Five minutes of hate on NPR radio “Tribal News”

I’m wearing my seven nations tribal T-shirt right now. How about that huh? For all those BLM racists. Bunch of con artists that blm are along with the racists on NPR who have brain wash some of the US message board posters to support their defensive racism. Everyone knows that Black people, white people, and Indians, all engage in expansionist warfare, and the slave trade. So nobody wants to hear this nonsense about how blacks have it bad or trans people have it bad. They don’t have it bad.

You know who has it bad those dying of cancer in this country
OK buddy I had to ask you again did you read the original post and do you comprehend English. NPR has been dedicating entire segments entire days to garbage propaganda. About how the “white man oppresses others”. Whether it’s the Native Americans Orr, Blacks Orr, Trans people it is out right propaganda. The truth of the matter is when it comes to crime it’s all over this place in this country committed by all types of people. NPR is a far left wing rag and your sarcasm is uncalled for.
Who made the laws regarding slavery? I suppose you'll try to convince us it was the black and red man?
Well, I got you interested you keep responding to my threads and you do so repetitively. That’s your decision you don’t have to respond my threads. I’m a proud FDR democrat and I think that FDR, John F, Kennedy, and Andrew Jackson were among the great men of this country.

RFK all the way
Of course you would find Andrew Jackson great he caused the Trail of Tears. You're pathetic and disgusting.
Actually the vast majority of NPR is funded by donations from people like me, as well as those of much greater wealth. I didn't hear the little 5 minute segment, but doubt it was anything earth-shattering, and yes, Native American tribes and that their people have suffered at the hands of our government, is true.

That said, my only gripe is the control and manipulation that has made the repeated attacks on sports team's historic names, use of which has always been honoring proud heritage, not belittling a conquered people.
The government still funds a substantial portion of it.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and doing what they can to make themselves better and improve the country.

I was just listening to a segment on NPR radio. It’s good to see what the opposition has to say. This was anti-American hatred on NPR radio. It was some kind of a segment about tribal news. First off what’s going on here this is a publicly funded program, and the whole segment is dedicated to tribal news. I’ve never seen this or heard of this before, on NPR radio.

Anyways, the segment was about anti-Americanism, made up propaganda. They’re using terms like indigenous people, and the elitist white hosts are being all careful with regard to the terms they use. They’re talking about “systemic racism“ some made up propaganda idea that white people oppressed the Indian . Not true at all history shows us Indians owned slaves and engage in expansionist warfare just like Europeans and Africans did.

It was five minutes of anti-Americanism. They were talking about Indian boarding schools. Well here’s an idea. Get rid of reservations they’re a joke the great majority of Native Americans hate them. Everyone can honor their own people

We have Irish events. We have Italian American events we have events for African-Americans. We should and do have events for native Americans. Reservations are awful. They’re the most impoverished areas in this country. We need to all unite as Americans were all in this together. We’re all equal. We all must be proud of our ancestors. Many of us white people immigrated to this country after 1900 and literally have nothing to do with this country pre-Civil War. Besides that before the Civil War in 1865 tons of Africans owned slaves, tons of Indians owned slaves, tons of white people owned slaves.

Stop believing far left wing propaganda. My fellow Democrats it gets us nothing but misery. We need to help uplift all poor Americans, white black Indian. We need to help them all. End modern day slavery in America so many people are on government assistance and have to work three jobs a day that Has to stop ….that is modern day slavery in America.

God bless everyone. Have a wonderful day.

NPR shouldn’t receive one cent of taxpayer money. It’s nothing but a democrat infomercial. It shouldn’t even exist at this point.
Actually the vast majority of NPR is funded by donations from people like me, as well as those of much greater wealth. I didn't hear the little 5 minute segment, but doubt it was anything earth-shattering, and yes, Native American tribes and that their people have suffered at the hands of our government, is true.

That said, my only gripe is the control and manipulation that has made the repeated attacks on sports team's historic names, use of which has always been honoring proud heritage, not belittling a conquered people.
I have always just gone with checking the "White Boy" box but the older I have gotten and the more diverse my area has come, the more I get some variation of "You aren't exactly white and you aren't hispanic. Where are your people from?" type questions.

My Cherokee brethren just smile and wave as you leave your money behind at the casino :bye1:
NPR soft-peddles the Leftist positions on just about everything. Empathetic yes, intelligent, hardly. I watch it every evening, for the great investigative pieces, but also to keep an eye on the enemy.

OK buddy I had to ask you again did you read the original post and do you comprehend English. NPR has been dedicating entire segments entire days to garbage propaganda. About how the “white man oppresses others”. Whether it’s the Native Americans Orr, Blacks Orr, Trans people it is out right propaganda. The truth of the matter is when it comes to crime it’s all over this place in this country committed by all types of people. NPR is a far left wing rag and your sarcasm is uncalled for.
It is not sarcasm, it is fact. The GOP base and the GOP as a whole are a disgrace and an embarrassment for the country, an Anti American BS producer.... Everything the GOP base voter knows is wrong. There is no election fraud or vaccine fraud or global warming fraud or pedophilia fraud Biden corruption et cetera et cetera et cetera. Just the GOP stealing from regular people and giving it to the rich....
NPR shouldn’t receive one cent of taxpayer money. It’s nothing but a democrat infomercial. It shouldn’t even exist at this point.
No, they should not, and somehow NPR, BLM in Indian leaders, as well as trans leaders brainwash people like Franco.

Hey francoHFW what is wrong with you man? I thought we were gonna have a good conversation you keep on using personal attacks against me.
Oh no, not 5 minutes on Native Americans OMG! The only propaganda out there is GOP propaganda which is a total disgrace and Anti American baloney. Attacking our finest institutions laws and asylum policies because we don't like little brown people... whose countries have been destroyed by GOP sanctions And covert actions.
What have Democrat administrations done to redress the harm done by the GOP within those countries. Those people don't really want to leave their homelands. Bringing them here will lead to the utter collapse of their countries.
So you are defending thousands of Indian children being killed in their boarding schools and their culture being ripped away from them? Absolute idiocy.
Many tribes have successfully preserved their cultural identity, with our help I might add. Indian gaming is a Godsend to many tribes, for us as well as for them.
Franco’s posts are toxic. I mean he does not care that Indians owned slaves and engaged in warfare just like the whites and blacks did
It's not Horrible leadership, it's horrible GOP leadership and nowadays it appears Fox and Internet conspiracy nuts are in charge of that party. Murdoch just takes the disgusting side of every question and weaponizes it- The election steel vaccine host hoax global warming hoax pedophilia epidemic hoax, anything but reality.... Of course I am for unions and all the things that the GOP obstructs, we are the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich. Plus we have a hell of a lot of racists and brainwashed functional racists in the GOP.... I said nothing about typos, I'm just talking about racists And brainwashed functional racists in the GOP....
Countries that have those things usually have a trade surplus through trading with us. Because we have a trade deficit, we can't afford those things. There are other reasons as well, a big one being the sheer number of minorities that live here that don't share our values.
What have Democrat administrations done to redress the harm done by the GOP within those countries. Those people don't really want to leave their homelands. Bringing them here will lead to the utter collapse of their countries.
There is not much that can be done with these GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates. We don't have enough money to invest in our people and infrastructure, let alone theirs. We are helping by letting them come here and they can send money back home, another thing the Republicans are against...Dems do stuff for them but I'm not an expert.... We stopped the covert actions and lessen the sanctions normally duhh. republicans have totally screwed Cuba Venezuela Nicaragua.... So enjoy!
NPR's reality is to present moderate Democrat policies against extremist Republican policies. Most Republicans are moderates. Why doesn't NPR give them a hearing?
As seen by the rest of the modern world, Democrats are centrist and the GOP is off the charts conspiracy savage capitalist nut jobs and racists.... Who destroy the world economy with corrupt deregulation every chance they get. They probably don't know the GOP is brainwashed by Murdoch and Internet conspiracy nuts...j
Countries that have those things usually have a trade surplus through trading with us. Because we have a trade deficit, we can't afford those things. There are other reasons as well, a big one being the sheer number of minorities that live here that don't share our values.
We are by far the richest country in the world and the reason we don't have those wonderful things is because of brainwashed GOP voters. They just love the Super Rich and really believe , they are just having a bad day themselves, whatever they're nuts...Every other modern country votes their own interests. not based on conspiracies and idiocies like election fraud vaccine fraud pedophilia fraud global warming fraud and on and on... Everything you know is wrong change the damn channel. You have one channel that admits it is just garbage propaganda and they lie, while we have every respected media journalistic outlet in the world.....
Franco’s posts are toxic. I mean he does not care that Indians owned slaves and engaged in warfare just like the whites and blacks did
Actually, the Indians didn't worry that much about death, they were more worried about being embarrassed by being hit by a club than by being killed. They fought, each side would get a chance to charge and a chance for glory no matter who is winning. They were a lot better to their slaves than we were and they also were a heck of a lot more tolerant of gays and trans people. But you don't know a damn thing about it just mouth off. How about those bills I believe you're from Buffalo too....
Many tribes have successfully preserved their cultural identity, with our help I might add. Indian gaming is a Godsend to many tribes, for us as well as for them.
None of that happened until recently.... Cheap cigarettes too and pot for that matter here in New York state.....
I have always just gone with checking the "White Boy" box but the older I have gotten and the more diverse my area has come, the more I get some variation of "You aren't exactly white and you aren't hispanic. Where are your people from?" type questions.

My Cherokee brethren just smile and wave as you leave your money behind at the casino :bye1:
Thank God for the casinos, but there are still many problems for individuals....

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