First they complained about the makeup of the commission.........

McCarthy proposed members who were potential witnesses and compromised

There were 212 other Republican Congress members available to serve. McCarthy forbid them to serve on the panel.

McCarthy proposed members who were potential witnesses and compromised

So what? It's not a trial.
Nope, can't seat two possible subjects to the investigation.
You should have called McCarthy and told him to quit being a PUSSY.

Opinion of the prog lefties, nothing more.

Republicans had the right to seat who they wanted to. Dems wanted a dog and pony show.
You keep avoiding the reason 2 of the Repubs McCarthy named were rejected. The others were not. Furthermore, you can't substantiate your claim of a dog and pony show. It has been the opposite. Which is why you feel forced to disparage their work. It has been devastating for the Trumpian narrative.........which is founded on a mountain of lies.

The only reason is the Dems knew the 2 would make them look bad, nothing more.

Nothing of any substance has come out of the hearings.

Except TDS jerk off spooge that you lap up.

independent commission to investigate
it's not independent son. Everyone on sitting and asking questions were in the building. They are not impartial. They must recuse. Unless, it's not so, then anyone McCarthy wanted falls under that same statute you use.

no, no, no, no two ways, one way or no way.
One was a witness in the investigation...

The other said that the investigation should be disbanded, that is to say there is nothing to investigate...

They then decided to not give anyone else so two Republicans volunteered..

They decided to be a partisan hack squad, and two quislings joined them.
Sorry. There is no such right. Members of select committees are seated at the sole discretion of the Speaker and can be replaced at any time.

The minority party is always given the choice of who sits, it's the NUMBER of each party that is controlled by the Speaker.
One was a witness in the investigation...

The other said that the investigation should be disbanded, that is to say there is nothing to investigate...

They then decided to not give anyone else so two Republicans volunteered..
it's not a trial so why can't they be on it? you all said it wasn't a trial right? So those standards don't apply. If they did, then no one can sit on that bench because they all were there on Jan 6 and are all persons of interest. they must recuse and close this farce down.
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That tends to happen when orchestrating an attack on Congress. :uhoh3:
that the laws on the books are all tossed? Were they all in the building during the event? yes or no. If they weren't in the building, then there is no rush to overturn anything. You lose both ways.
One was a witness in the investigation...

The other said that the investigation should be disbanded, that is to say there is nothing to investigate...

They then decided to not give anyone else so two Republicans volunteered..
it's not a trial. all on the committee were present on that day and must recuse then. It can't be both.
uh oh, the demofks just got silent. too fking funny.

They're regrouping looking into how to respond now. too fking funny
Bottom line: The committee is made up of nothing but anti-Trumpers who only have an anti-Trump agenda.
That's the kind of thing someone says when they can't make a case against the evidence revealed by the committee.
That is a demonstrable lie. McCarthy assigned Rep. John Katko to negotiate terms with the Dems. After an agreement was reached Kevin sabotaged the compromise. His plan all along was to create the conditions by which he could claim the committee wasn't fair.

The thing is if you look at the way the committee has conducted itself there is no legitimate claim of a lack of fairness. Their work has been exemplary.

If you're going to call something a lie you need to be able to prove it's a lie. Your word alone isn't worth anything, especially considering your constant posting about how much you hate trump and republicans, always propping up democrats and never even bothering to show you have anything but contempt for one and unadulterated love for the other. You never even show you consider other points of view.

So in this one article with quotes and links to other news sources you'll find where pelosi blocked republican picks.

She is quoted as saying the committee is there to create a narrative and the narrative is to recast midterm elections as way to show to show why democrats deserve to stay in power.

Among other statements by her in the article made by the same person that with held covid relief funds from all Americans when trump was president to increase her own political gain, and then tried twice and failed twice to impeach him.

Opinion of the prog lefties, nothing more.

Republicans had the right to seat who they wanted to. Dems wanted a dog and pony show.
You keep telling the same lie.

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) announced that he has reached an agreement with Ranking Member John Katko (R-NY) to introduce legislation to form a bipartisan, independent Commission to investigate the January 6 domestic terrorism attack on the United States Capitol and recommend changes to further protect the Capitol, the citadel of our democracy. The legislation, entitled the National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act (H.R. 3233), will be introduced by Reps. Thompson and Katko today and is expected to be considered in the House as soon as next week.

Commission details:

  • The Commission will be charged with studying the facts and circumstances surrounding the January 6th attack on the Capitol as well as the influencing factors that may have provoked the attack on our democracy.
  • Like the 9/11 Commission, the measure establishes a 10-person bipartisan commission with five commissioners, including the Chair, appointed by the Speaker of the House and Majority Leader of the Senate and five commissioners, including the Vice Chair, appointed by the Minority Leaders of the House and Senate.
  • Commissioners must have significant expertise in the areas of law enforcement, civil rights, civil liberties, privacy, intelligence, and cybersecurity. Current government officers or employees are prohibited from appointment.
  • Like the 9/11 Commission, the Commission will be granted authority to issue subpoenas to secure information to carry out its investigation but requires agreement between the Chair and the Vice Chair or a vote by a majority of Commission members.
  • The Commission will be required to issue a final report with findings regarding the facts and causes of the attack, along with recommendations to prevent future attacks on our democratic institutions, by December 31, 2021.

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