First woman to try to become a navy SEAL rings the bell after the first week....

The truth, you mean. Women are in the military because they are needed. Why are they needed? Because there are not enough trumpanzee snowflakes qualified to join the military.

Libtards like you always refer to the "truth" as if it is a legitimate substitute for rational debate. What a fine naval officer you must have been, given the disdain you have for the majority of our military personnel who voted for Trump. Enjoy your retirement. Good riddance.

Any person claiming to have been a naval officer and supports liberalism is a fake, pure and simple!

I met one in my lifetime, and he did it because Daddy was an admiral and it pissed his father off! that's believing that all Naval Officers are con-servatives. binary thinking is your thing, eh? Life is much simpler that way, isn't it. :lol: A lot of us are liberal.....particularly women officers of my time considering the changes we worked to create and push back from the "good ole' boy" system.

All evidence that I have supports my theory. The only liberals I ever knew in the military did not have the testicular fortitude to be successful and we usually weeded out before they could hurt anyone.

BTW, do you and your spouse both use this account because if not I am confused as how whoever is posting seems to be very gender fluid. First you are male, and then in the next post you are female. Or do both genders occupy one body? Which is it?
"All evidence I have".....ok, provide all that evidence.

And I've always been female....don't know where you get that "male" stuff.

OK, that's fair. I'll just wait to let you show your ass when your husband uses your account without your permission. :D
In the military? In order to get accepted into the SEAL program? Prove it.
The military academies.

What about them?
Race and gender quotas skewing merit.

Please explain how that works considering the nominations come mostly through Congress. Do you think Congress is given a quota over who each Representative or Senator is allowed to pick?
Yes. They're given race consideration. I coached a kid who was appointed to the Naval Academy but he had to spend two years at a prep school first because his SAT was too low. He is black.

OK. Your point is? They have to prove themselves worthy of consideration and they are not all black! Imagine a very smart kid in an inner city, gang-infested school who just needs a little more help.

I once had a sailor that worked for me that did his time at NAPS and didn't make it. He was still a good sailor who finished his obligation.
And I've always been female....don't know where you get that "male" stuff.

Don't play so coy: You referred to your wife, which explains your political views and hostility to males in general. Typical of people who know they have been promoted for their personal characteristics rather than merit.
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Since most men fail to make it through the training to become a navy SEAL, it comes as no surprise that a woman who attempted it left after the first week. The upper body strength alone would be tough for a female, and then you have the long term endurance issue that would knock out most men let alone women....

Candidate Set To Be First Female Navy SEAL Quits After A Week Of Training

A woman who enlisted to become the first ever female Navy SEAL quit after one week of training, reports Task and Purpose.

"The unidentified female candidate dropped out in early August during a three-week course in San Diego that began July 24. It was the first assessment of potential SEAL officers before they can be sent on to more grueling courses, according to the website, which cited 'multiple Naval Special Warfare Command sources,'" reports The Washington Examiner.

Before former President Barack Obama's rule change, which took effect in January of 2016, women were not allowed in United States Military combat roles. "But there were no female applicants in the 18 months since that historic change until now," reported CNN at the end of July, referring to the enlistment of the unidentified candidate.

There is still one remaining female candidate attempting to join the Navy's special operations teams; this unidentified woman is training for the Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman (SWCC) program.

What's that say about all the 750 men who drop every year?
She probably made it further than most men would have. Good for her for trying.
Since most men fail to make it through the training to become a navy SEAL, it comes as no surprise that a woman who attempted it left after the first week. The upper body strength alone would be tough for a female, and then you have the long term endurance issue that would knock out most men let alone women....

Candidate Set To Be First Female Navy SEAL Quits After A Week Of Training

A woman who enlisted to become the first ever female Navy SEAL quit after one week of training, reports Task and Purpose.

"The unidentified female candidate dropped out in early August during a three-week course in San Diego that began July 24. It was the first assessment of potential SEAL officers before they can be sent on to more grueling courses, according to the website, which cited 'multiple Naval Special Warfare Command sources,'" reports The Washington Examiner.

Before former President Barack Obama's rule change, which took effect in January of 2016, women were not allowed in United States Military combat roles. "But there were no female applicants in the 18 months since that historic change until now," reported CNN at the end of July, referring to the enlistment of the unidentified candidate.

There is still one remaining female candidate attempting to join the Navy's special operations teams; this unidentified woman is training for the Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman (SWCC) program.

Good, some of these men wanna be's need stop trying to be just like men they aren't.
Women in certain areas of the military will be nothing but a distraction, and men ( real men) instinctively will want to protect a female.

There are too many things that will go where they shouldn't , and not everything stays over there as the saying use to be what happens over there stays over there, BS!!
I see you cherry picked my post, because I gave you two very good reasons that SEALs will never slack off on their training. One, is that the trainers know there is a very good chance they will be on a team with one of their trainees eventually. They also want the trainees to suffer just as much as they did when they went through BUDs. And no, the mentality of fire fighters and police officers is a completely different type of thing than what SEALs have. Have you ever actually met or known a SEAL? I've been stationed with a few, and know a couple of others.

In your career as a paper-pusher, the closest you probably came to meeting a seal was at the aquarium! :D

Knew a few at Newport RI, and one of my best friends was with the teams in Norfolk. Oh yeah, the physicians assistant on the USNS CONCORD (T-AFS-5) from '97 to '98 was a former SEAL HM, and one of the ships crew was a former SEAL. Again...........where are you getting your information about my service? Oh're pulling it outta your ass like the troll you are.

Well, mainly is you talk shit most of the time and get the most basic facts wrong.

For example, you just said "teams in Norfolk". There are no teams in Norfolk. :D

Also, WTF would a SEAL be doing in Newport? Vacationing?

Do a few missions with them and then we will talk!

Don't be obtuse. You know as well as I do that there are several bases in the Norfolk area, all the way from NOB and NAS Norfolk, to NAS Oceana, NAB Little Creek, etc. When I say "Norfolk", I mean the entire Tidewater area in general. As far as what would a SEAL be doing in Newport? Ever heard of shore duty, or did you also forget that the Naval War College is located in Newport RI?

So I guess I was stationed at Little Creek because I was stationed at NOB, and Dam Neck, plus I played golf at NAS Oceana, and my ship was in overhaul at Portsouth Naval Shipyard!

I was stationed in Newport three times in my career and never saw a SEAL.

I think you need to get a lesson in broad brushing! Oh, wait, as a PN you never met a paint brush either!

Just because YOU say you were stationed at Newport 3 times and never saw a SEAL doesn't mean they were not on base. By the way, if you were at Newport, that means you were there for shore duty, and how did you manage to get 3 separate shore tours at Newport? What was your rating? How long was your tour there when you were stationed there? Were you there between 1994 and 1997, because that is when I was there. You probably worked in some office where you rarely saw anyone outside of your workspace. Me? I worked at the Personnel Support Division, and I saw EVERYONE on that base who needed to see their service record, or who had to sign their advancement work sheet, or anyone who got married or needed things put in their service record. Just because you never did, doesn't mean I didn't. And yeah, I call the whole Tidewater area "Norfolk" as a matter of convenience. If I have to be specific, I can be.
In your career as a paper-pusher, the closest you probably came to meeting a seal was at the aquarium! :D

Knew a few at Newport RI, and one of my best friends was with the teams in Norfolk. Oh yeah, the physicians assistant on the USNS CONCORD (T-AFS-5) from '97 to '98 was a former SEAL HM, and one of the ships crew was a former SEAL. Again...........where are you getting your information about my service? Oh're pulling it outta your ass like the troll you are.

Well, mainly is you talk shit most of the time and get the most basic facts wrong.

For example, you just said "teams in Norfolk". There are no teams in Norfolk. :D

Also, WTF would a SEAL be doing in Newport? Vacationing?

Do a few missions with them and then we will talk!

Don't be obtuse. You know as well as I do that there are several bases in the Norfolk area, all the way from NOB and NAS Norfolk, to NAS Oceana, NAB Little Creek, etc. When I say "Norfolk", I mean the entire Tidewater area in general. As far as what would a SEAL be doing in Newport? Ever heard of shore duty, or did you also forget that the Naval War College is located in Newport RI?

So I guess I was stationed at Little Creek because I was stationed at NOB, and Dam Neck, plus I played golf at NAS Oceana, and my ship was in overhaul at Portsouth Naval Shipyard!

I was stationed in Newport three times in my career and never saw a SEAL.

I think you need to get a lesson in broad brushing! Oh, wait, as a PN you never met a paint brush either!

Just because YOU say you were stationed at Newport 3 times and never saw a SEAL doesn't mean they were not on base. By the way, if you were at Newport, that means you were there for shore duty, and how did you manage to get 3 separate shore tours at Newport? What was your rating? How long was your tour there when you were stationed there? Were you there between 1994 and 1997, because that is when I was there. You probably worked in some office where you rarely saw anyone outside of your workspace. Me? I worked at the Personnel Support Division, and I saw EVERYONE on that base who needed to see their service record, or who had to sign their advancement work sheet, or anyone who got married or needed things put in their service record. Just because you never did, doesn't mean I didn't. And yeah, I call the whole Tidewater area "Norfolk" as a matter of convenience. If I have to be specific, I can be.

I didn't have a rating except for my first time in Newport when I was an ET, which was for four days, and that was on a ship.

Apparently you don't know much about the Navy. You have proved that you stayed in your little hole and shuffled your paperwork like a good little minion. Let's just leave it at that.
Since most men fail to make it through the training to become a navy SEAL, it comes as no surprise that a woman who attempted it left after the first week. The upper body strength alone would be tough for a female, and then you have the long term endurance issue that would knock out most men let alone women....

Candidate Set To Be First Female Navy SEAL Quits After A Week Of Training

A woman who enlisted to become the first ever female Navy SEAL quit after one week of training, reports Task and Purpose.

"The unidentified female candidate dropped out in early August during a three-week course in San Diego that began July 24. It was the first assessment of potential SEAL officers before they can be sent on to more grueling courses, according to the website, which cited 'multiple Naval Special Warfare Command sources,'" reports The Washington Examiner.

Before former President Barack Obama's rule change, which took effect in January of 2016, women were not allowed in United States Military combat roles. "But there were no female applicants in the 18 months since that historic change until now," reported CNN at the end of July, referring to the enlistment of the unidentified candidate.

There is still one remaining female candidate attempting to join the Navy's special operations teams; this unidentified woman is training for the Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman (SWCC) program.

What's that say about all the 750 men who drop every year? is a very tough program....but the idea that these men, who all met the physical standards and tests to enter the program are some measure that women will be able to make it is just silly.
Quick Navy Seal story, I was once stationed in San Diego at a resort island called Coronado. I was fresh out of book camp, so I was a boatswanmate. My job was to sand off sea particals off the sides of these U-boats. One day, I took off my ring and it fell in the Pacific Ocean. Well, low and behold, the Naval Seals were training near by and I remember being distraught and unhappy and crying about it....and this guy, this hero, swims over, hears my story and dives in this murky green water and after a few minutes comes up with my prized ring...these guys are top dogs and loved by me. I will never forget that story!!
Women are too dumb and feeble to work. To quote the great Ann Coulter, women shouldn't even vote. My coal mining company hasn't hired a single woman in 60 years. #MAGA
Spoken like a true white boy that hasn't been inside a woman since birth. You do know, sheep aren't picky, yes?
Libtards like you always refer to the "truth" as if it is a legitimate substitute for rational debate. What a fine naval officer you must have been, given the disdain you have for the majority of our military personnel who voted for Trump. Enjoy your retirement. Good riddance.

Any person claiming to have been a naval officer and supports liberalism is a fake, pure and simple!

I met one in my lifetime, and he did it because Daddy was an admiral and it pissed his father off! that's believing that all Naval Officers are con-servatives. binary thinking is your thing, eh? Life is much simpler that way, isn't it. :lol: A lot of us are liberal.....particularly women officers of my time considering the changes we worked to create and push back from the "good ole' boy" system.

All evidence that I have supports my theory. The only liberals I ever knew in the military did not have the testicular fortitude to be successful and we usually weeded out before they could hurt anyone.

BTW, do you and your spouse both use this account because if not I am confused as how whoever is posting seems to be very gender fluid. First you are male, and then in the next post you are female. Or do both genders occupy one body? Which is it?
"All evidence I have".....ok, provide all that evidence.

And I've always been female....don't know where you get that "male" stuff.

OK, that's fair. I'll just wait to let you show your ass when your husband uses your account without your permission. :D
I don't have a husband...I have a wife. You confused easily?
And I've always been female....don't know where you get that "male" stuff.

Don't play so coy: You referred to your wife, which explains your political views and hostility to males in general. Typical of people who know they have been promoted for their personal characteristics rather than merit.
Yes...I did refer to my wife. And your point is? Because I have a wife I'm hostile to males? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Do you have a problem with women trying to meet the standards that are already there?

No, as long as they don't expect/demand special accommodations because of their gender. was the case special accommodations. She just couldn't cut 75% of the males.

Yeah but what % of males drop out after the first week?
A lot of them...most of them drop at that time. It's called Hell Week for a reason.
And I've always been female....don't know where you get that "male" stuff.

Don't play so coy: You referred to your wife, which explains your political views and hostility to males in general. Typical of people who know they have been promoted for their personal characteristics rather than merit.
Yes...I did refer to my wife. And your point is? Because I have a wife I'm hostile to males? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No, but it does mean that perhaps you are politically PW'ed. :D
Any person claiming to have been a naval officer and supports liberalism is a fake, pure and simple!

I met one in my lifetime, and he did it because Daddy was an admiral and it pissed his father off! that's believing that all Naval Officers are con-servatives. binary thinking is your thing, eh? Life is much simpler that way, isn't it. :lol: A lot of us are liberal.....particularly women officers of my time considering the changes we worked to create and push back from the "good ole' boy" system.

All evidence that I have supports my theory. The only liberals I ever knew in the military did not have the testicular fortitude to be successful and we usually weeded out before they could hurt anyone.

BTW, do you and your spouse both use this account because if not I am confused as how whoever is posting seems to be very gender fluid. First you are male, and then in the next post you are female. Or do both genders occupy one body? Which is it?
"All evidence I have".....ok, provide all that evidence.

And I've always been female....don't know where you get that "male" stuff.

OK, that's fair. I'll just wait to let you show your ass when your husband uses your account without your permission. :D
I don't have a husband...I have a wife. You confused easily?

Don't worry! We'll catch you being gender fluid soon enough. Maybe you should change your password in case your wife is impersonating you.
Knew a few at Newport RI, and one of my best friends was with the teams in Norfolk. Oh yeah, the physicians assistant on the USNS CONCORD (T-AFS-5) from '97 to '98 was a former SEAL HM, and one of the ships crew was a former SEAL. Again...........where are you getting your information about my service? Oh're pulling it outta your ass like the troll you are.

Well, mainly is you talk shit most of the time and get the most basic facts wrong.

For example, you just said "teams in Norfolk". There are no teams in Norfolk. :D

Also, WTF would a SEAL be doing in Newport? Vacationing?

Do a few missions with them and then we will talk!

Don't be obtuse. You know as well as I do that there are several bases in the Norfolk area, all the way from NOB and NAS Norfolk, to NAS Oceana, NAB Little Creek, etc. When I say "Norfolk", I mean the entire Tidewater area in general. As far as what would a SEAL be doing in Newport? Ever heard of shore duty, or did you also forget that the Naval War College is located in Newport RI?

So I guess I was stationed at Little Creek because I was stationed at NOB, and Dam Neck, plus I played golf at NAS Oceana, and my ship was in overhaul at Portsouth Naval Shipyard!

I was stationed in Newport three times in my career and never saw a SEAL.

I think you need to get a lesson in broad brushing! Oh, wait, as a PN you never met a paint brush either!

Just because YOU say you were stationed at Newport 3 times and never saw a SEAL doesn't mean they were not on base. By the way, if you were at Newport, that means you were there for shore duty, and how did you manage to get 3 separate shore tours at Newport? What was your rating? How long was your tour there when you were stationed there? Were you there between 1994 and 1997, because that is when I was there. You probably worked in some office where you rarely saw anyone outside of your workspace. Me? I worked at the Personnel Support Division, and I saw EVERYONE on that base who needed to see their service record, or who had to sign their advancement work sheet, or anyone who got married or needed things put in their service record. Just because you never did, doesn't mean I didn't. And yeah, I call the whole Tidewater area "Norfolk" as a matter of convenience. If I have to be specific, I can be.

I didn't have a rating except for my first time in Newport when I was an ET, which was for four days, and that was on a ship.

Apparently you don't know much about the Navy. You have proved that you stayed in your little hole and shuffled your paperwork like a good little minion. Let's just leave it at that.

Most times you sound like you're full of shit as well dude. Tell ya what, I won't respond to you and you don't respond to me, because you don't have anything useful to say to me, and it's getting tedious trying to talk to you.
Do you have a problem with women trying to meet the standards that are already there?

No, as long as they don't expect/demand special accommodations because of their gender. was the case special accommodations. She just couldn't cut 75% of the males.

Yeah but what % of males drop out after the first week?
A lot of them...most of them drop at that time. It's called Hell Week for a reason.
Hell week is the 3rd week, not the 1st week of BUD/S .... :cool:

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