Fischer: 'I Believe We Are Going To Have Violence' If SCOTUS Legalizes Gay Marriage

A coward is someone who wilts to political correctness, blacks and jews and is afraid to speak his mind for fear of reprisal. American patriot Steve_McGarrett does no such thing.
Yes you are a coward. You would never dare say the stuff you say on this board to another grown Black man or Jew in person. Give us all a break. :laugh:
He is know what he is. That is a plus.
Yeah on this board maybe but he wouldnt start up a conversation like he starts threads on here with a Black guy for instance.
You don't know me too well. Believe me, .
A coward is someone who wilts to political correctness, blacks and jews and is afraid to speak his mind for fear of reprisal. American patriot Steve_McGarrett does no such thing.
Yes you are a coward. You would never dare say the stuff you say on this board to another grown Black man or Jew in person. Give us all a break. :laugh:
He is know what he is. That is a plus.
Yeah on this board maybe but he wouldnt start up a conversation like he starts threads on here with a Black guy for instance.
Of course I know you perfectly well you little timid punk. Youre the type that turns red and gets nervous when I stare at you because I can tell by your body language I make you afraid and you hate your fear of me..I bet that feeling I just described sounds very familiar to you doesnt it?.
Not at all negro, not at all. White people are fed up with your feral savagery and cowardly destructive attacks on society as a whole. You fatherless bastards are about to get awakened to reality.
He and his ilk will be on the losing end

Sound like threats, Good that the NSA and FBI are monitoring those "people"

"If the Supreme Court continues to overreach and they aren't checked, we are headed towards civil unrest,"

Fischer I Believe We Are Going To Have Violence If SCOTUS Legalizes Gay Marriage Right Wing Watch

gonna be no violence, dont even know who this Fischer is??? what weight does this person carry? most americans, still believe in voting
and the rule of law, not resorting to violence to get what they want. well , most.
Yes you are a coward. You would never dare say the stuff you say on this board to another grown Black man or Jew in person. Give us all a break. :laugh:
He is know what he is. That is a plus.
Yeah on this board maybe but he wouldnt start up a conversation like he starts threads on here with a Black guy for instance.
You don't know me too well. Believe me, .
Yes you are a coward. You would never dare say the stuff you say on this board to another grown Black man or Jew in person. Give us all a break. :laugh:
He is know what he is. That is a plus.
Yeah on this board maybe but he wouldnt start up a conversation like he starts threads on here with a Black guy for instance.
Of course I know you perfectly well you little timid punk. Youre the type that turns red and gets nervous when I stare at you because I can tell by your body language I make you afraid and you hate your fear of me..I bet that feeling I just described sounds very familiar to you doesnt it?.
Not at all negro, not at all. White people are fed up with your feral savagery and cowardly destructive attacks on society as a whole. You fatherless bastards are about to get awakened to reality.

Stephen, you're not doing a thing. Nor are your ilk. You don't speak for 'white people'. You speak for a handful of chickenshit bigots who aren't willing to bleed.

See, that's where your every roar of empty bravado dims into a whimpering echo; your ilk are only willing to hurt people when they don't have to sacrifice personally to do it. That's why you're left with nothing but masturbatory fantasies from the latest issue of Guns n' Ammo. That's why you talk abut all the people you're going to hurt, all the people you're going to 'teach'.

But you do...... nothing.

You've already blinked. Always remember that.
He and his ilk will be on the losing end

Sound like threats, Good that the NSA and FBI are monitoring those "people"

"If the Supreme Court continues to overreach and they aren't checked, we are headed towards civil unrest,"

Fischer I Believe We Are Going To Have Violence If SCOTUS Legalizes Gay Marriage Right Wing Watch
Let's hope so. It's time to put gays in their place and stop this tyranny before it rips the moral fabric of this nation right out from under us. It's time to do what's right.
Words of a coward.
A coward is someone who wilts to political correctness, negroes, wetbacks and jews and is afraid to speak their mind for fear of reprisal. American patriot Steve_McGarrett does no such thing.

Courage means doing more than spouting hate on an anonymous website.
One would hope that all of America would join together to celebrate equality for all, that our Grand Experiment is worth fighting for, that we should all be treated the same, under the law.

I once agreed but I don't anymore. When gays cause businesses to lose their shops, I had enough of gay marriages. NO ONE SHOULD BE FORCED TO SERVE IN A GAY WEDDING IF THEY OPPOSE THE NOTION?
There is judicial consensus. Same sex marriage will be imposed, by force, on the whole of the nation. So was busing and forced integration. How did that end up?

Abortion was forced on the whole of the nation by judicial decree. What happened with that?

If it is true that a clear majority supports marriage equality, no ruling is necessary. The change has already been made and we are all one big happy perverted family. The very fact that there is a question before the courts makes the idea of marriage equality a lie.
As to the OP, there certainly should be an increase in funding for domestic terror attacks from ISIS/Al Qaida and the like. Institutionalizing a sexual perversion forbidden by the Koran as "an new universal American value" should make public places really fun and relaxing in coming years.
There is judicial consensus. Same sex marriage will be imposed, by force, on the whole of the nation. So was busing and forced integration. How did that end up?

So was interracial marriage and the end of segregation. What's your point?

That unless the States can deny liberty, there is no liberty? Orwell would get a titter out of that one.

Abortion was forced on the whole of the nation by judicial decree. What happened with that?

Abortion is legal everywhere. And abortion wasn't 'forced' on anyone. The government just got their dick out of it and let the individual decide for themselves.
As to the OP, there certainly should be an increase in funding for domestic terror attacks from ISIS/Al Qaida and the like. Institutionalizing a sexual perversion forbidden by the Koran as "an new universal American value" should make public places really fun and relaxing in coming years.

So you are suggesting we should ignore equal rights because we might insult radical muslims? lmao

Women's rights would come under the same category, wouldn't it?
Will undoubtedly be sporadic backlash incidents much as there was after interracial marriage was legalized nationwide.
Except that race and sexual fetishes have nothing whatsoever to do with one another. Not physically, not linguistically, not legally.
As to the OP, there certainly should be an increase in funding for domestic terror attacks from ISIS/Al Qaida and the like. Institutionalizing a sexual perversion forbidden by the Koran as "an new universal American value" should make public places really fun and relaxing in coming years.

You do realize that in the scenario you just're on the side of ISIS and AL Qaida, right?
Will undoubtedly be sporadic backlash incidents much as there was after interracial marriage was legalized nationwide.
Except that race and sexual fetishes have nothing whatsoever to do with one another. Not physically, not linguistically, not legally.

But they do have something to do with the ridiculous idea that we should base our laws on what won't offend radical muslims.
As to the OP, there certainly should be an increase in funding for domestic terror attacks from ISIS/Al Qaida and the like. Institutionalizing a sexual perversion forbidden by the Koran as "an new universal American value" should make public places really fun and relaxing in coming years.

So you are suggesting we should ignore equal rights because we might insult radical muslims? lmao

Women's rights would come under the same category, wouldn't it?
I don't know. Women's struggle for equality has been so longstanding here that I'm sure the muslim world is numb to it. Women are static beings as female. Gay is a fluid state of deviant sexual behavior. This would be a new provocation. I'm not saying they're right or wrong for believing what they do. I'm floating in outer space looking at the medium that is from an objective viewpoint. The nature of the beast I'm currently observing is that this will be a new provocation, a new reminder of the depth of "the infidels".
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Will undoubtedly be sporadic backlash incidents much as there was after interracial marriage was legalized nationwide.
Except that race and sexual fetishes have nothing whatsoever to do with one another. Not physically, not linguistically, not legally.

And yet the Supreme Court cited race based discrimination cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why discrimination against gays was invalid.

Why would I ignore the Supreme relevance of race based cases with gay rights.....and instead believe you? Remember, you're the poor soul who ignored the Supreme Court on marriage being a right. And just made up your own pseudo-legal gibberish. know that you citing yourself isn't the law, right?
As to the OP, there certainly should be an increase in funding for domestic terror attacks from ISIS/Al Qaida and the like. Institutionalizing a sexual perversion forbidden by the Koran as "an new universal American value" should make public places really fun and relaxing in coming years.

You do realize that in the scenario you just're on the side of ISIS and AL Qaida, right?

More fear-mongering. First it was "gay marriage will destroy the institution of marriage". When that didn't fly and they couldn't explain how it would effect anyone's marriage, they went with "marriage is all about children, and gay molest children". Now that has been laughed at so much, they are trying to use radical islamics as the "boogeyman".
As to the OP, there certainly should be an increase in funding for domestic terror attacks from ISIS/Al Qaida and the like. Institutionalizing a sexual perversion forbidden by the Koran as "an new universal American value" should make public places really fun and relaxing in coming years.

So you are suggesting we should ignore equal rights because we might insult radical muslims? lmao

Women's rights would come under the same category, wouldn't it?
I don't know. They've been so longstanding here that I'm sure the muslim world is numb to it. This would be a new provocation. I'm not saying they're right or wrong for believing what they do. I'm floating in outer space looking at the medium that is from an objective viewpoint. The nature of the beast I'm currently observing is that this will be a new provocation, a new reminder of the depth of "the infidels".

Yeah, but ISIS isn't the 'muslim world'. And their treatment of women has been quite severe. Just as the Taliban's treatment of women was far worse than existed immediately before them.

So.......women without burkhas would meet your standards just as well. Should we start mandating them so we can make ISIS and Al Qaida happy with us?
As to the OP, there certainly should be an increase in funding for domestic terror attacks from ISIS/Al Qaida and the like. Institutionalizing a sexual perversion forbidden by the Koran as "an new universal American value" should make public places really fun and relaxing in coming years.

So you are suggesting we should ignore equal rights because we might insult radical muslims? lmao

Women's rights would come under the same category, wouldn't it?
I don't know. They've been so longstanding here that I'm sure the muslim world is numb to it. This would be a new provocation. I'm not saying they're right or wrong for believing what they do. I'm floating in outer space looking at the medium that is from an objective viewpoint. The nature of the beast I'm currently observing is that this will be a new provocation, a new reminder of the depth of "the infidels".

Fuck them. I refuse to accept basing our laws on the lunatics that inhabit the islamic radical fringe.

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