's also remember this is not satellite data, this is from a UAV, and it takes our own UAV pilots hundreds of hours training on deciphering what UAV images are showing alone. It's hard enough to differentiate an APC from a car on UAV imaging, and takes many many hours of training. Which non of us has...what do you think you're seeing? You're inserting what you want to see.

Mate, what the hell are you talking about? We can clearly see aircraft and craters, and the two are far apart.
What value was accomplished with this strike?

1. Assad was put on notice that his continued use of chemical weapons against innocent people will not be tolerated.

2. Putin was just sent the message that the United states is no longer intimidated into inaction by him / Russia.

3. The world was just put on notice that the United States is back, and this administration will act swiftly and decisively to do the right thing.

4. Obama and snowflakes were just taught that such messages can be sent through a precise, tactical ONE-TIME proportional response rather than by dragging the country into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war, jumping into the middle of a civil war between a Russian-protected dictator and terrorists, without sending an invasion force with boots on the ground into another country.

5. In 'defense of Obama's honor' Trump just enforced OBAMA's 'Red line'. You're welcome, Barry. :p


1. 100 million dollars was wasted

2. US cruise missile capabilities were proven to be overrated

3. Russia is increasing its anti-air defenses in the region

4. Russia is backing out of the deconfliction agreement with the US

5. Tensions are higher than ever

6. Russia and Assad are pumping out anti-american propaganda about how the US is an ally of ISIS and a nation of war criminals.
The first assertion is your opinion and meaningless, second categorically wrong, third true, fourth true, fifth wrong, sixth probably true....
No it doesn't...the bunkers have no doors and the inside is blackened from the missile strikes.

The shelters never had doors, and of course you can't see inside from a distance. Holy shit you loons have resorted to absolute absurdity!

It can't be true! It can't be true! It can't be true!
American Missiles Are Failing Everywhere!
No it doesn't...the bunkers have no doors and the inside is blackened from the missile strikes.

The shelters never had doors, and of course you can't see inside from a distance. Holy shit you loons have resorted to absolute absurdity!

Dude...the fucking Syrian government is even announcing they had heavy damage INSIDE THE HANGERS and planes were destroyed. Fucking give it up and quit looking like a douche bag.

"The Syrian army said the strikes led to "big material losses", but Russia said they had "extremely low" military effectiveness with just 23 US rockets hitting their target and only destroying six planes in repair hangers."

US strikes on Syria: Nikki Haley tells UN: 'We are prepared to do more. But we hope that will not be necessary'
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I'm not buying this Russian Pallywood movie

This type of footage is almost impossible to successfully edit, much less in 12 hours. I know you don't like it, but this is real.

...whose to say this isn't previous UAV footage of this airbase...which Russia would definitely have. What does Russia gain from releasing this video? Either trump is a Russian colluder/puppet, or he isn't... and if he's proved he isn't, shouldn't you be at least a little relieved Russia isn't pulling our presidents strings despite whatever success you think this attack had.

And the way I've seen this attach from the beginning is a shot to the bow, drawing a hardline. And trump was probably pretty motivated to do it to make obama look bad with his "red line" statement then inaction. And trump kind of succeeded in that. I personally don't like us being in the business of toppling regimes, but you have to admit, this does make obama look bad.
Why did Russia report 6 aircraft were destroyed? Why did before and after satellite images show the base flattened? Why are you showing RT photos? We've released plenty.

WTF are you talking about? This is real military drone footage. No aircraft were destroyed. There was one report of several Mig-23 damaged (1.8 million each), but nothing officially corroborated by the Kremlin or Syrian government. Not a single satellite image shows any craters in the runway or hardened aircraft shelters, just like the drone footage shows.

This was a 100 million dollar waste of time and resources. The video and satellite images prove it.
This shows satellite images:
Syria missile attack: Satellite photos show major damage to airfields

Russians say six planes were hit: (I read it somewhere else as well)
Konashenkov said the attack destroyed a warehouse, classrooms, a cafeteria, six Mig-23 fighter jets that were being repaired and a radar station. The runway and other aircraft were not affected, he said.

Russia condemns U.S. missile strike on Syria, suspends key air agreement

That's wtf I'm talking about. There are plenty of photos as well. Some have even been on this thread.
...whose to say this isn't previous UAV footage of this airbase...which Russia would definitely have.

Because of tomahawk missile strikes and tomahawk missile craters.....

What value was accomplished with this strike?

1. Assad was put on notice that his continued use of chemical weapons against innocent people will not be tolerated.

2. Putin was just sent the message that the United states is no longer intimidated into inaction by him / Russia.

3. The world was just put on notice that the United States is back, and this administration will act swiftly and decisively to do the right thing.

4. Obama and snowflakes were just taught that such messages can be sent through a precise, tactical ONE-TIME proportional response rather than by dragging the country into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war, jumping into the middle of a civil war between a Russian-protected dictator and terrorists, without sending an invasion force with boots on the ground into another country.

5. In 'defense of Obama's honor' Trump just enforced OBAMA's 'Red line'. You're welcome, Barry. :p

YOW----------- forgot something------- ISIS and Alqaeda are both celebrating to our success in weakening Asssad.

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