FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress

Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress

So tell us more about those criminal procedures that are now in 'full motion'?

The IG Report is released now with very few redactions- and concluded that there was no political influence and didn't find any criminal actions.

I am certain that the Trumpkins will conclude this means that the IG is part of the Deep State also......
The IG didn't find any political influence because nobody admitted to it. He doesn't have the power to force testimony or to lock people up for lying to investigators. The AG has that power and says that they have found evidence of political influence and that indictments will forthcoming.
Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress

So tell us more about those criminal procedures that are now in 'full motion'?

The IG Report is released now with very few redactions- and concluded that there was no political influence and didn't find any criminal actions.

I am certain that the Trumpkins will conclude this means that the IG is part of the Deep State also......
The IG didn't find any political influence because nobody admitted to it. He doesn't have the power to force testimony or to lock people up for lying to investigators. The AG has that power and says that they have found evidence of political influence and that indictments will forthcoming.
/——-/ Gregg Jarrett: “Horowitz also stated: “We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the FBI’s decision.” Of course he didn’t. No one is foolish enough to confess to biased decision-making or reduce it to writing. ”
Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress

This joker pretty much nailed it for the normies
The left will continue living in thier establishment fantasy world

People should be outraged about this report for one reason or another regardless of political affiliation. There are two possible conclusions:

The FISA warrant applicants DID NOT act on political bias which would make this malfeasance fairly normal and barely over the threshold of unacceptable behavior as the conclusion of the report outlines. The FISA court is essentially a rubber stamp for whoever and whatever the FBI wants to investigate with no repercussions or oversight. If you assume the FBI agents were not politically motivated this is almost just as fucked because you have to assume it's just the FBI conducting business as usual. Just imagine what they do when they are personally motivated

The FBI agents WERE politically motivated and abused their powers to undermine our democracy directly. If they are this brazen imagine what other shady shit they have done that we never hear about. This is not just about Trump but the direct undermining of the constitution without meaningful repercussions.

Member when the press/left cared about abuse of power by the FBI? This is not a good look for them."
Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress

This joker pretty much nailed it for the normies
The left will continue living in thier establishment fantasy world

People should be outraged about this report for one reason or another regardless of political affiliation. There are two possible conclusions:

The FISA warrant applicants DID NOT act on political bias which would make this malfeasance fairly normal and barely over the threshold of unacceptable behavior as the conclusion of the report outlines. The FISA court is essentially a rubber stamp for whoever and whatever the FBI wants to investigate with no repercussions or oversight. If you assume the FBI agents were not politically motivated this is almost just as fucked because you have to assume it's just the FBI conducting business as usual. Just imagine what they do when they are personally motivated

The FBI agents WERE politically motivated and abused their powers to undermine our democracy directly. If they are this brazen imagine what other shady shit they have done that we never hear about. This is not just about Trump but the direct undermining of the constitution without meaningful repercussions.

Member when the press/left cared about abuse of power by the FBI? This is not a good look for them."
The leftist reporters are so corrupt very few Americans are watching their reports because they lie, they use cheater polls, and not only do they never say anything good about President Trump, they never do anything good either except relieve their partner's family when they divorce. Okay, that's a little good...

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