First Texas bus drops off migrants blocks from US Capitol in Washington, DC

No need to wait. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT OTHER COUNTRIES WOULD DO. This is the United States of America. We are NOT going to slaughter civilians trying to cross the border. WE ARE NOT. Go live in North Korea if that's your idea of border control.
That's what I thought.
That there are no borders in the marked areas. Hell, when W was president we gave Mexico hundreds of millions to bolster their southern border. El Salvador and Honduras have been fighting over their shared border for a long time.
Let's hear this "practical" approach...

We could try many things, if the political will were there and the voting public had an attention span greater than that of a squirrel. We could have kept building the wall system then augmenting it year by year with emerging technologies as they became available. Might not be a cure-all, but something is better than nothing. We could set up systems of incentives in the most common countries of origin that wouldn't blow up our budget and would allow us to funnel would-be immigrants to industries in need if the individuals so approved had demonstrable and needed skills, training, and/or education. We could do a better job of carrot and sticking the governments of the most common countries of origin. We could stop defunding police and instead empower them to work closely with immigration and border patrol personnel. There are hundreds of things we could try that might actually happen in the real world. But it just feeeeeeeeels better to vent your impotent rage at a problem you personally will NEVER do a damn thing about.
Only because bleeding heart pussies like you, lack the will to defend our borders. You don’t speak for everyone.
Don't be stupid. Illegal immigration is a real problem in the real world. A few idiots venting their little emotions on a discussion board won't do a damn thing. Oh, but it feeeeeels so gooooood, doesn't it?
We could try many things, if the political will were there and the voting public had an attention span greater than that of a squirrel. We could have kept building the wall system then augmenting it year by year with emerging technologies as they became available. Might not be a cure-all, but something is better than nothing. We could set up systems of incentives in the most common countries of origin that wouldn't blow up our budget and would allow us to funnel would-be immigrants to industries in need if the individuals so approved had demonstrable and needed skills, training, and/or education. We could do a better job of carrot and sticking the governments of the most common countries of origin. We could stop defunding police and instead empower them to work closely with immigration and border patrol personnel. There are hundreds of things we could try that might actually happen in the real world. But it just feeeeeeeeels better to vent your impotent rage at a problem you personally will NEVER do a damn thing about.
While all those could be helpful IN THE FUTURE, we could send a large number of military personnel to act as a barrier with instructions to capture any person illegally crossing while we implement the other solutions you just listed.

Why do you IMMEDIATELY assume that an approach I propose is nothing more than an emotional response? Are you incapable of evaluating proposed solutions without attaching some emotion to them?

Why do you IMMEDIATELY assume that an approach I propose is nothing more than an emotional response? Are you incapable of evaluating proposed solutions without attaching some emotion to them?

Because WE ARE NOT GOING TO GUN DOWN CIVILIANS CROSSING THE BORDER. How hard is that to understand? If you don't intend to shoot women, children, and old people, why not apply all that expense to hiring and training more border patrol agents who will be specially trained for the job. I want our soldiers to be trained to kill other soldiers in our actual enemies armies. Maybe help evacuate a city in a flood, hurricane, tornado, etc. Border patrol is a specialized position with specialized training.
Who said we were?

I said put them on the border with instructions to engage. That does not mean indiscriminately gunning down those who surrender. You WANT to make hay out of what I said because you like feeling like you're the "reasonable" person in the room. I understand your need to feel that way.
Did you miss my follow-up comments about that?

You did.

Because you're looking for a reason to be the "reasonable" person in the room.

Get over yourself.
You said what you said. If you want to backtrack now, I don't blame you. Could still be time for you to delete that post.

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