FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress

Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress
It takes only one short sentence to say "we looked high & low and found no evidence of criminality or impropriety."

It requires a "lengthy" report to substantiate evidence of either.
Any day now....:290968001256257790-final:
The day is here, Crocodile, and you and your compatriots will be toothless against the truth. Your failed leadership has lied to you, lied to the Press (who knows it, by the way), and your leadership has intentionally lied to the American people with one impeachment hoax after another, after another, after another.

Some of you know it and defend the indefensible anyway, which doesn't add one drop of credibility to any of Rep. Adam Schiff's lies, nor to Senator Chuck Schumer's artful denials and obfuscations of the truth. And who could omit the notorious Senator Diane Feinstein's ace-in-the-butthole Christine Blasey-Ford's Academy Awardwinning fake story about Justice Kavanaugh's alleged activities by painting an unknown place on an unknown calendar date, in an unknown California City for an unsure-it-happened-or-was-imagined scenario in which she may have been assaulted or was dreaming, she has later confirmed it might not have happened scenario to screw up a Donald Trump appointment that might or might not cause a reversal in legislation by court to allow the unscrupulous murder of 60 MILLION future American citizens by enlisting unhappy pregnant women to be privileged with the murder of their own child without telling them what they were in for in order to recruit them into the sympathetic ranks of the demonic branch of the Democrat Party in exchange for their souls.

Death to sixty million future Americans is on your doorstep. I'm not sure we can do anything about it, but I'm willing to speak out against the abortion hallucination the Democrat Party has supported since Roe v. Wade was resolved and unfortunately was misdirected by perpetrators of Communist-Socialism they knew would at least partially give them a foot in the door to destroy the Constitution and its Amendments that have made America the winner in the postwar years of WWII thanks to Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

You are such a rube.
Oh, and I am vehemently at least try and pay attention.
A dufus and a rube, huh? Apparently that's a good thing if it opposes the liars of your party who grin while lying their asses off. There's a special place for traitors in Fort Leavenworth. Some of those Democrats who are laughing their lying asses off are going to be there soon. :muahaha:

And it's about time.

My party is this party...Libertarian Party

Nobody is going to jail, nobody ever goes to jail. How many times will you allow Lucy to pull away the football before you wise up?
You can bet yer fluorescent golf balls a number of high-ups in the DNC will wind up in prison. Of course, they'll have to build a hospital wing for Hillary the sicko Clinton. She's a disgrace to the University that let her get away with bearing an AK-47 into their administration building and granting her a graduation certificate anyway. She's still trying to force her "It takes a Village" commie beliefs on this country. bleh!
Any day now....:290968001256257790-final:
The day is here, Crocodile, and you and your compatriots will be toothless against the truth. Your failed leadership has lied to you, lied to the Press (who knows it, by the way), and your leadership has intentionally lied to the American people with one impeachment hoax after another, after another, after another.

Some of you know it and defend the indefensible anyway, which doesn't add one drop of credibility to any of Rep. Adam Schiff's lies, nor to Senator Chuck Schumer's artful denials and obfuscations of the truth. And who could omit the notorious Senator Diane Feinstein's ace-in-the-butthole Christine Blasey-Ford's Academy Awardwinning fake story about Justice Kavanaugh's alleged activities by painting an unknown place on an unknown calendar date, in an unknown California City for an unsure-it-happened-or-was-imagined scenario in which she may have been assaulted or was dreaming, she has later confirmed it might not have happened scenario to screw up a Donald Trump appointment that might or might not cause a reversal in legislation by court to allow the unscrupulous murder of 60 MILLION future American citizens by enlisting unhappy pregnant women to be privileged with the murder of their own child without telling them what they were in for in order to recruit them into the sympathetic ranks of the demonic branch of the Democrat Party in exchange for their souls.

Death to sixty million future Americans is on your doorstep. I'm not sure we can do anything about it, but I'm willing to speak out against the abortion hallucination the Democrat Party has supported since Roe v. Wade was resolved and unfortunately was misdirected by perpetrators of Communist-Socialism they knew would at least partially give them a foot in the door to destroy the Constitution and its Amendments that have made America the winner in the postwar years of WWII thanks to Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

You are such a rube.
Oh, and I am vehemently at least try and pay attention.
A dufus and a rube, huh? Apparently that's a good thing if it opposes the liars of your party who grin while lying their asses off. There's a special place for traitors in Fort Leavenworth. Some of those Democrats who are laughing their lying asses off are going to be there soon. :muahaha:

And it's about time.

My party is this party...Libertarian Party

Nobody is going to jail, nobody ever goes to jail. How many times will you allow Lucy to pull away the football before you wise up?
You can bet yer fluorescent golf balls a number of high-ups in the DNC will wind up in prison. Of course, they'll have to build a hospital wing for Hillary the sicko Clinton. She's a disgrace to the University that let her get away with bearing an AK-47 into their administration building and granting her a graduation certificate anyway. She's still trying to force her "It takes a Village" commie beliefs on this country. bleh!

How much are you willing to bet on this happening?
dude, you have been making these claims my whole time on this forum and not a single one has come are a joke.
Dude, conservatives started the 's by day now' quote due to the Democrats' 4 year campaign - with rabid butt-hurt snowflake support - to undo the 2016 election....only to have every new moronic coup attempt boomerang and expose MORE Democrat crime.

Dumb as you are, you HAD to know this was coming. The former FBI Director, Deputy FBI Director, and FBI Agent has been recommended for indictment for their crimes.

The evidence that Agency Directors committed perjury and illegally committed fraud on the FISA Court by using what they KNEW - based on evidence and testimony - was fake / debunked / false / Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to illegally get warrants to spy on a political candidate, his team, and the President of the United States, and use foreign Intel agencies to try to set them Durham just officially made this a CRIMINAL investigation.

The Democrats were never smart enough to pull this off without it blowing up in their faces, but snowflakes were stupid enough - and hated Trump enough - to 'swallow' all of it...hook, line, & sinker!




As I said, you have been making these claims for years and not one single one of them has been accurate. Yet somehow this time it is different....too funny
For a Libertarian you claim to be, you certainly lockstep with the lying cheating Democrat positions a lot. Fool me once, shame on you.
dude, you have been making these claims my whole time on this forum and not a single one has come are a joke.
Dude, conservatives started the 's by day now' quote due to the Democrats' 4 year campaign - with rabid butt-hurt snowflake support - to undo the 2016 election....only to have every new moronic coup attempt boomerang and expose MORE Democrat crime.

Dumb as you are, you HAD to know this was coming. The former FBI Director, Deputy FBI Director, and FBI Agent has been recommended for indictment for their crimes.

The evidence that Agency Directors committed perjury and illegally committed fraud on the FISA Court by using what they KNEW - based on evidence and testimony - was fake / debunked / false / Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to illegally get warrants to spy on a political candidate, his team, and the President of the United States, and use foreign Intel agencies to try to set them Durham just officially made this a CRIMINAL investigation.

The Democrats were never smart enough to pull this off without it blowing up in their faces, but snowflakes were stupid enough - and hated Trump enough - to 'swallow' all of it...hook, line, & sinker!




As I said, you have been making these claims for years and not one single one of them has been accurate. Yet somehow this time it is different....too funny
For a Libertarian you claim to be, you certainly lockstep with the lying cheating Democrat positions a lot. Fool me once, shame on you.

Other than a dislike of Trump what other position do I agree with the Dems on?
Last edited:
The day is here, Crocodile, and you and your compatriots will be toothless against the truth. Your failed leadership has lied to you, lied to the Press (who knows it, by the way), and your leadership has intentionally lied to the American people with one impeachment hoax after another, after another, after another.

Some of you know it and defend the indefensible anyway, which doesn't add one drop of credibility to any of Rep. Adam Schiff's lies, nor to Senator Chuck Schumer's artful denials and obfuscations of the truth. And who could omit the notorious Senator Diane Feinstein's ace-in-the-butthole Christine Blasey-Ford's Academy Awardwinning fake story about Justice Kavanaugh's alleged activities by painting an unknown place on an unknown calendar date, in an unknown California City for an unsure-it-happened-or-was-imagined scenario in which she may have been assaulted or was dreaming, she has later confirmed it might not have happened scenario to screw up a Donald Trump appointment that might or might not cause a reversal in legislation by court to allow the unscrupulous murder of 60 MILLION future American citizens by enlisting unhappy pregnant women to be privileged with the murder of their own child without telling them what they were in for in order to recruit them into the sympathetic ranks of the demonic branch of the Democrat Party in exchange for their souls.

Death to sixty million future Americans is on your doorstep. I'm not sure we can do anything about it, but I'm willing to speak out against the abortion hallucination the Democrat Party has supported since Roe v. Wade was resolved and unfortunately was misdirected by perpetrators of Communist-Socialism they knew would at least partially give them a foot in the door to destroy the Constitution and its Amendments that have made America the winner in the postwar years of WWII thanks to Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

You are such a rube.
Oh, and I am vehemently at least try and pay attention.
A dufus and a rube, huh? Apparently that's a good thing if it opposes the liars of your party who grin while lying their asses off. There's a special place for traitors in Fort Leavenworth. Some of those Democrats who are laughing their lying asses off are going to be there soon. :muahaha:

And it's about time.

My party is this party...Libertarian Party

Nobody is going to jail, nobody ever goes to jail. How many times will you allow Lucy to pull away the football before you wise up?
You can bet yer fluorescent golf balls a number of high-ups in the DNC will wind up in prison. Of course, they'll have to build a hospital wing for Hillary the sicko Clinton. She's a disgrace to the University that let her get away with bearing an AK-47 into their administration building and granting her a graduation certificate anyway. She's still trying to force her "It takes a Village" commie beliefs on this country. bleh!

How much are you willing to bet on this happening?
I will make one quilt top for charity if you are right.
I will make ten quilt tops for charity if I am right.
I gotta hustle off to the quilt room in my home. I'm gonna be busy making 10 quilt tops. Actually, I spent all my pension money on quilt fabrics to do the quilt tops anyway. Sorry, I know wealth means a lot to you. I don't have that kind of wealth.
Last edited:
dude, you have been making these claims my whole time on this forum and not a single one has come are a joke.
Dude, conservatives started the 's by day now' quote due to the Democrats' 4 year campaign - with rabid butt-hurt snowflake support - to undo the 2016 election....only to have every new moronic coup attempt boomerang and expose MORE Democrat crime.

Dumb as you are, you HAD to know this was coming. The former FBI Director, Deputy FBI Director, and FBI Agent has been recommended for indictment for their crimes.

The evidence that Agency Directors committed perjury and illegally committed fraud on the FISA Court by using what they KNEW - based on evidence and testimony - was fake / debunked / false / Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to illegally get warrants to spy on a political candidate, his team, and the President of the United States, and use foreign Intel agencies to try to set them Durham just officially made this a CRIMINAL investigation.

The Democrats were never smart enough to pull this off without it blowing up in their faces, but snowflakes were stupid enough - and hated Trump enough - to 'swallow' all of it...hook, line, & sinker!




As I said, you have been making these claims for years and not one single one of them has been accurate. Yet somehow this time it is different....too funny
For a Libertarian you claim to be, you certainly lockstep with the lying cheating Democrat positions a lot. Fool me once, shame on you.

Other than a dislike of Trump what other position do I agree with the Dems on?
All I know is that you bump the Trump.
dude, you have been making these claims my whole time on this forum and not a single one has come are a joke.
Dude, conservatives started the 's by day now' quote due to the Democrats' 4 year campaign - with rabid butt-hurt snowflake support - to undo the 2016 election....only to have every new moronic coup attempt boomerang and expose MORE Democrat crime.

Dumb as you are, you HAD to know this was coming. The former FBI Director, Deputy FBI Director, and FBI Agent has been recommended for indictment for their crimes.

The evidence that Agency Directors committed perjury and illegally committed fraud on the FISA Court by using what they KNEW - based on evidence and testimony - was fake / debunked / false / Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to illegally get warrants to spy on a political candidate, his team, and the President of the United States, and use foreign Intel agencies to try to set them Durham just officially made this a CRIMINAL investigation.

The Democrats were never smart enough to pull this off without it blowing up in their faces, but snowflakes were stupid enough - and hated Trump enough - to 'swallow' all of it...hook, line, & sinker!




As I said, you have been making these claims for years and not one single one of them has been accurate. Yet somehow this time it is different....too funny
For a Libertarian you claim to be, you certainly lockstep with the lying cheating Democrat positions a lot. Fool me once, shame on you.

Other than a dislike of Trump what other position do I agree with the Dems on?
All I know is that you bump the Trump.

I do not like Trump, that is no secret. But I liked Obama even less. Both are too far left fiscally for me
dude, you have been making these claims my whole time on this forum and not a single one has come are a joke.
Dude, conservatives started the 's by day now' quote due to the Democrats' 4 year campaign - with rabid butt-hurt snowflake support - to undo the 2016 election....only to have every new moronic coup attempt boomerang and expose MORE Democrat crime.

Dumb as you are, you HAD to know this was coming. The former FBI Director, Deputy FBI Director, and FBI Agent has been recommended for indictment for their crimes.

The evidence that Agency Directors committed perjury and illegally committed fraud on the FISA Court by using what they KNEW - based on evidence and testimony - was fake / debunked / false / Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to illegally get warrants to spy on a political candidate, his team, and the President of the United States, and use foreign Intel agencies to try to set them Durham just officially made this a CRIMINAL investigation.

The Democrats were never smart enough to pull this off without it blowing up in their faces, but snowflakes were stupid enough - and hated Trump enough - to 'swallow' all of it...hook, line, & sinker!




As I said, you have been making these claims for years and not one single one of them has been accurate. Yet somehow this time it is different....too funny
For a Libertarian you claim to be, you certainly lockstep with the lying cheating Democrat positions a lot. Fool me once, shame on you.

Other than a dislike of Trump what other position do I agree with the Dems on?
All I know is that you bump the Trump.
so do i when warranted.

anyone who blindly defends / follows to me is a huge issue why we can't simply meet in the middle anymore.
Dude, conservatives started the 's by day now' quote due to the Democrats' 4 year campaign - with rabid butt-hurt snowflake support - to undo the 2016 election....only to have every new moronic coup attempt boomerang and expose MORE Democrat crime.

Dumb as you are, you HAD to know this was coming. The former FBI Director, Deputy FBI Director, and FBI Agent has been recommended for indictment for their crimes.

The evidence that Agency Directors committed perjury and illegally committed fraud on the FISA Court by using what they KNEW - based on evidence and testimony - was fake / debunked / false / Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to illegally get warrants to spy on a political candidate, his team, and the President of the United States, and use foreign Intel agencies to try to set them Durham just officially made this a CRIMINAL investigation.

The Democrats were never smart enough to pull this off without it blowing up in their faces, but snowflakes were stupid enough - and hated Trump enough - to 'swallow' all of it...hook, line, & sinker!




As I said, you have been making these claims for years and not one single one of them has been accurate. Yet somehow this time it is different....too funny
For a Libertarian you claim to be, you certainly lockstep with the lying cheating Democrat positions a lot. Fool me once, shame on you.

Other than a dislike of Trump what other position do I agree with the Dems on?
All I know is that you bump the Trump.

I do not like Trump, that is no secret. But I liked Obama even less. Both are too far left fiscally for me
Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinions of individuals, but Trump turned a new leaf when he became elected to the presidency, and old grudges die hard, if one can ever let them go.

God works in strange ways, Mr. Gator.
As I said, you have been making these claims for years and not one single one of them has been accurate. Yet somehow this time it is different....too funny
For a Libertarian you claim to be, you certainly lockstep with the lying cheating Democrat positions a lot. Fool me once, shame on you.

Other than a dislike of Trump what other position do I agree with the Dems on?
All I know is that you bump the Trump.

I do not like Trump, that is no secret. But I liked Obama even less. Both are too far left fiscally for me
Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinions of individuals, but Trump turned a new leaf when he became elected to the presidency, and old grudges die hard, if one can ever let them go.

God works in strange ways, Mr. Gator.

Trump has not changed one iota.
Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress
It takes only one short sentence to say "we looked high & low and found no evidence of criminality or impropriety."

It requires a "lengthy" report to substantiate evidence of either.
it only took a "stop being stupid" on the russia investigation, but hey - 2 years later and even after, people still swear and use COMRADE as if a valid insult vs. just being emotionally unstable.
Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress

So tell us more about those criminal procedures that are now in 'full motion'?

The IG Report is released now with very few redactions- and concluded that there was no political influence and didn't find any criminal actions.

I am certain that the Trumpkins will conclude this means that the IG is part of the Deep State also......
Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress

So tell us more about those criminal procedures that are now in 'full motion'?

The IG Report is released now with very few redactions- and concluded that there was no political influence and didn't find any criminal actions.

I am certain that the Trumpkins will conclude this means that the IG is part of the Deep State also......
Patience, Grasshopper.

All will crescendo around October 30.
Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress
I was hoping the FISA Abuse Report would confirm or deny what we've been hearing about the origin of the Trump impeachment conspiracy. I don't think the impeachment idea ever had a basis, yet here we are, three years after the first threats came to light, and all the American public gets is secrecy from the Democrats who have been implicated through the direction of Barack Obama in cahoots with Hillary Clinton, whose ambitions went off the charts while she held all that power of being Barack's Secretary of State, which I believe she diverted to herself to bringing a black curtain over decency in American politics. I think Hillary Clinton was behind this whole affair and should be held accountable shoulder to shoulder with Barack Obama for abuse of the Constitution rather than the support of it. I don't care what kind of rioting it causes, either. They did bad things to their peers by inciting angst into every living room that has a television set in it and to every computer in American and English-speaking homes that has links to people in the lockstep leftist press they emailed with exact phrases to use to destroy businessman candidate Donald Trump due to his speeches that he backed up with truth and action. How could lies penetrate American homes so efficiently?

Their "insurance policy" of the lying Steel dossier has now been shown for the lie and the evil attempts to reverse a Presidential election that it represents. And who was its author? Hillary or Barack-Michele (It's only a damn flag) Obama. Even so, Party 'crats act like nothing bad ever happened because their instructions to "get Trump" was the dirty joke that tried to unseat the American Constitution, which I find unforgivable.
Horowitz asked many people what was the origin of the investigation.....and wasn't satisfied with the answers they many referrals are being made to the DOJ to investigate Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and others involved.
Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress

So tell us more about those criminal procedures that are now in 'full motion'?

The IG Report is released now with very few redactions- and concluded that there was no political influence and didn't find any criminal actions.

I am certain that the Trumpkins will conclude this means that the IG is part of the Deep State also......
Patience, Grasshopper.

All will crescendo around October 30.

October 30 in what decade exactly?

Tell us more about those criminal procedures you proclaimed?
Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress
I was hoping the FISA Abuse Report would confirm or deny what we've been hearing about the origin of the Trump impeachment conspiracy. I don't think the impeachment idea ever had a basis, yet here we are, three years after the first threats came to light, and all the American public gets is secrecy from the Democrats who have been implicated through the direction of Barack Obama in cahoots with Hillary Clinton, whose ambitions went off the charts while she held all that power of being Barack's Secretary of State, which I believe she diverted to herself to bringing a black curtain over decency in American politics. I think Hillary Clinton was behind this whole affair and should be held accountable shoulder to shoulder with Barack Obama for abuse of the Constitution rather than the support of it. I don't care what kind of rioting it causes, either. They did bad things to their peers by inciting angst into every living room that has a television set in it and to every computer in American and English-speaking homes that has links to people in the lockstep leftist press they emailed with exact phrases to use to destroy businessman candidate Donald Trump due to his speeches that he backed up with truth and action. How could lies penetrate American homes so efficiently?

Their "insurance policy" of the lying Steel dossier has now been shown for the lie and the evil attempts to reverse a Presidential election that it represents. And who was its author? Hillary or Barack-Michele (It's only a damn flag) Obama. Even so, Party 'crats act like nothing bad ever happened because their instructions to "get Trump" was the dirty joke that tried to unseat the American Constitution, which I find unforgivable.
Horowitz asked many people what was the origin of the investigation.....and wasn't satisfied with the answers they many referrals are being made to the DOJ to investigate Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and others involved.

Even though that is nowhere to be found in the report.

I will put that down to imaginative and hopeful claims like the OP.

Criminal procedures now in full motion.

The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

BREAKING: FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress
I was hoping the FISA Abuse Report would confirm or deny what we've been hearing about the origin of the Trump impeachment conspiracy. I don't think the impeachment idea ever had a basis, yet here we are, three years after the first threats came to light, and all the American public gets is secrecy from the Democrats who have been implicated through the direction of Barack Obama in cahoots with Hillary Clinton, whose ambitions went off the charts while she held all that power of being Barack's Secretary of State, which I believe she diverted to herself to bringing a black curtain over decency in American politics. I think Hillary Clinton was behind this whole affair and should be held accountable shoulder to shoulder with Barack Obama for abuse of the Constitution rather than the support of it. I don't care what kind of rioting it causes, either. They did bad things to their peers by inciting angst into every living room that has a television set in it and to every computer in American and English-speaking homes that has links to people in the lockstep leftist press they emailed with exact phrases to use to destroy businessman candidate Donald Trump due to his speeches that he backed up with truth and action. How could lies penetrate American homes so efficiently?

Their "insurance policy" of the lying Steel dossier has now been shown for the lie and the evil attempts to reverse a Presidential election that it represents. And who was its author? Hillary or Barack-Michele (It's only a damn flag) Obama. Even so, Party 'crats act like nothing bad ever happened because their instructions to "get Trump" was the dirty joke that tried to unseat the American Constitution, which I find unforgivable.
Horowitz asked many people what was the origin of the investigation.....and wasn't satisfied with the answers they many referrals are being made to the DOJ to investigate Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and others involved.

Even though that is nowhere to be found in the report.

I will put that down to imaginative and hopeful claims like the OP.

LOL you've read the entire report now?

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