Five years of Obama

All paid for with money borrowed from the Chinese

$7 Trillion in US Debt, $4 trillion Federal Reserve debt, $1 trillion student loans

How quickly they forget
All paid for with money borrowed from the Chinese

$7 Trillion in US Debt, $4 trillion Federal Reserve debt, $1 trillion student loans

How quickly they forget

Incorrect as usual...China does not buy the majority of T-Bills...
So can you really dispute these facts, or are you content on just throwing BS at everything? W left this country on life support. Obama has bought it back from the dead. Go ahead, dispute the facts please. LINK
So can you really dispute these facts, or are you content on just throwing BS at everything? W left this country on life support. Obama has bought it back from the dead. Go ahead, dispute the facts please. LINK
He has no facts, just an obsession to say dumb ass...
So can you really dispute these facts, or are you content on just throwing BS at everything? W left this country on life support. Obama has bought it back from the dead. Go ahead, dispute the facts please. LINK
obutthurt hasn't done anything good for America. Libtards stating facts is the best comedy around.
Choke on this, bitch.

Tens of billions of dollars in funny money printed on a monthly basis can hide a multitude of sins.

Obama is a sinner and he has sold the soul of America to the devil.
And the deficit is still less than 3% of the GDP. Gotta gall you deficit hawks to see Obama's policies make the GOP look stupid and inept. But you want the Presidency back so you can:

1. Invade another country with no way to pay for it.
2. Make the US the worst educated country in the world.
3. Put women and minorities back in their "place.

Oh.....and crash the economy again. That will teach us!

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