FIVE BLACK teens murder white girl!!!!!!!!!

I see you ran away after being shown to be a bald faced liar.

I have had any threads linked to yet, all I have is your cool stories.
You are stupid and a liar. I have been here since 2007 and EVERY child killing has had a thread. NO matter who did the killing, you claimed for instance that there was no thread on the Idaho couple, that is a LIE there is one.

Then it should be easy as hell for you to link to a few of them....yet here we are...
I am not going to link to shit you made the claim YOU fucking prove it you lying weasel.

Then those threads do not exist.

That was easy.

Bye Bye
You prove just how fucking stupid you are with each post. Keep it up people are noticing.
I have had any threads linked to yet, all I have is your cool stories.
You are stupid and a liar. I have been here since 2007 and EVERY child killing has had a thread. NO matter who did the killing, you claimed for instance that there was no thread on the Idaho couple, that is a LIE there is one.

Then it should be easy as hell for you to link to a few of them....yet here we are...
I am not going to link to shit you made the claim YOU fucking prove it you lying weasel.

Then those threads do not exist.

That was easy.

Bye Bye
You prove just how fucking stupid you are with each post. Keep it up people are noticing.

you are the one that refuses to provide a link. How hard could it be.
You are stupid and a liar. I have been here since 2007 and EVERY child killing has had a thread. NO matter who did the killing, you claimed for instance that there was no thread on the Idaho couple, that is a LIE there is one.

Then it should be easy as hell for you to link to a few of them....yet here we are...
I am not going to link to shit you made the claim YOU fucking prove it you lying weasel.

Then those threads do not exist.

That was easy.

Bye Bye
You prove just how fucking stupid you are with each post. Keep it up people are noticing.

you are the one that refuses to provide a link. How hard could it be.
I provided a link MORON try reading the thread.
Then it should be easy as hell for you to link to a few of them....yet here we are...
I am not going to link to shit you made the claim YOU fucking prove it you lying weasel.

Then those threads do not exist.

That was easy.

Bye Bye
You prove just how fucking stupid you are with each post. Keep it up people are noticing.

you are the one that refuses to provide a link. How hard could it be.
I provided a link MORON try reading the thread.

Not in a response to me, but I will gladly go back and see what I missed.
Then it should be easy as hell for you to link to a few of them....yet here we are...
I am not going to link to shit you made the claim YOU fucking prove it you lying weasel.

Then those threads do not exist.

That was easy.

Bye Bye
You prove just how fucking stupid you are with each post. Keep it up people are noticing.

you are the one that refuses to provide a link. How hard could it be.
I provided a link MORON try reading the thread.

Well, yes you did. thanks that that...I guess I was wrong.

Sort of odd that thread got only 4 post and this one more than 100...but I am sure there is a perfectly good explanation.
I am not going to link to shit you made the claim YOU fucking prove it you lying weasel.

Then those threads do not exist.

That was easy.

Bye Bye
You prove just how fucking stupid you are with each post. Keep it up people are noticing.

you are the one that refuses to provide a link. How hard could it be.
I provided a link MORON try reading the thread.

Well, yes you did. thanks that that...I guess I was wrong.

Sort of odd that thread got only 4 post and this one more than 100...but I am sure there is a perfectly good explanation.
Leftists interjecting themselves to pretend we're all equally guilty of such crimes. That's the reason for so many extra posts.

Was the other thread filled with "yeah but"??
I am not going to link to shit you made the claim YOU fucking prove it you lying weasel.

Then those threads do not exist.

That was easy.

Bye Bye
You prove just how fucking stupid you are with each post. Keep it up people are noticing.

you are the one that refuses to provide a link. How hard could it be.
I provided a link MORON try reading the thread.

Well, yes you did. thanks that that...I guess I was wrong.

Sort of odd that thread got only 4 post and this one more than 100...but I am sure there is a perfectly good explanation.
Ya morons like you come in these threads and try to defend the horrendous black crime rate.
Then those threads do not exist.

That was easy.

Bye Bye
You prove just how fucking stupid you are with each post. Keep it up people are noticing.

you are the one that refuses to provide a link. How hard could it be.
I provided a link MORON try reading the thread.

Well, yes you did. thanks that that...I guess I was wrong.

Sort of odd that thread got only 4 post and this one more than 100...but I am sure there is a perfectly good explanation.
Ya morons like you come in these threads and try to defend the horrendous black crime rate.

Not something I have done
You prove just how fucking stupid you are with each post. Keep it up people are noticing.

you are the one that refuses to provide a link. How hard could it be.
I provided a link MORON try reading the thread.

Well, yes you did. thanks that that...I guess I was wrong.

Sort of odd that thread got only 4 post and this one more than 100...but I am sure there is a perfectly good explanation.
Ya morons like you come in these threads and try to defend the horrendous black crime rate.

Not something I have done
Really? You are not here trying to claim this board only posts threads about blacks is not defending them or making excuses for them or creating an attempt to distract from the criminal behavior of certain blacks?
Another example of a racist who only cares about a white woman being murdered if the murderer is black.


What's weirder is that government suggestion for resolving this problem is to ban pittbulls.

87% of whites are murdered by other WHITES, so your theory holds no water.

Can you provide your source?

Here is mine:

From FBI website: "When the race of the offender was known, 54.9 percent were Black or African American, 42.4 percent were White, and 2.7 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,821 offenders. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 3.)"

View attachment 309724

I noticed you left off the part that showed the victims.

No, moron. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't leave out something that isn't there.

On the contrary, where is your source?
Anecdotes are usually horrifying but ultimately unconvincing since they are not data. If you go back 100 years to a place like NYC I'll wager you find the same horrifying anecdotes but the races would be different. Go back another 100 years and again the races would be different. If you want to convince thinking people that race, not culture or economics, matters, take my wager and prove me wrong. Good luck.
That’s cute...I almost commend those like you for their commitment to ignorant excuse making.
You ever wonder which came first...the poverty or the criminality? You ever wonder how our early settlers, obviously poverty stricken were able to improve, industrialize and build a thriving, prosperous first world nation? Do you wonder why ‘darker’ nations can’t? Do you wonder why causasations don’t flock to dark nations to ride the coattails of the natives?
Look, I get it, in these times it takes a courageous person to break free of the PC programming set forth by the twisted’s scary shit for you I’m sure. Playing stupid and noble is way easier and a much safer play.
If you're looking for examples of ignorance you need not look far. Seeing the world today and assuming it has always been this way, believing Hollywood depictions of history, getting your science from non-scientists on political radio and TV shows, that is ignorance.

Does 'darker' mean non-white? China and India are non-white. Ancient America was non-white. They all had rich, vibrant cultures. Africa had many kingdoms throughout its history. What id the Africans and Americas have in common? Their native cultures were destroyed by Whites. If you're looking for examples of brutality and greed, the history of Caucasians has it all.

Alan is that you shown in the center of the image?

It just blows my mind what people say about blacks in general as if they all smoke dope and run in crews
Nobody said that. It's all about percentages. Not all pitbulls will RIP your throat out, but I'm always careful around them
The percentages tell us that whites are the most violent and criminal. You have to distort the number by using a per 100,000 formula to claim what you do.
It just blows my mind what people say about blacks in general as if they all smoke dope and run in crews
Nobody said that. It's all about percentages. Not all pitbulls will RIP your throat out, but I'm always careful around them
The percentages tell us that whites are the most violent and criminal. You have to distort the number by using a per 100,000 formula to claim what you do.
More Blacks are murders then whites and that doesn't even consider per capita. There are actually MORE black murderers then white murderers.
Another example of a racist who only cares about a white woman being murdered if the murderer is black.


What's weirder is that government suggestion for resolving this problem is to ban pittbulls.

87% of whites are murdered by other WHITES, so your theory holds no water.

Can you provide your source?

Here is mine:

From FBI website: "When the race of the offender was known, 54.9 percent were Black or African American, 42.4 percent were White, and 2.7 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,821 offenders. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 3.)"

View attachment 309724

I noticed you left off the part that showed the victims.

No, moron. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't leave out something that isn't there.

On the contrary, where is your source?

But it is there. Your ass is just a disingenuous white piece of shit trying to race bait.

Whites are 5-6 times more likely to be killed by another white than by anyone black. You guys post these stories up and it's fake news. FBI UCR Table 6 shows this to be the case. In 2018 there were 2,677 whites killed by another white and 514 whites killed by blacks. So for every story like this you post, there are 5 stories of murders of whites by other whites.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
It just blows my mind what people say about blacks in general as if they all smoke dope and run in crews
Nobody said that. It's all about percentages. Not all pitbulls will RIP your throat out, but I'm always careful around them
The percentages tell us that whites are the most violent and criminal. You have to distort the number by using a per 100,000 formula to claim what you do.
More Blacks are murders then whites and that doesn't even consider per capita. There are actually MORE black murderers then white murderers.

Actually that's not the case every year and whites commit more violent crime and more crime overall. That's what the UCR shows every year and last year it was no different. On top of that, if we add up total murders in America from the start, whites have an insurmountable lead.
Leftists interjecting themselves to pretend we're all equally guilty of such crimes. That's the reason for so many extra posts.
Was the other thread filled with "yeah but"??

There is nothing exceptional about black crime,as the poor are always the most desperate to do these kinds of things.

Back in the 1800s it was mostly Irish people, then it was Jews and Italians, and then it was Blacks who have been frozen in poverty by Great Society programs that make Dads irrelevant and absent.

The source of the crime is interfering, doo-gooder Federalis who are administering programs they did not design but have to implement against their own best judgement because that is how bureaucracies work or dont work.
It just blows my mind what people say about blacks in general as if they all smoke dope and run in crews
Nobody said that. It's all about percentages. Not all pitbulls will RIP your throat out, but I'm always careful around them
The percentages tell us that whites are the most violent and criminal. You have to distort the number by using a per 100,000 formula to claim what you do.
More Blacks are murders then whites and that doesn't even consider per capita. There are actually MORE black murderers then white murderers.

Actually that's not the case every year and whites commit more violent crime and more crime overall. That's what the UCR shows every year and last year it was no different. On top of that, if we add up total murders in America from the start, whites have an insurmountable lead.
Murders are listed retard and MORE blacks commit murder then whites EVERY YEAR.
Leftists interjecting themselves to pretend we're all equally guilty of such crimes. That's the reason for so many extra posts.
Was the other thread filled with "yeah but"??

There is nothing exceptional about black crime,as the poor are always the most desperate to do these kinds of things.

Back in the 1800s it was mostly Irish people, then it was Jews and Italians, and then it was Blacks who have been frozen in poverty by Great Society programs that make Dads irrelevant and absent.

The source of the crime is interfering, doo-gooder Federalis who are administering programs they did not design but have to implement against their own best judgement because that is how bureaucracies work or dont work.
PG County blacks are not poor yet the crime rate and school failures are consistent with poor black jurisdictions.
Do your black neighbors speak the same dialect as you since you all live in the same region? Or do they speak a different and specific dialect rooted in skin color?

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