Five predictions for the Trump presidency that should keep you awake at night


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Five Predictions for the Trump Presidency That Should Keep You Awake at Night
Below are my top five predictions for the next four years of the Trump Presidency…

We can all agree that as president-elect Donald J Trump will have a lot to deal with when he takes over the office, and we hope that he does well and does everything that he can to bring the country back to where it needs to be, unfortunately, I think it is too far past the tipping point to be brought back to center.

Below are my top five predictions for the next four years of the Trump Presidency…

1. A Huge Increase In Well Organized Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil
During the coming Donald J Trump presidency, I look for a ........................


Ok for the little trendy's out there nobody is saying this is a FACT or this is certain.
It is based of the statistics of our Country and what many experts can pull together based off all the information out there and as well as experience. That's it.
Don't get your panties in a dman bunch ,
Five Predictions for the Trump Presidency That Should Keep You Awake at Night
Below are my top five predictions for the next four years of the Trump Presidency…

We can all agree that as president-elect Donald J Trump will have a lot to deal with when he takes over the office, and we hope that he does well and does everything that he can to bring the country back to where it needs to be, unfortunately, I think it is too far past the tipping point to be brought back to center.

Below are my top five predictions for the next four years of the Trump Presidency…

1. A Huge Increase In Well Organized Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil
During the coming Donald J Trump presidency, I look for a ........................


Ok for the little trendy's out there nobody is saying this is a FACT or this is certain.
It is based of the statistics of our Country and what many experts can pull together based off all the information out there and as well as experience. That's it.
Don't get your panties in a dman bunch ,
Oh, you better believe got a guy that would rather tweet to the mindless than hold daily briefings......and believe the terrorist are listening!!
Five Predictions for the Trump Presidency That Should Keep You Awake at Night
Below are my top five predictions for the next four years of the Trump Presidency…

We can all agree that as president-elect Donald J Trump will have a lot to deal with when he takes over the office, and we hope that he does well and does everything that he can to bring the country back to where it needs to be, unfortunately, I think it is too far past the tipping point to be brought back to center.

Below are my top five predictions for the next four years of the Trump Presidency…

1. A Huge Increase In Well Organized Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil
During the coming Donald J Trump presidency, I look for a ........................


Ok for the little trendy's out there nobody is saying this is a FACT or this is certain.
It is based of the statistics of our Country and what many experts can pull together based off all the information out there and as well as experience. That's it.
Don't get your panties in a dman bunch ,

Unlikely--at least from the standpoint of international terrorist organizations launching them.

Al Queda is in total disarray thanks to Mr. Obama. Bitch and moan about that as you will but it's the truth. Al Queda was the only terrorist organization that hit the US with any sort of sophisticated terrorist attack. Though the right wing is happy to call what ISIS does sophisticated because Obama referred to them as the JV, they are very much like (and in some cases identical) to what Kleibold and Harris did; small arms, crude bombs and soft targets. Lately they have moved into ramming people with vehicles.

Domestic terrorists are the real worry though their tactics are pretty much as crude as ISIS. Because they are able to blend in easier, they can do more damage
Most of the list is speculative conjecture and nothing anyone should lay awake at night and lose sleep over. But we got liberal women chopping off their hair and dying it black because Trump won.... so I guess some may?

Terror attacks? They've been happening with quite a bit of frequency under Obama but there doesn't seem to be ANY outrage from the left on this, they continue to make excuses and remain in denial of radical Islamic terrorism.... However, now that Trump is president, that may change completely. And what do you want to bet we start hearing about the war in Afghanistan again? Yes... we still have troops fighting a war there, believe it or not.

Then they predict Trump will flip-flop on gun bans... not gonna happen. Of all the things he MAY flip-flop on, that's not one of them.

Recession? Yeah, probably... not because of Trump but because recessions tend to happen in cycles and we'll be due for one in the next 4 years.

Another Cold War? Probably not likely under Trump.

Domestic spying more? Maybe... the precedent has been set. That's the problem when you cede your liberties to government and why we should never ever do that.
Five Predictions for the Trump Presidency That Should Keep You Awake at Night
Below are my top five predictions for the next four years of the Trump Presidency…

We can all agree that as president-elect Donald J Trump will have a lot to deal with when he takes over the office, and we hope that he does well and does everything that he can to bring the country back to where it needs to be, unfortunately, I think it is too far past the tipping point to be brought back to center.

Below are my top five predictions for the next four years of the Trump Presidency…

1. A Huge Increase In Well Organized Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil
During the coming Donald J Trump presidency, I look for a ........................


Ok for the little trendy's out there nobody is saying this is a FACT or this is certain.
It is based of the statistics of our Country and what many experts can pull together based off all the information out there and as well as experience. That's it.
Don't get your panties in a dman bunch ,

1) I predict that should such occur, Muslin lives, guilty or innocent of terrorism, won't be worth spit in America. It will become open season. Not a threat, merely an observation of human nature.

2) Won't happen.

3) Russia has all the economic power of Spain, and China is a good two decades of solid advances from taking us on militarily. Expect major increases in military spending in the US.

4) Necessity is the mother of invention. This is possible. Be vigilant in opposition.

5) I don't believe a major econ collapse is imminent, though the possibility is always present even in the best of times.

Sleep well. I do.

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