FIVE BLACK teens murder white girl!!!!!!!!!

Another example of a racist who only cares about a white woman being murdered if the murderer is black.


What's weirder is that government suggestion for resolving this problem is to ban pittbulls.

87% of whites are murdered by other WHITES, so your theory holds no water.

Can you provide your source?

Here is mine:

From FBI website: "When the race of the offender was known, 54.9 percent were Black or African American, 42.4 percent were White, and 2.7 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,821 offenders. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 3.)"

View attachment 309724

I noticed you left off the part that showed the victims.

No, moron. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't leave out something that isn't there.

On the contrary, where is your source?

If your dumb ass posted the right page you would see that it is there.
Somebody should explain how arguing about what race commits the most crime is useful or relevant. Statistics, percentages, and charts: Oh My!
Maybe we should just lock up all men, since they commit the vast majority of crimes, and only let them out when we are in need of their services. black on white murders never stop--we had the Beer Killer and the Somali beating a THIS !!!!!
FIVE of them!!!!!! you realize how ridiculous blacks sound when they complain of a WHITE cop defending himself from a black jackass criminal???!!!
AGAIN the MSM doesn't mention national headlines for days/etc
..we know the blacks screaming RACISM 24/7 is bullshit
5 teens charged with capital murder in Mississippi

Where does the article mention the race of the victim or the perps?
you doubt it????!!!!!!
5 teens face capital murder charge in shooting death of Mississippi girl, 16

Anecdotes are usually horrifying but ultimately unconvincing since they are not data. If you go back 100 years to a place like NYC I'll wager you find the same horrifying anecdotes but the races would be different. Go back another 100 years and again the races would be different. If you want to convince thinking people that race, not culture or economics, matters, take my wager and prove me wrong. Good luck.
That’s cute...I almost commend those like you for their commitment to ignorant excuse making.
You ever wonder which came first...the poverty or the criminality? You ever wonder how our early settlers, obviously poverty stricken were able to improve, industrialize and build a thriving, prosperous first world nation? Do you wonder why ‘darker’ nations can’t? Do you wonder why causasations don’t flock to dark nations to ride the coattails of the natives?
Look, I get it, in these times it takes a courageous person to break free of the PC programming set forth by the twisted’s scary shit for you I’m sure. Playing stupid and noble is way easier and a much safer play.
If you're looking for examples of ignorance you need not look far. Seeing the world today and assuming it has always been this way, believing Hollywood depictions of history, getting your science from non-scientists on political radio and TV shows, that is ignorance.

Does 'darker' mean non-white? China and India are non-white. Ancient America was non-white. They all had rich, vibrant cultures. Africa had many kingdoms throughout its history. What id the Africans and Americas have in common? Their native cultures were destroyed by Whites. If you're looking for examples of brutality and greed, the history of Caucasians has it all.

Alan is that you shown in the center of the image?

No it's not me. I don't feel any guilt but I do acknowledge that I benefited from past racism in the USA and Blacks today still suffer from past racism in the USA.
Somebody should explain how arguing about what race commits the most crime is useful or relevant. Statistics, percentages, and charts: Oh My!
Maybe we should just lock up all men, since they commit the vast majority of crimes, and only let them out when we are in need of their services.
Now you are going too far!!!
I agree, religion can be a stupid and ugly thing.

I get you hate the TRUE God and use the barbarism of primitive cultures to justify yourself, but the truth is, GOD determined these barbarians should die out.

This is where you on the left are taking US. Future generations will curse the American left
I agree, religion can be a stupid and ugly thing.

I get you hate the TRUE God and use the barbarism of primitive cultures to justify yourself, but the truth is, GOD determined these barbarians should die out.

This is where you on the left are taking US. Future generations will curse the American left
Maybe God determined that too.....did he tell you?

He hasn't written any new material lately, so.....
I get you hate the TRUE God and use the barbarism of primitive cultures to justify yourself, but the truth is, GOD determined these barbarians should die out.

This is where you on the left are taking US. Future generations will curse the American left
The TRUE God that determined that millions of Chinese and Georgians would starve under Mao and Stalin, that millions more would die in two world wars? That God?

I doubt you really know anything about your God, your history, or your genes.
Somebody should explain how arguing about what race commits the most crime is useful or relevant. Statistics, percentages, and charts: Oh My!
Maybe we should just lock up all men, since they commit the vast majority of crimes, and only let them out when we are in need of their services.

Keeping people enlightened allows them to apply mitigation measures.
Weird that you object to helping keep society enlightened.
Do you wonder why government agencies and the like compile data and track statistics?
Smart people suck huh?
PG County blacks are not poor yet the crime rate and school failures are consistent with poor black jurisdictions.

PG County is Old School Democrat Political Machine nonsense. I used to drive delivery for Duran paint, about 30 years ago, and PG was very different from Montgomery County, but then Montgomery County went to shit too. So we moved to Virginia. In my former neighborhood in Germantown, the problems were mostly from white Section 8 families the goobermint was moving in. All the people who could move out were.

But he problems were not racial. I had several confrontations with these gangish miscreants, but I was usually carrying, so I wasnt worried too much. Then one day I noticed these two white teens sitting in the window of this one townhouse giving me the Stinkeye stare. Never saw them before, so I surmised I had a rep of some kind. We moved a little after that, as the Real Estate prices were stupidly bubbled, so we sold and moved top Fredericksburg, VA.

Do your black neighbors speak the same dialect as you since you all live in the same region? Or do they speak a different and specific dialect rooted in skin color?

One of the families has an older gent, grandfather or something, and he has the old Southern drawl, but the other folks are all normal for these days. They have a hint of Southern, but not like some TV character.

My neighbor Marvin sounds like anyone else around this area, white, black, or whatever.

You ought to come down and check the area out sometime.
The TRUE God that determined that millions of Chinese and Georgians would starve under Mao and Stalin, that millions more would die in two world wars? That God?
I doubt you really know anything about your God, your history, or your genes.
The Creator allows us to do evil and live with the consequences of what we do and what others do.

He does not mandate it, dude.
Somebody should explain how arguing about what race commits the most crime is useful or relevant. Statistics, percentages, and charts: Oh My!
Maybe we should just lock up all men, since they commit the vast majority of crimes, and only let them out when we are in need of their services.

Keeping people enlightened allows them to apply mitigation measures.
Weird that you object to helping keep society enlightened.
Do you wonder why government agencies and the like compile data and track statistics?
Smart people suck huh?

Just what "mitigation measures"? Just how is "society enlightened"?
The TRUE God that determined that millions of Chinese and Georgians would starve under Mao and Stalin, that millions more would die in two world wars? That God?
I doubt you really know anything about your God, your history, or your genes.
The Creator allows us to do evil and live with the consequences of what we do and what others do.

He does not mandate it, dude.
You need to take your objection up with Death Angel who, in post #149, wrote:
"the truth is, GOD determined these barbarians should die out"​
Somebody should explain how arguing about what race commits the most crime is useful or relevant. Statistics, percentages, and charts: Oh My!
Maybe we should just lock up all men, since they commit the vast majority of crimes, and only let them out when we are in need of their services.

Keeping people enlightened allows them to apply mitigation measures.
Weird that you object to helping keep society enlightened.
Do you wonder why government agencies and the like compile data and track statistics?
Smart people suck huh?

Just what "mitigation measures"? Just how is "society enlightened"?

I’ll teach you through short-story just like I would teach a child....
First, let me be crystal’s actually not about skin color as I've said many times before, I hate all pieces of shits regardless of skin color. I’m definitely an equal opportunity hater. I might hate white trash liberals more than any other ‘group’ that I hate. goes....The odds / statistics PROVE that Darkies have a much greater propensity for being a total piece of shit.
You're suppose to be an intelligent being, you have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. You're suppose to consider odds, plausibility and probabilities. You are not supposed to set your intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what retarded pussies do.
Let me go daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole packed full of degenerate pieces of shits....Now you, because you're a scared pussy would tell your 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton because you wouldn't dare want to imply that they should stay clear of all the filthy Nuggas. Your dumbass might even suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw.
See how this works..see how simple it is to stay intelligent?

What's weirder is that government suggestion for resolving this problem is to ban pittbulls.

87% of whites are murdered by other WHITES, so your theory holds no water.

Can you provide your source?

Here is mine:

From FBI website: "When the race of the offender was known, 54.9 percent were Black or African American, 42.4 percent were White, and 2.7 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,821 offenders. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 3.)"

View attachment 309724

I noticed you left off the part that showed the victims.

No, moron. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't leave out something that isn't there.

On the contrary, where is your source?

If your dumb ass posted the right page you would see that it is there.

Your claim was that I hid the data. I did not.

Beside, I posted the right data to back my point and is related to the thread. I am still waiting for the source of data that you based your claim on, and which is totally false. Once you post it, we can continue the discussion. Sooo, put up or shut up.
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Somebody should explain how arguing about what race commits the most crime is useful or relevant. Statistics, percentages, and charts: Oh My!
Maybe we should just lock up all men, since they commit the vast majority of crimes, and only let them out when we are in need of their services.

When discussing injuries and death from dog attacks, is it relevant to bring up that pittbulls are committing most of them?

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