First the Russians now Saudi Arabia warned us

all the agencies checked this nutter out folks.

all the agnecies determined at the time they checked him that he was NOT a threat.

The president didnt know the guy exsisted.

You will lie all day long about it and we both know that.

Bush called the man who TRIED and TRIED to warn him about OBL a "disgriuntled employee".

Bush was told

where do you get that crap

since before 1996 bin laden was well known to be a bad apple

read it again you idiot

your bush derangement syndrome is strong

but that is no excuse

for the current prezbos lack of regard
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Jon -

for the current prezbos lack of regard

And again - when was Obama personally warned about the threat posed by these guys?

how could he be he only spends less then 5 minutes a day

getting briefs

that is if he decides to roll into the office before

10:30 am
Amazing! Russia warned us about the mother & son 2 times. Then Saudi warned us about the son. The CIA, FBI & DHS all dropped the ball on this one.

We need to send in a drone to blow up Tsarnaev's Momma.

"dropped the ball".., in my OPINION, NO !.., they were ordered by the regime to ignore theses warnings.

if anyone believes this regime has any concern for the citizens of this USA or the country itself is a fool or a LIARBERAL ! :up:

as for blowing up T's momma, :up: plus all those America hating muslimes..., along with the America hating SOB's right here in the United States of America.
Saudi Arabia warned this government IN WRITING and named names.

Saudi official: Kingdom 'warned the United States IN WRITING about Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012 and rejected his application for an entry visa to visit Mecca in 2011' | Mail Online

The Boston Marathon bombing happened for the same reason the attack in Benghazi happened. Because obama wanted it to happen and intended it should happen.

or is it because he is just to busy

playing fat cat
"dropped the ball".., in my OPINION, NO !.., they were ordered by the regime to ignore theses warnings.

And of course you have proof of this.

btw, Please try and post in comprehensible English. Posting in gibberish only makes you look uneducated.
Amazing! Russia warned us about the mother & son 2 times. Then Saudi warned us about the son. The CIA, FBI & DHS all dropped the ball on this one.

We need to send in a drone to blow up Tsarnaev's Momma.

"dropped the ball".., in my OPINION, NO !.., they were ordered by the regime to ignore theses warnings.

if anyone believes this regime has any concern for the citizens of this USA or the country itself is a fool or a LIARBERAL ! :up:

as for blowing up T's momma, :up: plus all those America hating muslimes..., along with the America hating SOB's right here in the United States of America.

you know it true

look at the the areas if the presidency

his plan to "maximize" the pain

that the citizens feel by the sequester

or scaring the old with threats of cutting off SS

during the deb limit debates

demonstrates his lack of regard for the people
This is the party we are dealing with folks.

Lies and lies and then some more lies.

No adherance to facts or morals

jsut lies and ignoring facts and then back to lies.

who is passing out the stupid juice in the republican party?

we really need to stop that guy
where do you get that crap

since before 1996 bin laden was well known to be a bad apple

read it again you idiot

your bush derangement syndrome is strong

but that is no excuse

for the current prezbos lack of regard

dear fact adverse idiot,

NO ONE told the president (OBAMA) that this guy exsisted.

at the time all the agencies checked him they determined him no threat.

why do you LIE about that?

Bush was repetedly told that AQ and OBL were a threat.

He told the TOP terror expert to "stop telling me about that Clinton stuff".

when Richard Clarke LEFT the nations service after serving for decades and told the people how Bush ignoired the threat Bush called him a "disgruntled Employee"

facts dude every one of them
Have both major political parties in the US been playing the Great Game since the end of WWII and Boston represents their latest move?

"Al-Qaeda (pron.: /ælˈkaɪdə/ al-ky-də; Arabic: القاعدة* al-qāʿidah, Arabic: [ælqɑːʕɪdɐ], translation: "The Base" and alternatively spelled al-Qaida and sometimes al-Qa'ida) is a global militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between August 1988[21] and late 1989,[22] with its origins being traceable to the Soviet War in Afghanistan.[23]"

"The Base"
My understanding is that's short for Database.
As in CIA Database.

Here is someone alleging an apparently coherent connection between what Russia, Saudi Arabia, Chechnya, and the CIA have in common with Boston and whatever is coming next:

"Sibel Deniz Edmonds (born 1970)[1] is an Iranian-American[2] former FBI translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). Edmonds gained public attention following her firing from her position as a language specialist at the FBI's Washington Field Office in March 2002, after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving foreign nationals, alleging serious acts of security breaches, cover-ups, and intentional blocking of intelligence which, she contended, presented a danger to the United States' security. Her later claims have gained her awards and fame as a whistleblower.[3]"
read it again you idiot

your bush derangement syndrome is strong

but that is no excuse

for the current prezbos lack of regard

dear fact adverse idiot,

NO ONE told the president (OBAMA) that this guy exsisted.

at the time all the agencies checked him they determined him no threat.

why do you LIE about that?

Bush was repetedly told that AQ and OBL were a threat.

He told the TOP terror expert to "stop telling me about that Clinton stuff".

when Richard Clarke LEFT the nations service after serving for decades and told the people how Bush ignoired the threat Bush called him a "disgruntled Employee"

facts dude every one of them

for that matter so was Clinton

he had the opportunity to get bin laden

Clinton missed 10 chances to take him out
Do not you think that we always make a fool and deceive 25 dead seals From the "SEAL Team 4": the commander is best known for the search and then Killing Osama bin Laden "committed suicide"
Published 04/29/2013 on AbeSinclair
a crew of 25, who allegedly killed bin Laden is dead. There is no conspiracy theory there. The only facts. You decide.

"The authorities" said one of the two Navy seal wounded in a parachute training in southern Arizona has diedwhile the other man is in the hospital.

The U.S. special operations command official said Friday that the SEAL died in the hospital Tucson Thursday, but did not have a status update on another person.

A soldier was killed in the accident parachute training was identified as a member of an elite Navy SEAL Team 6 - @ NBCNews

SEAL Team 4 of the commander of the work of W. Price of committing suicide. He was known to search for, and then killing Osama bin Laden.

Commander. The work of W. Price, 42, died Saturday, December 22, from non-combat in connection with injuries, maintaining stability operations in Uruzgan province, Afghanistan.

Suicide of an employee of this class causes a lot of questions from the media, since the team was known for killing Osama bin Laden, that the attack of his connections in Абботтабаде, Pakistan on 1 may 2011.

More details here

And that's ...

More than 20 Navy SEALs now dead, who killed bin Laden, coincedence? Yeah .. right. There is still no evidence at all that we even have killed him. I assume that he was dead and been dead for many years. Osama bin Lden shown in the video in the complex Abbottabad is a double. Fake used whom it would be for propaganda purposes. This omplete a lie and a shame, as 9-11 or the investigation of the murder of John F. Kennedy. Sad .... -Mort
your bush derangement syndrome is strong

but that is no excuse

for the current prezbos lack of regard

dear fact adverse idiot,

NO ONE told the president (OBAMA) that this guy exsisted.

at the time all the agencies checked him they determined him no threat.

why do you LIE about that?

Bush was repetedly told that AQ and OBL were a threat.

He told the TOP terror expert to "stop telling me about that Clinton stuff".

when Richard Clarke LEFT the nations service after serving for decades and told the people how Bush ignoired the threat Bush called him a "disgruntled Employee"

facts dude every one of them

for that matter so was Clinton

he had the opportunity to get bin laden

Clinton missed 10 chances to take him out

This fictional terrorist and tomuzhe received money from the CIA
SEAL Team 6 members among 38 killed in Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

No member of the Bin Laden raid team was among the dead, said a Pentagon official briefed on the casualties who was not authorized to speak publicly while families still were being notified. But he said 22 of the 30 were Navy SEALs, and a significant number were members of SEAL Team 6, the unit that conducted the Bin Laden raid and is made up of just a few hundred of some of the best-trained fighters in the U.S. military.

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