Fit? Fat? Fine?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
In another thread someone asked why Americans are in such bad shape. Seems to me the answer is we aren't, and we are. It's sort of how Peter Griffin described women in Russia. "A nation of tens and ones." Fit Americans are some of the fittest folks on the planet. Fat Americans are some of the most shockingly unfit folks on the planet. We tend to take things to extremes, I guess.

Pick a side.
oh yeah

In another thread someone asked why Americans are in such bad shape. Seems to me the answer is we aren't, and we are. It's sort of how Peter Griffin described women in Russia. "A nation of tens and ones." Fit Americans are some of the fittest folks on the planet. Fat Americans are some of the most shockingly unfit folks on the planet. We tend to take things to extremes, I guess.

Pick a side.
Most are in the middle, trending toward overweight, but certain parts of the country, namely the deep south, tilt the scale toward obesity.
Just another self-inflicted wound, our specialty.

The burden of American obesity, and the chronic diseases for which it is a contributing factor, has reached record economic heights.
  • In 2016, chronic diseases driven by the risk factor of obesity and overweight accounted for $480.7 billion in direct health care costs in the U.S., with an additional $1.24 trillion in indirect costs due to lost economic productivity.
  • The total cost of chronic diseases due to American obesity and overweight was $1.72 trillion—equivalent to 9.3 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP).
  • Obesity as a risk factor is by far the greatest contributor to the burden of chronic diseases in the U.S., accounting for 47.1 percent of the total cost of chronic diseases nationwide.

What's disturbing is the modern ideals of male and female appearance. I look down on women who would want me to look like the former instead of the latter. I do what I think is healthier, not what I think other people like.
As for the topic at hand, what makes you think fit Americans are the fittest in the world?

Not saying it isn’t true, just haven’t really noticed a difference between fit Americans and fit Europeans or fit Australians etc
My son is a fitness fanatic. He will run 15 miles before work some mornings. He works at home so he is able to take naps when he needs to.

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