Fischer: 'I Believe We Are Going To Have Violence' If SCOTUS Legalizes Gay Marriage

As to the OP, there certainly should be an increase in funding for domestic terror attacks from ISIS/Al Qaida and the like. Institutionalizing a sexual perversion forbidden by the Koran as "an new universal American value" should make public places really fun and relaxing in coming years.

You do realize that in the scenario you just're on the side of ISIS and AL Qaida, right?

More fear-mongering. First it was "gay marriage will destroy the institution of marriage". When that didn't fly and they couldn't explain how it would effect anyone's marriage, they went with "marriage is all about children, and gay molest children". Now that has been laughed at so much, they are trying to use radical islamics as the "boogeyman".

Conservatives need a 'bear in the woods'. Its their bread and butter. If there's not shit in their panties, they're not doing it right.
I actually said that there would be no civil unrest. But the left does love its lies.

Same sex marriage isn't important enough to shake the apathy.

Should muslims take it upon themselves to take matters into their own hands, that won't shake the apathy either.
You can't believe the polls. Believe me, the majority of American citizens right now do not favor same sex marriages. It has been political activist judges overturning their votes and neutralizing their state constitutions banning immoral same sex marriage or civil unions. That is morally wrong and uncalled for to overturn the will of the people.
I actually said that there would be no civil unrest. But the left does love its lies.

Same sex marriage isn't important enough to shake the apathy.

Should muslims take it upon themselves to take matters into their own hands, that won't shake the apathy either.

What you did was ape a Russian Information Warfare specialist and employee of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the collapse of the US. 2010.

By my sundial, that prediction may be a few minutes off.
I actually said that there would be no civil unrest. But the left does love its lies.

Same sex marriage isn't important enough to shake the apathy.

Should muslims take it upon themselves to take matters into their own hands, that won't shake the apathy either.

And if radical muslims or radical rightwingers attack our citizens, we will hunt them down and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Hopefully they will decide to fight when the cops show up. Save us the cost of a trial.
Yes you are a coward. You would never dare say the stuff you say on this board to another grown Black man or Jew in person. Give us all a break. :laugh:
He is know what he is. That is a plus.
Yeah on this board maybe but he wouldnt start up a conversation like he starts threads on here with a Black guy for instance.
You don't know me too well. Believe me, .
Yes you are a coward. You would never dare say the stuff you say on this board to another grown Black man or Jew in person. Give us all a break. :laugh:
He is know what he is. That is a plus.
Yeah on this board maybe but he wouldnt start up a conversation like he starts threads on here with a Black guy for instance.
Of course I know you perfectly well you little timid punk. Youre the type that turns red and gets nervous when I stare at you because I can tell by your body language I make you afraid and you hate your fear of me..I bet that feeling I just described sounds very familiar to you doesnt it?.
Not at all negro, not at all. White people are fed up with your feral savagery and cowardly destructive attacks on society as a whole. You fatherless bastards are about to get awakened to reality.
Got a date for that cave chimp? Exactly. Even if a few of you hybrid troglodyte/simians ever got the courage to face a Black man you would punk out. Its ok but just know I know how much of a coward your kind are.
I actually said that there would be no civil unrest. But the left does love its lies.

Same sex marriage isn't important enough to shake the apathy.

Should muslims take it upon themselves to take matters into their own hands, that won't shake the apathy either.

What you did was ape a Russian Information Warfare specialist and employee of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the collapse of the US. 2010.

By my sundial, that prediction may be a few minutes off.
Certainly off. We need more riots first. The acrimony hasn't gotten bad enough. Good thing it's still growing.

But that has nothing to do with civil unrest caused by the legalization of perversion. There won't be any. The issue of same sex marriage isn't that pressing.

Gay bashing isn't that pressing of an issue either.
There is judicial consensus. Same sex marriage will be imposed, by force, on the whole of the nation. So was busing and forced integration. How did that end up?

So was interracial marriage and the end of segregation. What's your point?

That unless the States can deny liberty, there is no liberty? Orwell would get a titter out of that one.

Abortion was forced on the whole of the nation by judicial decree. What happened with that?

Abortion is legal everywhere. And abortion wasn't 'forced' on anyone. The government just got their dick out of it and let the individual decide for themselves.
Gay marriage is not a matter of legality. Guys can date or live together and fuck but to marry is absurd and shouldn't even be considered. For society to allow it is to condone perversion. It's not the same as allowing interracial marriage. That was bigotry to not allow that, although it's not my choice, it's others to decide for themselves. But two guys? Good grief, how gay can you get?

Now, having said that, I don't have any bad feelings for gay people. I doon't want them harmed nor discriminated against in any way, but to let them marry is no different than society allowing a heterosexual man marry his goat. The latter ain't going to happen and the former shouldn't. Millennials are driving this because they have been indoctrinated since kindergarten. Society must retain some old fashioned values before we destroy ourselves.
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There is judicial consensus. Same sex marriage will be imposed, by force, on the whole of the nation. So was busing and forced integration. How did that end up?

So was interracial marriage and the end of segregation. What's your point?

That unless the States can deny liberty, there is no liberty? Orwell would get a titter out of that one.

Abortion was forced on the whole of the nation by judicial decree. What happened with that?

Abortion is legal everywhere. And abortion wasn't 'forced' on anyone. The government just got their dick out of it and let the individual decide for themselves.
Gay marriage is not a matter of legality. Guys can date or live together and fuck but to marry is absurd and shouldn't even be considered. For society to allow it is to condone perversion. It's not the same as allowing interracial marriage. That was bigotry to not allow that, although it's not my choice, it's others to decide for themselves. But two guys? Good grief, how gay can you get?

Now, having said that, I don't have any bad feelings for gay people. I doon't want them harmed nor discriminated against in any way, but to let them marry is no different than society allowing a heterosexual man marry his goat. The latter ain't going to happen and the former shouldn't. Millennials are driving this because they have been indoctrinated since kindergarten. Society must retain some old fashioned values before we destroy ourselves.

Yeah, two lesbians marrying is exactly like a man marrying a goat. Well, except the goat isn't a person. Oh, and the goat can't give consent. But besides that and it being completely different, yeah they are the same.
I actually said that there would be no civil unrest. But the left does love its lies.

Same sex marriage isn't important enough to shake the apathy.

Should muslims take it upon themselves to take matters into their own hands, that won't shake the apathy either.

And if radical muslims or radical rightwingers attack our citizens, we will hunt them down and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Hopefully they will decide to fight when the cops show up. Save us the cost of a trial.

No one has to worry about that as Obama will just drone them without any Due Process..
As to the OP, there certainly should be an increase in funding for domestic terror attacks from ISIS/Al Qaida and the like. Institutionalizing a sexual perversion forbidden by the Koran as "an new universal American value" should make public places really fun and relaxing in coming years.

You do realize that in the scenario you just're on the side of ISIS and AL Qaida, right?

More fear-mongering. First it was "gay marriage will destroy the institution of marriage". When that didn't fly and they couldn't explain how it would effect anyone's marriage, they went with "marriage is all about children, and gay molest children". Now that has been laughed at so much, they are trying to use radical islamics as the "boogeyman".

Conservatives need a 'bear in the woods'. Its their bread and butter. If there's not shit in their panties, they're not doing it right.

Says the far left drone!
Let's hope so. It's time to put gays in their place and stop this tyranny before it rips the moral fabric of this nation right out from under us. It's time to do what's right.

Are you stating that you will engage in violent responses if the Supreme Court rules in favor of letting gays marry?
Let's hope so. It's time to put gays in their place and stop this tyranny before it rips the moral fabric of this nation right out from under us. It's time to do what's right.

Are you stating that you will engage in violent responses if the Supreme Court rules in favor of letting gays marry?

Of course he won't. He will pout. He will rant. He might even threaten. But he won't actually DO anything.
Let's hope so. It's time to put gays in their place and stop this tyranny before it rips the moral fabric of this nation right out from under us. It's time to do what's right.

Are you stating that you will engage in violent responses if the Supreme Court rules in favor of letting gays marry?
Yes he is saying but everyone knows he is like a toothless wiener dog. All bark and incapable of bite.
He and his ilk will be on the losing end

Sound like threats, Good that the NSA and FBI are monitoring those "people"

"If the Supreme Court continues to overreach and they aren't checked, we are headed towards civil unrest,"

Fischer I Believe We Are Going To Have Violence If SCOTUS Legalizes Gay Marriage Right Wing Watch
They said the same thing after Brown v. Board of Ed and the Civil Rights Act. All bluster.....and in a few years, they will say it was all their idea.
Yeah. That worked out real well. Especially in what is now all black cities.
I love it when you fly your true colors.
Yes you are a coward. You would never dare say the stuff you say on this board to another grown Black man or Jew in person. Give us all a break. :laugh:
He is know what he is. That is a plus.
Yeah on this board maybe but he wouldnt start up a conversation like he starts threads on here with a Black guy for instance.
You don't know me too well. Believe me, .
Yes you are a coward. You would never dare say the stuff you say on this board to another grown Black man or Jew in person. Give us all a break. :laugh:
He is know what he is. That is a plus.
Yeah on this board maybe but he wouldnt start up a conversation like he starts threads on here with a Black guy for instance.
Of course I know you perfectly well you little timid punk. Youre the type that turns red and gets nervous when I stare at you because I can tell by your body language I make you afraid and you hate your fear of me..I bet that feeling I just described sounds very familiar to you doesnt it?.
Not at all negro, not at all. White people are fed up with your feral savagery and cowardly destructive attacks on society as a whole. You fatherless bastards are about to get awakened to reality.
Tough you change your diapers.
There is judicial consensus. Same sex marriage will be imposed, by force, on the whole of the nation. So was busing and forced integration. How did that end up?

So was interracial marriage and the end of segregation. What's your point?

That unless the States can deny liberty, there is no liberty? Orwell would get a titter out of that one.

Abortion was forced on the whole of the nation by judicial decree. What happened with that?

Abortion is legal everywhere. And abortion wasn't 'forced' on anyone. The government just got their dick out of it and let the individual decide for themselves.
Gay marriage is not a matter of legality. Guys can date or live together and fuck but to marry is absurd and shouldn't even be considered. For society to allow it is to condone perversion. It's not the same as allowing interracial marriage. That was bigotry to not allow that, although it's not my choice, it's others to decide for themselves. But two guys? Good grief, how gay can you get?

Now, having said that, I don't have any bad feelings for gay people. I doon't want them harmed nor discriminated against in any way, but to let them marry is no different than society allowing a heterosexual man marry his goat. The latter ain't going to happen and the former shouldn't. Millennials are driving this because they have been indoctrinated since kindergarten. Society must retain some old fashioned values before we destroy ourselves.

Yeah, two lesbians marrying is exactly like a man marrying a goat. Well, except the goat isn't a person. Oh, and the goat can't give consent. But besides that and it being completely different, yeah they are the same.
Maybe to him.
There is judicial consensus. Same sex marriage will be imposed, by force, on the whole of the nation. So was busing and forced integration. How did that end up?

So was interracial marriage and the end of segregation. What's your point?

That unless the States can deny liberty, there is no liberty? Orwell would get a titter out of that one.

Abortion was forced on the whole of the nation by judicial decree. What happened with that?

Abortion is legal everywhere. And abortion wasn't 'forced' on anyone. The government just got their dick out of it and let the individual decide for themselves.
Gay marriage is not a matter of legality. Guys can date or live together and fuck but to marry is absurd and shouldn't even be considered. For society to allow it is to condone perversion. It's not the same as allowing interracial marriage. That was bigotry to not allow that, although it's not my choice, it's others to decide for themselves. But two guys? Good grief, how gay can you get?

Now, having said that, I don't have any bad feelings for gay people. I doon't want them harmed nor discriminated against in any way, but to let them marry is no different than society allowing a heterosexual man marry his goat. The latter ain't going to happen and the former shouldn't. Millennials are driving this because they have been indoctrinated since kindergarten. Society must retain some old fashioned values before we destroy ourselves.

Yeah, two lesbians marrying is exactly like a man marrying a goat. Well, except the goat isn't a person. Oh, and the goat can't give consent. But besides that and it being completely different, yeah they are the same.
Maybe to him.
To the goat? Not a male goat. That would be going too far.
There is judicial consensus. Same sex marriage will be imposed, by force, on the whole of the nation. So was busing and forced integration. How did that end up?

So was interracial marriage and the end of segregation. What's your point?

That unless the States can deny liberty, there is no liberty? Orwell would get a titter out of that one.

Abortion was forced on the whole of the nation by judicial decree. What happened with that?

Abortion is legal everywhere. And abortion wasn't 'forced' on anyone. The government just got their dick out of it and let the individual decide for themselves.
Gay marriage is not a matter of legality. Guys can date or live together and fuck but to marry is absurd and shouldn't even be considered. For society to allow it is to condone perversion. It's not the same as allowing interracial marriage. That was bigotry to not allow that, although it's not my choice, it's others to decide for themselves. But two guys? Good grief, how gay can you get?

Now, having said that, I don't have any bad feelings for gay people. I doon't want them harmed nor discriminated against in any way, but to let them marry is no different than society allowing a heterosexual man marry his goat.

You do realize that a goat can't actually enter into any form of contract.

I don't think 'no different' means what you think it means.

Millennials are driving this because they have been indoctrinated since kindergarten. Society must retain some old fashioned values before we destroy ourselves.

I disagree. I think its the exact opposite. Millennial haven't been indoctrinated...which is why they support gay marriage. The state of irrational animosity that many conservatives feel toward gays....that's the learned behavior. That's the product of indoctrination. Not giving a fiddler's fuck about someone else's orgasm.....but being fixated on your own? That's a neutral state.

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